'TT J ' I. THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER. i FJj-Tox your kltch petizing food untou flies. the Board of wood Count- i Waynesville, N on the 20th d for $100,000 ohed X Con Serve ap- by filthy NOTICE OFyBOND SALE. Sealed proposals will be received b) nmissioners oi Hay- thn O'lrt House ii it 1 ? o cl c nojn of September, 1926 Hospital Boni-i of Haywood County, said Bonds to druw 5 per annuni and boar date o Oct 1, 1926, and (to mature as follows: 93,000 on Octy 1 in each of the years 1929 to 1948, inclusive; $5,000 or. Oct. 1, 1949 (to 1956 inclusive. Said Bonds to be in denominations o: $1,000 each iand both principal ant semi-annual interest to be payable at Chase National Bank. New York City The bids for said bonds shall be ac companied by a certified check upon an incorporated bank or trust com pany in an amount equivalent to 2 of the par Value of said bonds, sai. check to be made payable to P. V Massey, County Treasurer, and to b forfeited as and Tor liquidated aim ages In the;event bidder fails to com nlv with the terms of the bid. No bids :for less th:i par will be considered,! and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Bids mult be submitted on forms txi bv furnkhed, and addressed to: C. F. KIRKPATRICK. Register of Deeds, ', Waynesville. N. C Statement Total assessed valuation for 1925 $20,284.00') Total bonded debt includ ing this issue $ 1,018,000 Population 1920 census 23,496 SeptlCc Haywood County. NOTICE OF TRISTEE'S SALE. On Saturday, the 18th day of Sep. tomhiT, 1921), at 11 o'clock A. M. ait the Court House door in WayiK-.i-villi-. North Carolina, 1 will sell .it jiublk' outcry for cash, tiu- lanj ami i'rcfiiisp.s, ly:nn and bci'itf ::s toe; '1 KV.nsh;p, and Haywood ( nun y ari l more particularly :esnilm: . lul ik iined u- follows: A tract of lumi knovn as ill.' Thus Orr I'lace fully described in a deed from u. J. Hayntjs, Commissioner to V. R FiTKUson, recorded in Book 27, Jaj;e -105, Heconl of Deeds of Hay wood County and the same land con-n-yi-J to F. I), and Lon Rogers by .It id from V. T,' Hlaylock, Admr., et . tl. dated Sept. pi, 1912, and recorded in Book .'Hi, pagi 2fifi, Record of Deeds eif Haywood Ctiinty. Also a tract of 20 acres of land v. hereon the pirtics of the first part viow reside conveyed to fie said Lou Movers by deell duly recorded in the illii e of Register of Deeds of Hay proud County,! North Carolina. ale made pursuant to power con terril upon ma by deed of trunt from a. on Rogers lind wife Blane Rogers rfatfd 27th day of Dec., 192.!, and re corded in Book 10, page 102, Record of Deeds of Tfust of Haywood Coun ty. North Carolina. Thi the 10th day of August, 1920. J R MORCAN, ISeptlOc Trustee. Better than Ever Followina their traditional policy of con stant improvement with no yearly models, Dodge Brothers, during the past eight months, have vastly bettered their motor cars in many vitl respects. Indeed, there has never been an equal period in Dodge Brothers history when so many refinements of a popular and fundamental nature have been made. The public is registering its appreciation of this progressive industrial service by purchasing every motor car Dodge Brothers can build in spite of the fact that Dodge Brothers production, during these months, has broken- all previous records by an impressive margin. Touring Car $337-00 Coupe . 948.0U Sedan 1,005.0') Special Touring Car ... $ 997.09 Special Roadster 995.00 Delivered HAYWOOD GARAGE Dodge- Erdthe-rs MOTOR CARS MOREHOUSE GIVES PLAN TO PROTECT PEOPLE FROM WILD-GAT PROMOTERS XherSOUTHERN RAILWAY should be owned in the South If IN THE SOUTH there are many great industries which, with their products, are known the country over. One of the erreatest industries of tl-LRouth is the Southern Railway System, of the largest employers of Sou'lfv and women, a large purchaser of Southern products, and one of the South' largest taxpayers. It is also foremost ancong the carriers of Southern products, j We who .are devoting our Uvea in the service of this railroad like to calj it ours. And you who travel on it and sftip on it, day in and day out, are entitled to call it yours. - x ; J i It will be a great day for the South and for the Southern when thousands of small and large investors of the South spak of the' Southern Railway System as theirs. