ift-iSKV, Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,802 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources for the Location of Manufacturing Industries .lAiMLSVILLE. HAYWOOD COUNY NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. 1926 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if ot so Paid Volume XXXVIII. Number 27 i vj v i i - 1 ; Program Dates Lake Junaluska Dr. Ra 'kin and County Hospital The Popularity of Waynesville Epworth League Conference August 5th-15th. August 6th, 8 P. M., Dr. F. S. Parker. August 7th, Double Quartette, "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast," August 8th, 11 A. M., Dr. Christian F. Reigner, New York. August 8th, 8 P. M., Dr. W. E. J. Gratz, Chicago. August 9th, 8 P. M., Dr. Reisner. August 10th, 8 P. M., Dr. Gratz. Augus 11th, 8 P. M., Dr. Gratz. August 12th, 8 P. M., Stunt Night, League Conference. August 13th, 8 P. M., Dr. Walter Anthony, Macon, Ga. August 14th, 8 P. M., Movies, "For Heavens Sake," Harold Loyd. August 15,'il A. M., Dr. Anthony. August 15th, 8 P. M., Dr. Anthony. August 16th, Playgrounds Part and Young People's Evening. August 17th, 8 P. M., Miss Irene Bewley, reader. August 18, 8 P. M., Miss Bewley. .".August l'Jth, 8 P. M., Double Quar tette. August 20th, Operetta, Toy Shop. August 21st, The Toy Shop. August 22nd, 11 A. M., Dr. T. B. Price. August 22nd, 8, P. M., Dr. Price. August 23rd, 8 P. M., Dr. Pric. August 24th, 11 A. M., Dr. Fred Brown, pastor First Baptist church, Knoxville. August 4th, 8 P. M., Dr. Brown. August 25th, 11 A. M., Dr. S. T. Senter, pastor First Methodist chyrch, Atlanta. August 25th, 8 P. M. Dr. Senter. August 26th, 11 A. M., Burke Cul pepper. August 26th, 8 P. M., Burke Cul pepper. August 27th, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M., Burke Culpepper. - August 28th, 8 P. M., Thomas Dixon, "The Rising South." August 29th, Haywood County Day, Bishop Edwin D. Mouzon. DAHLIA SHOW. The Dahlia Show under tha aus pices of the Woman's Club will be given Thursday, August aCth'. In addition to the dahlia tubers offered as premiums, the following cash prizes will be given: 1. Best general display of dahlias, silver trophy vase, given by Mr. J. B. Ivey. 2. Second best general display of dahlias, $10.00. 3. Third best general display of dahlias, $5.00. Waynesville and Haywood county bid fair to equal, if not excel, any section of Western North Carolina in development and in DODularitv with tourists and investors within a very short time, according to R. H, Pinnix, Secretary of the Pinnix Devel- The Board of Trustees of the Hay-jopment Corporation, who have offices next to Alexander's Drug vruuu ijuuihj xiubjjiuu me i- in special i lOinpmiy un mam succt HAYWOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL. Episcopal Council Held Session Hon. Charles R. Thomas was in Asheville on Tuesday, August 3, at tending the meeting at Trinity Epis copal church Parish House of the 'last few days. Community Club Flower Show Only one mure week until tho Flower Show. Carefully guard your choicest varities and specimen these iiipiVuii iuB i,k. tt,,4 ..'Executive Council or Bishop's Coun- have given new life "I am thoroughly sold on Waynesville and Haywood county, i .. , t. . , n. . t I ? J r- T mx, ovtvowoi oc rog oatoo nnsmtnr 1,1 ui " ,anu iue color ecin.