(TSM WAYKESVOJJE K3UNTAINE22 1 THCftSbAY MAT 17. It2l ano -MiM Wild Cramford. Sdtta SMILE ALL THE WHILB We cannot of course ell Jm hand some And it's hard for us -mil to- be good. We are sure now and then to be lonely ,- i And we don't always do as we should. " To be is not always , aay, To be cheerful is much harder still, But at least we can always be pleasant " If we make up our minds that we will. And it pays erery time to' be kindly. Although you feel worried and blue, If you smile at the world and look cheerful, The world will soon smile back at you. , ' ' So try to brace up and look pleasant No matter how long you. "are down, Good humor is always contagious; You banish your friend when you frown. Mr. J. W. Dorland of Charlotte was a business visitor Monday. Miss Josephine Davis spent Mon day in Bryson City with Mrs. Vin nie Carter. a Miss Julia Tucker spent several days in Durham last week as guest of friends. m - t Dr and Mrs. Thomas Shelmife of Asheville spent Sunday here as the guest of friends. Mr. B. Holland of West Palm Beach, Florida, spent several , days here last week. Mr." Paul Martin is attending the Carolina Toy. Exposition in Winston Salem this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morgan of Canton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis Sunday. Mr. Chester Harrold of Florida spent last week as guest of hi aunt, Mrs. E. S. Harrold. Mr. Charles Ransome of Memphis was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Semmes. Miss Ola Francis has returned to her home after attending school at Cullwhee this year. Miss Sarah Hill Hannah left Sun day for Lexington where she will report a weeks term of court. Miss Alice May Harrold of Forest City, spent the week-end with ' her mother, Mrs. E. S. Harrold. Miss Edith Oliver of Sylva is spending several days as guest of her cousin Miss Louise Moody. Mr and Mrs. Robert Gibson and Olin Gibson motored to Spartanburg, S. C, and spent last week-end. Mrs. C. L. Davidson and young daughter Betty Davidson of Asheville are guests of Mrs. Joe Tate this week. a Mrs. J. H. Cathey of Sylva and Mrs. C. C. Browning of Bryson City were guests of Mrs. W. A. Whitener Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frits Shulhofer have arrived here to spend the summer after being in Camden, S. C, the paa.t winter. Mr. Allen Smathers who has been a student of Riverside Academy .in Gainsville Ga., returned to his' home last week. ' ' Mr. Walter Dungan of Elisabeth ton Tennessee, spent several day last week -with her mother Mrs. R. Q. MeCracken. Miss Grace Henderson and Mr. W. T. Henderson of Hickory were guests of their eiater, Mrs. E. K. Herman for the week-end. a - . Mrs. A. F. R7 young daught er Nancy, of Ashaville are (pending several day with Mrs, Ray eister, Mrs. Joseph Tate. ; Mr. D. A, Baker of Salisbury join ed his wife for the week-end nere, Mrs. Baker has been a guest of lira, R. L. Allen for several days, i Mr. J. H. Balentlne of Ware Shoal S. C, spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs. Clayton Walker at her home on Branner Avenue. VwkiaW personal Mr. O. H. Shelton and son Hugh Shelton left Wednesday for Knoxville ienn., where they will visit with Mr and Mrs. D. L. Boyd. Mr. T. C. Breeding and son, Kelley Breeding left by motor Monday for BradfordviUe Kentucky where they will visit relatives for several days. Mrs. S. H. Bushnell spent several days last week with her daughter, Miss Eleanor Bushnell who is a student of N. C. C. W. in Greensboro. . t m m e Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quinlan. Misses Elizabeth and Mary Quinlan will attend the graduation exercies ol Miss Janet Quinlan at Randolph Macon in Lynchburg. Mr. D. L. Boyd attended the con federate veterans Reunion in Birm ingham Ala., last week. Before re turning home Mr. Boyd will visit in 'Knoxville Tenn. Mr. J. T. Bridges and O. L. Briggs motored to Ravensford Monday where they went to see about Mr. Bridges Ford which was stolen last month and had been located there. LOST a bunch of keys Saturday afternoon. If found return to the Mountaineer Office. WALTER MOORE FAST GAINING FOR JUDGESHIP Reports Received Here Indicate He Will carry West of Balsam Gap By Big Vote Reports from sections of this Judicial Oistrict west of Balsam Gap