THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER. jfiesillle Mountaineer 14 Church Street Wm. A. BAND, Editor-Owner POLITICALLY DEMOCRATIC Display Advertising Rates: Forty Cent per column inch Guaranteed Circulation SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscriptions payable in advance (12.50 if nut so paid) i Year $2.00. 6 Months 1.25 3 Months 65 i Entered at the post office, at "Waynesville, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter, as provided onder the Act of March 3, 1879, November 20, 1914. PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY at PVPTV lrln1 frnm avnrv atota In th. indestructabla when the nrodiirtu laV& 'nti utilized toward tne lasniomns? and Branner Gilmer waa an fnnH f improving of mankind. That nerve "Master . of human deatrny mI; center must have the, training from! Fame, love,' and fortune on my foot the sources of supply that will render ; 9,ouj ssas pu snasap ajwjauad t the greatest service to the State and ;j,(8M T epaa pat sajjja 'jt sd?t Nation nd world. An artist was and passing by hovel and inart and once asKeu wnat he mixed his paints palace soon or late I knock unbid with, and replied: "With brains," .-.I den once at every gate! If sleeping, like the old scrub that knew a thor- wake if feasting, rise before I turn ooghbred when he saw him, said: !way. It is the hour of fate, and "Them air the hoses what ran woth they who follow me reach every state Incidentally, anihro-' mortalg deire, and conquer every Foreign Adnrin( fccprBta llv. THE AMF.RIL AN PRESS A."SOC Im I Union swish by, and thousands and 'other thousands of pedestrians in i holiday attire promenade up and 1 down Main street and the variegated knickers and sweaters of the cake .eaters vying with the bright or flesh colored stockings of the flappers, 'whose knees are plainly in evidence. Raiment of every hue, and cos- jtumes of every description, profes sional, business and sport; white, yellow and blue, give to Waynesville the cosmopolitan touch that befits a : city that is the capital of the sum mer play ground of the South, and the metropolis of the beautiful "Land ! of the Sky Behind the colorful background istinir codes. Drinciole's and ,v.t.m. for an eduted citizenship is greater supplied by her visitors goes on the ' that have ceased to be of usefulness 7 than ever before- am 8rld accustomed life "of the city. Mayor 'to mankind. They are disappearing that Western Carolina has contribu- jioweu ana we noard or aldermen I ke the dew hefnw th mnrnino- . " iuulu ul ceieunues lowara are eternally building new streets, The mathematical progress of mind ,advancin human Progress. CLC. Ann nar-fjr mMAna thai nniri' . I Mtii ini ui sues- Real estate,, if the operators can terial substance with m.vhnnical ure- cision under the skillful guidance of high powered intelligence. As long as the scrub intelligence of lower I think of poem my good friend W, h,v, inigneA ,om, wonderfal their heads. pologists tell us that :he horse is oes 88ve de"i; but those who doubt older, from a point of view of ci-ea- or hesitate, condemned to failure, tion, that man. The expression. Pn"ry and woe, seek me in vain and ' 1 I t . "HWt v.n nt ,,.,, . uBw5iy impiore. i answer not, and 'be pretty old. Today, there are ex- return more' The. opportunity rings, necklace, and pendants, in which we have grouped rare gems in the most artistic manner. These rare pieces of Jewelry vary in price according to the values of the pre cious stones each article contains. It will be a pleasure to us to show you these products of the jewers art if you will be so kind as to ealL JERE DAVIS Jeweler and Ontometriat I Warneeville. N. C be", believed, is slowly but surely be coming more active. Appearances add credence to reports. I But to the tourists thi greatest I orders seek to crU3h the specie with THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1926 interest 'centers in Lake Junaluska, ! 8uperior facilities' mankind will be Ithe golf link, the theater, the moun i narassea wltn war P'agu j and pes WHY NOT A VATION (if THINK e ' u'"i - - r frV" "tain trails, and the other hundred and tllence. and every associated crime A remarkable man died in this country a short time ago. This man was not a "superman." He was just u plain everday American citizen, with an abiding faith in humanity, liiid the deepest respect for Ameri can democracy and freedom as guar anteed and protected by our consti tutional form of government. He had a broad vision. He built up his business by helping others to iiuild up their business. He knew that if his manufactured articles were to have the greatest sale, consumers Jiad to be able to buy and willing to Iuy. .He could see that in order to sell a pump for irrigation purposes, he iiud tu do pump, it first for him to encourage the teach- dent of human nature one things to be found in and around' and vice- "d women ac complish an education thMt will en able them to drive the current of mind power through the skulls of the Waynesville for recreation. Nightly the theatre is crowded. So far as the weathir is concerned it has been so beautiful that even a'n. of tne 'frnorant world; then, civ staid business man