yr,. w ' 777 1 r iit-g.-j srd dcscrrces Fcr ths Lcali:n cf Mzncfoctirrte Industry . . . . , 'r 7 , ' , r , - .x-.t , ?, , ., .,-. - 7 1, WAYNES VI IXE, HAYWOOD COUNTY. NOICTH .CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH i. 1926 $2.00 Year in Adyance, $20 if mot Pai4 Volume XXXVIIL Number 5 m 1ST WaW OIIJiaiVimMMJaL The News of the Woman's Club The Woman's Club held one of the most delightful meetings of the yeas on Thursday afternoon, February 26th, with Mrs. Bess Penny as hos-, tess at her home on East street The meeting opened by singing the. Federation hymn, after which the Club Woman's Prayer was repeated ii concert. Following the roll call the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Grover Davis reported that Mrs. Kenncy would begin work on the play on Friday night and urged all club members who would take a part to meet her at Mrs. McDowell's. It was voted to leave the matter of In terior decoration to the direction of Mrs. Kenney and the committee. The club unanimously voted to support the play in every way that it could. Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick reported that the silver tea held at the home of Mr. C. S. Smathers February 18th for the benefit of the Jefferson Mem orial was successful financially and socially. The club gave Mrs. Smath ers a rising vote of thanks for sd generously giving her home for he occasion. A letter was read con cerning the Jefferson Memorial which inspired us to true patriotism and made us glad that we had contrib uted to this memorial A letter was read from the Kenyon Company, Inc., requesting the club to send data in summary of two hun dred words or less of the part played by our town in the colonial and Rev olutionary wars, War Between the States and .the World War. The com pany i issuing a special map adver tising, and boosting North Carolina. The matter was turned over to the Educational committee. This commit tee will appreciate any information Miss Anna Hobson made an interi the under privileged child. - ine ciun contributed $10.00 for Miss Hobson'a work. Most interesting letters were read by the president from Mr. and Mrs Btone. They were written in mu ocean. The following program was ren dered: Lecture Dr. Marr. Question Box. Music Soneta Pathetique, Beth hoven Mrs. Horace Keener. The lecture by Dr. Marr was tm usually interesting and most instruc tive. The club was glad to have Miss rtinna Black and Mrs. McGee as ffUflfttS. During the social hour a delicious salad course was served by Mrs. Penny. The club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Chas. U. Miller, March 18. FREE COOKING SCHOOL UNDER AUSPICES OF COMMUNITY CLUa Arrangements have been completed whereby thd bouBewlTe fi JEaynef ville will be offered a four-day Gold. Medal Cooking school to be held in the Community Club rooms March 9, 10, 11 and 12 beginning each morning at ten o'clock. The school, which i being sponsored by the , Community Club, will be under the direction of Miss Karen Fladoes of the Gold Medal Home Service Department of the Washburn Crosby Company. Miss Fladoes is a graduate of Stout In stitute and Columbia University and has 'devoted much time to the study of the housewife's culinary problems. Gold Medal schools are famous in home economic circles, not only for the quality of instruction given, but for the interest they arouse in all communities as welL Simplicity and practicality will be the keynote of all the lectures and demonsirauong average nousew Z ZiTi of iGermany, Austria, Hungary Turkey the .ool win be M:JJJ which is being arranged by Waynesville mercnn. The program for the lour days win 1 "" Va fnllnwfl! Tuesday, Salad and Salad Accom paniments. J Wednesday, Sunday Night Suppers nd Luncheon Dishes. Thursday, Cakes and Icings. Friday, Unusual Deserts. Printed receipes for all the dishes prepared will be given away each Jd.y. Everyone is cordially invited nd the classes are free to all. Answer of America to Foreign Appeal It seems from the other subjects on the program that the foreign ap peal to be discussed relates to the World War, and the answer of the United States of America to the ap peal of our allies to send help to them in Europe. Of course as the United States is the greatest and most wealthy coun try in all North and South America, when we use the word "America," it is generally understood to mean our own country. We, as a nation, have responded always promptly and liberally, and as a great, free and Christian na tion to all people appeals from for eign nations. When on