5 Opportunity's fmpire-Wayiiesville Altitude 2,802 feel-Un$urpa$sed Natural Resources : For the. Location of Manufacturing Industries S2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if et bo PkM Volume XXXVIII. Number 32 WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUN NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1926 WA i . r-m. ZAV7at1 l-rb-r-r- kTTWT T VY.'lTTVn-'l i 0 V I vrTKTTViTT" ' , " . ' ' : , - Chas.H Thomas ' library Jag Day Appointed Judge j - . is Successful Will Hold Two Weeks Term Court in ' Graham County, I ...... Tag pSy on August ,24th, for the benefit of "the Waynesville library, iHon Charles R; Thomas, Ex-Con-1 wa Very successful, the public re- gressman, prominent attorney and sponding generously, . The sum of churchman of " Waynesville, was ap- $171.54 was raised which is to be pointed by his excellency Governor use(i t0 pay back the $100 which was McLean, judge to hold mixed court. borroWed in the spring to buy new of two weeks term in Graham county . - , , ... o L . n. irvi. books, and the balance for additional beginning on September sixth. This " ' , , . .. , appointment was made in lieu of Judge Harding. ; This is a deserved honor as Mr. Thomas ia one of the most brilliant and ' influential citizens of North Carolina, ; His. many year of ex-1 perience in his profession entitles liim to hold this exalted position. books. ' The Board of Directors wishes to thank Mr. Band for his 'donation of tags and the First National Bank, The Citizens Bank and Trust Co, Alexander's j Drug .' Store and ', the Waynesville ' Pharmacy - for their NORTH CAROLINA Outstanding Facts Relating to , " North Carolina's Progress and Prosperity North Carolina has the largest Hosiery Mills in the World. North Carolina has the largest Denim Mill in the United States. North Carolina has the largest Towel Mill in the World. North Carolina has the largest Aluminum Plant in the World. North Carolina has the largest Damask' Mills in the United States. , ;. '.'". -, . ' . " North Carolina has the largest Underwear Factory in America. We consume annually in our Textile Mills 1,100,000 bales of raw cotton. - . -Haywood County Has the largest Pulp Mill in the United States. : North Carolina, has more Mills that dye and finish their own "products than any other Southern State. . North Carolina leads the World in the manufacture of Tobacco. ' North Carolina has a total of more than 6,200 Factories, Electric Wiring Very Essential Adequate wiring of the home itself is the first essential for obtaining full satisfaction from electrical ap pliances, according to Martin Eec tric Co. The modern home shou'd Another Outing at Max Patch Boice Telia Plans For Second Mo tocade Picnic Saturday. Undismayed by the hardest rain of the Summer atop . Max Patch the hundreds of mountaineers, perma nent and temnorarv. native and vis- contain electrical conveniences and, to who gathered there last June to be practicable, sufficient outlet.; must (ee an airplane landing at the peak be provided both for lighting pur- only to be disappointed, are going to poses and for connecting appliances, make anotehr effort. One of the most obvious 'faults of I S?lectjon of "ef 8tut f P7 . , teirtber 11, as the date for the basket inadequate wiring, says Mart.n Elec-.picnic oratorica, feaBt ,nd trie Co., occurs when the wiring is aeroplane arrival was announced by such that it becomes necessary to use C. Boice, president of the Boice Hard' I lighting fixtures for connecting ap..Wood Company, owner of the moun- On Feb. 4th, 1926, the Waynesville kindness in allowing: the use of their , annual wage3 amount to