- ucuiaicu .....A. v w-f" - ' un North Carolina i Deiieve mat 1 nave never seen any locality wuicn oners we wealth of natural advantages and almost unlimited possibilities for high class developments and sales as are found in and near r - t u k , ; k t k u,is ",,u l"B wnynravuie. m wiuiwuu w unu lof t.hurch throughout the Diocese 'promise of far surpassing anv pre- found all around this county, the climate is such as to hod aiwhjch extendj ,nm Hit.kory west t0 fy he)d . session Saturday, July 81, for con sultation with Dr. W. S. Rankin, di rector of the Hospital and Orphan age section of the Duke Foundation, who came up from Charlotte for the meeting with the trustees. The gen eral subject of hospitals for small communities, plans for the same, re quirements, necessities, luxuries, lo cations, size of grounds desirable, consideration of present and future needs, etc., were discussed by Dr. Rankin and the members of the board ' cessful and widely know operating and developing companies in Later in the afternoon a visit was this State. During the past .few years the company has conduct made to the site proposed by theed with marked success developments and land sales in North board of trustees and the tract gone Carolina. South Carolina. Virginia, Georgia and Florida, aggre- over and studied with a view to loca- gating approximately One Million Dollars worth of property each tion of present future structures vear. The council was .n session during entire day discussing the church af fairs and the extension o! the work The recent rains to all the flowers much more bril liant. Every day the committee on ar rangements for the show hear of new exhibitions. This year's show gives strong and lasting appeal to thousands of people who are seeking ideal locations for homes, and are such that shrewd investor- will undoubtedly realize that here are to be found golden opportuni ties for profits. t) . . . . . . i ucuu an nit i cnoc uuv uui m v i m i sniiw will np fi The Pinnix Development Corporation is one ot tne most sue- membershipi but aho in contributions I o'clock, and it Murphy All entries are requested to be on The state of the church was found 'display at the Parish House by 12 to be most encouraging and there has 0ciock n00n on Wednesday. The been an increase not only in thdsn0w will be open to the public at 3 is necessary that the The council is composed of twelve '.judges have from 12 to 3 in which to leading clergymen and !-ioen of classify and decide the prize win Western North Carolina including 'ners. such men as Haywcod Parker, lead ing lawyer of Asheville; Dr. Philip R. needful, drainage, sewer, water and light arrangements feasible, views of surrounding mountains, freedom from manufacturing and other pos sible sources of noise and dust, etc. After a careful consideration of these various problems entering the question of desirability of location, and being shown other available lots Dr. Rankin was unhesitatingly com mendatory in his expressions of the good judgment exhibited by the board of trustees in their selection of the splendid site on the east side of Wuynesville, adjoining the resid denee of the late Dr. McFadyen on highway No. 10, just a short distance beyond the corporate limits of Waynesville. The site affords ample frontage on the paved road, is situ ., i , . :Moale ot Asiirfviij", director ana vice In another part of this paper, an advertisement appears in !....:,., nf ,u rt n.i which is set forth a large and very high class residential sub- Trust Co of Asheville Vance division, which will, no doubt, include every accessory to be found Brown of Ashev!iV well known suc- in ine nignesi Class piupen-ies eisewnere. una ueveiupmeni, naa cessfu; business ine DacKing oi some oi vr aynesvine s most mnuemiai ana con- lumberman ol Ti von- W. L. iservative, although progressive citizens. Ifialthis, cotton broU of Oastonia. Realizing the fact that thousands of Florida people desire A sulvtv wi.i )JC mat. ( western to make investments in Western North Carolina, Mr. Pinnix Noi tn ( ar;ini with n -iew to ihr stated that his company has started a