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. iiijiU- of North Carolina. County of iiavKoon In the Superior Court Before the' Clerk. J. B. J.est, Administrator, of the : ';:;( of J. A. Robinson, deccas- I 1 - , T. Kob:nscn and.'wiife, A. t.i.tj n. im. .1. ii. Ii .itifuson , Nicriie i.t !. v .lii.i hush.-irfd. Wii! Kcr j J i i : : i i Ovo.-rfi.in and hus ''.'..!. i '!;.'! Ovcnn.m, Mamie ' i.1 i : mm, I huKinl, (iaither , K'kt..' 'll, X- , Ciinrles ; IJi.li r:".l hustaiiii Wiliia RlinK Mi anil, f trunk ;KidiiiM:, Allhea Aliit-n Ritlinc and others, law of .1. A. Kd)inso'i, Dwell - Mi tt. i nlw.i . t'.ie pjblic V In vho;tl i'. may iM.'i.vin ilia; i. ju. of n order of ;h: Supe- i ( u:; o' liaywiioi I itnty is i.a.'.l 'i.i ;he J'iJl day of Autc'J'u. 19 JO. ,-i tne above entitled action decree- '' sa4e of the hereinafter described l.r.rU for the purpose of creating as. r !.:.; to nay debts due bv the estate of J. A. Robinson, deceased and the cost of administration, of which land the said J. A. Robipson died seized and possessed and which is situated on the Chambers , Mountain between ('rub tree nd Thlckety on the waters if Crabtree CreVk in Crabtree and Heave rdam Townships and which is described as follows: Pittinriinir on a chestnut. Riddle's comer, and runs E. 19 links to a chestnut; then S. i 1 30' E. 59 poles 10 links to a stake on south bank of road; then with the "aid road N. 83 i0' E. 7 poles; then 76 E. 9 poles; then N. 62 45' E. 9 poles; then N. !6 30' E. 15 poles and 10 link; then S. continuing with the south bank ol said road 60 30' R 6 poles; then N. B4 15' E. 4 poles; then N. GG E. i poles; then N. 44 i E. 3 poles; then S. 87 SO E. 3 polos; then N. 62 E. 4 poles; then N. 32 E. 8 poles; then N. 2 E. 2 poles; then N. 84 30' E. 4 poles; then 66 30' E. still with the outh bank of said road 88 poles and 20 links to Spanith oak: then N. 9 45' W. 64 poles and 13 links to stake; then N. 15 30 W. 10 poles; then W. 64 poles and 8 links to a Rtake; then S. 14 30 W. 37 poles and links to the BEGINNING, contain ing thirty-fiva and one-tenth (35-110) acres. By rirtuas of the aforesaid order I 'will therefor offer the above de scribed land for sale at public auction to the highest bidder fdr cash at the onrt house door of Haywood County on the 13th day of September. 1920, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of creating; assets to pay the debts due by the estate of J. A. Robinson, deceased and the cost of administration.- This the 13th day ef August. 1926. American Bankers Association Official Who Has Exposed Fraudulent Schemes for Robbing Savers Draws Up Set of Rules to Foil Crooks. By W. R. MOREHOUSE, Public Relations Commission, American Bankers Association. ARTICLE NO. IV THE solution to the great problem of protecting savings depositors from losing their money in fraudulent schemes is largely in the hands of our bankers. If they will co-operate with those who save they can make it hard for tnese plunderers to continue business. Hasten the day when our bankers without exception will gladly welcome interviews with depositors who contemplate making investments, will urge an investigation or recommend in the stead of little known securities investments of unquestioned responsibility. In every case where customers call at the bank excited and nervous over some scheme where by investing a few hundred dollars they expect to make thousands any banker will at once sense the situation. The banker knows that the depositor is being rushed off his feet, with "Hurrv. hurrv and get in on the bij? clean-up!" and it remains for the banker to! caution the depositor against such tactics. In order to prevent this all that our bankers have to do is to suggest that their cus tomers make It a rule always to brings high. pressure salesmen to the bank to pirates go to those who are inexpe br lr:terro.':aied ri Kurdins their pro-1 need In finance for funds Is because , motions This will break up sales tthey can palm off on them so-called in-1 W. R. MorehoutJ nino