more than $127,000,000. These Factories give employment' to 158,000 workers, whose pliances., Hanging cords' - give the' tain and. thousands Mountaineer in an editorial publish- buildings for headquarters, North Carolina has over $1,000,000,000.00 invested in manu- of acres around Mr.' Boice has been here fr few davs conferring Asheville peoplo ed the following which we repeat at The Directors are also Indebted to facturing establishments. . " . S over-loaainK interested in the project. this time: , ;..' Jth following young ladies for 'thdr North Carolina' leads every Southern State in the number of ,the wir,nK- The approaching festivity wi'l be ' Charlea R. Thomas. ' ' j ejflcjenj. work on the streets while wage and salary eanrs. ' Vi I Lighting fixtures are not designed unique in several respects. If the In another Column we are publish- , North Carolina has the second largest HydlX)-Electric power for connecting appliances and should airplanes land, it will be the first inir a letter written Dy non. naries . ""'I " HaoAlnrnmant in tMWnrW. : never he used for th is nnrnnw. In ume , uiai. kwu nu .iiauipa r . . .. , 'it. room an unsignuy appearance, mere is also the i R. Thomas, to Senator Norris in re- booths! Misses Mary Barber, Mary t li - w- -v....An t .,11 V. TvUniAn unnrl t i : i.T mnnai-pd tn pffert a ston at tht2 tlD Ol i- IHOrxn Vyaruilllct uuiisuiiieo uucliiuu ui an tuc iuuaau uocu in i uiuiiiuiik wie wirinKt sunicient con- cravd tht rprssitv ftf better and I Diiinlnri. .Tanpt Oninlnn. Tsuhp.l Per 4-n a fUa rf i-r Sfafaa ! v0n;onnfl iQt, aA k si.,j a mountain hereabouts. Last June - -a i -. -v j ' IIiallUlaVLUlv Alt Al bll V HWVU muu'WWM v iv. uuwvia CUUU1U naiuucu more power facilities for Western 'guson, Virginia Welch, CaroUne North Carolina pays one-third of all the Tobacco Tax of the 'so that lighting fixtures may be used 19. the date of the ori8inaI Iebra North Carolina. . t I Ashton, Mildred Sedbury, Frances Union. . v ,1 ' ' 'for lighting purposes only. ,Uon, they left Knoxville, but eneoun- Mr. Thomas certainly '.demonstrates Ray, Frances Denton, Eleanor Bush-' North Carolina's total bank resources, state and national, in-1 In the living room, it is well to tered such downpours and cKiuds as his intense interest and deep personal nell, Edith Mangum, Blanche Howell, ' creased from $150,000,000.00 ih 1914 to $474,000,000.00 in 192.'Jlpian one double conveniences outlet prevented their touching ea.tn. The desire to help the progress of this Martna Mock, urace iiipps, iieien sectiorp He has shown this at Qvery Ray and Mrs. Robert Pinnex. occasion since making Waynesville)' - . h home. - At all times he has co- H. G. STONE. REAL ESTATE AND operated with this newspapsr and! INVESTMENTS. attempted to get a county hospital . and on numerous occasions he went.' Mr. H. G. Stone, our live wire real wain nf 9.09 while, rllirinff! the same neriod. the bankinC re- for everv 12 feet of runninir wall P'lots told Mr. Boice later ih&t they sources Of the United States increased from $27,000,000,000.00 to! space, including openings, and in the cu,d not, tell the mountains from the ahmiT SKiinnn onn 000.00. ' ft ffain of aliarhtlv more than 100 c. Idininir room one for everv 15 feet. clouds when they were circling over North Carolina's percentage gain during the same interval of Since wall brackets have become 'the Patch and therefore they had to fima kointv rwiVe that of th nercent&fire of ffain for the entire such an imnortant nart in tho nlan nf so back to Knoxville. nation. ' : ' ' Ihome lighting, it is advisable to so when the V8st throngs reaKsed H the Sniithpm States in values