,1 Ssr Opportunity's &npire-Way nesville Altitude 2,802 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources for the location of Manufacturing Industries MMBm ft .V.WNESVILLE. HAYWOOD COUNTY. ; NORTH CAROLINA THl RSDAY. JULY 29,1926 $2.00 a Year In Advance, $2.50 if not ao Pai Volume XXXVIII. Number 26 iHnH - jJLYJJLt iVII tst r llm III !! I in MM,MMMWWM i Substantial Growth Of Waynesville BUILDING PROGRAM IN WAY- NESVILLE GREATEST . EVER KNOWN. About 500 Visiters Attend " OPENING OF JUNALUSKA CLUB HOUSE. That there is a stupendous building program in Waynesville can be noted by the numerous new store and oftlce buildings being built, just completed and contemplated. There are about a dozen new filling stations of a sub stantial nature going up, scores of new houses, cottages and one large apartment house near the Suncrest Lumber Company plant. His Honor Judge Frank L. Smath ers has just completed a beautiful new palatial home at a cost of over $25,000.00 on the old Smathers hill near the Sulphur Spring property. A new $15,000 home on the Good year lawn by Mr. Fred, Howell, an other $12,000 by Colonel Woolsey, another by Mr. Doan $12,000, three Attracting five hundred or more visitors frem Waynesyille and vicin- itv. the opening of the Junaluska Golf Club house, marked a gala oc casion, . in which inspection of the handsome club house, driving and putting exhibitions, an outdoor pa geant by girls from Camp Cheonda and other entertainment features had a prominent place. Mondav was social dav at the Southern Assembly. In addition to the open house at the golf and coun try club, there was an art exhibit by Miss L. Pearl Saunders, head of the school of art; in the evening the Sun day school leadership classes had an old fashioned party. A reception by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bullock of Mont gomery, Ala., to compliment house iruests. and a birthday party for Watch Waynesville Grow." (Buel B. Hyatt) drink and be merry with us. That 1 palace on yon nil! is yours. That i- ' ..ukivi tktflia will mmnph vnnr tnirflt.. Manv centuries aero, the famous. That misrhty oak will shelter you Roman Censor was so impressed by from the noonday sun. The bellows Via wealth anil heautv of a citv tnat of the firmament v set russiine me in one block igUCSI'O, u 1 1 11 a iu luunj pt.j v Mr. Grosse of Cocoa, Fla.. has just , x.Vear-old Georce Ratcliff. iriven completed a beautiful new home inby his mother were among the other Southeast Waynesville ana is pusy hospitalities of the day lavinir off and preparing a sub-di vision of his acreage there. The new store and office building of Morgan & Ward is one of the very finest in Waynesville. The new store building of Joe Mor mino and occupied by J. M. Mock's leading department store of Waynes ville has added greatly to the business section here Waynewille the Growing City Bishop Hafey Visits Praise City Of In Which to Invest: Waynesville A DISTINGUISHED VISITOR. Tuesday's social calendar included the birthday party under the auspices of the Junaluska Woman's Club and marshmallow roast and lawn paarty which Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Adams of Tampa, Florida gave for the young people at the lake. Open house at the srolf country j club Monday was a brilliant affair. Jlll'8. and all of his speeches ended jwith the leaves that whisper a melody that will ;i J 1 Mr.uL.i.. Mil at ... . . i, .1 merciless aeciarawim : ; mil you to rest. All tne elements are be destroyed." Severadays past, a blending to heal the wounds of leading citizen of Clearwater, Fla., habitation in other less favored sec- was in my office.; He asserted that tions of the globe. Let us play to- he had been informed ' ins a nwriy gether in these hills. You're from town, that Waynesville Js only nar- "out yonder." You don't know how rvLVT nloiA in the mA . with, a hlark- crlaft wi ora vnu're here! Thd flrreat smith shop, a cabin or - two, and a melting pot of the world has nothing group of queer and .ignorant moan- on us. rnougn oi tne purest Diooaea taineers. i immediately thought