special campaign to bring 'extenf.ion of th2 work . The matter rionaa investors into mis section to sen tnem property, Dotn im-'of an UI)p3r.ionment of the churcn's One of the judges this year will be Mrs. J. B. Doland of Claiksdale, Miss., who has a beautiful summer home here and has spent the past several summers here. Mrs. Doland owns and operates a most successful man; F. P. Bacon, J flower show in CUrkj.lale. a thriving proved and un-improved, in Waynesville and Haywood county. funds wrs a!so c.wi j. I 'itil. DR. RANKIN VISITS VILLE. WAYNES- MISS JAN IE LOVE MITCHKM, country, as a training centsr for TO REPRESENT WAYNES- missionaries and Christian workers , ..i.i.E. r..c. "ri"...- " - - ..!,, Moom unseen. RACE CLASSIC. nity in the bounds of the M. E. lotte, N.C., came up isaturday and i - . . .1 l I ' t ii 1 A.I..- unum.t J ' i -" Miss Janie Love Mitchell, .1 -very ated most attractively at the top of .popular young lady of 300 Love the hill, well diained, beautifully Lane, Waynesville, has been-selected wooded in native forest, containing as sponsor to represent this c'ty in 4.99 (four and ninety-nine one-1 the Charlotte motor race classics hundred) acres, and has been offered sponsor voting contest u the trustees for $5,000.00, which is Miss Mitchell has seltced the' fol apparenily considering realty . prices lowing young ladies of Wayrtoville in this section, a reasonable figure as her maids of honor: Miss Doro- and it is stated has been accepted' as her maids of honor: Misses Doro by the board. The site is on a part Reeves, Mary Ray, Isabel Ferguson of the home place of the late Dr. ' and Shelby Semmes. Samuel L. Love, one of Waynes-1 Every ticket for our next World's ville's earliest graduated physicians, Sprint Race Classic which will take j a successful practitioner, elected place at Charlotte August 23rd will '' Davles. for thj ')as'' slx State auditor of North Carolina on have attached to it a coupon which ; mont has been speak,nK laHy in the ticket with Gov. Zeb Vance in wiU htle the purchaser of the bena,f of the Bennett fund inaugu- 197R o-nflflmr. nf awomnlishment tiol-.t vi fr n.,nr fnr rated two years ago, when ths school, and a citizen of the first rank, it is each dollar represented in the ticket, not unfitting; that a part of his home. Queen bf the Speedway at the place should become the site of the ( The sponsor receiving Haywood County Hospital. number of votes will be crowned the It has been stated that his daugh- j Speedway track just prio.- to the ter had manifested a desire to make races. some substantial contribution to the'Ru,eg of t)e Sp0n8Or Votinc Contest, hospital in memory of her distin- ( Spe(Jway tickets purchased be guished father. !fore August. 15th, will entitle pur- The trustees will continue giving chaser to ten (10) votes for sponsor Church, Srtuth, to shape !ho thoughts ' spent the week-end with Dr. and M' S Announcement has been made that , o" non-Christian countries ft-jr thu J. Howell Way at their home on teachings and principles of :he South Main street. Dr. Rankin is no Christian religion, .t was asserted stranger to this section, having dur- by Miss Daisy Dav On Onm tho nlatfov ...... . L..;nn ln viitil in Pontftn anil Wjtv- odist Southern Assembly Sunday at- ' ""- - hasket temoon, speaking ,r, behalf of the ' ne.vill at different times, besides , Benaett Memorial fund, whereby irsqucuu, ( mM Dnainmini of inf O 1 fk M (T SPr- " ... women of the Southern was amrteo .