times out of ten. for hl'h pres sure salesmen Invariably avoid belnp questioned too closely by bankers who know Investments. Rules to Follow Our bankers should urge this In vestment slogan: "Investigate before you Invest. Consult your banker first," and so Indelibly Impress It on the minds of their depositors that they will always be guided by their bank er's advice in making Investment. Salient points which should be kept before the Investing depositor are: (1) There are three cardinal points to all good investments, namely safety of principal, certainty ot income and aalabllity. (2) Safety of principal Is more Im portant than a high yield; the promise of trig returns Is usually a sign of a risky speculation. (S) It Is like taking a leap la the dark to Invest la promotions which axe an unknown Quantity awl for this reason a thorough Investigation should always be made. (4) It la morally wrong. It criminally so, for any person to Invest In any proposition he feels is a skin- game, or which la tainted by trickery or fraad or opens the way for a fav ored few to "get In on the ground Boor," clean up and get oat from under before the scheme colls pees. Usually the depositor finds he Is not In on the ground floor, there la no chance for bint to clean ap before the scheme collapses and so he losea all that he has Invested. S) If a promotion is as good as claimed, it would not be necessary for high-preesure salesmen to resort to ail sorts of - questionable methods, it would not be necessary to rush a vic tim off his feet and sign him op before he could interview his banker, but he could be given time to consult others before In Testing. W The only reason high-pressure vestments which in the eyes of men of experience are valueless. (7) The glib-talking promoter Is not a true friend of the savings de positor but Is a wolf in sheep's cloth ing, he will resort to any kind ot trickery to exchui.ge a certificate of stock for the depositor's cash, bis glit tering promises are fictitious and he is planning how he can entrap his vic tims and relieve them ot their savings and not how he can make good divi dends for them. (8) For every oil well that pays dividends there are many dry holes and abandoned drilling rigs, and for every profitable mine there are many abandoned shafts, and for every suc cessful .promotion there are a thou sand failures, and because ot these tacts the savings depositor's chance ot winning la too small to justify the great risk Involved () Severe ahooM steer clear, of stock, shares tar units In world -re vota tloniiinc tnvestiona which are peddled in front of empty stores or sold from house to boose or through the malls. (10) Every novice Investor should remember that, as In all Una of beat ness. Mack sheep have Invaded the in vestment Held. They moat be shunned, while investment Arms and salesmen of responsibility and Integrity should be supported. Lt our banks unite la a movement designed to protect the depositor agslnat the schemes of the wiM-cat promoter in a movement that will save oar savings depositors from de spair and from poverty as a result ot having lost all In a movement that will tarn Into legitimate investment channels the millions of dollars which are now wasted on fraudulent schemes of one kind or another. The beat service a bank can render a novice In vestor is to keep him from making poor investments by helping: him to r atsTsTsTar-.V-C. i i T n sTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsl k - ss-tsssraw TSSF OUT RAILWAYS e Southern & STEAf el South I 'lyr1" - . . One Piece of Meat May Look tike Another BUT- One piece of Meat does not always taste like anot her. We are glad to guar antee your satisfaction with any Meat you may buy here. You Save Money Shopping Here i? Just how much you save depends upon how mi: you jbuy. Each and every .item represents a definite saving, the aggregate for a year being a 'consider able sum. V '. .... . v .'..'. "The Sanitary Market" .' The City Market. J. B. DAVIS, Prop. Phone 1"49 . Church Street. . cpt.9c HAH Commissioner. make good ones, . r J. . :J VI i. 1 1 I J 4. U. JttbST, p!:

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