THURSDAY. MARCH 25, 126 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER. NOTICK OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OK ATTAUHMISWI. North Carolina, Haywood Coonty ! the Superior Court. Hugh J. Slon and Jerry Liner Part ners, Trading and doing business a Jnnalaika Supply Company. YS. D. L. Putnam. The defendant above named, I). L. Putnam, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Hay wood County, North Carolina, for the collection of the sum of Two Hundred and Five Dollars and Thirty-six Cents tfiiMitliAv villi intAnut An uid amount from Sept 19th, 1924; due for goods, ware and merchandise and building material sold and delivered to the defendant by the plaintiffs. And the defendant will further take notice that a warrant of attachment has been issued against the property of the defendant in said action. The defendant will further tako notice ! that he is required to appear before ! the Clerk of the Superior-Court for' Haywood County at his oflice in ; Waynesville, on the 10th day of April, iu?k ani answer or aemur 10 me complaint in said action, or the plain tiffs will apply to the Court for the 1 relief demanded in the aaid complaint now filed. This March 10th, 1926. C. A. HAYNES, Clerk of the Superior Court. Apr 4c J. M. Q. See Hyatt & Company for Graaa and Clover Seed. r B-E A..dS WILD CHERRY TONIC Nature's system builder extracted from roots, bark and herbs gathered from the virgin forests in the heart of the mountains, a product of THE LAND OF THE SKY, the greatest crude drug producing section in America. Hundreds have been benefited by this wonderful medicine. More than two thousand bottles have been sold in this section. A great partion of these sales have been repeat business the proof of the Pudding is the eating thereof. Why suffer with indigestion and stomach trouble? Others have been relieved Wild Cherry Tonic did it. Give this simple old home remedy a trial the kind our fathers used and lived to a ripe old age. ON SALE EVERYWHERE See our Dealer to-day, buy a bottle, take according to directions and be convinced that you can eat what you want, and want what you eat. $1.12 mailed to THE BEAR MEDICINE COMPANY, Sylva, N. C, will bring one bottle of this health giving TONIC to your home. BEAR MEDICINE CO., SYLVA, N. C. Spring's Newest Styles in Wear for Women The answer is to be found in the display of new styles we are now featuring. Combinations of materials and trimmings delightfully design ed to meet the trend of fashions for spring. SHOES! for all the family T h at A 1 1 L c a thcr Line." MONEY CAN'T BUY BETTER SHOES ALLEN-SILER COMPANY HAZEL WOOD, ' NORTH CAROLINA For Sale 10,000,000 Cabbage and Bermuda Onion Plant, $1.00 'per thousand. Prompt shipments. Don-is Plant Co., Valdosta, Ga. MarZ6 Wanted Middle aged man. Hus tlers make $50 to $100 or more weekly selling Whitmer's guaranteed line of toilet articles, soaps, spices, extracts and medicines. Haywood county is open for you. You only need team or car. Experience un necessary. Salesmanship taught FREE. Full information on request. Write now. The H. C. Whitmer Com pany, Columbus, Indiana, Dept. 23. MBrcvh 26 pd Wanted Young men and young women bookkeepers, stenographer and salesmen, learn in a few weeks in the Oldest Business College - in North Carolina's Largest City, small foe, ency terms. Board and room for boys and girls in the dormitory rea sonable. Howard's Business College, Winston-Salem, N. C. Apr26c JOS. E. JOHNSON ' Phone 177 ABSTRACTING and Searching of Titles to Real Estate Run-Down gave out easily "MY health wasn't any ao A count at aU," Bays Mrs. H. L Cayton, of Washington, N. C "I would start to do my housework and I would give out before I bod done anything at aU. I did not have any strength, and if I did the least thing it seemed to tax me so I could not finish. I was run-down sure enough. "Several of my friends had taken Carded and they said to me, "Why dont yon try it? I knew I needed something to build up my general health and to increase my strength. "Finally one day when I was recovering from a spell of sickness, I decided to try Cardui I got a bottle and be gan to take it I could notice that I was improving as my appetite got better and I did not give out nearly so quick. I took several bottles and I felt lots -better. "Two years ago I decided to take it again. It built me up and made me feel like a different person. It is the grandest medicine for women that I know anything about" GARDUI For Female Troubles billmds the game that makes belter citizens AS a character builder,., the game of billiards is unexcelled. It develops self control, patience and per severance. And, as an exer cise, billiards is ideal an ' all-year-round recreation that brings into play practi cally every muscle of the body. Visit our billiard, room. ' You will find here an at mosphere of refinement and a feeling of cordial fellow ship. You also will find the , kind of equipment that tmkes the playing -of bill iards most enjoyable. ACME BILLIARD PARLOR Main Street Waynesville, N. C. Wood For Sale Good Wood For Sale Cheap Heavy Hauling, Packing and Shipping MILNER'S WOOD YARD Phone 2 18-J Depot St. m'' '???' Jail Fine Chops raft m mm 1W Either mutton, lamb, veal or pork chops are always accept able as a meat for either breakfast or dinner if they are of first quality. That is the kind you will buy from us, and they will be orooerlv cut You never take a ) jr a v chance on the quality when you pur ' chase meat of any kind from us. j CITY MARKET J. B. DAVIS, Prop. Phone 149 Church St. iiKflim u i HI TTFm I 1 1 ! y- si U.UHHH Don't Carry Water Don't be a slave to your dishes. Save the time and drudgery of carrying and heat ing every bit of water you use. Install run ning water right in your kitchen. Turn the convenient faucet and have hot or cold water immediately. The satis faction you will experience win repay you many times the cost of such a system. Let us figure on your plumbing at once. Our repair department is equipped with the idea ot prompt service in any emergency at the least expense possible. L. A. MILLER Plumbing. Tinning and Heating 7r mo Did You Ever Notice the Difference? Oftentimes it is diffieulrto see the difference in coal but it is not difficult to feci the difference in the heat it gives, nor to see the difference in the amount required. Our coal burns better and it take less. R. L. LEE & CO Phone 4 At the Depot'