THURSDAY, APRIL , 1926 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER. 1 FOREST FIRE LAWS OK NORTH CAROLINA. Intentionall setting fire to grass and brush lands and woodland. If any person shall intentionally set fire to any grass land, brush land or wood land, except his own property, or, in that case, without first giving notice to all persons uwning or in charge of lands adjoining thu land intended to be tired, and without also Hiking tare to watch such tire while liurning and extinguish it before it shall reach any land near to or adjoining the lands so fired, he hall fjr every sui of-fen-e he guilty -f a misdemeanor ami shall he filed r.ot le-s than fifty dollars nor nn-rc '.hii'i live hundred dollars, or imprisoned f"r a period of not less than mx-..v I 'io ) days nor more than four (li m..nlhs the firs! offense, and f'.r a -n Mini ur any subsequent similar offcv-c shall be imprisoned not less that four (1) months nor more than nv M) year. Thi- section -hall not pre.ent an ac tion for the damage-, -.untamed by the cuner of any proer!y from such fir-41. Kor the purpose i f th.s section, the term "wo-dlnr.d" i- to he taken to include all forest areas, both tim Ixr and ru'.-oer land, and all sec ond growth stands on areas that have at one time bei n cultivated. Any pT.m '.vho shall furnish to the State evidence sufficient for the conviction of a violation of this statute shall re ceive the sum oi titty dollars to he taxed as part of the court costs Stion 4.'Hi!. Consolidated Statutes as amend. si i:2r. ) Setting r'irr to Woodlands and (iruss I ands. Any ua(f'"i, hunter, camper, or th r -r...i who -hall kindle a . amp tin or sha.l authorize another to Kindle su h fire, unless all , ,nnluti- hie inati rial f .r the spa f ten feet sun oun the place where surh tire i k.r.J'ed has fieen remove, I, or shall a i amp (ire without fully t!r.gti:.hmr it. or who shall accident- :.!! or negligently, l.v the use of! tonh. gun. match, or other in-tru- mentality T in miy manner whatever tar- any fire upon any grass land. I ru-h land, or woodland without fully i vtiiiginshing the same, .-hall he guil ty of a misdemeanor, and up convic- t.on shall he punished by a fine f i not le- than ten dollars nor morel"" oneiuon m an persons and ap- than lift v dollars. ,,r ),v imprisonment ! ..... i,.,.. a.:-... ,'.., i .. Jimr forest fires In, t'.,r.... w.,j,.. he purpose of 'his section the term "wo.Hlland" is to he taken to include a!! areas, both limber and cut "ver land and all second growth ta"d- on areas that have at ,n e time ! n cultivated. (Seeti.m I'tll. Con- -olnlated Statutes ) Certain Fires t, be Cuarded by V itchman. All pet. ..ns, f1 ins, or corporations w '" 'ha!! hum . ny tar kiln, grass, or .oh,r material, -..hereby any prop " rt may be ondiuig -ed or destroyed, -nail keep and minti'inn a careful -nd eonine'en: uatchman in i harge of such kiln, pit, brush, or uther ma teria! while inir!::ng. Any person, ir-tn or corpora-ion violating the pro visions of this s,vjn shall he pun .'if.ble by a fine of r.ot !e-s than ten ' '!..-- r. -i mole than fifty dollars, or he impi i-nntnent for not exceed i' g 'hirty i .lays. Fire .-.-aping 1'n.m -nt-h k:'r. p:t. lou-h. or other ma'., ri.,1 win!.- burning shall he prima f.H H t -, l:re , l" llegle t of these Nilol or n gliucntly Sel ting Fire & Woods and Fields Local. I: a y rrr.'.! -ii.iii wilfully or neg t( oiilinued Irotn 1'irsl I'mte.) .111 - ' i I -el ::; I- or field-, 1 offel lei, upon a .1!. t .;r t. half of th- Mil . : e fund of ft li'r w imp: i-o:; i 'iii-V t . M.Mv Mcl0.e syiv..:i.a omn: . sun .it. - if -i rro-r -if 'nere due to th. sihool herein mi, h of d, or hi shall be .lis, return of the I fl;. 'mm . t ;m :I:i . d. -lit; n shall ap;)';)" only il k t -. Watauga, liukre. V.idk.n. Cherokee, Tran ,,..1. tiraham and Mitchell S.efii.n Consolidated amended l'.'J'cl Misdemeanor to Destroy Posted For try Notice. Any person who shall maliciously or wilfully destroy, deface, remove, or disfigure any sign, poster, or warn ing notice, posted by order of the State Forrster, under the provisions of this article, or any other act which may be passed for the purpose of protecting the forests in this State from Are, shall be guilty of a misde meanor and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine of not less than tun Holism nor mnr than fiftv Hol lars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days. (Section 6140, Con solidated Statutes.) Forentry in the SchooU. It shall be the duty of all district, county and township wardens and all deputy wardens provided for in this chapter to distribute ia all of the public school and high school of the