THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER. HON. J. H. HOWELL RECOVERED FROM ACCIDENT. i"w,u."4 t.n" i . .. ji n'Mi i i .1 ,t J ll. n ay ne-vi fruni Uit plea-cd t.. knu Ilo-.V.II. p..pu!:i li'. has complete: accident "1 la- '11 an.l Mini. I l K nl I'll! I I U lllll lll'll a kui il tin- door J i: I! .;. and him Major hail h: far. - -lightly injured by i .-ion when li-- open hi furnace. , . -. in, us or permanent injury uncd although tht burns were ex ui'giy pa i ii f u 1 and annoying. Mi. II ,:i-l: A i ,1 -la i-.l I ha' I! late 1' .1- 'ilVIT- Hip. mi r'an-Soiiati-, Ki hi i:r.o ,i- an r ' M r. Ma- -1 1 aki- the Ma-'.- I ..tin lla lie lla in lake tha-1- fl'ulu hi ll m i d- iMin-r, i-i ci for a M-ronil ' - from I ron I ! ' om rah- i itt il aa-n predicted. . ONSKRYATIVE I'l HI.K ITY. Tin re much propaganda and fri-a puhhriiy bi'intf i nilult-l in by many state transactions, reports an- gcner- thi' .secretaries of organizations, there has not bet n if highly ex '(.'i'- r shouted from tint e are' cons' rvative there has really indus- has not mcnrio id hi ra, . .!.. 1 the ra. nil i.. i III. o h, b,. .. . a 1', l I'hl.l : C.ll-p.,1 Seliat, ; I' :: I '-o ! he Then il..' , elil 1 1 , 1' lame, eedtl l J. I'. Cahe :! ion, but i! is known that hi ursine; him to en t "'trv auam. He is from r fleaverdam township. mm: -.-...iier. Mi. V. K. - !,-( -ted to en'er the ra.n 'le.nrh he ha made a sph-n-d a- chairman. Mr. M. M. I- iiij; ured '., make the . ' . Mr. lein Smatheis' ', m i-tin that he make f-.r a second term as com II. led the ticket in every i i mad.- and will probably me d that Dr. Turn String lie ' itizciis I'ank & Trust a;1I : a candidate fr thi. ii! has.. ' anno'.inreil ye'. .He . 'line; up. over real The-e pres fuin:-hcd 1, d;!l"i ivnt eit; Way nesvilh , . ravaan! i propaganda i'..p-. Hut w .If and t.erhai more genuine paving and new enterprises and a more 'antia! real estate movemen than -her.- ids,, in this , , N'lr'h TOITUSTS ()MIN; at home. . - . . It is unfortunate that there ia bo much money leaving here for general merchandise and in fact nearly all commodtiies of life that can be bought right here at home. It is too bad that the advertising matter being purchased by the citi ze:i! public spirited donations to our jinign-ssive Chamber of Commerce is '.ning bought at a higher rate out side of Ha"voud county. In some communitii s ther e are gold- n iule associations ii. the farmers a :d v.orki.":; people ami the merchants : ie al! hi. eight together by organiza-,e.n- .ii which certain days are set .. '.-it fur auc'.ien -ales and exchange ic;.. l-.'-t-. A', other times visits are ". . - ' the dilferi r.t . ttlemc-nts by ' !.. i'.' : h- :i a body in which . m: !' i: piet .- and a general good ' !'e iiidiilged in by all concerned. !'!.. :t endeiicy to bring about a ; i.' ' f tiu'i.ldiip and co-operation, 'i.i. V.iyi:. vide Mount.-fmeer be- ' - - i.ii! ll .y wr j, I Chamber of n ir .' w ultj tiring harmony out of . han . That there is a serious mis u; !ei standing is admitted and it can ea.-ily he ir. -lied out. Tlic p-dny of this paper is not to s-olict for. ign advertiing of a nature that would be in conflict with local . oi,i eti!:..n. It we eared to solicit CRIPPLE CLINIC TO - 6 HELD. The clinic for cripples will be held at the Methodist church Saturday, February 27. This clinic, which ia under the auspices of the Rotary Ciub, is for all people who wish to be ben efited. The Civic League will serve I lunch to all cripples present. THE DEATH OF MR. RATH BONE. HIRAM ' 'Uncle" Hiram Rathbone, as he was called by his friends, passed away ; t the home of bis son-in-law, Chan I ' u 1 1 e M r. dd.-t new ;! ch in w: pr hahl .h prima; y. lovement on f, e ii nili' i V an. ling !- " K- :.'.- t- ,1 i c,U.ii!y I.Jti'.g -r the He Mniin . 