-"-"y "-"-"-""-"" -- I j. xhe nnesl display ies, of Atlanta, 1 ng h.s long term as secretary of the nuatitv (b) m of the Meth-'N. C. State Board of Health had oc- 1 0,nU (a). ( U , m ot tne Metn , nat w. No. of varieties 1. Anal town in the rich Delta county of Mississippi. The committee are much pleased to have received the services of so competent a judge. Again follows the prize list. Look over it and see how many entries you can make. If you have a great va riety try for the silver basket. But on the other hand if you have grown only one flower that look superior to its garden associates don't keep it at but let it decorate your favorite vase ot Dowl, and join the lovely collection that will be on display at the Parish House. 1. The finest display of (lowers, quality (c) angement Sil- church are raising $500,OJO to erect an administration building in con nection with Scai.-'tt College for Christian workers, at Nashville, 1 U10U18. , n j U liU vice wun me ouite domiu m ncaim as secretary from 1909 to 1925, Finest single specimen of dahlias, old fashioned bouquet. 5. Most artistic combination of two he became the director in charge of the r lne,l hospital and orphanage sections of r..l, rninlatmn with nnnrlfllini- 5 ters in Charlotte and duties cover- different varieties, $2 00. : ' of ing the states of North and S-,uih r- " , " 00 r U mua lniOTltlv PlPT.Pfl A 1-"' wi.iv..-..v . oiuium. akk ' " I . f cnun then the Bible and Training school, was reorganized as a fl.uss A. col- tno largest ' Jlo., to iMasnvnie, renn., wnerc 11 is affiliated with (ieorge PeaboJy Col lege for teachers. Of the $500,000 pledged by Southern Methodist mpmhpr of the State Board of Health to complete the unexpired term of $2.00. O. Dt'rtl Uiai'iftJ " ....., -r dragon, Dr. C. H. Lnughinghoufe, lotted sccetary. He is also a member of the board of executive committee. From Waynesville Dr. Rankin motor ed to Franklin Sunday afternoon purposing to also visit Murphy, Bry snn Citv and Cullowhee, returning to women, $.100,000 has been collected charlotte Thursday via Saluda where 4. Largest decorative dahlia, $2.00 Careful attention to the study of for each dollar's worth of tickets 5. Largest cactus or hybid cactus pans for the building, tnd after set-' purchased. All votes must be cast thng more definitely on the various before August 15th, as the contest services, warns, rooms, eic, ncces- coses the njght of August 15th. dahlia, $2.00. 6. Largest peony dahlia, $2.00. 7. Best vase of 12 different dah- sary exact plans will be arranged, Qr tfce arKe.t I : n O AA , 1.1 d. . : Twl 1.11 ' 1 and an effort is being made to remainder of the fund by January 1st, when the time allotted for its'that pa(.e tnjs neXt week. collection will close. Her taiK yes terday was under the auspices of the missionary sociaty of the Waynes ville district, and delegates were he is scheduled to address the South-1 pin Pedriatic Seminar in session at FLOWER SHOWS. . (Contributed.) j It is very refreshing these days 10 9. Best display marigolds, i.uo. 10. Best display floxglovts, $2.00. 11. Best display calendulas, $2.00. 12. Best display nasturtiums, $2.00 13. Best display roses, $2.00. 14. Best display sweet peas, $2.00. 15. Best display gladioli, $2.00. 10. Finest single speciment gladio li, $2.00. 17. Best priniulu.s gladioli, $2.00. 18. Best display delphiniums, 02.00 19. Best display laikspur, $2.00. 20. Best display flox, $2.00. 21. Best display ragged robins, lias in color or kind, $2.00. 8. Best vase of dahlias alone, ar ranged for artistic effect, $1.00. 9. Best vase of at least 6 blooms, smallest perfect dahlias, $1.00. 10. Most artistically arranged vase other flowers or foliage allowed, but must have at least 10 dahlia blooms, $1.00. 11. For display coming the long est distance in Haywood county, $1.00. onH Iha "nTntnl.'MiMI nroCPPA. in Ilie . .... .j ' . , , T i iu u i number of votes will De presented r , , k junau.Ka meantime the nersotinel of the body . .,.. . , -,at' lj,,K . . . ' , iwwn an engraveu mi " !'