county in which they are serving as fire wardens all such tracts, books, periodicals and other literature that may, from time to time, be sent out to audi wardens by the State and Federal Forestry agencies touching or dealing with forest fires and forest preservation. It shall be the duty of the various wardens herein mentioned under the direction of the State Forester, and the duty jf the teachers of the va rious school., both public and high schools, to keep posted at some con- spicuous place in the various class rooms of the school buildings such .nnmnri.i. t, a . , . , may be sent out from the forestry agencies herein named for that pur pose and keep the samt constantly before their pupils; and said teachers and wardens shall prepare lecturae or talks to he ma!e to the pupils of the various schools on the subject of for- hue Oak Township and Cataloochco est fires, their origin and their de- ' Township to the McDaniel place; sli uctive effect on the plant life and i hvnce .1 e Chestnut Flat; thencs ,, ,., , ,, , . , , ,down the dividing ridge to High tue life of the forests of the State Knob; thence down the dividing ridge ami shall be prepaied to give practical j between Wrj Messer plac and the instruction to their pupils from time ' I-awson D. Messer place to the river; to time and as often as they shall I j.q doWn the r'Ver to the BKG1V c,n,ov rib',e S l (Section'' The' said election is called for th Uu. V (. Laws of 1925.) 'purpose of ascertaining the will of Duties of Foreat Warden I ttu' qualified votars in said Special Forest wardens shall have charge ' Si'h''0' T".inK. District upon the , , ,, . , question of issuing bonds in the sum of measures for controlling forest of Thirty Thousand Dollar, and levy fires; shall make arrests for violation j ing a sufficient Lax for the payment of forest laws; shall post along high- thereof for the purpose of acqui-ing, wavs and in other conspicuous places ereCling' enlarinK' altering ana copies of the forest fire law, and ! '''"""P"1 ,schol buildings and pur- j chasing sites in said District, cr foi warnings against fires, which shall i anv one or all of said nurr-osrs he supplied bv the State Forenter: shall patrol during dry and dangerous seasons under the direction of the State Forester, and shall perform such other acts and duties as shall be considered necessary by the State forests from fire. 1 he Township For- e-t Warden of the township in which a lire in curs shall within ten days make such a report thereof to the S-ate Forester as mav 1m. prescribed , , . ' ... , by him. Kach Deputy Forest Warden shall promptly rcjort to Township Wardens any fire in his (Section lil.'jo, Consolidated as amended.) district. Statutes l'w'r f Forest Wardens to Prevent and Fxtinguish Fires. Finest Wardens shall prevent and xtinguish forest fires in their re- : spective townships and enforce all statutes of this State now in force or that hereafter mav be enacted for the io,,!.., -to,,, ,.f ..,.. ... .ii. j lf. ... ... , ,. , , r 1 ..oi...- now mhj mini", from fire, and they shall have control while engaged in extinguish- may arrest, without a warrant, anv ' y .eisooi poisons i.-.Kcn ny mm in the ( act of violating any of the laws for ' the protection of forests and wood- ,.) .i , oK iieion or per- - ns forthwith before a justice of the' you WILL FURTHER TAKE N0 peace or other officer having juris- TICE that ji new registration bar diction, who shall nroceisl without been ordered for said election, and .'-lay ... hear. try. and determine the . , , ma., er. During a season of drouth .i.e Slate Forester may establish a patrol in any of tire in o uwnship. and in threatening anv fore-! or woodland the township Dis- ' tiict hor.-st W arden shall attend forthwith and use all necessary means " confine and extinguish such fire. -ii, , - u- i u i i he rorest Warden or his deputies ' may summon any male resident of the township between the ages of eighteen MM and fortv-five (45) years fo assist in extinguishing fires, and may require-the use of horses and other property needed for such purpose; any person so summoned, to --1st or to allow tile use of horses, wagons, or other material required :::i:1 he guilty .f u misdemeanor and upon conviction shall he suhjeet to a I'sste of not !,-- than five dollars nor n; than fifty dollars. No action ' : ie -ci-s -h:;!! lie against any 1- Warden i r person summoned by him foi crossing or working upon !;ms of" another in connection with h.s duties as Forest Warden. (Sec fim lil.'iT, Consolidated Statutes as amended.) FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver end bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. HAARLEM