Opportunity's Empire-WayiteavHIc Altitude 202 Feet-Unsorpasscd Natorgl Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries 1 WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1926 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if not ao Paid Volume XXXVIIL Number 6 I IF fill1 i ICWMTIv ir v r n j--rTSjT' i v.. i i i i ' t . - The Work at Stone Mountain As the Pyramids are monuments to the Pharoahs to succeeding ages, so will Stone Mountain be a grander monument to the soldiers of the Con-" federate Army. The Federal Army recognized the fact that the Southern Soldiers were foemen "worthy of their steel" and now the whole North, by their rep resentatives in Congress recognize the valor of the Southern Soldier by coining and issuing 2,000,000 Stone Mountain Memorial Coins, to be so1 J and applied to carving the statuary and Memorial Chambers of this most grand and famous monument in all the world. This supurb work will perpetuate Southern Valor to all the coming ages. 160,000 of these coins is North Carolina's quota. The great state whose brave soldiers were "First at Big Bethel, went fartherest to the Front at Gettysburg, and: Chickamauga, and last at Appomat tox" will surely go "over the top" purchasing these coins, guaranteeing the complete on the Stone Mountain Monument which will commemorate and perpetuate the valor of her men, and the heroism of her women during the 4 long years of the Sixties, in the days that tried the souls of men and the hearts of women. Every child in the State should have one of these coins, a precious inspiring memorial. The patriotic Sons and Daughters who love and venerate their fathers and their en during, unconquered mothers, will not fail to purchase these 150,000 coins. ' ' Somehow, I feel that Robert E. Lee is looking down at his soldiers who loved him and affectionately called him "Marse Robert" and I hear him saying, "Let us rise to thin opportunity Men Do Your Duty." Let us meet his approbation and hear him repeat, "GOD BLESS OLD NORTH CAROLINA." WESLEY BIBLE CLASS ENTER TAINED. The Wesley Bible Class met with Mrs. H. H. Plott and Mrs. John M. Queen at the home of Mrs. Queen Monday afternoon, March 1st. Opening song Onward Christian Soldiers. Lord's Prayer. Minutes read by Mrs. R. O. Edger ton. Visiting committee appointed were Mrs. J. M. Long, Mrs. Ernest Hyatt and Mrs. R. O. Edgerton. Class discussion How to gst new members. Secretary and Treasurer M'ss Lavada Palmer. Music by Catherine Queen and Ma rie Plott. A delicious salad course was served. The members present were: Mrs. John M. Queen, Mrs. H. H. Plott, Mrs. J. M. Long, Mrs. R. O. Edgerton, Mrs. R. L. Noland, Mrs. W. L. McCracken, Mrs. Ernest Hyatt, Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick, Miss Maude Mc Culloch, Miss Margaret Stringfield, Miss Lavada Palmer, Misses Daisy and Lena Boyd. Visitors were: Mrs. J. C. Rose, Mrs. Sam Jones, Mrs.' Walter Ferguson, Mrs. James Palmer, Jr., Mrs. Frank Ferguson, Mrs. John Noland, Mrs. Shook from Asheville. CIVIC LEAGUE NOTICE. The Waynesville Civic League will meet at the home of Mrs. W. H. Liner Friday afternoon at 3:30. MRS. BROWNING HOSTESS TO THE WEDNESDAY BRIDGE CLUB. Mrs. Henry , D. Browning delight fully entertained the Wednesday Bridge Club at her home on Love Lane Wednesday afternoon. : The St. Patrick color motif of green and white was carried out in the Bcore cards and decorations. Miss Janie Love Mitchell held high score and received aa a prize . bottle of bath salts. Miss Lucy .Tate cut the consolation nd. was presented with a deck of cards. Mrs. Browning served fnuit salad at the conclusion of the game. Those present were: . Misses Doro thy Thomas, Janie Love Mitchell, Frances Denton, Catherine Coving ton, Braxton Kiirk, Annie Welch, Lucy Tate, Janie Reeves, Wilda Crawford, Mesdames H. Rotha, R. O. moving ton, William Hannah and Hayes Alley Sunburst Welfare Association In conversation with a very prom inent Haywood county physician the other day the writer was told that one of the aims of the medical pro fession was to provide the most ef cient medical care for the people of any community. Not only to preserve life when life was threatened, but by prompt and efficient service in the event of minor illnesses to provide the efficient first-aid that would pre vent chronic illnesses and probable