could be excused ! ilization wil1 exist on 8 basis of n if he should suddenly wa.c noetic Thi!n,ony that has always been the hope DRESSES F' heavy rains have fal'en in the night. !and dream of the fathers of scholas-1 The range of cL STREET WEAR and materials in One cloudless day foliowi another, ; tlelsm- j ladies ready to Wear dresses for interspersed only bv showora of short1 Haywood county now has a pretty every day use 'is greater this season duration that serve to keep circulat-6'r start to develop future citizens, than ever, anfl the Viodels are just ing that coo'rig ripple of moLiit:iin Ttle citizenship of today is great; but. "s smart as hey caiA be. We have air mat draws visiU's from less fa- 'ne citizenship or tomorrow must be garments of every description all vored climes in thij repect. greater. The teachers of yesterday ready to put on. Theri is no ques- uui, me icuciier 01 loaay ji iu sizes waniea Decause we and tomorrow must be better. The haave them . in all sizes, (limited system that produced a wad r'Kht, also. AN EDUCATED CITIZENSHIP. .rices are (By Buel B. Hyatt.) A gieai priest said, "give me hild until he is seven years of age whole lot besides build a and the world may have him the rest was more necessary at of his life.'' He was a profound stu- By education ing of scientific agricultural methods, we mean the effort to draw out and mo that farmers could use pumps and develop the powers and mental equip iiave the money with which to buy, mint of an individual. Of course, iban it was to build a pump factory, education may be applied to the en- And so it was throughout his bus- tire physical being. The beginning career. He saw the value of of the Chinese system was twenty huiJding up the buying power of the three centuries before the Christian people as the surest way to build up Kia. The Jewish system of educa liis own business. tion is an expressiion of religious and He could see that exorbitant taxes, ethical ideals. The Greeks were first , of sap in the head must be supplanted a I u-ilh hrnin nallj tliat l . , ...... iito iiiui icjiunu lv, a pus- itive degree of mentality. The hounds of hell, who seek to keep hu manity in ignorance and darkness must have high voltage that will ob literate minds in bondage, and give to every man, woman and child a know- edge of the truth as well as the lie. j Man has always been a worshiper of j Nature. In Nature is the key to ' every unsolved problem effecting hu- ' THE ELM ART F WOitfAN': of tne Worn . i . i uji, oepiem ,3:30 p. m., witf Mrs. C. H FOK SALE One iWe' mcu-iix; OF WOMAN'S CLUB A meeting of M5e Woman's Club will be held otC Senternhnr flth a McDowell. Ton Truck Now $55 less Sweeping economies resulting from Chevrolet's tremendously increased production make possible this drastic price reduction. Now, more than ever before, the Chevrolet 1-Ton Truck is the world's greatest commercial car value! See it! Test it! Learn how efficiently it will meet your ever re quirement how amazingly little it costs to operate. NEW LOW PRICES Ton Truck Reduced to (Chassis only) f.o.b. Flint Michigan 1-Ton Truck Reduced Flint $375 $495 (Chassis only) f.o.b. Michigan man life. With our present facilities we are progressive; but, must have the ideal to make lighter the paths cf advance for the next generation I -the corner of Sh East stre rooms, one1 with furnac' near in, 73 1-3x200 u. u urijfg 375 sho -u.t ,.! o., ,i lln n ml A ... ..l i i. I I..WU.U, S'"i'N cauu uiatuiuuig lu rwuglllfc Buucaiiun B3 it real Bit L,.,nJ .1, -!; e U . , , , . . , .Deyona tne situation of the present. al policies were detnmen- and science They taught grammar, QMng tQ lhm tfc tal to the laboring man and business, rhetoric, philosophy, arithmetic, mu-'iFVnn in )h . . , .. , 0 . bt.i,wiiii.. w, mm aot-iuuuiiiv, luu ... l..i,. , , .... - v : .ui-.v. : i t. . i j .' .. n" ""') "" -e periuc'-ion Oi v "'ij niiiiu iiin" Human ojstuui pruuuceu a nation oi , .i,i,.v, S-n.l4M. rt..nrnn.,f. .. 1 : J I 1 .... . 1.1. s.u,uw cuju utawvjrcu ciiipiuiiiciit. wuiiiors auu loyai citizens, wnicu This man started with nothing but made them cruel, selfish and rapa-' viii iiVs kit at At bah A gs. Pn and lot on treet and s-hort bargain. Six: good basement water and lights. location, corner lot Call, write or see ne 275 resident, V tf Russell Motor Co. Canton, North Carolina World's Lcwfst Priced Gear Shift rtck i-uui that must clear vision and an understanding eiou.i. With the beginning of the e perlection they are capable." Within a weeks, our forces of education i begin to operate. Let us hope those who have the destiny f toe practical and worthy life, 'ihat every child will receive the attention cil basic principles which underlie Christian Kra. the ideals of brother-! v.iv ;.,.i;.,;.k...l a .,(;...,i ..., i j , , ., .t, " " ' Ul,ua'1" e,'u"',ly 01 men Decame cne, their progress toward a more nation- i'""' ,s.aiiuarus oi educational concepts. ai in 1 .1 ! 