1 11-1 pio- Uauie-vdie will have the greatest . t-iuiis ii-asun this year ever known in ; it . history is the report brought back by folks from all over the Southland. , It w'l! soon be time for a clean-up and paint-up campaign. The sooner this is undertaken the better we will be prepared to accommodate the vast multitude expected this sun, As a tourist resort Waynesville is pre-eminently the leader in Western North Carolina. We have the simr. I re ,r climate, scenic grandeur and our - il is admitted to be the veiw best. The expected real estate movement i will materialize at an early date and there will probably be much specula 'ti..n and some real substantial de velopments this spr.iig and sumnier I ii jse contemplating permanent in-I I M--t ments will overlook all other ter ritory and move on to Waynesville because there is something back ;.f 1 -'. I foot of earth here -productive "il and we have substantial pay .11 and industries, live st ick raising, , da t ying and fruit acreage. Thing 'that make for permanent investment'. The wealth of Haywood county can in the mountain metropolis we could easily publish a tri-weekly on account of the large field open for solicitation. We are here to boost Haywood county. Waynesville and all other in terests of this section. In claiming to be the exponent of the people of Hay wood county we must of necessity be for all the people as a whole.. Let's get a chamber of commerce for Haywood county. There should l a- no conflict between any sections. The suggestion ,,f an old time bar ic, ue or old home week held in the county seat some time in May would work wonders and bring much pros perity here. MORE POSTOI'I'ICKS. Felix Alley of Waynesville, the McDowell county entry, anil the pres ent incumbent, Weaver, will battle for the nomination for congrossionar representative from this district in the coming primary. Wonder if Weav er has started that postoflice yet? Asheville Advocate. NOTICE OF Si nsciill'TION advertising; rates. AND Hi ginning with March 1 si. ii)2(i, all display advertising w-il . iU the rate of forty cents per column inch. Minimum rate for any ad $1.(10 per ci nts per line. FREE unless i-rms J ' I.SK I'lifirilECV. C i man il..- tin ,mi :d d, d a .T I! . d.-fe; Hie II po ;,l. cunt v I.. 1: there is a. win. is s.. e I hat th't l-'eiiv K. Alley. ..r the Democrat district ? tha' tlu-ic is a who proposes to ve that lie is a good ivould try to defeat a iracter like Felix F. and . , Iteiial partial el. .pel The- -t, mat,-, I in t s on account of it . 'i: r, fs hi, h have -d and h won i- tie'- Can it b man n: th. lead ! - '.. lei: Democrat, win. man with a , Alley '.' The elect-nate of the district know! "X.eb" Wi-av.-r. and they also know, that he is a man of the highest ideals, and n man who would not belittle j himself by playing petty politics. We : also believe that in the event either. Mr. Alley or Mr. Ciilkey, receive the j nomination, that "Zeb" Weaver will : be in the forefront, supporting the) ticket. j We cannot question the progres- . siveness of Mr. Weaver, for he has been a congressman of the first order, but I think we have his equal in Mr. Alley, and now is the time for Hay wood Democray to do -their best to "put him over, n:-.!n -. r 1 stat:!:-,'. find it hi llavw oo.l s'.l rvc; I.- red estat '.ot hl.'i it very p Lie and vicinity 'king for good , rmanen; m .-e gbly profitable county. v I f ilollai . vast ma nly been tie do pe, ula o-.c-'ahle in but the fi sound. sub t mi nts w ill o invest in TRADINC AT HOME. Fir many years there has been a fi-fling of pride in the county seat of Waynesville. N. ('., by the' farmers and working people of the rural sec tions. Trade at home ignore the mail order houses and buy in Waynes ville fust rather than in the mountain metropolis has been urged, preached, advised and demanded by most of the business ' and professional men hnil the home paper. The Waynesville Mountaineer be lieves that the rural population aro anxious to be friendly and do show a co-operative spirit with the Waynes villc business houses on every occa sion. We are satisfied that they con sider the fact that the local business Divc''s::ied at 2o and Found ward is offered. Ia gal Notice; $:;.(I0 per paragraph or tract. .Minimum rate $( . (M 1. Cards of Thanks, obituaries, church notices, ie.-oliitions FRKK. Subscription rates payable in ad vance S'."ifl per year; $1,511 for six months; $l.