crippling Of the individual. For many, many years past it has been the custom in connection with large industrial enterprises where the health, the happiness and th welfare J of those working with such nterprises made it necessary for such people to band together in welfare associations to secure prompt and effiecient first aid in the event of injury and prompt and effiecient medical care for them selves and for their families. This custom has been and is rec ognized as meritorious ani humane by the big men of the medical and sur gical profession. The Sunburst Welfare Association, an association of those people. work ing for the Suncrest Lumber Com pany, is an association of this kind. The association was organized by those people working for the Sun crest Lumber Company, who whilq perefectly able to pay any reasona ble medical or surgical fee themselves, recognized the importance of proper, and prompt medical and surgical care for those workers who could not in many instances afford to pay a med ical or surgical fee that would give them the best of care in the event of injury' or illness, and in all large in dustrial enterprises more than 60 of the workers come under this class, those workers, who In the even of minor injury such as a cut or a bruise would neglect such an injury and services of a doctor if the chance take a chance rather than call in the of a large fee for such services was staring them in the face; the chance taken oftentimes resulting in a per manent disability that never would have occurred with proper and prompt first-aid and care. Those men of the medical and sur gical profession who lend their sup Dort to such associations as the Sun burst Welfare Association should be highly commended for their broad mindedness and public spimeoness for their humane attitude which shows a real desire to safeguard the health and happiness of the people. Sunburst Welfare Association THE DEATH OF MR.' VAUGHN. On Friday morning, Feb. 26, 1926, Mr. William Vaughn, one of the pio neer citizens of Haywood county, died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. A. T. McCracken. To him and his wife who was Miss Elizabeth Newton before her mar riage, and who preceded him to the glory land six years ago, were born nine children of whom six are liv ing: Mr. Wade Vaughn of Flat Rock, N. C; Geo. Vaughn of Hamilton, Washington; Ellis Vaughn, Mrs. A. T. McCracken and Mrs. D. V. Francis and Mrs. Butler Siler of Waynesville. The funeral was conducted by Rev. C. T. Tew, pastor of First Baptist church of Waynesville, from the res idence after which the body was laid to rest in Green Hill cemetery. Mr. Vaughn was a courageous and faithful soldier during the Civil Warj and since then he has spent his life in Haywood county. He was a mem ber a Baptist church,, a good neigh bor, a devoted father and a loyal citizen. The community ana friends extends to the bereaved lamily tneir sinceres ; the gtate on Joan fr8nl.the Navy De sympathy and commend them to the ,partment and, will grace the table of grace of our Heavenly Father who thg Governol.g mansion until further doeth all things well. notice. , Governor McLean in a drive ' ' . .. r. niT -n for increase of dairying activities in THE COMMUNITY CLUB TO HOLD JJbM Mg f . MEET-MOJIUAI., . ; . theweek.,The eotton growers Asso- -. - . j 4i. ciation launched a 'campaign for a full The Community Club will hold the Ai .L,.f ,,, . .. . . ,t sign-up at the end Of.the present year regular meeting. Monday at the club f , - . . tcuii " . whan tlia nrpnt. rn-nn contract PX- rooms at 3:30. Mrs. Charles Quinlan will be the leader. ' ,' THE WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET. Mesdames Charier-Ro Thomas and . a ment under the auspices of State C. U.