OIL f.jjniiij--a correct fcotaraal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three siaea. All druggist. Insist en tlx original gtauina Gold Mnt. (smd S.HH1) rs ... IBUUHp rjw Wanted Young men and young women bookkeepers, stenographers and salesmen, learn in few weeks in the Oldest Business College in North Carolina's- Largest City, small fee, easy terms. Board and room for boys and girls in the dormitory rea sonable. Howard's Business College, Winston-Salem, N. C Apr26e NOTICE OK SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN FINES CREEK SPECIAL SCHOOL TAXING DIS TRICT, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NOKTH CAKULIN A. TAKE NOTICE that a special election has been celled by the Board , T" XT0 day. the 25th day of Mav. 1926. 'in Fines Creek Special School Taxing 1 '"strict, wfiicn said School Tax I 'ntf 1-Mstrict is described as follows: All that certain territory known Fines Creek Townshin in H.vwonrf County, and also that territory known as Teague's School District in A'hite Oak Township, said Teague's School District being described as follows: BKCINS at the mouth of Catalooohee i ( reek and runs with line between 1 he said bonds shall be issued in such forni and denominations, and with such provision as to time, place, and medium of payment of principal and interest, as the Board o County Commissioners may determine, under I '1m pursuant to an act entitled "AN Ky THF LAWS RELATING TO i PUBLIC SCHOOLS," and other acU ' amendatory thereto. he s'a Dor"ls shall be serial bondVand ha" draw intcrest at not "reeding ' Per cent per annum; each issue or sris thereof shall so mature that the aggregate principa amount if said bonds shall be Dava- h' "nnual installments beginning imu more man rnree years alter aate of the bonds, and ending not more. than thirty ears after such date No installment shall be more than tw and one-half times as great ir !-...! tt as the smallest prior install ment. The said bonds to h itrnpt by the Chairman of the Board of , C.iun'y Commissioners of Haywood County, N. C.. and the seal of said '"otinty shall he affixed or impresse i i , , .. , , , on eacn 0011,1 anil attestea nv the Register of Deeds of said County, or (.elk of said Hoard At said election those in favor of issuing said bunds and the levvi '., i , ' i- u k n V . a ticket upon which shall be written or printed the words, "FOR THF ISSUANCE OF $.'10,000.00 OF SCHOOL BONDS AND THE LEVY ;1NC OF A TAX FOR THE PAY i. -VI- Tiirnrnr ij,at Valdo (jr'e" has en appoin iii.'iihi aim tuai iiaim- .nviutMII al,d Hubert Ferguson have been ap pointed Judges to hold and conduct i.i id election The said registrati;i n,,OKS win op, n ior registration o: wi cUsp-,n tnt. secon'd Saiurd "v h.-fore the election, to-wit: May la. H'26 Thp saii ''lection shall be held in accordance with the laws governing , . , , elections and in nccordance with a- ,., entitled: "AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND TO CODIFY THE LAWS RE- LAI1.M, IO I'L'Kl.H SCHOOLS, 'at : ('-. at the 1923 session of th" Henem! Assembly, and other act: on-o-dato! y thereto, ail by order of " f C .m-'tissioners of Hay- w i i.' C.ijntv North Carolina. W. F. SWIFT. Hoard of Countv Com missioners, Haywood County. North Carolina. Attest: C. F. KIRK PATRICK, Clerk. 30 A pre New Way to Stop Night Coughing Simple Method Brings Quick Relief ing. irritating, sleep-robbing night coughing there is a very simple treat ment which, otten with a single oose, stops all irritation and permits sound sleep the whole night through. This treatment is based on the pre scription known as Dr. King's New Discovery for Coughs. You simply take one teaspoonful at bed-time and hold it in the throat for 15 or 20" seconds before swallowing it The prescription has a double action. It not only soothes and heals soreness and irritation, but it quickly removes the phlegm and con gestion which are the real caust of night coughing. People who have not slept well for nights are often surprised how quickly this simple method checks coughing and banishes the entire cough condition completely. Dr. King's New Discovery ta for coughs, chest colds, sore throat. hoarse ness, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, etc. Fine for children as well as grown upsno harmful drugs. Economical, too, as the dose is only one teaspoon. fuL At all good druggists. Ask foe Wanted Salesman and saleslady to sell Wildacres. Apply to Messrs. Allen St Brown, Alexander's Drug Store. Allen A Brown, District Agents. Apr29pd WAYNEWOOD THEATRE. May 3rd to 8th. Monday Tom Mix In THE YANKEE SENOR. - A peppery. Romance of the old Rio Grande. FOX NEWS. Tuesday J. Warren