this' week were all to the effect that Walter E. Moore will receive a hand some majority in the race for the judgeship. Mr. Moore and friends have been quitely conducting a campaign, ac cording to the reports, upon a high plane and results are fast accumulat ing, in fact, his friends urge, so fast that his nomination now seems n certainty beyond doubt that might have existed several weeks ago. Friends of Mr. Moore have been pointing to his qualifications and his past record of achievements when placed in positions demanding much executive ability. It is recalled that when he appeared in the General Assembly his record was soon such and his ability so marked that his colleagues from all over the State elevated him to the speakership. In this capacity in the State's law making body he brought honor to his section and himself. As .Grand Master for . the State Masonic body he again received re cognition for his ability and integrity. In this capacity he conducted the affairs of the Order in such an ad mirable manner that his administra tion will long be remembered as conducive to much good for the Order and of great aid to the common good. Mr. Moore has always been a fight er in behalf of the boys and girls of his Section and State. He has staunchly supported every movement Offering better educational facilities to thm and the State has honored him for his endeavors and accomplish ments for better schools by naming the largest and most modern of the fine buildings at Cullowhee in his honor. Since it is now admitted Mr. Moore will receive the recognition to which his closest friends claim him entitled new supporters are being reported daily. It is maintained without con tradiction that he would conduct the affairs of the court in an able, effi cient and honest manner at all times and see to it that all parties before the bar receive justice. Upon our system of jurisprudence and the accuracy of its administra tion Is said to depend the safety of the nation. With this petinent fae in view and remembering the record and qualifications 'of Mr. Moore, It now appear certain he will be the nomi nee for the Superior Court judgeship. 2C0 YEAHC ''haarlcm oil baa been m wodd- wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder diaoroera, rheurnatiam, fTTTrVfty -M rn-vtiHnna. HAARLEM OIL. .issiei QiitiiiiaTlHwitiliaiSlliiHilale ! . nni'Tnrii i' - '"--f-ca the efiataal genuine Oow Mimi. In the Kitchen ,6FmmusGdcIs A MEATLESS MEAL, TIT FOR COMPANY" im. neni i um is m ox a ipegiai eriee of article, eont-Hbatad fcy f Famous Cook. Their reeipee ar "difterent." Cut thorn oat and paet tam in jrour cook book.) At the Battle Creek College of Home Economics they spe cialize in planning and prepar ing well-balanced meals which are both attractive to the eye and nutritious to eat. Misa Mar garet Allen Hall, dietitian and nutrition expert of the VrnSi6 ? . nas Vc" Drermred for Mamamt our readers a v v u y a ik j menu which is particularly palatable, even though it is absolutely meatleas. Propor tions are given for the serving of ten. Ecs a la Kins- , Olaaed Sweet Potato Rltit Tomatoes Fruit Salad a la Cram Bread Beverage Bimerecotcn no Directions (or each dish follow. Eggt a fa King I tablespoons butter i tableapoon minced sweet pepper 4 cups (one quart) milk I tablespoons flour t cup muahroomi (freeh or canned) 12 hard boiled egg", cut In ptecea 1 teaspoons salt Melt butter, add pepper and muh rooms, and cook until oft. Stir In flour and add milk. Stir until thick ened. Add seasoning- and eggs. Heat very hot and serve on squares of toast; or pour into a baking dish sprinkle with buttered crumbs and brown la a quick oven. Clatud Stent Potato! It medium-Used sweet potatoes 1H cups sugar roup water tablespoons butter Boll the sweet potatoes In salted water for ten minutes, remove the skins and cut In halves lengthwise. Arrange In a buttered pan. Make a irrup t,y boiling the sugar and water for three minute. Add the butter. Brush potatoes with syrup and bake until brown, heating with remaining syrup. Serve In a hot covered dish. Ritii Tomato Slice bread In usual manner, shape with three-inch biscuit cutter and toast. Slice rip tomatoes, place a lice on toast, sprinkle with salt, grated cheese or cottage cheese and onion, and finely chopped