nWMa ft '.V V Opportunity's Eiripire-Wayilesville Altitude 2,802 FeetrUnsurpasd Natural Resources for the Location of Manufacturing Industries A - QESE35 I !t 111 '.1 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 If Ml to F)4 Volume XXXVIII AYAEsVILLE. HAYWOOD COUN!. WORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1926 ii 11 1 1 i ... i Huge Siccess Enthusiastic Crowds Attend. The Dahlia Show whici was held last Thursday by the Wonan's Club Carolina. What started out as a two ol Waynesville t proved to,be one of county affair is becoming a two-state . the outstandong civic sibcesses of jubilee. , V ' the year. That WaynerilleJ andp, It all grew but-of the completion Haywood county.-, can grw dahlia jpf highway No. 285 in North Carolina. . , equal to and better than the finest in a distance of 21 miles between Dills, the country, has. been ably demon-jboro and Franklin. -. At first this , strated. As if by magic a , bare and road appeared simply to connect empty store on Main street was jackson and Macon counties in .North .'transformed into a radiant.and en- j Carolina, But a growing realization trancing fairyland of floweis. Large 0f the . import -of the opening of this dahlias and small delicate , nd bril- highway appears for the fact that lient hues, the dahlias provid. to be leaders all the way from middle and innumerable in variety. ; Everyone I eastern North Carolina to Atlanta attending expressed intense i delight I at. the scene. v, .jinterested and are going to take part - It was gratifying that the club had in the program here September 15 such excellent co-operation from the and the motorcade that afternoon to citizens "of . the community; There Asheville. were many enthusiastic exhibitors. All the members of the Georgia The exhibition is confined to ama- state highway commission expect to teurs who proved themselves skilled participate. Chairman John N. Held growers of fine dahlias. Mr. J. B. er has accepted an invitation to ap lvey of Charlotte andLaka S unaluska . pear with former Governor Camor who each year otfevs'a silver Jrophy J on Morrison and North Carolina vase for the best general dlay, state highway officials on the pro won the coveted first prize for hi gram at Franklin. The members of own excellent dahlia displiy Mt. the Georgia legislature and county Ivey had over one hundred and fifty, highway officials from these counties varieties of the flower. v t .; J0n No. 15, which extends from North It is estimated that over a tbous-, Carolina to the Florida state line, and people visited the exhibition dur- have been invited to be here and make ing-the hours of 8 to 10 P. ML. A the trip to Asheville, via Dillsboro, register was kept which reveaui the Sylva, Waynesville and Canton, interesting fact ..tha 19 .states', in- , p,aminent newspaper men expect cluding many pities, visited the Ahow, ed lncJude jan)ei A. Holloman of the To visitara irim Massachusetts! ind Atiftnta Constitutlon, Colonel Wade New York, to ! Oklahoma, Txas, xnd , Harris of the Charlotte Observer, Florida, BitfcmtfnXm:jCWM of the Asheville Citigen, glories have btn revealed. ,, . , ,vr; and ibablv others, v And other men Mrs." H. O. Stone wa an exceilfent chairman tee. and Bessie ;.MillV the Misses and Mrs of Woman' 'Club, also gave , Th difficult tasK oj judging waa most bly accomplished - by E. E. urown 01 urownnum ric-.-rs, .ie- vill&.Mr. E. E. Dickinson of Dick inioni the Florist, Ashevillj, and Mrs. Thrash, president ol the tfuncomoe County Garden Club. , ., i ' , ; Thiring the ftfternooa hours punch was served by Mary StrhigfiolJ, An na . Gordon McDowell, and Virginia Garrison., Music was rendered by the Waynesville Orchestra An even- l?fr entertainment was i.