Kerrigan in CAPTAIN BLOOD. A stupedous story of heart-breaks, spectacular naval battle, in fact ev erything that phould be a splendid picture. Wednesday Art Accord in THE SKIHIGH CORRAL. A western that is full of pep, thrills and comedy. A Bluebird Comedy. Thursday Mary Pickford in LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY. The sweetest of comedy and the tenderest of pathos vie with each other in the story of "LITTLE AN NIE ROONEY," so come out and see Mary Pickford. THE WORLD'S SWEETHEART. Adults 50c Children 20c Friday Barbara LaMarr in THE GIRL FROM MONTMARTE. "STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!" when a girl who knows men meets a man who knows himself, you can't afford to miss seeing what hap pens. FOX NEWS. '; ;, . Saturday Bob Custer in MAN RUSTLLV. You will see more action in a min ute in Btb Custer's latest than you'll see in the Primary June 5th. Comedy "ELSIE IN NEW YORK. FROST RESULTS IN HEAVY LOSS TO APPLE CROP. Reports From Buncombe Show Fruit Damaged; Haywood Escapes. Citizen. Damage to commercial and home i.pple orchards in Buncomhe county by the frost of Monday nijht, was placed at 50 per cent of the crop or a money loss of around $125,000, this estimate being made yesterday by Dale Thrash, county farm agent, upon the face of reports principally from those orchards near the Black Moun tain and Hominy highways. .Mr. Thrash believes the peach, cherry and grape crops a total loss, and no estimate could be made with any degree of certainty regarding the financial loss to these gro-ring Lfrps. Haywood Escapes. Long distance communication with R. N. Barber, of Waynesville, brought the encouraging news the large com mercial orchards, growing apples principally, in Haywood county, did not suffer losses. Mr. Barber could not speak definitely regarding the smaller or home orchards, but ex pressed the opinion little damage was done them. It was explained by Mr. Barber that the orchards in Haywood had not shown as much bloom as those in Buncombe. The commercial orchards of Hay ood are the pride of Western North Carolina and owners exercise the pre caution of having smudge pots readv. The pots upon the Barber orchards were use in the low ground sections nf the orchards Sun day and Monday nights with good effect. Those portions of the Hay wood orchards lying upon higher ground where the air drainage is better and dampness does not settle, escaped injury with the use of smudge pots. Trees in Buncombe were further advanced than those in Haywood as in the former county apple trees iw practically .n full bloom, while in Haywood they were just in the j ink and could stand much more un favorably weather than had they too been in full bloom. DISTURBED SLEEP. Caused From Bladder Weakness Su ture's Way of Tellinn You of "Danger Ahead." J. H. Hanford, 7155 Vale Ave., Chicago, 111., says, "For two yean I have been troubled with gravel. Many times it would cause me to get up eight to twelve times at night, and it was very painful. U-.niate-l Burhu cleaned me up in one week. I will be glad to tell or write my experience." Lithiated Buchu is not a patent med icine as the formula is on the label. It cleanses the bladder as epsom salts do the bowels, driving 'out abnormal deposit, neutralising excess acid, thereby relieving irritation which causes disturbed sleep. It is not a cheap medicine. The tablet cost ? cents each at all drug stores. Keller Laboratory, Mechaninb:rg, Ohio. Stolen A blue Grass coaster, prac tically new, was taken from Bobbie Hamilton on Jail street Monday night Reward. It Roast Beef When tender, juicy and fine flavored it is an ideal meat for f4i Sundavdin- ner, and you are assured of ideal roasts when they are purchased at our market. You can have rib or rolled roasts as you prefer. Every thing you may want in the meat , lin and all of the best. CITY MARKET J. B. DAVIS, Prop. Phone 149 Church St. f Hot Water Facilities Make the beat of your range help you wash the dishes. Connect a water tank and have an ample supply of hot water for the kitchen, laundry or bathroom. This practical device overcomes the hot water question in thousands ot homes. Why not have one in your home ? We make a spe cialty of installing all kinds of water heaters, including gas. We will gladly furnish you our figures. uur experience in mis line maxes our repair department particularly efficient L. A. MILLER Plumbing, Tinning and Heating C. J. JEFFRESS Realty Company Asheville. N. C. Box NowBooking our Spring Sales. Sell Real Estate the Auction Way u LIST WITH US. C. J. Jff C. J. JEFFRESS REALTY CO. 0 Telephone 1086 443 Mayo Cirland

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