pepper. Bake In hot oven until tomatoes are cooked and slightly browned. Fruit Salad m la Cram I large bananas 1 pint sliced pineapple 1 pound Tokay or Malaga grapes 1 cup Cream Salad Dressing Drain the Dlneannla and cut Into mall pieces. Peel the grape, cut into halve and remove the seed. Peel the banana. aoraD off the fussy portion, and dloe. Mix with the Cream Salad Drawing and eerve on a plat garnished with -lettuce, or plao a spoonful of fruit on the lettuce leaf with a smaller spoonful of the dreaalng. Cream Salad Dressing: 1 tablespoon buttar t tableapoon flour 1 oup cream H cup lemon Julc egg yoiK n teaspoon salt tableapoon sugar t cups whipped cream Halt the butter In a double boiler, tlr In the Sour and the oream (sour milk being preferable). Stir until Codfuh Ball TVah ono-half pound of nlt cod fish and ci.t Into amall piece using kitchen scissor to make one cupfuL . ash und pare potatooa and cut into piece the siue of an English walnut l'j make on and one-half pint. Cook the fish and potatoes together In boiling water until potatoes are oft. Drain thoroughly through a (train er, return to kettle and hak over the fire until the moisture I evapo rated. Mash thoroughly, add one half t.ibleapoonful of butter, on egg well beaten and ona-fourth teaspoon of pepper. Beat well with a fork to make fluffy and add salt If necessary. Drop by spoonful Into deep fat and fry. Pumpkin Pumpkin pi when made right Is a real delicacy. And this recipe for It I especially good. For a more elaborate d lab. It may be rvd with whipped oream. For the pastry, measure two caps of flour unsifted and sift with one half teaspoon of salt. Cut In, using two knives, three-fourth oup of lard. Add three-fourth cup of medium eream mialag with a kntf. Chill befor using. Far the fllllag. mis en and one half sues of eoosed and lifted pump kin, with two-thirds u of whit sugar, on teaspoon of grated nut meg, -half teaspoon of salt, two ggs slightly beaten and tw oup of ssilk or if llkad rick, um part ttaam. Mm sTrwam Dtvmghmmt V'Tryrtrrlng aour milk doughnut eeordlng to this good Maw England recipe of ltlM Allen . Th kitchen will be a moat attract It plaa to all member of th family vhaa thaw melt these tempting doughnuts. Beat until light on whole g and n egg yolk, add gradually three fourth oup of sugar, beating all th time. Mix three-fourth teaapooa of alt. on teaspoon of grated aatSMtr and two oupa of flour. Mis en half teaspoon of soda with oao half aup of soar milk hav ing th milk rather rieh. Add milk and flour alternately to the egg mix ture, roll and pat out. handling as little a possible. tha ut aad fry u deep fat. M (Ait afe mtwt wee.) B) MILLIONS TO LOAN ON LONG TERM 1 EAR Tt) llEARS We lend on improved redl&state in Waynesville and Hazelwood at less than 6 on easy payment plan, Money quickly available. Unnecessary red tape cut out Charges light, Also construction loans.' See or call RALPH W. DAVB, Phone 121-J. rW.V " Style, Quality, Value, Ser vice in Every Paris Purchase Special While They Last Full Fashioned Pure Thread Silk Hose $1.00 Pair In Leading Light and Dark Colors J" Irregular Buy Your Hat Here At $1.98 to $5.98 Just Received 100 Newest Hats Have You Seen Our New Shoes? at $3.00 Pair 25 New Styles to Select From New Wash Silk Dresses, at $3.98 Children's Sox, all Leading Colors, 25 cents GOOD LADIES' AND CHILERRN'S SNOES Priced Right at ELLISON'S, Waynesville's New Store All Taxes Must Be Listed During the Month of May. You Must See Your Local Tax Lister and Save Penalty and Cost DO IT NOW gM.t'l..;!1;.'.' Lg-e -u-jubb...'.! r '''""Vi tjLl"'1 iinmnin Jt'' ' " The Pt arts bress Better Pay Less Pair Shop at the Paris Stores and N0TIC TO TAX LISTERS! Baaiah Xesema. New Yon can find quick relief from Ecsema, Itch, Sash, Salt Rheum, . Tetter and other skin troubles, in cluding Pimples, Acne, etc., with just a few applications of Sana Cutis. It is helping thousands to quickly orereotne this affection. Sana Cutia is a pure white stainless, creamy ointment. Your druggist re commends and guarantees it Price 11.00 or send for free sample to Sana-Cutls Company, 38 S. C. Bldg Sedalia, Mo. Make the Paris Your Stop ping Place While ia Sylva or Waynesville. One table of Children's Hats, values up to $2.50, your choice 98 cents each. Save Money