April 21st, 1898, the Congress of the United States declared war against Spa-T it entered upon that war in the holy cause of liberty and humanity and freed Cuba from Spanish oppression by the victory of Admiral Dewey at Manila, and Schley at Santiago. When in 1900 the Boxers in China murdered Europeans and nearly 30, 000 Chrisians, including our mission aries, and were supported by the trovernment of China, our govern ment joined with Great Britain and the Europeans nations in putting down this warfare due to hatred of foreigners and Christians. We have sent, and are now send ing lame sums of money to aid the Christian people in Armenia, going to what is known as the Near East Relief Fund., to save them from star vatlon and the oppression of the Turi and we have always respond ed; liberally to all appeals from for eign nations to aid the suffering ana mmressed and to afire them liberty and freedom. Meantime we have mmuI for our own people and, kept liancea with others. In the World War the United States loaned upon the appeal of; foreisrn nations, engaged in that war, var ten million dollars to Europe, in eluding the government of Great Rritain. France. Belgium, Italy, Greece, Russia, Romania, Poland and all the smaller nations engaged in the War aeainst Germany. Some of this money loaned was for carrying on the war and some of it for reliel after the war was over The larger countries, through the Wnrlrf War Foreisrn Debt Commission of the United States and the Debt r.nmmision of their own nations are making settlements of these loaned hv tha Brace and favor of the Unit ed Stales upon long time and low rate of interest. In the World War the United States answered the appeal of Eu rope by doing much more than send ing money. We sent our ooys mm men over seas to answer their ap nonl n Ann siient millions of money at home and submitted to many hard ships. Tt i nice we did not enter the war until April, 1917, after the great passenger service, the Lusitania, uhnnt. nv warning, was sunk by the Germans, drowning a number of American citiiens and until Germany refused to stop her suomarine war fare. Our President (Wilson) endeavored until the last moment to keep us out of the war, but when in 1917 Russia had collapsed and the Germans con tinued their warfare with submarines .n,t MaoHIv .ases and the allies were almost exhausted, then we responded- nobly with our men to the Macedo nian cry, 'Come over and help us." The Congress of theUnited States on April 6th," 1917, after public senti ment had demanded, not only for our cw protection, but for the salvation declaration of war against J rT"' JIZ 't ... Vnrnn and the i.m y 7 , r . jj th- rlnmmntion of Ger- world from the domination of Ger many. We poured men into Franco hv the hundreds of thousands and ai though Germany on May 80th, 1818, had made a great movement back to the Marne it seemed would conquer Europe, but the aid of American troops and under a united command, led by Gen. Foch and Gen. Pershing nhH the British commander. Gen, Haig; early in June a counter attack The Meeting of tire U. D. C. The U. D. C.'s met at the home of Mrs. Harden Howell Feb. 12, with eleven members present. The meet ing was opened in regular form and the business of the afternoon taken up in order. The committees on the Lee-Jack son Birthday program reported that a splendid program was given in each school in the township. Miss Robina Miller, chairman of the wreath committee reported two wreaths had been made since the last meeting one for Mr. Hiram Rath- bone and one for Mr. William Grasty. The secretary read a letter from! Mrs. Fisher, our district president, stating the district meeting would be held in Asheville, May 4. After the business of the afternoon was finished Mrs. E. J. Robeson in her usual charming manner read a splendid paper. Her subject being 'North Carolina Women of the Sixties in War Times." The chapter is very grateful to Mrs. Robeson fo this interesting paper which was greatly enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Howell gave the magazine review sketches from the Presi. dent General's Letter. At the conclusion of the meeting the hostess served a delightful salad couse. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank out many friends for their kindness and sympathy shown to us during the illness and death of our father, W. P,.Yaughn. MRS. A.T. McCRAGKEN. WTntfcTaft the tide was turning and tne Ger mans were driven back. The battle of Chateau Thiery proved the quality of the new American armies. The German lines at Amencua collapsed under the attacks of American troops. Germany had finished and October saw the defeat and retreat all along the entify western front The Kaiser and Crown Prince fled into Holland. Of course all the allies did their part but had it not been for the help of America, Europe would have been dominated by Germany. When we answered thiB appeal of Europe, we had to care for our sol diers, train then and in other ways prepare for the war. We had to pro vide what soldiers call the three M's of war namely Men, Money and Mu nitions. Many of our boys volun teered and many were drafted. Even before the war many young Ameri- wvv vw j 4 cans had slipped- across the ocean 1 1 a. 1 X A U i. VvanilA and volunteered to fight for France looking on Germany's acts and cruel ties as against the rights ol all nations. Among these were four North Carolina boys who joined tho French LaFayette ! Flying Squadron. All four of them were killed in bat tles in the air. They were James H. Baueham. Washington, N. C, Ar thur Blathenthal, Wilmington, James R. McConnell, Carthage and Rock well of Asheville. Besides the volunteers and under the selective draft an army of four million men was raised, uniformed, armed and drilled and two million ot them crossed over to France. The support given the allies by these two million fresh Americans enabled them to defeat the Germans before the oth er two million could be sent over. North Carolina furnished eighty-five thousand men to this vast army and navy.' Seven (7) regular generals m the army were born in this State. In the American fleet that crossed the Atlantic there were eight monster battleships. Four of these were com manded by North Carolina officers one of these generals was Gen. Har- ley B. Ferguson of your county. In the World War, lasting over four yean, more than ten million peo ple had been killed and America gavu of her sons between twenty-five "and thirty thousands" and half a million more were wounded or, disabled for life: ':.':V:- y 1 " ; ; Never did American troops 'fight better and never was more noble re made to any foreign appeal, whether they give credit for it or WlicUid "icjr ' v . - not, than was made in the World War. Fiftieth Birthday 1 Anniversary Th 60th birthday of the telephone will be celebrated March 10th this year by 320,000 Bell Telephone work ers and thousands of others through- oat the United States and Canada. ;In honor of the occasion men and women in the telephone industry ev eijywhere will wear an attractive but ton, showing a te'ephone and the numerals 50. These workers during the twenty-four hour period of cele bration will enable telephone sub scribers to complete 67,700,000 mes sages an almost unbelievable expan sion from one sentence on March 10, 1876 to the millions of conversations March 10, 1926. Open house will be observed at the local telephone office on March 10th, in .commemoration of the anniversary Telephone subscribers and the general nublic have been invited to visit the office during birthday week and see how telephone service is rendered. There are 20,500 Bell telephone wotkers in the Southeastern states whi will join in the nation-wide cele bration. The South can claim with nride that the telephone owes a part of fjts development to the reception given it in the South in its infancy. Among the first telephone exchang es established were those opened in some of the leading cities of the South during the year 1879. Among the ' cities in this pioneer list are Augusta, Savannah and Atlanta, Ga.; Charleston, S. C; Wilmington, N. C.; Mobile, Ala.; Louisville, Ky.; and Richmond, Lynchburg and Norfolk, Va. ' The , first building ever erected to bo used exclusively as a telephone exchange wa constructed in Louis gUIIHKC W WfOW ... Wuki.- I Tppr-yr - w- - th close oi the nineteenth century, Four days after his twenty-ninth birthday and, three days before the (tnfc anariMi ufta trannmlttaH. A IfT- ander Graham .Bell, an impetuous young ocoicnman, received ms pt tent for the telephone. If he had lived until today, he would have seen his first telephone system of two crude instruments, connected by a few feet of wire, and protected by a sing le patent develop into a system of 16,600,000 Bell owned stations, con-1 nected by 51,000,000 miles of wire, and protected by a total of 9,000 patents. There are 27,218,100 tele phone in use in the world today, of which number, 61 are located in tha United States and most of them are a part of the Bell System. On March 10, fifty years ago, the first sentence was