(ni for three months; ten cents per copy otherwise. The above to take effect March 1st. l':i. 'o. Excepting those who have bon ifi, I contracts legally executed. W A V N ESYILI.E MOUNTAIN K FR. ito scout r.ANiu i-:r. The Rotary Club delightfully enter '..i.ned the local older of tne Roy Scouts with a banquet Friday night .-t the M'tthoiiist church dining hall. F. A. Stall. Scout Master with tbo Scouts m. iiehed in a bmlv to the, I i hurch. The ladies of the M -Hindis-1 crclc prepared this dinner, which was a four course affair. About fifty-five Scouts were present. s this month. Rathbone who lived to be 96 .1' age was reputed to be thu man in Havwo-nl county. He a veteian of the war between the tes, having enlisted in that servica 1m;;!. He was for about forty i. I - a Raplist preacher, preaching in th.- vicinity of Maggie. He has the distinction of organizing the first Sunday school at Maggie approxi mately forty years ago. He was a lonsecrated man, doing all in his pow er for the spiritual uplift of his fel low men. In later years when he was forcttd t give up his pastorate, due to failing health, he was one of the most faithful members of his church, missing but few services. All during his life 't was his custom each evening and to read the Scrip ture. For several years, as a past time, "uncle" Hiram sold walking sticks on the Eagles Nest road to the touristj who were hiking. "Uncle" Hiram was married to Miss Fliza Dempsey and to them were, born ten children, who survive. Interment was made at Maggie. The following is a list Confederate! Soldiers who went from Jonathan's Creek: Verlin I'lott, Lieutenant, L. A. Carpi liter, John Fie, Sylvester Tarn Lie, Dolphus Henry. Jacob Setzer, Tate Hampton, Solomon Finger, John Evans, Jeiry Evans, Robert Moody, ilarvc Moody, Hanison .Moody, Sam Moody, Jule Moody, Amerieus Moody, LaFayette Moody, Bravo Moody, Lewis Moody, Hebrun I'lott, Robert I'lott. Dock I'lott, Jamer, Moody, George Carver, S. J. Shelton, LieuUnant, Ephram Shelton, Thomas Shelton, 1'errv Shelton, James She!-. ton, Jack Shelton, Berry Carver L. M. Dempsey, William Brock, Henry Relcher, Pink Lewis. William Justice, Archie Justice, James Justice, West ern Justice, John Caldwell, Richard Caldwell, Cillis Brown, Dick Brown, Fate Wilson, Andy Lundy Lee Maul din, A'-uph Allis, Russell Rathbone, Jacob Rathbone, Hiram Rathbone, Mack Rathbone, Charles Parton, Cal vin Farton, Joseph Parton, Byrd Hys,. Albert Hyse, Harrison Hyse, Jacob Cagle, Henry Cagle, William Cagle, Montervile Parton, John Cagle, Joseph Cagle, Calvin Cagle, Captain Alden Howell, Robert Howell, Wil liam Leatherwood, Lieutenant, Se--bron, Leatherwood, Verlin Leather wood, Mack Leatherwood, William R,ce, David Rice, Lewis Rice, Absom Carver, William Boyd, John Boyd, i "ck Boyd, Frank Boyd, David Boyd, Hollin Nelson, Lieutenant, Reubin Owens, Packson Owens, Umphroy Owens, Dolphus, Owens, Lum Bur gess, Gayen Burgess, Klisha Yarboro, Fli Messer. David Mcsser, Thulcus .Messer. Joseph Messer, Isacc Messer. Henry Smith, Mack Jines John Hen ry, Thomas Parton, Marie n- barton. James Parton, John Ric;, Harvey Rice, Joshua Allison, Mige AlJ.ison, Dock Owens, Frank, Ham Caldwell, Arta MacFalls, Logan Har nah, Fleck, JHannah, Elija Jenkins, Eleck Nichols, Milas Davis, Wash Parton, Willey MacDonald, Pete Mac- Donald, Marion MacDonald, Ruman Henry, Dick Hill. James Hill, Dick Moody, James McClure, Warren Price, George Conard, John Conard, Wil liam McClure, Lawson Caldwell, Fato Stravclingstret, Newton Alexander, Colorbert Nelson, Woodford Nelson, Jesse Nelson, George Wriirht. Marion Rice, James Evans, John Hawkins, Bell Henry, Thomas Taylor, Henry Cagle. CASE 'IS DISMISSED AGAINST EDITOR Of HENDERSON VIELE. Magistrate G. J. Milward dismiss ed thfe case of Mrs. V.' E. Lawson, American Rescue worker apainst Noah Hollowell, editor of the Hender sonville News, on her own testimony when she had him hailed into court on a charge of handling her roughly and ejecting her from the side door of his place of btU iiims, terming such as an "assault upon a femala. Attorney