of American stock, we delight in the the statement of Ben. H. Hill, sat purest and best citizenship from oth- Tammany Hall. "There was a Soath er countries. We admit there are" a of Slavery and Secession that Sopth few men Rmj women in Waynesville is dead, mere is a aouui oi union wh0 could not be modern with all the anA fwteHnm that Smith thank find. t..u .ni...t 1. u th. u,-hnte- is living, breathing, growing every saIe houses in America. To them we . mean much in the way of favorable hour." The Old North . State; the arp ..vino- with the Scotchman: "Step pumicny, etc. lu UIC CXI, B11U ict a IIIUUl " limn take your place." We are builders. Are you a worker or a drone ? There are some thingvwe do not jare for; but, if you have the spark, we want you to glow . with the rest of the flame. Be a beacon light to reflect to those without" knowledge of our environments, the light that is "ternal Waynesville is to be congratulated upon having had for the past week Bishop Hafey of Raleigh, N. C. He has been visiting St. John's Chapel in Waynesville. rn an interview with a representa tive of the Waynesville Mountaineer Bishop Hafey became quite enthusi astic over the marvelous scenic grand eur of this section and declared that the people of this community were unusually friendly, courteous and hospitable. He pointed out that next summer there will be a convocation, held near . Waynesville, of the United Catholic Daughters of America, an organisa tion whose activities are similar to that of the Knights of Columbus. There will be about one thousand delegates to this 'convention and should they visit Waynesviille it will Waynesville FOREIGN SANITARY EXPERTS VISIT WAYNESVILLE. forerunner in making possible tjhe acquisition of the "geographical area known as the United States" is rid ing high on the waves -of prosperjty On every breeze the Story of her suc cessful trrowth and development if" wafted to the world. With 7,000 mills and factories giving employment to 159,000 workers, are you surprised ion of Main street and right patj0 Dunham of Waynesville, n' lot it Via sniff that Mr. J. M. I t "T..V.r.n nivvninwhom etc icb iv t "l-i.i,.t . I Mock has just about the nicest, larg-. A. Mann of St. Petersburg, Fla., second best block in the heart ioAftH .aoiotont- P.vettvinfl M. r.'AAnAAA j : mon. I --i-vv.,.; f.,D. n L..ji. uj.. v.QQ hA Health; and Mr. Chaa. E. Waddell city. ' A block costing around . Bm 0iive, -rf Thomasville. i0f Kt w i.t rfitillinr th-' ... i.m.r.t nf R9' the vear ran nH nnnn SPvp,f.l r..(a. C. E., of the Asheville Board of , v ,.. .v.b ,..., ... - . - - ..,.. . ..,, . . tu rnAM a otaivan cin infrnvvMnff pvni. ' l tt T. " 1 . U i . . L ..... t U . ii v;iutB . 1 1 . I . . . : . U I , . o . ...I 1 1 u n 1 1 11 . ;in uiuui, aiciv oiiu vi wic UCVIKia, ...v. , nUrfHL milUIlHIllllK II1HU ill IIIC l'niinii: Willi WilLCl iiiol .. .jk. i Kiiinx WHS llllUU Willi a HUUUI.y Bltvy i est and most up-to-date department store in the up-town section of Waynesville. Mr. Mock is to be con gratulated upon his store , and that he is appreciated is evidenced by the tremendous popularity of his , business The new store Of the Massie Furniture- Company- needs, no mention to : WavrieSville folks, tmt'to those' ButSldTe of Waynesville it should be mentioned as the second best block in the heart of our $75,000. Mr. Ralph Davis is building a $5,000 house in Grimball Park. There are three or four new houses going up in that section. Mr. C. G. Logan has just finished a most attractive home on Academy street. The Stubbs house on Haywood street, opposite the school, has just been remodeled. The handsome new home of Dr. Tom Stringfield on Walnut street is one of the show places of Waynesville. The Georgia Home on Walnut street has just been extensively re modeled and is a most modern board ng house. Mr. M. M. Noland has just remod eled his home on Walnut street. members of the house committee, were assisted in receiving by men and women prominent in social and bus iness life of Waynesville and the summer colony at Lake Junaluska. Music was furnished by the orchestra from the Hotel Gordon. H. A. Mann of Str Petersburg von the, putting contest. R. S. 