-angen ty Mrs . Cleveland Kirkpti 'i:K, chair man of the Music Department of the Woman's Club, numbers by the cr- nestra, solos Dy miss mary r-iint- rickof Waynesville and , Mrs. Hopke of aarleston, S. ,C.. 'were enjoyed. iss , Mary Pate , of Savannah, Ua. gve" an interpretation of "The of th aaiuia snow conjnsit- doubtedly ' will . take part, at will it throueh their courtesy. It has Peen tne COntenuon oi me waynesvme iuuiiuune uiai, wu - . MissestKobina- Miller; DaiUy .unty officials and hundreds' of citi -tih Mriri bv W4terlt North Carolina in the locating of industries in this part t: wouio; onixiouxe V V It hir ' 1 VAV n WWUMWF vm -r .3 -.'- ..r . V' : TT .. OTin r(T1 VHTI If! Il'.H Ui S.U.O ISMtfb 7r, MChaz!vJni;r, : .ViW million .L -1 , Iey. Miss Lois flarrold : . . 4.-. . -, 1 Otner COUmy; mere is ruum 104 ,?uswy, .uiux,.yvau , VJ : " , i v?-naywooa coumjr u. I C H.v McDowell, president 'ihTn.- be- dollar power development .at OUT dOOrW.;. . -IS.. ' laugurateaa years ago oy. -;V .' Charleston." , . , i'. A conismerawe sum lor ine ciuu ajhiiL u carrieg on by the gigantic if.: ;; realized from the generous free TaUu,ah Gorge, through ' Rabun Gap " .i . Jwill offering, the sale of candy and at nd Jnto &e North Carolina moun the cljise of the show, the sale of. across the : Cowees, through dahlia,. '. ' 'Balsam Gap, the highest point on the Th other prize winners of, the Soulhern RaiiW8y; ad into Ash e day were: . Iville through the very heart of the Jllivei oiicivy.., .v..-...,w. ' seeond pnze tor oest general uispwy,, 3 worth- of dahlia tubers; Mrs. E,' T- n...i.tt Wnunonvillfl., third bestjen- -r.i'Hishlav. $2. worth of dahlia, tu- - - x.. ;i . f . vT-.. ' . iiHim " . i-'dol. ' nriT.pa '.wern won DV- J.- K. Bovd. WaynesVilley.; IX. A:,. Campbejt, ' X AT CampbelL Bowles. Jeffrie Ivv: Miss Grace. T nr Dn. j m.-t tfi-eewan, mrs. - q. ' McCracken, Waynesville, . and liobert Bryson of Balsam The tube? -tinii.ims were offered,by 31 of the - totting dahlia- -'gerg of stes and include theif finest .. ,K0rlv 'all! of the briw"irV . ' ;7i, : winners won .more . man , one-. pr. ., ,. ioie than $250 worth of. dahlia T ) tubers were awarded. Prizes As xlass-. .n.j iw o,iii-;nn tn first. Becond,- and. thitd or general uiai'". ; . . . . 1 1 Ji.l.lan ... .1 Y" n tftl f0V : ' , " , u-n dahlia8' ,V?'; 4 .beH, vase, Fisher and Mason. Mr. Ivey. s ; pecU' become a permanent .VrKrtrto and" Su grave "Club were joint hos Best dispay from Ivy HiH town- Mrs.' DuckettJ. best vase, ;vanegated, Best display coming longest dis-, stitution.- -'," , , tv . , " ' CTF? . . ' . . . J , 'ship C. A Campbell; from Waynes-' MrIvey; ,0nd besB, . Mr. SheltonUnceMn V Haywood county. C.'A.l . Durmg the edson an unusually m.a"fo .f tff township, i. A. Boyd; best col-w xJe BUlgle dahlias. J.B. Boyd; Campbell; second best Mrs. William.Siigh grade of entertainment features Tie a.c,fcl.d,ent eJ V,.e'f WUS tth Hotel Gordon .on Wednesday, lection of 1 blooms, eighteen inch se?ond best, Mrs. Duckett; largest Wanehate, Cherokee reservation. " Jhave been sponsored by the assembly, -?f- f Kninehart 8teePP- r.'..-. . - ' , t .t, tv. .nrt W.'