added to the raw ' SDace them as to obtain the hest that they could not get a glimpse of to considerable effort and personal t t ' ent ha8 agaIn demonstrated materials after process of manufacture: North Carolina $417,- lighting and decorative effect. In the planes landing, they told Mr. aacrifice to accommodate Jus Wienas his faith : Waynesville. He has had in his new home. , i t ; ) thousands of pamplihlets printed While Mr. Thomas retired from - showing the advantages of '.this sec tive politics several years - ago, at ! ThA manev Invested out of his the same time it is recognised by pwn poclteti win g0 f8r to adVertisol those . who know, tnat ne wieius a Waynesville. tremendous influence in me owte i North Carolina and in National af- jairs.-.. iuu - in -piwro? years of active service, afnd Democrat ic leadership as Congressman-and his .nnnotinn with the Democratic ad- vU,u.vv " , . . . Mr. Thomas , was a ",B 000,000; Texas, $298,000,000; Virginia, $269,000,000, and Georgia, planning for wall brackets, one sock- Bice that if he wouId make another $263,000,000, et should be provided for every 15 effort. they would return after the - North Carolina manufactures more Cigarettes than any State ! running wall feet in the living room ainy season. He promised to do so. in the Union. ' 1 and dining room. '.He is now meeting his obligation, rw North Carolina citv manufactures more Tobacco than anyi Th HeWtin nt the ni,Hn. Dnnin. Sponsors of the picnic have thought HAYWOOD CpUNTY SINGING CONVENTION. ; The county singing convention will : nitw in tho Worlrl r " mnt ,sn. mnt 0,fi ..llH it would be better this time ior eacn North Carolina has more Cotton Mills than any State in the ECCording to Martin Electric Co. The P.arty to cay lts own dinnf f.83 Union. We are second in the .value of cotton manufactories. , 'decorative value should be seriously avold th.,4scpmfqrts..,ot ipmg The State Of Massachusetts -has in place 11.886,000 spindles; Considered. Colors in tones subdued eaueht n-;itaotfcer storm if ft hap North Carolina has in place 5,787,000 spindles, about half as many, '.a as not to conflict with other decor- Pens t0 rain- The m"uin nas yet North Carolina's mills, during the month of April, 1924, ran ations are very good in the finish of Just "tamed from Knoxville where 1 ytne aiui nnn m'11a hAiiro wrViila fnr th snmp month. 1vTassac.hu-tv. t .u..u u. he completed arrangements for the school auditonumi ... - , 1.S64.000.000 SDindle hours. In other words, moniza with other furnishing in the airplanes' second trial. rifK hal ii mnnv oninHloa ns Massnchnsptts. North Carolina's ' vm tv,Q mn.t ..t;.f.u of.1 Stunt Flying, Too. ,i ni Lll itMU uu aM4j w j awuiii uim v '"vi, an noiv w j v. itiC l"1Wl'3 V.C jjj. city in time to reach Max Patch shortly before noon and if they suc- in -hornme a citisen of thi hw Hr f? R.Medford who is in charae nnn 000 00 in PrlrnT ta"xes. rnnkino-fifth in the entire Union, only binntion nf aluminum nH wrono-ht teed lighting, they will do -some ministrations. National figure for years and it is at Clyde next Sunday at 10 o'clock for -.u v-if ag many BDindles as Massachusetts, North Carolina's room and the most satisfactory ef with a feeling of considerable pride an 8H day singing.' Hope everybody Output of cotton goods during that month was more than that of fect from the standpoint of artistic and satisfaction by the real ioiks-oi wnj be on hand and take part in the Massachusetts. design and finish is attained in ... .... .. ill ... ... 