'Scally of Pensacola, Fla., pro, and Fairley loy.uuu worxers, are you surprisea : environments, tne ngm mat is 'sieruoi iw "-" ..! that we pay more taxea to the Fed- j Buy our lands, build your home here, ble point of view upon the part of .oi sv.fh riMliii 'nr ,.v, tho nf tha Anna.lthp ritizpns in rptrard to so called A irroup of sanitary engineers who have ken guests of the Rockefeller Foundation, by ' the the courtesy of, North Carolina State Board of Health have been spending ten days in North Carolina inspecting water, sewage) and general sanitary work last, Sun day telephone the . President of the Board, 'who, happens to- be on of Wayneaville'a' respected" citiiens, ex pressing a desire to pay their respects in person. Arriving in waynesvill they spent some time in going about the town after which Dr. Way, as their guest, returned with the party' to Grove Park Inn where their final luncheon in North Carolina was par taken of; following this, the entire party left on the 4:50" train for Wash ington, D. C. The gentlemen were very extravagant in their praises of North Carolina in general, stating: nowhere had they seen more up-to- date equipment in the sanitary ser vices.' They were especially loud in their praises of the. "clean nice look your town city, Monsieur Doctor Way." ' Of the nartv were Dr. Milan Yov- anovitch, Minister of Public Health, Belgrade, Jugo-Slavia; Dr. Victor Milioje Petrik, Professor in School of Hygiene, University of Jugo-Slavia; Dr. Victor Medina, Bogota, Colum- f. . . At.. j .. cn:l:M booms. He also believes that witn.oia, o. a.; ur. aicahiiuci- uuiui, thrnnoh nnHman service, without hav- Professor State School of Hygiene, inr to rhanire ears at Asheville and Warsaw, Poland; Prof. Rene Cyr, Bishop Hafey emphasized the fact that the main feature of Waynesville as a tourist resort was the lack of noisy, bustle and hustle of our, bus iness section. That there did not seem to be the mad rush of real estate speculation, etc., by the busi ness interests. That there seemed to be such a . conservative and sensi the citizens booms. He in regard to so called also believes that with eral Government than South Carolina, We offer you the gem of the Appa- ueorgia, Aianama ana r loriaa com- mcnians as an aoiaing pic. bined? With North Carolina lead-J In issuing an invitation to capital, ing the South in the manufacture of , tourist and investor, I offer the fol- furniture, leading the world-j. in tne lowing facts to illustrate mat wav monnfiiitnTii rtf tnHfli.n1 liAvno fh 1 naillo nnil her RUrrnundin? terri- largest denim and towel mills' in the' tory has natural resources, developed . 1 1 . 1 'l . ' ' , , J . ....... .1. .a nf- wona, tne largest ampiinuip piani n ana unaeveiopeu, c"uus" - the globe, first in the production of I tract the best financiers, the mcst peanuts, second in the production ipf cultured Irellecturalists, the despond cotton, leading the Southern- AtAtftnt seeker, of health and jthe prac- Ul tBfi. valuer, aaaeo to raw mn.cnais ticai searcner oi ncnen. kii summc. street, tnere is ampie room upon wk ' ". after production, ranking fourth in climate is second to none. Having church property for future expansion. ,c- J"0- h- Floyd, C. F. McLead and , JR. F. Beaty of the N. C. Board of I I 0 -F ' V. " - I " f , ..... other noints. it would have a tend ency to bring many mora visitors to Waynesville where, he was quite sure, they would not seek shelter elsewhere. In regard to the Catholic church property which- i. located -on Church Sanitary Engineer, Board of Health, Province of Oubec: Dr. Felix Ose- guildia, Department at Health, San Salvador; Dr. Alexander Milut chevitch, of the Ministry of Health, Belgrade. Jugo-Slavia, and in addi tion. Dr.