Register and Vote for Hospital Bonds for Humanity's Sake X . t? Volume XXXVIIL Number 18 WAYNESVILLE. HAYWOOD COUNY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. JUNE 3, 1926 2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if not so Paid Vote For Felix E. Alley Fon Congress - ; , , ,. - "A ' , v if y - ' -A Tt SA v : J THE LAW GOVERNING HOSPITALS. ALLEY RECEIVES LARGE ENDORSEMENT IN CONGRES SIONAL RACE HIS NEIGHBORS PRAISE HIS MERITS AND ABILITY. The friends of Hon. Felix E. Alley present for the favorable consideration of the voters of Tenth Congressional District his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Congress. A native of Jackson County, but for the past twelve years a citizen of Haywood County, both as a public and a private citizen, he is well known by the people of North Carolina. Mr. Alley is, in the truest sens, a self-educated and self wade man. Handicapped in his early life by lack of educational opportuni ties, yet, despite all obstacles and by force of character, studious habits, untiring industry, unflagging courage and incessant en deavor, he has won his way to a position in the front ranks of his chosen profession, and is recognized by all as the equal of the ablest 'awyers in North Carolina; while as a forceful and eloquent political orator, we believe that he has no superior in the entire State. A close student of political questions and public affairs, he never fails to answer his party's call, and every campaign finds him where the battle rages most fiercely. Always patriotic, always loyal, and always ready to serve, Owing to the fact that there is consideraMtmiisunderstand ing, or rather a lack of understanding throughout the countv in regard to the law under which the pending hospital election was cauea tne loiiowing sections of the act of 1913 which is a state wide law, are given for the information of the Dublic. According i w xne law ana me order ror tins election tax levy for construc tion and maintenance cannot exceed one iifteenth of one per cent. An Act to Enable Counties to Establish and Maintain Public Hospitals, Levy a Tax and Issue Bonds Therefor, Elect Hospital Trustees, Maintain Training Schools for Nurses, etc. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. Any county may establish a public hospital in the following manner: Whenever the board of county commissioners of any county shall be presented with a petrtion signed by two hundred (200) resident freeholders of such county, one hundred and fifty (150) of whom shall not be residents of the city, town or village where it is proposed to locate such public hospital, ask ing that an annual tax may be levied for the establishment and maintenance of a public hospital at u place in the county named therein, and shall specify in their petition the maximum amount J of money proposed to be expended in purchasing or building said hospital, such board of county commissioners shall submit the question to the qualified electors of the county at the next general election to be held in the county, or at a special election called for that purpose, first giving ninety days notice thereof in one or more newspapers published in the county, if any be published therein, and by posting such notice, written or printed, in each township of the county, which notice shall include the text of the petition and state the amount of the tax to be levied upon the assessed property of the said county, which tax shall not exceed cents on the dollar for a period of time not exceeding twenty (20) years and be for the issue of coun'ty bonds to provide funds for the purchase of a site or sites and the erection thereon of a public hospital and hospital buildings; and for the support of same; which said election shall be held at the usual places in such county for electing county officers, the vote to be canvassed in the same manner as that for county officers. Sec. 2. The board of county commissioners of such county shall submit to the qualified electors thereof, at a regular or special election, the question whether there shall be levied upon the as sessed property of such county a tax of cents on the dollar f- tho mimhosp nf rpftl estate for hospital purposes, for the con struction of hospital buildings, and for maintaining same, or for either or all of such purposes. The ballots to be used at any elec tion at which the hospital question is submitted, shall be printed with a statement substantially as follows n Yes. For a cent tax for a bond issue for a public hospital and for maintenance of same. ' . if a mninri'tv of votes cast at such election on the proposition c ciKmiftofi aVinll ho in favor of ft cent tax for a bond issue for a public hospital and for maintenance of same, the board of county commissioners shall levy tne tax so autnonzea, wnicn snau hp cnlWtMt in the same manner as other taxes are collected, and credited to the "Hospital Fund," and shall be paid out on the order of the hospital trustees for the purposes authorized by this act, and for no other purposes whatever. Sec. 3. Should a majority of all the votes cast upon the ques tion be in favor of establishing such county hospital, the board of