1 . . a ... I -I ... TT.1. J m.l . L 1 t . ... Waynesville .that ne snouiu nave program which is Deing woricea oui jn tne year LVZi, we paid me umtea ouiies guveriiiiieni, pou,- ments made of aluminum or a corn- wonderful section. of the arrangements for that day. I New York. Pennsylvania, Illinois and Michigan Deing aneaa OI US. i10n. In these a permanent finish is While it is recogniswl that he is This convention promises to be dne North Carolina leads the South in the number 01 furniture obtained which retains its decora absolutely -retired from any and all 0f the best for the county singers. Factories ; in the Capital invested; the number Of operatives env.tion indefinately with practically no political aspirations, slill his friends We have been informed that therfcj ployed; the variety of products and i the Value of the annual output. care. would not be surpriss-.l to see him wii be 8ome classes from other coun-) Only one other City in the United States manufactures more! In ad(;ition to the decorative value appointed to the Federal or Supreme t;es- The John Dalton family of Furniture than does one of our North Carolina citiPS. of the design, the lighting fitments . '. ..... 1 . BMn. 1 t 11 I T 1 , Court bench. This would prouahiy oe Macon county - have reported they; North Carolina ranked nltn m tne value OI Agricultural rroa- should be considered from the stand done owning to his profound know! stunt flyinir for tho entertainment oC the multitudes, many of whose mem beis come from places where a ship that saih the ozone ia still a thing to be read about rather than escn. A five-acre tract of land adj-iining the Boice holdings has been purchas- edge of his prof essiou.. will be on hand. They are consid- ucts in the United States in the year 1923. point of correct distribution an,i ca Dy me umoer man 10 comp.c-u- ered to be very fine singers. Hazel- In 1921, Johnson, Pitt and Robeson Were among the fifty rich- diffusion of light. This will depend desired boundaries and he has had .' -m j aUn Ain..n,..1iiTifi'ui in fkaTTninn 1,, ., tu i, t u it cleared as a picnic ground for the - WUUU VMUlia uoii ..... AxlbUlblUCM WUAtwvo 111 Kv w u.v... 'iiicwiihl upuii me .lite ii 1,11 1 iwiu, IMPERIAL THEATRE, ASHEVILLE bfl clyde hag iwo quartets to Jn the year 1923 North Carolina ranked second in the Union in the height of the ceiling and arrange- Saturday frolic. While an air of ' '. . . . .. i j i .1. : i, i . jy J AM1.. nfnn iiifnrmiilitv will nrpvnil. there will hp. sino. 'inero are several oiuer couura no nnmripr oi imien ox raw culluii uruuuecu. uui.v uuc owi,c merit oi tne room. ' "The Show-Off," the new Para mount comedy the Imperial Theatre, Asheville is exhibiting last half of this week, offers an interesting prob lem for discussion. In the story, DEATH OF Amy Fisher, against the wisnes oi her parents, marries Aubrey Piper, who is a typical show-oft. The mar riage is a disillusionment.- She learns his real nature, nevertheless, hn. fnr him remains sincere. In ,1C WTO " -.- and quartets expected to be present. ingr more cotton than North Carolina. Lack of adequate wiring is poor Come one and alh MARK B. SMITH, Secy. no effort to insist that all lunches be MRS. BAXTER LINDSAY. i iorin Lfaniiina mlmiium Htscuiiu 111 tuc uiwuucnuu ui luuaau m economv. tor eiectricnv is one or tne ' the United States, cheapest commodities used in the din in tonneaus or secluded l-t North Carolina ranks third, in the production ot Sorghum, home. The average family, according W111 not nave ineu P"VJcy ncuioen. to Martin Electric , Company spends While here, Mr. Boice held a- con ference with Senator Plato HlV with The death angel visited our heme Aug. '29th and took from.