-Miller will be Joint hostesses College. Seventy high schools par to the Woman's Club at the home of ticipated in the three day toruney. , Mrs. Miller on Branner avenue Governor McLean declines to grant Thursday, March 18, at 3:30. , Condensed State News From Raleigh (By M. L. Shipman.) Raleigh, N. C, March 8. An unu- I sually large increase in auto revenues leading to a prediction of another Good Roads" bond issue, the deci sion ol Dr. unase to remain ui ue University as its president, an im portant decision by the Supreme court affecting the coast cities, the further discussion of a projected survey ol women in industry in North Carolina and other matter of less importance absorbed the attention of the Capital the past week. Governor Ruf e Doughton, commis sioner of Revenue, is optomistic re garding another road bond issue to bring the total to 100 million dollars. He believes the next legislature, on the basis of the showing made col lecting auto receipts, will authorize such an issue. The department has collected in gas and license taxes luring the past eleven months $11,-' 572,040.96 which was an increase of practically three million dollars over the same eleven months of the pro ceeding year. The increase of the gas tax from three to four cents in part accountes for the increase. Dr. H. W. Chase met with the trus tees of the University of North Car olina and after they had unanimous ly endorsed his administration and urged him not to accept the post as president of the University of Oregon, he decided to retain his present posi tion. The, trustees adopted a resolu tion thanking him for his decision. The State Supreme Court handed down an important decision during the week. It ruled in a case brought from Wilmington that wharves arc not public necessities and thus inval idated a $100,000 expenditure of pub lic funds planned by the city of Wil mington for the improvement of its docking facilities. The Baptist Woman's Union has gone on .record as favoring retire ment of the million dollar bond issue with which the new Meredith College was built. The Union, meeting here this week, decided to memorialize the State Convention at Wilmington in 1926 to this effect with recommen dation that the bond issue be disposed of by a campaign by 1930. The federal malaria control station, will be transferred his week from Georgia to Edenton, this state, for the purpose of studying the disease in North Carolina.' It will come on the invitation of the State Board of Health. The rural schools of North Caro lina are still 20 years behind those of the city, it is pointed out by the State Department of Public Instruction. Governor McLean during the week appointed a commission authorized by tlie 1925 legislature to make a sur vey of the educational system of North Carolina and report back to the Governor. The commission was ap. pointed by the last legislature after a fight had been waged on certain phases of the school laws particularly the equalization fund iaw. The hearing held this week on pro posed sleeping coach .busses between Raleigh and Charlotte and Raleigh and Wilmington resulted in the Cor poration Commission reserving Its decision. One line proposes the night sleeping coaches while the other op pose them because they are not eed ed by the public. The decision will be announced later. The hearing on .Western Union's request for increased rates in the State will not take place for another two months. It was to have been held this week but was postponed so as additional figures could be obtained. The silver serves o the discarded battleship North . Carolina is back in " pires. The city this last week entertained "0 h'Sh & students at the first annual hign school DasKetoau wurn (Cont.rn.ed on back page.) High School Baseball Team Play Ball will tbe umpire call next Friday. The Central High School will formally open the 1926 basebaH season against the strong Candler team. Already the boys have begun the century old sport. At the sound of the call for candidates some thirty students responded to compete for berths on the Central High School Team. Among the veterans returning to the plate from last year's squad aro Noland, Stall, Prevost, Garrison, Francis, Cox, Matney, Rled, ' Jones, James, Crockett and Welch. Several new players have signified their de sire to fill the places left vacant by graduation last year. Campbell, Bar ber, Davis T., Davis, L., Felmet, Cad dis, Ferguson and Haynes are among the most promising for the new po-i sitions. The batteries for this season cling around Noland, Stall and Crock ett pitchers, and Francis, Ried and Barber catchers. The infield will in all probability be selected from Mat ney, Campbell, Prevost, Cox, Haynes and Felmet.' When it comes to the out field, Jones, Garrison, Davis, L. and Ferguson seem to be the best selection. This year a new squad will be or ganized. The "first year yearlings" in connection with the "bloody sophs" have organized a team under the di rection of Mr. Shackelford. The main purpose of this squad is to fos ter and encourage better athletics in the high school. Already about twen ty candidates have reported for prac tice. Any county team composed of boys under 17 years of age is invited to correspond with Mr. Shackelford in regard to arranging games. For the first time in the history ortne high school the baseball team will have complete uniforms. Through the courtesy and interest of some of the leading business men in the city uniforms have been furnished. The following business men and business houses gave the uniforms: M. T. McCracken. Wm. A. Band, C. M. Dicus, E. L. Withers, J. H. Way, Jr., Cody Plott, Sam Jones, Frank Miller, Pete Nicolowdiz, F. G. Rippetoe, Waynesville Pharmacy and Citizens Bank & Trust Company. Season tickets have been on sale this week. It is anticipated by the management of the team that all baseball fans and boosters of tho school will avail themselves of tho opportunity of purchasing a ticket The sale of tickets is in charge of Martha Mock, Anna Gordon McDow ell, Margaret Hyatt, and Nancy Crockett. The following is the baseball sched ule for 1926: Mnrch 12, Waynesville vs. Candler Home. March 16, Waynesville vs. Bryson City, Home. March 19, Waynesville vs. Forest City Home. March' 23, Waynesville vs. Weaver- vill, Home. March 26, Waynesville vs. Henderson- ville, Home. March 30, Waynesville vs. Sylva, Home. April 2, Waynesville vs. Candler, Candler. April 6, Waynesville vs. Cullowhee, Home. April 9, Waynesville vs. S. C.'I., Home April 13, Waynesville vs. Swannanoai Home. April 16, Waynesville vs. Weaver- ville, Weaverville. April 20, Waynesville vs. Henderson- ville, Hendersonville. April 23, Waynesville vs. Sylva, Sylva April 27, Waynesville vs. Bryson City, Bryson City April 30, ' Waynesville vs. Cullowhee, Cullowhee,. May 4, Open:' May 7, Waynesville vs. Back Moun tain, Honre. ' May 11, Waynesville vs. Marion, Ma rion. May 14, Waynesville vs. Black Moun tain, Black Mountain. May 18, Waynesville vs. S. C. I., Sylva May 21, Open. May 24, Waynesville vs. Marion, ! Home, (Commencement Day.) FOOD SALE. . The Daughter of the Haywood Chapter of U. Dw C. will have a. food sale at the Gift Shop on Saturday bVore Easter. State wide Spelling Contest Here is a chance of a lifetime for spellers of North Carolina to get real money, as well as real fun, from the covers of the old spelling book. The Charlotte Observer will give $175.00 in cash rewards to the best spellers in the state, and many county champion spellers will get free tripa to Charlotte. The spelling bee is to be state-wide, and the schools of Charlotte and in the one hundred counties have been invited by The Observer to partici pate. Each school will pick its. best spelters' In a regular spelUng bee. Then all school winners, city and county, are to meet at the county seat to select in an old fashioned spelling bee, the county champion. This lucky boy, or girl, may be amoung those who will come to Charlotte in May as the guest of Ihe Ubserver. He or she will stop at the city's best hotel, will be royally entertained and will enter the state-wide finals. Then The Observer is offering the following prizes at the all-territory finab in May: first, $100, second $50, and third, $25. In addition, the champion speller of North Carolina will be sent to Washington, V. C, in June to take part in the Second National Spelling Bee Contest. All expenses of both the winner and a chaperon will be paid by The Observer. In the event that the winner is a girl, her mother will act as chaperon, in case a boy. The Observer will provide a suitable chaperon. In Washington more than twenty spelling champions will com pete for $2,000 in gold and a gold medal. The first prize will be $1,000; second, $500; third, $200; fourth, $150; fifth, $100; sixth, $50. A five-day sight-seeing tour and other enter tainments are in store for the win ner of North Carolina. Schools in both city and county have been invited to join the bee and urged by The Observer to forward their exceptances immediately to the Spelling Bee Editor. MRS. JAMES HYATT DIES SUN. DAY. Well Known Resident of Waynesville Succomlw to Illness of Long Du ration; Funeral Monday After noon. Mrs. James Robert Hyatt, died at her home Sunday morning