- Roy Jv Morton, Tennessr street, there is ample room upon the, Health; K. E. Miller. bition in driving. Sixty girls from Camp Cheonda with their director, Miss Aleen Moon, of Nashville, staged a pretty pageant on the lawn in front of the club house. Dr. A. W. Anderson of St. Peters burg, to whose efforts Junaluskans are indebted for this fine addition to the grounds, and Mrs, Anderson, were the recipients of many congratula tions Monday. The new club nouse recently erected through Dr. Ander son's influence occupies a command ing position on the golf greens. It is equipped with lounging and rest rooms, wide porches on every side, showers, lockers and workshop. New furnishings in green fiber, recently in ine round: wiin water uwi i.. ui i sions was nnea wnn a Kuuui.y mtcu . ...i.i. ou.., n it . ..t u.,n.ino ha nro.l r..i,. iu-.nviit u 'job, when he has opportunity to serve apple crop is considered a national nounced as the purest in this !vpl.y popular in Western North Ctfo- the community, Mr E. L. Withers asset. "An apple a day keeps the! section, and showers that in-jina and is fast becoming familiar presented each of the visiting gen doctor away." Also, the geological sure a permanent and sure reseive jwith the folks of Waynesville. He is .tlement souvenir booklets of Waynes- lies the richest soil in the Alleghaney -shed in Western North Carolina: aWn0 respects and co-operates with I riAVIFS Tn RF AT I AKF Mrtiintoirm llimst. that does not tavor disease, 0n i-pluriniis hnHies and denoniina- t . 1, 1 1 1 .1- A J .. 1.. n.4 eu ma iiuiiic wi " Mm-- - . i installed ana origni uijci": u Alcn a now wholesale store at the : nAtl.a. mitti o wealth nf " " ' - Hangings, LUnhllCI TWIVMM .. . Depot about a $30,000 block has been flowerg made Monday's reception a built for the new home of the Hay- briiallt affairi wood Supply company ozonized From now on we will get many atmosphere purer tions ft . . ... ., ! -.L tnnnsts nf tne I atnonc laim wnu JUNALUSKA. Miss Daisy Davies of Atlanta, field Remember, there were Seven Won- and an j - a wi-UI Immm-tal. . i ...al3 ..... ,i.;th the creation of ucia oi. IJ nui-icia "n nmu mmr k'u"".-1 wi . - j - 1 J'l 1.1.4.. . I- 41... r,.ni... ria- ' A .1 . mn,.ntam cirfoq vpl-ftunt With AlUamiTiou rnll Tint nrtmp linlpKH thev secretary of the Belle Bennet Mem 1CU 111 IllBhUI 1 Sll VUl VVUllnjl AUHIII, lliwuiiv-i.i ......... ,uuici m-ic ..... ' - , .. . ' . . i . .iLn. . i l Wnw,ana MlaninnQrv Pnlinell- ture has prepared a series oi won- flora and fauna unkn'jw:i to nnj uur. coujd attend tneir cnurcn. ,ui.., , , ... I . . ... I . . ... . , 11 TJ' rV..Ml. Cntli ...ill Vln tho Qnn. ders that surpass those produced by part of the world; agricultural i"'- Bishop Hafey was not intercstca in.iu. . ..uin., vuv... ... the hand of man,. These inspiring 'ducts that bring home first piizes poiitiCSi but was great'.y interested .day afternoon speaker at Lake Juna f t..-.l nhonnmen.i iheif, fir whoie thev ore ex- , thia work. In resrard to te-n-, luska, seat of the Methodist South- results of the blending of air, liquid hibited; streams abounding with pe,ance he has advised his people to(ern Assembly, August 1, it is an and solid, slow Wking through In-1 prolific and game fish; hotels, schools. request their children to s;irn the , nounced by Mrs. J. Dale Stentz, secre- Dr. N. M. Medford has a new home on Love Lane. Several new homes are going up there. Mr. Albert Abel is building a new garage and tilling station in Waynesville. . I The Cherokee Auto Company has a new filling station in East Waynes ville. Mr. D. C. Turpin has put up a third filling station in East Waynes ville section. There is a new filling station on No. 10 highway near Long's store. There are two or three new resi dences going up on -the Hazelwood highway and in the town of Hazel wood a tremendous building boom is taking place. This town, Hazelwood, has just about finished a tremendous street paving program. Mr. Porter McClure has jusr about finished two new homes in Grimball Pot.1t sopt.inn. A beautiful new home is now be ing erected on Church street by Dr. R. L. Allen. This Will be a beautiful home and will cost many thousands of dollars. The St. John's Catholic Chapel on j Church street has been- extensively overhauled and practically rebuilt A. beautiful new retaining vall has