-our midst a loved one. A wife and mother at the aire of 77. She leaves to mourn Peanuts and Sweet Potatoes in the United States. Nnrt.h Carolina's nercentacre of increase of per capita wealfh $48.20 ner vear for candv while onlv, increase during the ten-year period' from 1913 to 1923 10 mora $25.oo is spent for lighting. While-ireference to the advisability ot com- than that of any .Other State in the Union. .;. the cost of living has gone up 65 binillS e approaching event with a Xortb Carolina has grown more Corn to the acre thai! any since 1913, the cost of electricity has mass meeting called recently for Sep- Othcr .State in the Union. steadily declined. tenlber 18 t0 consider plans for : -TUA' CAnfK 'tnmltiiiM Kft. 'nf 4-Via Nat.inn'a Tjimhor nnrlinWpsi-l t. -j i0,.- ovi,i shortening the Asheville-Knoxville from adequate wiring is the home far route oy way 01 iuax raic-i. 1 ne . exceeds the insignificant added cost senator, nowever, urgea mac mi A. ' t iu. -c-.i- TTnifo1 Cfofaa ;a i i f steps of that sort be taken and his , L.fc.1 AU1 UllC JJHOLCIU lia.ll Ui'bllD Ut"n.u vM jn iiuviuili oil anisic ouyj;i,T , T" Cnntli Vioo tlis mator nnwsr cnnahlo nf 9 000.(1(1(1 IwrsMinwcr ni'lt. . advice was heeded. He look ti e . . position mac wncreas inee.ng nugni I nnn nArt nf wVii.h 4ri0 nftft h-a hflPn nPVpWirl. , MINSTREL REHERSAL. " to be rather a business session for North Carolina leads .the Union in the number of debt-free1 - ' i 7' . . th eliberathe consideration oi ma-.-bomts " ' : ' ''' people who have been asked to tcis of policy. 1 We Rrierit S36.000.000.00 on feublic education during the year Participate 'n the high school min- Senator Ebbs is pa.rtiaulaily inter- 1924, and spent more m 1925. the end, Aubrey makes good, tnus her losg a husband( ona daughter, em Nortn Carolina's hardwood forests and Eastern North . aio justifying himself and Amy s accep- Celia one brothel, Mack Haynes of j: fla,s pne forests i3 found the richest and largest supplies of Lum- tance ot mm. ' Clyde, inree sisters, ant. a. - An Interpid interviewer bodily Leatherwood of Waynesville- R. 2, asked Lois Wilson, .who play' tn . Mrs., Gaston Robinson of Clyde and aevclopment .-and ''North Carolina's portion 'of it is more Ihan role 01 Amy, w; ""c airs. V. r.. cuccnanan 01 Deiuu- faced with a similar problem in reaI ham, Wash. 1 She joined the Baptist life. . - 1 (church at Clyde. "I believe a girl should mrfy the interment took place Tuesday ' at man she loves in spite of parental , . r, , e cemetery , Rev; Pink Mc- laoi rA mnva i 1Q9K streI asked, to-meet at the hig 1 ested in the two movements becau objections,"; rcplte'd the " charming. iCracken and Rev. Mont Haynes offi-i . ' re than four-fifths of the North Carolinians who own homes scho1 auditorium Monday night at 0f the fact that Match Patch is on paramount. P,.. - clating. ; , ; , have not one-cent of debt on them. ' 1 her own nte to uve a..u .u- ----- . . j . North Carolina ranks first in the value and quantity ot Mica i hpp.n naunv. uineso, os Aiianuuii 1. a. . had made and profitted by her own TtrUnn T morrv Ann 11 ,,111:11 - . ., v, f,a I nitorl Xtatoa , .. : ' ' .J. - .. : r... - it...i. x-. in i :. rred & Mnrr s will be hostess to tne uorcas . . , , .' , -,,.,,1 imsv. aiwuv h wmi wove uir A. R. at their iMOrin varouua THUikS ui'st m mc vaiuc .auw .hiumv mediately after his sermon at Uraco M. btoncs produced in tne umiea Oiaies. :, .: .. church Sunday morning for . , . ... , .