. sect ons. $250.00 m cash, transportation present from Waynesville, Canton, hear and read about flower shows all $2.00. to of trustees, and concern in making a success of the .mportant jOD Deiore tnem, assures Sneedwav" just prior 1 rUn.lnffa itrill Vio ITdWnPlI BISHOP HORNER TO PREACH IN GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. our citizens that every step forward in the making of a first-class hospi tal plant will be carefully considered and the financial interests of Hay wood county scupubusly regarded. TRUETT-McCONNELL MEETING. The Right Reverend Father-of-God, Bishop Junius Moore Homer, D. D. will conduct a Confirmation service in Grace Episcopal church on Sunday morning, August 8th, .at 11 A. M. The Bishop will also preach at this service. Other services on Sunday will bei 8 A. M. The Holy Communion. 10 A. M to the races at the speedway, and will occrpy the "Royal Suite" at the Hotel Charlotte as guest of the Charlotte Speedway. c.. . VAAA:,:fi. ilia coinnrl Ifirtr- oponsui urtcivuns me .-t.-..- .-.-c cortlin r to at nnmlipr nf votes will be presented with an engraved silver loving cup, The Truett-McConnell revival $150.00 in cash and she and her maids meeting will begin Sunday at Frank-1 will act as "Laciies in waiMng" to Iin, N. C. Tabernacle of unusual the Queen at the coronation ceremo seating capacity has been erected, nies. The sponsor receiving the third largest number of votes will be pre sented with an engraved loving sup, $100.00 in cash and she and her maids will act as "Ladies in wait ing" to the Queen at the coronation (ceremonies. pre- and other over the country. Garden clubs have j 22. Best display straw flowers, sprung into existence in all sections. $2.00. Mrs. J. Dale SttnU. district scmc- For it proves that along v,-,th nius- 153. Best display 01 asteis, tary, who presided over the meeting try and the mad, wild chase al ter the j 25. The handsomest fer. $2.00. explained that a similar meeting was ' American eagle we have not Tor- j 25. The most attractive window or held at Bryson City last Friday and gotten love of thn beautiful and that porch box, $5.00. more and more oa.n yo.ir n-ning mi .:r':,.,, , ,IlK, natural and cultivated state wins DEATH Or IAI.MB. r r,i.i nw.. . :.. , i HAYNES. district. A prize of ten dollars, ac- new auvocm.es. . - - - , Stentz, was offered sad plight wnen w- ee a u ' . . ;, , ' 4 kno flowir". One in- 01 u. .1. l.. na iic. ua Saturday, attended by th sentatives of other sections in Mrs. stentz, was to the society having llU ivnvp. he its Callie L. : 1.. n,M . cnmothinir hum Kpb. lt. !W, lir.u meu tK- representation, the amount to ap- ' " ' - " " 7 ! M M.R. I survived bv four chi ply on the socity's quota in the Ben- . lacKing in me I , ivni. , K - . . . . . mi., a .,, nut nn each vear dren. Claud Hayni'S, Mis. '-IM.t ' nett Memonai lund. ine society ati-- - 1.. w tho crilen nun 01 ine univemi- i i"" its members Many visitors Waynesville. are expected from BENEFIT MASONIC TEMPLE. Brvson City had all present and was the Drize. At the meeting Sunday missionary of its members prestn by three. Scarritt College, said Miss Davies, Mrs. Mattie Muller f meaning than Ohio, Mrs. Fannie Hale of Tennessee, The one brother. F.li FevEUson of vin si.te-, Mrs. .tw Fieri and There will be a benefit concert for the new Masonic Temple by the T..ii1iiDt-a TWnh1a Ounrfftp nn Mntl-4- UUiioiuon. .w - 1 111 n 1 Manv vaiuaoie prizes win day, August 9th, at. 8:15 P. M. in1 Church School and Ti'Me , ' n--t.. ri Buildm un-tsented to sponsors wh.i do not win Study Class. , ., . .u. o the first, second or third prizes. 