been erected which adds very much to the attractiveness of this property., ' The town' of Waynesville has built many miles of paving in the last few years. Facts will be published later, r There a :any new buildjngs contemplated and a genuine wave of prosperity is now . in progress in Waynesville. ' ' H. G. IN- STONE REAL ESTATE VESTMENTS. Mr. H. G. Stone, our Waynesville "live wire" real estate man, is mov ing property in and around Waynes ville. He has just closed a deal on three lots in Grandview addition to Mr. Paul Prigg, nationally known motor boat speedster of Miami. These lots were owned by Mrs. Mary McDaniel Hall of this city. Mr. J. W. Doan of this city has also just purchased a lot for $3,700 in Waynesville. Mr. Prieit has just given contract to Norris Construction Company for a new home to begin work this week A new residence will also be built at once on a former lot near by which has been purchased by Miss Silver thorne of the Gift Shop. Mrs. Mary Gauntier of Miami house and lot which A11U ByilU, oiww r. v . " 1 & ....... ... j.i v 1 1 1 iv aim , calculable -cvcles": f time: and, still 1 industries, churches and general con moving. With infinity patience, on theditions favorable for the development same grand scale of mathematical 1 0f a Resort Utopia exceeding the nrocess of development, finds man fondest dreams of a people. A town ihas made toys of them; at the same ;s as great as its citizenship. An moment being enveloped in the never acquaintance with our inhabitants win betraying charm of her alluring mys-' convince you that all requisite con- teries. Geographically, western gtituents of tnat pnase oi me . North Carolina is "sosTtuated as to there in most favorable and gratify- ,nf ti , oniiiromnnU nf an uiiuar- I inn manner. v, ... . . n..nL..;iln ; not SO 1 . ... j ... f!n alleled civilization. Cities ami Ma- At preseni, - - ; stay longer ana to v.j.i mo tions are no longer separated by the . enormous that a tew noun, w... , vT7irTnV handicaps of primitive methods of Uuffice to fam.hanxe you with loc. '1 HE I- LOWtK 10 Vvel and communication. The finest : conditions. However, I wish to call Among the many entries of he htways in the world now form , our attention to a few --ndabl S ow o be h, Id A s t the I ClWUIn l ill UM,uuv v-...' pledge to abstain from drinkinir all tary of the Woman's Missionary So- alcoholic or stimulating drinks ur.til cicty of Waynesvuie district, they are twenty-one years of age, Following the two-day meeting of thereby making sure that they will missionary leaders at Bryson CHy, not be apt to acquire an appetite or Friday and Saturday, July 30-31,at taste for strong drink. which she will be the principal speak- The citizens of Wavnesville are er, Miss Davies has accepted an in clad to have had such a distinguished itation to spend Sunday at Lake Ju . j ..t..j invita. naluska and will be the guest of Mrs. visitor aim calciiu , ... . tion for Bishop Hafey to come again, J. Dale Stentz, wife of the manager ol tne ooutnern AssemDiy. ane win speak Sunday afternoon at three sunshine and flowers. This area of Lumber Company, a million dollar. iarge and o'clock. Miss Davies, who is known throughout the country principally for aftivitv in nrtrflnizini? the Methodist beautiful collection ofjPolish Relief expedition is a general Zl,r lore ihe Kreat labor-' manufacturing plant, cutting a fifteen dahlia3 f Mr. J. B. Ivey of Char-j favorite here, where she has spoker atorv of the Universe has fashioned 1 million dolk-r virgin boundary o lotte and Lake JunalusKa. ut ape- on previous occasions. , one s co. 7i!j y with macic wizardry i limber, with a monthly payroll ofcia, interest to lovers of flowers will ;,i,iered one of the strongest platform ano moaeiea wi ,i,j,, ,i mnlovinir over i. v, SMiP nf these after the exhi- 'sneakers in the denomination, man or The Land of the . ky. oun 'coo'men City' ownership of the fin- j bit the money derived to be added Voman, and it is expected that a t ' Bu? pt and re..'S water shed in Western North towBrd the expenses of the show. ,lalge crowd will gather to hea, her try- Hut, more practical c wtrnewille. t v 0viitv nnH interest in Rl.o ivill sneak on some astirc of sonable beings realize that along witn uaronna, bUJ.p.. - - . r . ".'