- n s ina laic mmeo in iNonn Carolina cuuuiiauus ui. 4ukiii wiw vA,u h -will mmt Mr. Mpw . .B A, mS " ' ncrtoacf mWintheilnitedStateS. wha wi rrivB MoHav Bn tb(1 weakened throat, due to a recent forced, me to give up tne man tne aeason- , Western North Carolina is world-famed as aa tourist and health ' fMm .!,, t... ' .voml operation. " He will attend, however, resort. ' Our unequalled year 'round climate; our healthful Bal- months vigit England. he assured Mr. Boice, and will make Mrs -Nancy Persons and Mrs. Kate ' North Carolina ranks first m the quantity 01 v eiaspar produced , Morris will be hostess to the uorcas m o'clock. MRS. NEW RETURNS FROM ENG. LAND. ' the threshold of the Great Smoky Mountain Park, and he wants us many people as possible to make the journey ' to familiarize themselves with the scenes and vizualize tho coming of the great government Nev Preservesi ; 'e declined an invitation to make an address because ot a decisions. -i.i. iv., . 1 Ii&va - mnrried & "j.i. I'll insr makp'the best of Bell Love Chapter, D, 'it as Amv did. I would be horribly home, September 15th at 3:30 P, ' sll . mv life if 1 rrf - . T ,. ..1, ..nHJnnA .a M thn m.n 1 r.np spannrv a iuii . uuLciiuaiii-o 10 1 . .19 ntiestpn. . -; v Joveo- , ' 1: . j rrsort. uur unequalled year round cumate; our neanniui xai- month's visit in England. . rt1 : nnnvirra TiicTixir iiicHirn w.NRi.TSH Air. sam-laden mountain air: our Dure crystal water: tne Deauiy anu 1 iR0fnr- rotiimin im'. Mr: episcopal , in l Kin p- TH(jR C0MPUMENTS A way. grandeur of our mountain peaks, help make this section foremost Mrs; New will visit the Sesqui-Ccn-he ' in lnd for .carrying, the Kiat t.-.-j... ;"Cw: lath. ' the ' xir-ovrr 1 v. wnM aw ow pofm. ! nf nnv other in America, as a nlayeround for pleasure and health- tonioi at pi.n-Hpini.Ja.- Park project to its completion. Communion . ?-, : seeMng lounaia. v - " ' , . ' ' M. , In a letter from h. vever etac-Western North (Jarouna is tne summer nome 01 tnousanas 01 uaku of thanks. ; . w we. . oenej. 01 ir. oun-e u the saturday party win draw as wish to thank our friends and many out-of -State visitors as natives.' Sacrament of the Holy will be administered at a -u 01. r vVv. ....... .. - , iiu "vuu uuivmio 10 ".i. ji Church School and Bible Class" will poole' at Cliff Dene Bonchurch, l. at happy, sturdy boys and girls in the various Camps scattered : - . .1.. r.:.t .f tpn w bp refers to the beautiful poem thrniiffhout the mountains. - ". , convene in we ruinu .',-, 1 . ... . -"-r",. 7 ., I V , . a'- j j. :i.i. i..3.ii. si.i ti v k . . ..M -kw: entitled, ine voice vi mo w uur nunoceas 01 mues 01 naru-Buriacea roaua, wku nwu; mvit!"!1-"" 1 u luiy., u . aT th eleven o'clock se'rvice, the Calling," dedicated to his book, , the under construction, is fast Connecting every COUnty-seat and prin- many kindnesses shown us during the interest shown in the condition of Wpprmr TtJv Albert New M A'., will "Blue Lagoon," and written by Mrs. cipal city in our State. 1 " ' ' the illness and death of our .wife the road by visitors from Florida, sector, Kev. AiDen inew, m. . 0 ... . ... ... . . , . . ' , aa nnn 1 j- v-..:ij:,,i mni.a. i w .1. c: , j.,i.ij v, .Mil. preach cr "Choosing Aright" Anna Beviiie 01 waynesviue. e xsonn Carolina nas issued 9DD,UW,UW m uunua xv wiuuiuk There wvu be No evening service, author states that he is so glad that hard-surfaced and dependable roads, which, supplemented with aa the Rector leaves home Sunday the Blue Lagoon inspired such a fine Federal and COUnty aid, means within the past four years more afternoon for New York" to meet Mrs. piece of verse and that he will al- than $150,000,000 for good roads in this State, and will spend an New on her return from England. ways keep it. . . .,1 ' (Continued on another page.) ' "' .

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