county commissioners shall proceed at once to appoint seven (7) trustees chosen from the citizens at large with reference to their fitness for such office, three (3) of whom may be women, all resi dents of the county, not more than for (4) of said trustees to be residents of the city, town or village in which said hospital is to be located, who shall constitute a board of trustees for said public hosDital. The said trustees shall hold their offices until the next following general election, when seven (7) hospital trustees shall be elected and hold their offices, two (2) for two (2) years, two (2) for four (4) years, three (3) for six (6) years, and who shall Hon. Clem Smathers for Chair man County commissioners he will, if he shall be the choice of the Democrats in the forth coming Primary, make a campaign for his party that will recall the days when the matchless Crawford and the indomitable Craig, I by lot determine their respective terms. At each subsequent gen uj uicu iiicsisuwit: ejinjueiice, aiuuaeu iu intense aim iunj en thusiasm the Democracy of the mountains. The eyes of the world on Western North Carolina, and we need a man in Congress who can tell the story of the glorious traditions of our past, the marvelous triumphs of our present, and , the wonderful possibilities of our future. Elect Felix E. Alley, and we shall have a representative whosi voice will be heard and heeded and whose ability and experience will be used m the Halls of Congress for" the lasting advantage of our District and c-ur State. cral election the offices of the trustees whose terms of office are about to expire shall be filled by the nomination and election of hospital trustees in the same manner as other officers are elected, none of whom shall be practicing physicians. ,-NVX H v f ' "V : I I ( sl X j ! ' k cry w&Ttjf "" TO THE VOTERS OF HAYWOOD COUNTY. J After my nomination by the democratic party as chairman of 1 faithfully I, William A. Band, Editor-Owner of the Waynesville Moun taineer, do hereby certify that the original of the foregoing state ment, in the handwriting of Prof. Robert L. Madison of Cullowhee, under whose instruction Felix E. Alley completed his high school course, is now on file in my office, signed by many hundreds of representative citizens among whom Mr. Alley has lived and labored in Jackson and Haywood Counties. WILLIAM A. BAND, Editor Waynesville Mountaineer. METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY. The pulpit at the Methodist church will be filled Sunday at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. by P. W.Tucker, Presiding Elder of the. WaynesTille District and J. T. Mangum. Dr. Marr, the pastor, will be in attendance upon the annual meeting jw ho attend, or tne trustees ot uuKe university. The Sunday school meets af1:45 A. M. and the Epworth League at Jf P. M. The regular monthly stewards meeting will be held at the residence of Dr. Sam Stringfield Tuesday even ing at 8 o'clock. This will be a Very important meeting and all the stew ards are urged to be present, t Strangers and visitors will find a will be held at Calvary Baptist church in West Asheville, beginning Wednesday, June 9, and continuing through Thursday, June 10th. -'All of tht BaptiBt Women of this association are urged to attend. En tertainment will be . provided for all If you plan to be pres ent atthis meeting please notify Mrs. Juli A- Ford, 104 Montana avenue, FELIX ALLEY TRIUMPHANT. By Buel B. Hyatt. "There is tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune." On the eve of the primary, the voters of the district step to the polls from hillside, valley and glen. Today, that spirit which made our constitutional form of gov ernment possible, is surging through the veins of the people. The ballot, the franchise, that particular priv- iledge given to every qualified indi vidual, by constituted authority, is only a strip of paper; but, such a sacred parchment ... Such a power in deciding the destinies of men and demoracles. The time has come when a choice must be made between greatness and mediority; between intelligence and moroesness; cleverness and stupidi- ,'ty; between ' full mindedness and strong heart; and between success and failure. At last the light that never faileth has shown upon the cit- experience. Government is the estab lished state of legal authority; and, the people are always concerned in regard to the administration of pub lic affairs. To choose a Congress man, the people exercise their sense of discretion? and, a vote for Alley is the pure essence of reason re sponding to the sentiments of the hour. In all primaries of the past, the prevailing custom has been that the voters received a personal visit from the aspirine- candidate. Mr. Voter, have you had the warm hand ! Crabtree of Zebulon Weaver? Has he Der-' East Fork Mrs. Ford, give full details in orde" f Haywood county. There thafyou will be given entertainment 18 "'hln mo? tifylng, than the Give number in your party, whether "" T ?P1"- v will he the- ovo- ,vi, ,. bours Fellx E. Alley shall know his day, state mode of transportation, f f "i? . t0 MV isf action. That destiny is the nomi nee for Congress from the Tenth dis trict. That satisfaction is the real- whether you will arrive by auto or train and give time of your arrival. 