8 P. M. Evensong and address by the Rector. Everybody most cordially invited to all our services. REV. ALBERT NEW, 1 Ticket are on sale now. admission is 50 cents. General These prizes will be announced in a coont bulletin later, All ppimVnt- ,f rh 'ty club has a deeper r " . i. 1 i . r fl tlip mere oisniayiiiK i miwi-in. ' . . . . .. kf m-nrvints t is nnp of the Jersey and a twin si..e societv of Clvde Dad all "i""1- ' , . , . r ,.,. very roots oi o u iL-ti iuien : " " - .nnt.itiiHon. the love of home. At- '.Mr Ilavru w;- t-oiivcnod x a WTAnvAw artA ehnw vnnr an--mf ths CruW vet Hantist church was founded through the .effort f ; iation t0 the flower growers of in 171. She afterwa.d was a mem the late Miss Belle H. Berne, t-l t jber of Sweetwater .-hurch. Tennes- able leader of Methodist women, as a , 'see, and moved lur mambership to Rfnnoi ior traininir missi'iniii ijs. r ur m oi nnoi-v tjApipr.ipi:. O Ol WUIHCll n miodiuii. . j ... thirty-five years, the . phr.t was to-j Because of changing conditions in cated at Kansas City. When on ac- the nonchristian world, due largely of the increased demand for ;to the impact of the Christian re- more highly trained missionary i;: ' iy. mPV and influence of the sponsors who. receive 100,000 worr,ers jt was decided to remove !mi ', u nf mnre '' imnnmrwc , W A 1 NKHVILLB bas xcv, rmo votes will be presented wun ucneis the institution and elevate its stand-1 than ever before, Miss Davies sid, I TRUCK. to grandstand "A" for herself and ards Nashville out of dozens of com-1 jpIarin that it is futil to build Reccor.- tZTTT lk n p o t'hV ,he ,lid I I Pe cities was chosen as its lo-Jhool churehes and hospitals and ' u? zzrz:: ;:"Mnjw:u ?ww.e "r-'.:: 1 , - , ;0ther: institutions, .work. ",B. .7h: Z. t . JIh n tM speedway Ban ui unar.olle t , conference of ers can be properly trained to sUff equipments in the state, arrived in ht f Anjfust 23rd. ' . .v u .T. - '. . L j'-.-j v ' Th,o.. tko n.n --.,. Wtl- tit !ll Thia ,'. rA lnot- . me couren wi uvei ine .uiwh ini.ni hi a J w uc.a.m liams Stock Company which played ment as the decrease in insurance ' SCARRITT COLLEGE FOR MIS- , giftfrom . the women of the of the nation, where they labor. u. . - JOrARIES OUULIJCI JI ivitruiuuiaiii mill iiiauc i, im c vci y ' ' iiiiDaiuiii y uic ixci-ii'iiiiab 1 " of the connectional in it itutions of Episcopal Church, South will icnd Lake Junaluska, Aug. 1. (Special.) the dfenomination. The present to its mission fields for the next I Scarritt - College at Nashville, chnrcb-wide enort .among ine worn- nity years, repeated i Miss navies, LOCAL ORGANIZAONS CEIVE DECORATIONS. RE- here last week, the Civic League, the , rates, to say nothing of adequate Mansonic Temple and the Sulgrava foe protection, will more than pay Club were recipients of substantial for the investment in a short time. gifts of a momentary nature. " The - . - - ' - amount of these donations has not, Grady Kilpatrick of Brevard been made public. - here on business Saturday. was'the only institution of its kind in the en represents a per capita gift of will be trained ... at, Scarritt .College lonly institution of its' kind in the five "dollars through the membership tor Christian workers. Waynesville chuven of which ?he re mained to her derab. Mrs. Haync? whil" : visiting her daughter Clara tit Mountain City, Tenn. t PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY. NO TICE. The circles of the Woman's Aux iliary of the Presbyterian church will meet on next Tuesday, August tenth, at 4 o'clock as follows: Circle No. 1 With Mrs. W. F. Swift on Fairview Road; Circle No. 2 wih Mr Ilajty, Rotha on Pigeon Street; Circle No. 3 with the Misses Quinln on STain Street ' : ' : -' ' ' A full attendance '. requssted at these 'meeting!. . -