transmitted over the telephone by Alexander Graham ' ceil i ruin ins utuuniui; uu mo floor of an M house in Boston to , . . . . . Bell from his laboratory on the top Thomas A. Wctson, his assistant, in another room on the same floor. The first words transmitted were, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you." These two men were the sole activo telephone workers atthat time. The early days of the telephone furnish a thrilling story of a des perate struirele for life in a cold business world which frowned on sink- inr money in a "toy," as the tele phone was then called. Four men gave themselves without reserve to bless the world with the electrical transmission of speech. Each made a distinct contribution. Bell con tributed his inventive genius; ThomaR A, Watson, his skilled craftsmanship which fashioned Bell's idea into a working instrument; Thomas Sanders, the first fianancial assistance, which was inspired by the love of his daugh ter for the romantic inventor; and Gardiner G. Hubbard, the first pub licity man for the telephone, the per sonality necessary to ' acquaint the world with its possibilities. The com. mon contribution of each was faith and enthusiasm that entailed sacri fice. Thomas A. Watson is the only members of this group living today Development in business and organ ization backed by the patient ioll of the scientists in the Bell research laboratories has featured the tele phone's progress in recent years, STATE INCOME TAX MAN HERB I MONDAY. Mr. J. H." Harwood representing the State department of revenue will Via nf th, Hnt.i1 Kenmore next Mon i - - day, March 8th, where you can give i tn your state income l axes. Citizens' Military Training Camps The War Department has announced the appointment of Mr. J. H. Howell, Waynesville, N. C, as a County Rep resentative for the Citizens' Military Training Camps, for the coming sum mer. Mr. Howell, states that he will re ceive a supply of application blanks for the training camps shortly and will be ready to pass these out to young men between the ages of 17 and 24 who might want to take a months' encampment in July, at gov ernment expense. Congress appropriates nearly SH,- 000,000 annually to enable young men to develop their physical powers under proper supervision. Railroad fare, meals enroute and at camp, uniforms, laundry, athletic equipment and medical and dontal treatment are furnished. 11 vacancies only have been al lotted Haywood county and it i.i ex pected that these will all be tHken by April 1st. Others may apply and if vacancies occur later they will be taken care of. CITIZENS' MILITARY TRAINING CAMPS. Atlanta, Ga., March 1. Thirty-five hundred youths from the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, are to be giv en thirty days' outdoor training this summen at Camp McClellan, Alabama, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Fort Or- glethrorpe, Georgia, and Fort Bar-, rancas. Florida, if plans undeif way by Major-General Johnson Hagood, at Atlanta, are successful. Opening of the training ser.son has bean set for Jul v. Ever? student is standardized mental and physical tests adopted by the Government. Students will range from seventeen to twenty-four. ,.Th0e who meet the requirements will 4 sent to the training camo with out personal expense and upon com pletion will receive return tickets to their homes. While at camp, whole some food, uniforms, athletic equip ment, laundry service, and camp fa cilities will be furnished free by the Government. The C. M. T. C. Course this year will be divided between camping, hik ing, shooting, athletics and citizen ship studies, with the studonts enroll ed in four different courses. First- year men without prior training will be given only elementary drills, most of their work being designed to build up bodiiy strength by outdoor sports. Advanced classes called Red, White and Blue courses for the other three years of the course, will offer instruct tion in Infantry studies, Coast Ar tillery and Field Artillery problems, Cavalry and horsemanship tactics, and military methods. Specialists in various professions who hold commissions in the Organ ized Reserves will be called to duty to aid in the non-military part of tha Droirram. under General Hagood s plan, the troops of the Regular Army being largely occupied with the in struction in drills and shooting. if la nln nlnnnpd tn cive individ- ual instruction to the physical train ing of individual students to correct defects that might become chronic in later life. Data compiled from