T-y J-1 gwft.i'jM :j m 'i .fT"" THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER. BALSAM NEWS. j The following enjoyed a trip to lost coming from Hade, think that Jones' Knob Sunday: Misses mm i' Mr. Bud Amnions died suddenly Kennjyt Lilian Kenney, Marie and Who were the sweet girl graduate at his home Sunday morning. Kev. , . Toward. Evelvn Brrson. "...v ' t'. u.......". .:. , , v j i u miu iiiauna iui l'1 ""IFftJ I luc Davis, on a certain Friday night? The r rushes are holding their ' H AI.A TOSIS:" T!iK HREATH Oh t reath until the arrival of the Sp.tn SCANDAL. ii- Cavalier. ; AVc winder what is the attraction ! Kiom Kchoes from the Mountain Top j Wiyne.-ville that draws the at The gieat tririble beast "hull'.- UUctive litt le person in Valley View. frank Arlington conducted me iun-jMeggrg Bjly Smith Bob eral service and the body was laid to Howt, Ha!1 an,i Ja(.k Hill. rest, Monday afternoon in the Blan. ton cemetery near the home of.ilr. Kd Middleton. He leaves a wife and four small children. His mother, sisters and brothers from Macon county were here to attend the fun i ral service. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones. Miss Kric Keece and Mr. Johnnie Conner were married in Waynes- i lie Wednesday of last week. Mis. J K. Rork was in Waynes ville several days the past week. Mr. Moore Harkins was here Sun day from Toxaway. Miss Faye Bryson, Mr. Bob Denton and Mr. Cicero Canetzer went to Asheville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sluder, who have bcwi here some time, have re turned t Asheville. Mr. Sluder was truck foreman for the Appalachian Construction Co. Mrs. H. P. Ensley, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ensley motored to Franklin to :ee Mr. Hubert Ensley Saturday. Mrs. Sam Crisp of Dillsboro is visiting her son, Mr. I,nn Crisp. Mrs. Maybelle Perry and Mr. C. R. Jones, Jr. motored to Franklin Sun day. The following attended the Sun day School Convention at Speedwell Sunday: Mr.-. I. T. Knight, Mrs. S. C. Christy, Mrs. W. Ii. Farwell, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Bryson, Miss Nannie Knight, Miss Sallie Christy, Miss Mae Christy, Mr. and Mrs. N'. R. Christy, Messrs. Geo. T. Knight, Henry Christy, Benjamin Bryson, Wess Queen, E. fi. Howell and John Kenney. Messrs. Robert Bryson, Howard Warren and Cli iin Jones went to Old Bald Friday and camped until Sun day. They report having had a fine time with one exception the camp fell down on them, and each received injuries, but we hope none are se rious. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Queen, little Misses Helen and Agnes Queen and Mr. Floyd Quiett went to Shoal Creek Sunday. Mr. Orville Terrell was in Balsam Sunday. Messrs. Charlie and Jimmie Cow ard and Masters Hilliard and Ar thur Queen went to Wesner Bald Sunday. sickness" attacked our loit, Inn j I think lots of us have heard that i Junaluska's sharp shooters soon mud? ... . . I him lou1 like a piece of Swiss cheese so being he kicked the bucket. Then : : Rtvelle was quite a picqu:int melody. but I think we'd better try forming cur own conclusions. with hoarse shout of triumph his j carcass was kicked off the hill. j Middo "Ann, have you taken a In spite of arc lights and paved shower?" paths in camp its hard not to get j Ann P. "No, is there one mi.icing?' TV?-.' t T y V - ' , v"J T I 1 ! f Golf Knickers, Sporting Apparel Last Call for Straw Hats, Underwear and Accessories. D-flOE See us for Gent's furnishings McCracken Clothing Company Phone No. 148-W Main Street May Blossom Williams as she first appeared in Waynesville Subscribe to the Waynesville Mountaineer WEEK bcGNNNG w N JULY 2 6fh BUMI 8:30 Po M $10,0 TENT THEATRE KNDORSEI) 15Y THE FOLIWING 1 JCAMNfi CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS St'lma i;rotto of St. PelersburR, Fla. ('has. H. Bon. Secretary Kiwanis Club of Ft. Myers, 11a. I). W. Boyil. President City of Ft. Myers. Fla. ('. 1'. Staley. City Manager American Legion, Arcadia. Fla. Mr. Smith, Commander ( ixitan Club, of Daytona, 11a. Mr. Thornaton. President Mayor Reeves Anniston. Ala. Sabbath School and Publications Rev. Robert L. Bell, Chr., lTnion Springs, Ala. W. I. Fonville, Assistant Secy, State Montgomery, Ala. American Lejfion, Dublin, Ga. Tost No. 17, T. A. Kemp, Commander f'ivitan Club, Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Burr, President Civitan Club of Anniston, Ala. Mr. Evans, President Judge Chas. E. Leyden Anniston, (Ala.) Star Kiwanis Club of Sanfort E. F. Lane, President American Legion High Point, N. C. . '- I 1 H II III! I 1 II I I I - mm - ..... . . -A 1 The Original Williams Stock Company MAY BLOSSOM WILLIAMS - 40 1 Piece Orchestra Presenting only Royalty Plays Including "Lightnin' " MONDAY NIGHT WILL PRESENT "IT PAYS TO SMILE" Featuring Marie de Gafferely May Blossom Williams VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS ADMISSBON 20c 40C