THE WATNESVILLB MOUNTAINEER. THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1I2 5;:' ' i 51 M.N .1 f" I other B for S STOP RECKLESS DRIVING. Motor accidents and compulsory automobile liability Insurance " an evil thai must be" remedied, were discussed by Edward C- Stone, asso ciate .United .States manager of the Employers Liability Company, lie noted the rather curious fact that those chiefly in favor of compul sory liability were not so much in terested in reducing and preventing accidents, as in securing some way to assure pecuniary damages to those injured by automobiles in otner words they would guarantee solvency of all defendants. Mr. Stone favors action to stop irresponsible reckless drivers from operating automobiles which would remove the chief reason for compul sory automobile accident liability in surance, is this not more lair wan taxing all drivers for the damages resulting from the recklessness and carelessness of a small percentage T More farmers use "AA QUALITY" Fertilizers every year than any make of fertilizer sold. This country-wide preference ''AA QUALITY" Fertilizers has been earned .and maintained by their un equaled record for producing the largest yields and best quality of all crops., To insure the best crops, year after year, use "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS BEST KNOT'S TO YOU UNiXR THE FCU.OVII-i.J liUANO NAMES RED ROOSTER BOWKER'S BRADLEY'S PATAPSCO SHEPOO ZELL'S POCOMOKE - Ivianutacrured only by The American Agricultural Chemical Company Spr.ri;-r-! ;irr Sale. Department . , G?A rlTA NjTO"3. S.-C. Our Agricultural Service Burfmi will he'n boIv- fom farming problem!. Send for Dr. H. J. Wheeler's Cwp Lul'cuns. Addrcnt ii State btrecl. Uoiton. Mm. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. Notice is' hereby giWn that the partnership of a B. Ray & Sons, here tofore exisiting, hi been dissolved, and thaj. the business will hereafter be conducted by B. Rafr and J. W. Ray under the Sons. The new firm payable to the sumed and wi due the old firm This 16th day DON'T KILL THE BIRDS. Marl8-c-C. E. R fh'ttl o HAM OAF TC.E. J. W.iRAY fVC. E. Ray's civumouhts n. and has as- all obligations ruary, 1923. RAY, I ADVICE TO THE AGED I Am Wrnlnfh-tniH.. uci I boweW. Mk kidw. torvtd brar. Tutt's Pills I I.C3SBT Ma n hv. epMifi affact m thana orcana. I lulalina ua Dowaia, Mnwvi on. aaJ iopatta Titoi tfca ajatara. I If vour subscription has expired you will be cut off without any fur- er notice. Department of Agriculture esti mates srive 75 billion as the probable number of birds in the world, about 40 times the number of people. They estimate five billipn birds in the United State alone. Birds are mankind's friends. Prac tically every bird is a costless, au tomatic self-perpetuatii:g bug-and- worm-killer, without whose aid the country would soon swarm with in sect plagues like those of Egypt in the times of Pharoah. It is perhaps good bu-dr.css for tho nation that gun and ammunition j,' ices arc so high that comparative ly few people can buy thorn for bird killing. Thire una a time when the household shotgun was desirable, cm necessary toS'n! the family lard er' now the kitchen t:ible is supplied li.'f-i, by the absence of the means to kil1 the birds ,:av.' the crop-!. iiaaseMmLKKJiitA avi-. , CONSTRUCTION AND LONG TERM LOANS Western Carolina Loan & Insurance Agency Co. morigagTbankers P. D. MAZYCK, Mgr. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. WaynesVllle, N. C. Phone 19 East Waynesville Service Station The first service station going into Waynesville from Lake Junaluska road Gasoline, Grease and Oils CRANK CASE SERVICE EXPERT MECHANICS ... Refreshments Always on Hand S1NGINC CONVENTION. The Haywood County Singing Con vention will hold its next singing meet on the second Sunday in March which will bu the first meeting of the new year. All classes and choirs that are expecting to participate in the singing on that date are re quested to notify the secretary be fore that date so that we can ar range a program for the day. We are expecting something new, that will be of great interest to the people of the county. Our new president, Mr. Chas. Nel son, has got something up his sleeve for the convention. So let everybody come and enjoy a good day of singing and song feast. MARK B. SMITH, Secretary. "Fully Accredited by the National Association of Accredited Com mercial Schools." Train for business the richest fieli in the world. If you wish to plan a successful career, qualify in the sub jects business requires: Penmanship, Snelline. Business Eng.ish, Letter Writing, Business Arthmetic, Com mercial, Law, rypc-w.'lti.i, Fnort hand. Bookkeem'nir. Machine Book keeping, Banking and Accounting. A course of training in one of our schools will prepare you to share the wonderful prosperity of thU sec tion. It is the iafett, sanest and nnickest wav to secure lucra' iv em ployment. Whv delav? Our records show that we have placed through our employ ment bureau, every raduaic of our schools (his past year. Send for full information. Address "Dept. W." Cecil's Business Colli s, Asheville, N. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Feb. 30 pd w3 mm Roast Beef Wheri tender, juicy and fine flavored it is an ideal meat for the Sunday din ner, and you are assured of ideal roasts when they are purchased at our market. You can have rib or rolled roasts as you prefea Every thing you may want in die meat line and all of the best CITY MARKET J. B. DAVIS, Prop. Phone 149 Church St. NOTICE. i'-tatc of North Carolina, County of Haywood In the Superior Court. z::b. v. musk, mary .). musk. The defendant, Mar; .1., will t.ii.c noliie th.v a.i of. iniyv t it led as i.b.ive h.t h. i n i .ir-rif.eui in tho Sui ri.ii' ryou!-; o! .'!:toi)d County, North CanHina, 1-' obtain, a tl.votve a!.- .o.uw I-! !- I bVnnt-imoiiy Ivrcofo-i exi;:ry" jli-ulved; and the said d.-ren-'Unwri (unh.-r take r i!re ;-la.'i-r.'.i lir the complaint. .I.'iun-, 1112':. 1IAYNKS, hi' 1 lay wood County. a. ;ii.- ,-M.-i .r )'.: 1.' l . .a t 1 .v till' , r a1 BILIOUSJHACKS From Which Kentucky Man Suf fered Two or Three Times a Month, Relieved by Black-Draught I.awrcnceburg, ICy. Mr. J. P. Nevius, a local coal dealer and mer, about two years ago learned of the valtio of Thedford's Black Draught liver medicine, and now he says: "Until then I suffered with so vcro bllion ; nttaeka that eamo nn two or three times each month. I would get nauseated. I would hOYo dlszincss and couldn't work. "I would take pills until 1 v.'.'is TVorn-')li' v.'ltli them. 1 didn't :;eem to relief. After faking the liills my l)o.e!n would act u eouplo or three Una:;, tli-'U X would bu very cotistii'iite.l "A crtnl.' told mo of lllaelc IlraunUt ar.d I it use. I ii'-ver fmiiid so much relief r.s It i-avc nie. 1 wouM nut bo wltlvuu it for anvthlni;. ' it :' vir il to i leanse -.1. . il-.ole r;-f'i-i.' ;,H:1 iaUe me feel like a -w. t v. -..He! t.tUe a tew ilnbets- 'a t nd i t :he and li: f . I fall of 'l my u.o'al r.uii i ;::;.r fin ..; i'tr i" " ':' 11 .-l.l'lv f t rel'ef demauileil in . This the Jf'.ih ilav C. Clerk Si ; i liiii- Co March II, pd. NOTICK. State of North Carolina. Ccanty of Haywood In the Supei io- Court, Before the t lerk. East Waynesville Service Station ody, ilary Moodj hu.baiKJ iieoi;:e ol.y - Ma:1 trie IC. ?ioodv. ! Mebane and Y. Mebane. Jcic Meody Ji and husband, Hugh' 11. doily, .'ik'.ryaret Aio.idy and Ki'ifer Moodv by his guardmn, ll:ip;;ie K. Moody. JamesK. Moodv r.nd KliAibeth fttoodv Catt'V aim ner rjiaiv'no. .aw '... rlild . .. i ; I- Wood For Sale Good Stove Wood and Kind ling for sale cheap Heavy Hauling, Packing and Shipping. Milner's Wood Yard Phone 218-J 102 Depot St. Waynesville. 1 When twins ate announced by a neighbor you might as well act nat ural and lauyh. ircm your old Mes-Wi repair ' "J"!-. their, lot; of wear You Can Double The Life of Your Champion Shoe Shop E. T. DUCK K I T. Prop., Main Street Prices Are Low Waynesville, N. C. New Way to Stop gtit Coughing Fred J. Car The above take notice that above has been Snnrinr Court i North Carolina, toi for nartition and dnv are situated in tlay idants will entitled an iienccd in tho wood County, in lands which landn County NfntV, PorrJinn nf 'niiIl tH" nl lin tiff S and the defendants in this proceeding are tennants in conimon as set out in said petition filed in this cause, and which lands are fully described in tho said petition in this cause; and the said defendants will further take no tice that they and each of them are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Hay wood County in his office in the court house in Waynesville, North Carolina, the same being the court house of said County, on the 6th day of March, 1926, at ten o'clock A. M., and answer ot. onmi. tn tVio nftitann filed in Said action or the plaintiffs will apply to the court Iortne renei aemanuuu jui said petition. This the 4th dav of Febninrv. 1926. C. A. HAYNES, Clerk Superior Court. Mrch 4th Hannah-c Simple Method Bring quick Keiier For almost instant relief from hack ing, irritating, sleep-rpbbing night coughing there is a very simple treat ment which, often with a single dose, stops all irritation and permits sound sleep the whole night through. This treatment is based on the pre. sorption known as Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs. You simply take one teaspoonful at bed-time and hold it in the throat for 15 or 20 seconds lieiore swallowing it The prescription has a double action. It not only soothes and heals soreness and irritation, but jt quic'.i'y removes the phlegm and con gestion which are tho real cause of niht couphinn- People who have not plcpt wcil for nights are often surprised how quickly this simple method checks coughirg and banishes the entire cou;;h condition completely. Dr. Kirffs New Discovery is for couch1;, client cold.T,snre throat, hoarse ness, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, etc Fir.c for child, en as well as grown ups i Q harmful drugs. Economical, too .- 3 the dose is only one teaspoon ft. At til good druggists. Ask for Sew Electrically Free Demonstration Ian lot. ns aswMris a:ar a-'m w wmm-wm Have a Singer Electric ': Placed in Your Home To-Day Machines Singer Sewing Hemstitching To Order Needles, Oil Repairs Singer Sewing Machine Company INCORPORATED 123 MAIN STREET PHONE 132 Repnsentrd by U.D. YORK Waynesville, North Carolina Mi MILLIONS TO LOAN ON LONG TERMS 1 YEAR TO 12'j YEARS We lend on improved real estate in Waynesville and Ilazelwood at less than 6 on easy payment plan. Money quickly available. Unnecessary red tape cut out. Charges light. Also construction loans. See or call RAL'Il W. DAVIS, Phone 121-J. f r:f' -j' I