1 The naxtnra jinH . Suniav aftnt hearty welcome at this church. Come 'superintendents are asked to make lzatlon th the people he sought to snd worship with us. - ! this announcement in order that rePsfnt hi. .heart glad THE BAPTIST DIVISIONAL MEET- !heir plans to attend I Politics is the science of govern- ING TO BE HELD IN ASHEVILLE. I - y ment Science is the systematized w- BAKHt-K, knowledge of facts and nrinciDles as The Baptist Divisional meeting sonally shown his appreciation for the ten years you have given him your support? You alone will an swer that primary day! I wonder why the time honored precedent of an incumbent official receiving en dorsement from the United States Senators, with whom he is supposed to have had intimate diplomatic and political connections during his term in Congress, has not been given Mr. Weaver by Overman and Simmons You alone will answer that primary day! Why ts Felix E. Alley TRIUM PHANT? You alone will answer that primary day. . I again declare " that there never was a time in ' the political ' history of this district when Haywood coun ty has such an honest claim to have a representative, from within her borders, in Congress. And, I am sure the unbiased voters of this county are standing en masse to insure his triumoh, and victory for the position he seeks. the county commissioners on Saturday. June 5 promise and pledge myself to continue to earnestly and impar tially represent every citizen, every township and every section of this great county of ours to the best of my ability without showing favoritism to that section from which 1 came and in which I own property. I promise an honest. Hnri economic alministra tion of the county's business, an unfaltering purpose to see that the tax payer gets a return of one dollar in value for every dollar spent, and that every section of the county, (very township shall leceive its just s-hare of the to'.r' ;iij.:r;.pi iaiion 'mvlc for roads and impiovcmcnt based upon the proportionate tax piid by each township. For the last 26 years my opponent, Mr. Noland has conducted himself as a member of the county commissioners with working for and representing nil roads to Fines Creek only, to the great damage of the rest of the county. Most all other parts cf the county suffer, your township and mine while Mr. Nohmd directs the funds of the county treasurer toward Fines Creek. Crabtree and Fines Creek pay only 7 per cent of the total tax of the county, yet 58 per cent of the county's total appropriation, while Mr. Noland has been county commissioner has been spent on roads rn imorovements !";i(lii)pr to Fines Creek. I want Mr. Noland to tell me and the voters of thi entire court- Iiov; much has this expenditure of 53 per cenl of the county's funds leading I to lunes Creek increased the value ot property there. Personally il don't own any property in Fines Creek township to increase in value. Why Mr. Noland was it necessary to spend $306,000 dol lars of the county's money leading to Fines Creek road after the road had been taken over by the State and was a pail of the State Highway and not a county project ? Assessed valuation of the real and personal property of Hay wood County, by township, not including public service and pri vate corporations. Also the pro-rata part of tax paid by each township. Valuation Amt. Tax Percentage $5,663,751 $76,460.00 32 cents-x 765,391 10,332.00 4 cents-x 749,853 10,122.00 4 cents-x 761,223 10,276.00 4 cents-x 750,638 10,133.00 4 cents-x 530,014 7,155.00 3 ccnts-x Fines Creek 715,270 9.656.00 4 cents-x Iron Duff 273.680 3,694.00 1 U cents-x Ivy Hill 515,381 6,957.00 3 cents-x Jonathan Creek 522.821 7,058.00 3 cents-x Pigeon 910,355 12;289.00 6 cents-x Waynesville 5.138.044 69,363.00 . 29 cents-x White Oak ' 188,500 2,544.00 1 cents-x Township Beaverdam Cataloochee Clyde Cecil C. S. SMATHERS. and a vote for a representative that will represent Western North Caro lina in every phase Of political, so cial and Industrial capacity required of one . with official responsibilities. EPISCOPAL CHURCH SERVICE. 'There will be no early service in Grace Episcopal church on Sunday, June 6th, being the first Sunday in the month. The regular morning services at eleven o'clock will be conducted by Messrs. J. X Shoolbred and Jas. W. Reed, the wardens of the chtfrch. A A vote for i message of great individual impor- Associational Supt. demonstrated by" observation and 'Alley is a vote for pure Democracy; !tance to each and every member of the congregation will be given by Chas. R. Thomas. A full 100 per cent attendance of the membership is earnestly desired, as this ia a most important message. . ,The Rector, Rev. Albert New, will preach at 8 P. M. , Friday, June 11th, is Saint Barna bas' Day. The Rector will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion at 8 A. M. on Friday. THE WOMAN'S CLUB WILL MEET The Woman's Club will be enterain cd hv Mrs. R. N. Barber Thursday afternoon, June 10, at 3:30. All members are urged to attend.

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