.Mra.'j. m, i,. . n,.f town .ihihitor.! beit dis-Ufcn. .rtn Wwn Vhnrrh mPn d .directly W front of the aiUomo- Six beautiful prizes wore presented. wemji,-. .. - M ,v j.i.n- K-antv' W nnl Dl CBVlUO 4 f r number: of varieits considered, J,-B. Tvmm conrl best Mrs. E, T. Duckett; best vasp, 6 blooms largest dahlias, J. B. Ivey; second best vase, Oliver Shelton; best vase pink dahlias, Mr.1 Ivev second best, Mrs. Duckett; best vase red dahlias, . Mi. Ivey; second Celebrate New ; ; Franklin Highway Frafiklin, N.C., Aug. 81. Interest in the road celebration here Septem- ber IS is 'crriDDintr Georgia and North and the Florida .line are becoming 0f prominence :in the W iUtes hl . j ,. . connectim. nnk in th3 .hevilJe-Franklin-Atlanta highway, the 9hortest route, by 32 miles, be tween thse cities between the gouth and the mountains 2. It Is the logical route from an The hearty co-operation 01 ail enns engineering standpoint, since it pass- tian people is earnestly solicited that es through the lowest gap in-the the meeting may , be helpful to the Blue Ridge, south of Virginia. Rabun entire community and that its bless Gap with an altitude of slightly less ings and benefits may be shared by than 2100 feet lower than the court all alike. Every member . of the house at Franklin is one of the few Methodist church is requested to be ,ow pa8Ses, in the Blue Ridge, not' "water gaps," probably the lowest of thili kind in the entire Blue Ridge, Mn: Trnl-Ar ; noaiAn tlll'nilD'll this gap. fcut the mountling virtually disappear a,Jow the highway to pass thxough mighty B,ue Ridge range , Thfl Asheville.Franklin-Atlanta highway is scenically one of the most beautiful drives fa Southern Appa-. Sniithprn Hurhlanrts. , AJ rrnoH. C. it Wnei a t oflNo 1Bj traverses Geor - r. j . ,. .... '.eria. strctcninir irom tne r toriua iaue . V L - x ,. . u t .. I i, ... lllie f WMV iUlbll niUllHO 1C. i .At.ff. a v.nnv ii, " I south Franklin. B. i. '. North Carolina it strikes j . with those to be completed ... qj thn in mnfirt tWa gcctlon wjth. the . Vall , , f .. , . , the Asheville-Fra Mississippi - : Frankln Allan - ..' ' , - , '' erio- in Eastern TJlll f .uuiiii ..v.....; , - . "tnd the -Land of the Sky," nn. fh...t with . the middle .R Takes country. .V - so white . . r-1 1 . .... 1. HnnJ. best. lir, oseiuin,. uwmwM.wuiw T " " ' . r,.. ',... , lA tU-t4 slnMin ' lf " tvav VI I J W v V"-aia uuiiiihi ' -'rf F second largest, Mrs. Duckett; largest) neonv dahlia. Mr. Ivevrsecond larg - cst, Mr. Shelton; best vase arranged for1 artistic effect, Mr. Ivey; second best, Mr. Ivey; best lyase smallest perfect dahlias, Mr. Shelton; second best, C. A, Campbell; best vase of .... . The above cartoon appeared KBVITAL 'MEETING AT THE METHODIST CHURCH. Beginning Sunday, Sept. 8th, at ll A. M. there will be a revival meeting in the Waynesville Methodist church. present in his, place at the initial service. We want this to be every- body's meeting. :' Everybody Welcome. " -Everybody Come. -" Everybody Pray. Everybody sing. Everyboddy help ana May uoa uur pather bless everybody, 'GRACE CHURCH IN THE MOUN TAINS", REV. ALBERT NEW, M. A., RECTOR. ' No early service today. 10 A M. Church School and Bible n.. t,a PoxieVi Hnnw. Tho Hon. 1 Ex-Comtressman C. R. Thomas will sneak s"The Authorized and Re - 'vUed Versions, of the Holy Bible.' 1 . . . . ? . . ri.i..it:nn Celpbration of 1 11 . iu.' uvmi ' ' . . .... .11- ueorsre jk... oiuari, un . v ... 'tu r...i...iaf '4bj'., bv rhe'debt. In smte of the rain more than U1C UULIllid. 1" -tf - . m.. ... iii. -u ... C..Mt"t.nfli Mi nn thn nnpninir or anr nr .iriii z - r 1 1 1 1 .ciaua uuuiw. Rector. Topic: "Flesh versus Spirit.'