1 1. . .i .r ... ..' iuvii ie uieu ne was me neau 01 men came trte universities, with the itreatest business in tho world, scientific nmnnojitinn i( L-nr..lnH.,o I .suid his products were sold in every XiatMJii. When theological teachings were dis The ipiestion will be asked, "What counted . . . with the edvent of the Jiun nil this to do with my job or my printing press and the rapid distri- scientific proposition of knowledge, ' tnat wi, enMe them tQ CumprehpI,d with less consideration of theology. !the problems of exist ence, a:id fortify fcusreess ?" lit hut everything to do with your huiiinvs. or job, whatever it may be. Yrrn have the same brain to think with as the man mentioned, although .you may not have the (jod-given sigh; into human nature which Hind Kut ytni can profit by the rec ord which he left. It doesn't taks intelligence, for the shoe merchant to fee that he sell f iiiiff.nrUi aie good, Kiiiiiiicc agert to i pniperiiUH people me bution of books, the minds of men and women seemed to awaken. In North Carolina, Charles B. Aycock, r loused our people to the value of education! Today, representative m- scholars of the state are calling at he untion to present needs within our grasp. And, notwithstanding the availability of the products of liter- i'ture, science h, more shoes t methods of rransnnrtation and Hi ii j!' lor th? in- emination of knowledge nnr? tho im. w .. . o ' v .... pioved condition of mankind result ing from ingenuous inventions . . . . inderstar. i ilia boiler pros- them for the struggles and battles that life exacts in the mastering of i established principles. An enducated citizenshio .is the population of Waynesville? Yes! Then, this haven of sunjhine and flowers will reap the klden harvest i of Freedom, Peace and the oursuit j of happiness. The Paren t Teachers' j Association have the opportunity to J convey to the youth the trutn in such ' ways as to fre the mind of sum r-' and the arts; the rapid titjon. aml nlllnt. t-ni. imnrP,.lnl ,lf 1 truth that will cnabl ? the child to j appreciate wisdom in all fields of thought. When the schools of the county and city r? opened, -hat means the opening of the doors into the realms of all the future hapes ' ni.d ideals of the community. . . I the teacher will r.evcil Hnd the pupil aid student will abj rb Wo must t: mar tne cnnore?: or r ic miui Get our Prices on Sheets and Pil low Cases A Complete Line of Ladies' Hosiery Jji ts. - pearly half of the world's people can- del over the idea that y ia can , nat read and write. .We have corn mat; prosperity for yurse"if abne, j pulsory education, industrial, techni and realize that you d?pc-nd upon cal, commercial and scientific educa the "other fellow" for you- business. tion. Yet, the mind of the world is (The United States is a world lead-, only fifty per cent efficient. Iliteracy KT hi w. .v. must De reaucea to preserve numani- tuns arc prepared to take their rlws jcbould become a land o.' "thinkers. , ty. The spreading of democracy will n society with pwt.'.-tl lnnul We should not be at t.i-; mercy of be accomplished by true methods of equipment. The school room is pomicHi aBuio.s a K peaagogics. til i';c, bator of thi braiiM buccaneers. ine couirry eai:ir xhe brain is the great nerv ten opportunity. I llison s Where Prices or Less Good Solid Leather Shoes for the School Children See Our Line of Corsets of r-e d lintrv Tha OU Shnnl r..ll I. 1.1 nnnvalan tknt n n Iintn,l1(1 . fTt 1 . . . . . " aiuuuiu ier. iue quality oi matter mat is out the chimes of pic of legislation or taxation wmcn ndustry three miy take an lnterfers with some thousand miles away, advertisement of a local store out of his paper or create unemployment -which will cut down his subscription J"it. The local gro-er may lose his business, because an ur.sour.d tariff policy destroys the m n ker for local : tarm crops. The bankr feely the I effect immediately wien any Is hurt, and it. goes without saying tfcmt tha day laborer is 'he first man "yet the ax" when jtkies sufTerf. be lesson to be leJrn from this who has passed on. if plain and de. H lived hi life largely in interest of the .Oior fellow not a puaply charitable angle, but the itindpoint f 'cshI .ui ."v A. ta. i r follow his .ample, many businoM problems And world eontrovc siei will disap- ONE WEEK IK WAYNESVILLE. The summer season is now st its height in Waynesville. Automobiles. Put In Your Wintc'rs Stpply of COAL now PHONE No. 4 for y'oulr supply of Winters' Coal Fill your bins and Ihen you can forget about It, knowing: that when cold weather come you have plenty of fuel in your bins. We sell the rery best coal on the market, K L. LEE & CO. It ! - - . Dealers in . CLOTHLNG, SHOES AND ACCESSORIES. : SEE US FOR BARGAINS AS WE ARE OUT Or THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. AT DEPOT , . V . WAYNESVILLE. N. C. LADIES GOODS A SPECIALTY Just Trunks We Want You To Know W; Are Always On The Elest-to Buy Me rchandise. 1 w ats Dnappy, serviceable. Bel ow We Ladies e new at a lavin tiling s in rom 'omtex i nappy, serviceable, and at prices those charged iri the city. want you to look at Pumps and Oxfords One to Two Dollars a Pair. The Wdl Kno wn Onzx Hosiesy , HccL $1.50 New Shipment Ladies Hats, Just Arrived, at Prices Less. . Watcli onr windows, watch our advertisement , in this paper, it will pay you. Fall Goods Arriviiisf Almost. Daily. N ew i t.rt.-t--v...

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