after a lingering illness of a year's duration. Mrs. Hyatt was born August 27, 1857 at New Bern and was Miss Elizabeth Benners Willis, daughter of David Steele and Elizabeth Willis, who were members of the first fam ilies to settle in the eastern part of the state, being of French Hugenot descent. After the deatli her mother Mrs. Hyatt came to live in the home of her uncle, the late Joseph Benners, in Haywood county at the age of ten. She was married to Mr. Hyatt on De cember 24, 1883, in the Grace Epis copal Church by its first rector, Rev. E. H. Buel. Mrs. Hyatt was one of the pioneers of the Episcopal church in Waynesville and has always been an active member and a Christian of the highest type. Mrs. Hyatt is survived by her hus band, five children and five grand children. The children are: David K. Hyatt of Delray, Fla.; Mrs. W. M. Burwell, of Henderson; James E. Hyatt, of Knoxville, Tenn.; Buel B. Hyatt, of Waynesville, and Mrs, R. V. Arnold, of Bristol, Tenn. The funeral service was held in the Grace Episcopal Church, of Waynes ville at 2:30 Monday afternoon with her pastdf, Rev. Albert New, officiat ing, assisted by Rev. C. T. Tew of the First Baptist Church of this city. Hill cemetery. The active pallbearers were.Dr, J. Howell Way. Prof. E. J. Robeson, TZ":3 gerald, Charles E. Ray, Hilliard At kins. The honorary pallbearers were James R. Thomas, Alden Howell, Jr., David Simons, Hon. Lenoir Gwyn, Charles Thomas, and Captain Fau cette Swift, E. B. Camp, Roy Francis, Asbury Howell, Dr. Tom Stringfield, Hon. C. H. Ray. WAYNESVILLE MUSIC CLUB WILL MEET. The Waynesville Music Club will meet with Miss Frances Denton at Iher home -on Walnut street, March 17th, 1926. ' Best Kept School Banner Awarded The Banner committee made their monthly visit to the schools last week and found all schools in excellent condition. However, it will be seen by the following report that Waynes ville Elementary won by a narrow margin over East Waynesville which was a close necond. The condition in which the schools were found is indicated by the grade giver, each of the schools as shown in the report submittced as follows: Waynesville Elementary by Grade. First 09.7 Second 99.7 Third - . -. 99.5 Fourth 100 Fifth 99.3 Sixth 99 Seventh Malls . . Chapel - --- 99.8 100 H9.1 98.5 98.G Basements ... Grounds . East Waynesville by Grade First - .- - - 98.8 Second 98.3 Fourth 98.5 Fifth 98.4 Sixth 99.2 Seventh 99.4 Special Class 99.5 Halls 99.7 Chapel 99.5 Basements 99 Grounds - 99.4 Hazelwood by Grade First A . 99.5 First B 99.2 Second A 98.0 Second B 97.6 Third 98.2 Fourth 98.2 Fifth 97 Sixth 95 Seventh . 97.2 Special Class 96.6 Halls 99.8 Chapel -- 99.5 Basements 98.'5 Grounds 98.3 Lake Junaluska by Grade. First A 97 First B --- 97.3 Second 97 Third 99 Fourth 98 Sixth '. 98.2 Seventh 90.5 Halls 98.2 Chapel 97.5 Basements 98.2 Grounds 97.0 THE WOMAN'S CLUB PAPERS. In last week's issue of the Way nesville Mountaineer appeared an article, "Answer of America to For eign Appeal." This article was writ ten for the Woman's Club by Mrs. Charles R. Thomas, aud her name was omitted by error. In this week's edi tion of the paper, "Our Navy," was prepared by Mrs. William A. Band also for the Woman's Club. These papers are nmong the host that have been written, and others that are selected from the club will appear in later editions. HONOR ROLL FOR FEBRUARY OF HAZELWOOD SCHOOL. First Grade Mildred Arrington, May Catherine Clark, Anna Cather ine Coin, Willie May Cope, Clara Hendrix, Katherine Knight, Wilma Mason, Lois Plott, Lucile Raines. Eunice Robinson, Mildred Ray, Emily Siler, Wade Franklin, Fred McCIure. Albert Muse, Woodrow Troutman, Frank Voles, Troy Earley. Second Grade Mary Alice B'aloek, Ruby Brendle, Melba Mull, Helen Rogers, Edward Duckworth, Lawson Summerrow, , Reha Forest Blnnton, Anna Mae Hightower, Mettie Tuitt, Jdanie Wright, Clarence" Hyatt, Sid- nv SuiiniTor Hilt .Qwiffr Pnnu T?mp- Robinson. Pearl Brown, Sara Welch. Third Grade Pauline Compton, Helen Morrow, Lillian Wyatt, Hugh McCracken, Margie Campbell, Nellie Rogers, Eugene McCracken. Fourth Grade Alene Hawkins, Wilda Leah Ferguson. - Fifth Grade Belle Franklin, Ruth Reagon, Ruth "Allen, Glenn Wyatt Sixth Grade-!-Wilma Hoyle, Rosa: mond Leagon, Etta . Pruitt, Eelanor McCracken. V ; ' . Seventh Grade Flora Hendrix, Roy Allen, Glenn Miller.