."; 8 P. M. Evensong. The Rector. will preach on ::" A Weakness in the rhnrrh - .Everybody cordially invited to all .our services... - - '1' : - - U. S. A. dahlias. Mr. Iyey; most ar- tistically arranged,' othr flowers or foliarre allowed, but having at least! Hi- first nrize. Mr.fr M. .d v.rious -nrivate camns . ... - .. . . Ivey, second, Mr. JJoya, oesc vase 12 different 'dahlias in color or kind, Mr Ivey; second best, Mrs. William Wanehate, Cherokee reservation; best 'School, affiiiated with -Duke Univer-I decorative .dahlia originated byUity," held its first session here and'- unwiautu,: ,.uuua ""..:" i' . rtfnMi. .. ,h Kct "Mm Wanohatu ' . - . ., Largest dahlia of any type, Miss .Marion Boggs; second Ingest, Mrs. Wanehate; most artistic vase, Miss Boggs; -second ; largest Mrs. wane - .hate; most artistic, Yae'Mjss Koggs; second . most - artlistic - vase, Mts. Wanehate.: A TIMELY SUGGESTION. , in the Asheville Citizen of recent date and we are republishing HAYWOOD COUNTY DAY. Lake Junaluska, Aug30, (Special.) With addresses by Bishop Edwin; D. Mouzon, of ,the M. E. Church,' VKr uau e"ur " " South, old fashioned singing and a Southern Railwfly System' - , 0, 4 rf ment of last week in regard to the general reunion, Haywood County.' 0 . date. Day was observea at Lake .lunaluska av.n . .... ,.nr , ,u . ,u Ihe excursion is rriday (tomor- Sunday, August 29th, cimin as the I 'climax to a successful season of the row,) Se.pt Methodist Southern Assembly here. ... Bishop Mouzon preachtd at 11 o'clock in the morning and again at 2:30 p. m. Miss Emmn Tucker of Auburndale, Florida conducted a vesper service at 8 p. m. The best program in the fourteen years of its history has marked the La .-..- f a-mM .t Lake 1 " . w Junaluska. in the opinion of many , . : of the summer visitors, who lii-oict a Ktfndv and nermanent de- vclocment of th Methodist plant h. re. i Plans are. aire j Iv under way, arcording to i'r. Stj.iii, to donnte tkr assembly t. tha M 10. Church, b-.uth and to pi it under doncn.- , national control as soon as all 01 tno outstanding indebtedness is nquidat- 'ed. ip tnis interest were is now jgoing 'on an uction sale of lots, the proceeds of the sale to apply to the - opening of . w.... v. .uvu -- . . r twenty lots, were the auction. ? , , 1 During the past eight weeks, -Junaluska has been the site of. During the past eight weeks, L.ane rnore ' ' J jHt than a dozen -summer... Institutes, camps, conferences ana asaemDiies oi the M. B,, Church,: aouuij. ana m aa- dition the Junaluska Camp for boys, Dr. Mason Crum, f Columbia, S. C, director. Miss Ethel McCoy's tamp s of ' and .summer schools, have attracted indjhundreds. of visitors.- - , , 'Thd ,' Lake Junaluska Summer jiuy,-iiwu, ivsi, .u I -.1 ij. - .v. j -fvnm tha nl.ffart ' ' f While the program' officially 'closed on the 29th, several of the hotels, on, ( request of visitors, ' have agreed to jremaaiw open v during beptember, among them' the Terrace, Colonial hotel, Lakeside Lodge, Providence i hotel and Epworth Lodge. LAST EXCURSION. TO WAtfltfcf (Error corrected.) As this is the last special excur sion many are going from this com munity. MEDFORD FURNITURE COMPA NY LEAVING. . ,"c u . V J , ! Ja ' wh,ch h" bn-located at the depot, Tl. Mnfn.J C1 I. -.. u .... 1 ,1 .1 1 : 11 r . . "o'c "vim uui bhu me leaving nnv- nesville. Mr. Cordell Russell moving to Brevard and Mr. C. B. Medford may go to Canton. ' The Sluder-Anderson Company have purchased the Waynesville in - terests of the Medford Furniture Company. ine name 01 Jsluder-Anderson f urniture company will be changed 10 aiuaer-uarrett' rurniture uoinpn- ny,. Mr. Noble Garrett purchase ! the interests of Mr. Anderson some time ago. The above company is doing 's good .1 j 1110 aui business and have a large store on Main street. CANTON MAN OF HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT- 1 ' : . - n , . ' , 'fnr A t Bhin-w" -h ?rylc.e Qlea lne o-P'- " AmB this morning at 4 0 clock, ; .Con.duKct tom4orrw Taftoon Asuevuiu lais . morninir at 3 o'clock by. Rev. A. V. Joyher. I Mr! Rhinehart