.,' " !he YellWstone Park, Wonder State 1 Hazelwood and Lake Junaluska beha,f 0f better dahlias is an in- m,ssions. - . r Petrified For-1 abundantly,( we never knew anything spiration to all who grow gorgeous For the past year Miss Oavies has flowers. ihad cha.-ge of tho Belle Bennet me- Keen interest centers around the moiial through which the women of ests. Grand . Canyon of Colorado, the about a water shortage during the IVosemite Valley the Great Trees of drought). Municipally owneo. nurr, Kpen interef,t centers around tnc moiiai tnrougn wnicn xne womei. ui. ' California Niaekra Falls Mammoth with 10,000 volumes; five churches, ,ovely siIver basket now on display the Southern Methodist church have u 'rave and -North Carolina, WAYNES- Catholic, Episcopal, Methodist, Bap- in tfce window of tM office of the raised $500,000 to erect a building at, llc" 1 ' . .. ... , j ! :. Preohvterian. Ten miles ol oi. t.j nr. This basket is to Si-arritt Colleee for Christian work- I13l J iXTlIIIliA iJO'ivi wv. - - n.retn and asohalt roads .within the . :. tn . nerson who enters era. Nashville, as a memorial to the limits with more miles of paved'.. )o the noints of late Miss Belle H. Bennett, noted negotiating tor a nouse anu . . will be closed soon. . , antv Mrs. R. N. Barber also bought a comprenen:nK . lot joining her new home on Dell-' e arcneo.og.st wooi Road. This property belonged hidden story of -n t people like to Mrs. Schoaf of Washington, D. C. u- brninK Mr. Stone, with his crack salesman, , " rj"- - .,. ,ike Mr. W. Reed, is j..t ai busy as they!" torch and catching the vapors like can be these days showing city prop- '-" astronomer Sg u n erty and acreage near W.ynesvU,e. " . ike .. pniio They are ever boosters for tins " . " . . .. ... , . canvas; like the song oi tne nign community. - v : ' i- . ii!,t. tho hum and PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY, j throb of the mechanical operation of The Woman's" Auxiliary ' of the j industry and commerce, North, East, Presbyterian church will meet on next J South and West exclaim "Western Tuesday. August 6th. at t p. m. in . North Carolina, Eurekal" And wc the Sunday School room. A full at-, reply to the four pointa of the com tejdance' is requested.' . P" "Enter into our midst., Eat, sidewalks. An electric and well cir culated newspaper. Modern laundry; ice and cold . storage plant; barrel faetorv and roller flour mill and meal millsf three big furniture factories, and steam tannery; two wood work ing plants; one wagon works; one machine shop and blacksmith snop; tK onntest heino- the number of missionary leader of Methodist wam- .....itio" ttio nimlitv and size of theien. MLss Davies- has -i spent much vaiit.t.vo . ' "i . , flowers, and the arrangement. Quite .time in .Europe since the wur,. es net i no- for their first neciallv. in Poland where- she was H liuiuuci I -C I " . . , prize,- ... -. Remember now is the time to give your (lowers the best attention. Much depends . on what you do for them UiaWl.llV wiimvfr UlCpCllUa . Vll ..n..-, J " u.n itTnnir hanks: two druir stores;!-.-, U -,nt tn earrv off some inw ' .. - r . , ' M1U1 L jww ' " - w four large hotels and score. of.i,0j the priies on the 11th. Whether boarding houses; ; six , garages andyou make entries or not, remember three furniture stores; a Chamber of y0U are , cordially invited to attend Commerce. (in embryo); three barber anlj bring your friends, " : ' i. 1 .11 tha trailea an.l ! M.Ujl-, 1'U BW wii - Continued on another pagci '.Waynesville Mountaineer $2.0 a year ers are pending head of the Polish relief station," and latev toui-edUie country -on- evan gelistic-mission... ? ,- - ' E. K. McGEE & COMPANY BUSY. Mr. E. G. McGee and staff. are all mighty busy, in fact too busy, to be interviewed in regard to their, real estate business. But they have made 1 several .large sales recently and oth- s DnHD DDTMT