re cords of the C. M. T. Camps held since 1921 when the movement was inaugu rated is now being studied with this end in view. The obiect of the C. M. T. Camps, General Hagood declared, is to bring together young men of hight typo from all sections of the country, of wealth and poor parents alike, in the same uniform on a common basis or equality, under the most favorable! conditions of outdoor life; to stimulate ' and promote citizenship, patriotism, j and Americanism, and througn ex pert physical direction, athletic coach ing and military- training, to benefit the young men individually, and to lead them to a better realization of their obligations to their country. MAJ. J. H. HOWELL, Waynesville, N. C. Mrs. William A.' Band and young daughter Elise who spent last week in Spartanburg as guests of Mr; and Mrs. C. E. Band, returned to their home Saturday. v i Community Club Entertain Doctors The Community Club held its reg ular meeting on Monday, March 1st, in the club rooms. The meeting was opened with the singing of "America the Beautiful," followed by the club prayer. Reports were given by the officers and departmental chairmen. A committee, consisting of Mrs. Siler, president of the - club, Mrs. Garrett, chairman of education, Mrs. Gwvn. chairman of dramatic and Mrs. Covington, were appointed to confer with Mr. Edgerton regarding a medal to be offered the girls of the high school. This is to be an unusual prize and it will be decided later in what lielil it will be offered. Mrs. Ouinlan, District President, showed the club "The History of the Federation," by Mrs. Sallie Southall Cotton, the beloved pioneer and build er of Women's Clubs of the State. These books cost $1.00 and each club woman is urged to possess one. The program was now turned over to Mrs. J. M. Mock, chairman of the Health Department. Mrs. Mock gave one of the most interesting programs in the history of the Community Club. Assisting Mrs. Mock with her program, were nine of the town s most capable and competent physi cians and dentists. These gentlemen being present by proxy, all except Dr. Will Francis, who, owing to ill ness was unable to be present eitheR in person or by proxy. Mrs. Mock in introducing these gentlemen quoted Dr. Thomas Wil son who. for more than half a cen tury, has practiced medicine in and around Hudson, N. Y. Dr. Wilson ay "The familv bhvsician. if he be a .imaao-andeiatandiiig, judgment and honor, receives more confidences than any lawyer, or even any clergyman. He sees human nature stripped of all pretenses and all concealments. Like the poet, the family doctor is born and not made. The family physician must be able to treat the heart, mind and body." In coneJusioir'Mrs. Mock said: "In this meetin we have represent ed our own family physicians, also our dentists and other specialists, to all of whom we extend our most heart felt appreciation and gratitude fos the- unselfish, faithful and courteous way in which they minister to our needs and also we wish to thank each. of them for this valuable contribu tion to community health through our club." As Mrs. Mock introduced each doc tor, one of the club women read a pnper prepared by that doctor for the Community Club. The following papers being read: Mouth Health Dr. McDowell Mrs. Chas. Quinlan. Teeth Hygiene Dr. Liner Mrs. Liner. Preventitive Dentistry for Children Dr. Medford Mrs. Noble Garrett. The Cure That Failed Dr. Way Mrs. Gwyn. Public Health Dr. Sam String field Mrs. William Hannah. Science of Pregnancy and Pre natal Influence Dr. Kirkpatrick Mrs. Rotha. Eystrain and Rcfrnctio Dr. Mc Cracken Miss Alice Quinlan. Needed Health Improvements in Town and County Dr. Strinfrfollow Mrs. Thackston. Prevention of Disease in Children Dr. Abel Miss Francis Robeson. Music Piano Duet Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Clem Smathers, two of the town' jnusidans whom tlja club is always glad to welcome and whoso musiois always, enjoyed and nppre-" dated by all. This concluded the program for tha afternoon and all the ladies present felt they had gained a, great deal of information from all these splendid papers. . A risintr vote of thanks was given Mrs. Mock and the men who ro ably assited her in ,the afternoon' - most . interesting program. . : Tho hostesses for the afternoon, Mrs, J. M. Long, Mrs. James Vkina and Mrs. Neal, served tea, and sandwiches. I-" At the next meeting,- March 15th, Mrs. Quinlan, District Pmid will address tho club, and a speci! jnusi cl program will bs arrange? ': if- .4tl-- ' fai JC dd -rtfruHe. .it-M