R. L. Whitmhp, who rep resented the defendant, led the pros ecuting witness to swear under cross examination that her wor'v was in disrnute in Atlanta, Wilmington, Charlotte and other place; that her organization had been ordered by tha authorities of these cities to discon tinue their solicitation for funds and that during her solicitation in Hen- dersonville for about three years she had never done any charity work un till the night before she had the edi tor of The News hailed into court. We have in stock all grades of fer tilizers. Acid Phosphate, Nitrate o Soda, Sulphite of Amonia, Sulphate of Potash, Agricultural Lime and Bone Meal. Hyatt & Company.- lip!' The Well Dressed Men I'ay particular attention to their hats. We are representatives and have received and have on display The New Spring Stetson Hats for men and young men. The very latest colors and up-to-the-minute Blocks. We invite our friends and patrons to visit our store at an early date so that a selection suitable to each individ ual can be made. You can save money and get the "Curlee" clothes from F. G. Rippetoe "In Frog level" Waynesville, N. C. Mr. Alley ran win, but in order to houses pay the taxes, keep up-to-date do an he must have the undivided ! stores a"d aI quality goods at econ import of Havwood Democracy. Are!0"iy prices. We have pointed we going to "mollycoodle" and "flop" around, and let someone else snatch tiie laurel of victory from our grasp, We have pointed out time and again that the consumers ol Waynesville township can do much better at home than clesewhere; that or are wo going to meet the demand they do not buy right; that their good! for new blood, bv giving Mr. Alley are delievered to your door from very Democratic vote in Haywood, i vpr' sma" purchase up and that they ..... 1 ., 1 1 - I , . L .. 1 I and by so doing, elevate him to tno position he should have had long ago? It up to YOU Democrats of Hay wdod. "HAYWOOD THE SECOND." When in doubt, shave! sell at least the same goods for less money and sometimes more goods for same money, and certainly do save railroad, bus or car traveling expenses to other cities. We know, that all things being equal, the consumers or buyers of this section prefer to buy HA I.SAM NKWS. Hon. W. T. I. re has bad some very attractive folders made showing the plot of Ralsam Heights -another sub division of Ralsam. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. I.ce. Jr. left Sunday by motor to spend seine time in Daytnnn and other points in Flori da. Mr. Lee went in the interest of his father's new development here Ralsam Heights. Mrs. Ellen Lindsey and little grand daughter of Canton spent last week end with her daughter, Mrs. James Lindsey, who has been very sick. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Porter motored to Asheville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Recce of East LaPorte spent last week-end with he mother, Mrs. Ellen Barnes. Mr. Frank Welch of Asheville wai here last week. Mr. E. M. Smathers and daughter, Miss Edna Smathcrs, mof.ored to Asheville Sunday to see his daughter, Mrs. Odell Mehaffey, who is cick in the Meriwether hospital. Mrs. Grover Ward of Bryy-n City visited relatives here this week. Mrs. D. T. Knight, Mrs. W. B. Far well, Mrs. Lona Green and Mrs. Gro ver Ward went to Sylva on business MonSiy. A woman can make a fool of a man without half tryin'. "in i i gf Keaucoon lit Closed Car Prices EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 11TH Tudor Coupe Fordoi New Prices $500 $565 Old Prices Reduction $580 $60 $520 $20 $660 $95 Demand for Ford closed cars since the improved types in colors were introduced has. been constantly increasing. With greater output of these types production costs have been lessened and it is the policy of the company to give its customers the benefits of all such reductions. NEW OPEN CAR PRICES Touring $310 Runabout $290 Starter and Demountable Rims $85 Extra Tractor, Car and Truck Chassis Prices Remain Unchanged All Prices F. 0. B. DMroit 0Dtflt.Micklsu Duckworth Motor Co.

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