died from injuries he . nart uiea irom injums ne I"t Saturday afternoon. ;, . , 1. v . t - . bile. , Mr. Price did everything he COUW lOf tbe JUjUred mat). . NO EcUOH taken against him. - and had been a valued employe of unampion , t rDre : company- for oyer 20 years. He leaves a widow and a. Each large number of f fiends to mourn b:s 9:45 A. death. Throngs Attend Closing Affair Haywood County Day at Junalusw Attracts Many People. - Haywood county day was obuereed at Lake Junaluska bunday ffitii a record breaking .attendance. A fH program was carried out which So eluded morning and afternoon preadv ing by Bishop Edwin D. Mousoc. a story hour for the children at 4:30 p. m.j and vesper service at night fed by Miss Emma' Tucker, of AuWa dale, Florida. From every ' nook and corner of Haywood county and from more dis tant sections of the state, they came, pouring by hundreds and thousands into the grounds ol the Jttetnocuav Southern Assembly to celebrate Hay wood county day , which marked the official close of the summer season. Josephus Daniels and Mrs.- Daniels of Raleigh were among the visitors. The crowd was variously estimated at from 4,000 to 6,000. The great open air auditorium which seats 4,600 was taxefl to its capacity to holA the crowd which gathered for the 11 o'clock preaching and the aftecuoon address by Bishop Mouson. Majas re mained tor the 4:30 o'clock story hour and the vesper service ai S p. m. Prior to the morning preaching ser vice and following it, the crowd made themselves at home on the grounds and many family gatherings and reunions of friends who had not met since last Haywood county day, took, place. For the most part, the visitors; brought basket dinners which were 1 xi a spread on tne Pw rBaer ?"-; Manager J. Dale Stentz, had been preparing for Haywood county day pi MeUt j dents of the county in which, tne as Isembly is located. Whenever possi ble Dr. Stuart waa always present Qn this day Snd was many times tne. speaker on that occasion. That the host of Dr. Stuart's oldl kDw0,i friends might feel tht their beloved friend, while absent in the flesh would be "with them in spirit on this, day, through the permission of hiw widow, a large portrait 01 the great leader, "Methodism's Grand Old Man," occupied a place of honor on the platform wreathed in flowers placed there by loving hands. Dr. Stuart died last May. His loss has been keenly felt this year by Juna- . . .. , luskans who througn tne years nave to look for-ard to his genial grown to - -OBDn(.p here during the summer. is Dr. Stuart was Haywood county-day- speakcr last year. The year before that Josephus Daniels was platform speaker. ' Haywood county day at Lake Juna- luska has come to be regarded as 'the crowning glory of the summer's ac- Tne recent ceieDrauoo was oeciaieu uy many 10 j .... " "t Aiempnia, one 01 tne original cum- missioners 011 the assembly, who nas attended, every day with possibhty .. . . . . one eP0" one s.ce iuuh, oaiu ... m ma opimon there had never bean rnore sue-, cessful occasion than- the -one today. J, In addition to congregational sing-ES-AS RESULT f f al . by' B i.1 K 1 trll ' LllC L'HMailUll. VHUlA.il iUJIJI beginning, special musit was an iir- teresting ,fetme at Hhe' Sunday , Sor- oi' ViVinto7 S. C, was soloist At the U o'clock pteach.ng hour. Mr. '.nd Mm. J. ' Dale StehU gave "spacial numbers at th,e afternoon service: " : ? BENEFIT CARD, PARTY- TK..,.,U.. l tti ri.rl InoAno the .winners. An jce course was served late in ' the afternoon. About ten. tables METHODIST CHURCH NOTICR. Sunday, Sunday M. Preaching at school at II o'clock by Rev. J, T. Mangum. v v.. ' .- I : V "l Jat