NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Commissioners of Hay wood County in the Court House in Waynesville, N. C.,"t P o'clV noon, on the 20th day of Septembjr, 1926, ior $100,000 of Hospital Boni of Haywood County, said Bonds to draw 5 per annum and bear date of Oct. J, 1926, and to mature as follows: 33,000 on Oct. 1. in each of the years 1929 to 1948 inclusive; $5,000 on Oct 1, 1949 to 1956 inclusive. Said Bonds to be in denominations of $1,000 each and both principal and .semi-annual interest to be payable at Chase National Bank, New York City. The bids for said bonds shall be ac companied by a certified check upon aa incorporated bank or trust com NOTICE OF LAND SALE. SUte of North Carolina, County of Haywood la the Superior Court Before the Clerk. J. B. Best, Administrator, of the estate of J. A. Robinson, deceas ed. vs. T. R. Robinson and wiife, M. A. Robinson, J. B. Robinson, Nannie Kerley and husband, Will Ker loy, Bertha Overman and hus band, Clyde Overman, Maude Roberts and husband, Gaither Roberts, Charles Riding, Repta Bishop and husband, Bishop, Walda Riding McDowell and huseand. Mc Dowell, Frank Riding, Althea IPiftinir A Mn RiHinir iinrl others. imuit in an amount, euuivaienv vu tyt hu is nt .1 A Knh nann of the par value of said bonds, said jeceage(j i check to be made payable to P. V I " . fc b , n ub,i(. sey County Treasurer and t bo whom it may concern that forfeited as and for liquidated dam-, f ordeof the Supe. 2T l ' I'" Court Haywood County is- Pl hL th n' will he n th 13th day of August, 1926, bids for less than par wijl be fa . d c-srfered, and ft. , nrtt u ved , f ft hereinafter described to reject any and .11 b!ds hands for the purpose of creating as- Bids must be submitted on forms geU to p,y debts due Dy tne estate of to be furnished, and addressed to: j A Robinson, deceased and the cost C. F . KIRKPATRICK, 1 0 administration, of which land the Register of Deeds, said j. A Robinson died seized and Waynesville, N. C.' ge9ge(1 and which is gjtnated on - . . Statement the Chambers Mountain between T' s!?sed valuation 1 Crabtree and Thickety on the waters for 1925 .... 20,284,OO0 of Crabtree Creek in Crabtree and TotaJ bonded debt includ- , ' Beaverdam Townships and which is la "8"e lfilX described as follows: opu.,on iu census ,o Beginning on a chestnut. Riddle's SeptlBc Haywood County. I corner, and runs E. 19 links to a , ", . chestnut; then S. 1 30' E. 59 poles .NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. 10 to a aiae on 80utn Dank 0f On Saturday, the 18th day of hep. road th(?n wjth the 8aid road N. 83 tember 1926, at 11 o clock A. M., E 7 les. then w E. 9 poieg; t the Court House door in waynaa- nen c. 45 E 9 poies; then N. ville, North Carolina, I will sell at 5,r 30' E. 15 poles and 10 links; then public outcry for cash, the land and g continuinK with te south bank ot premises, lying and being in Cecil saM r()ad 5tv ;,0 E (i poU,a. tnen N. Township, and Haywood County and ... ,-. K .j ,,,. tnt.n 65' V.. I more particularly described end de- , tfc N K 3 poles; then Foreman: "Now, Murphy, what! about carrying some more bricks?" Murphy: "I amt feeling well," guv'nor. I'm trembling all over." Foreman ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having Qualified as administrator of the estate of Moses A. Curtis, de- 4AAwi lata rt i mwnnA Cnimfv "Well, then, get busy r.mlin, tM. . -n with the sieve." Progressive Grocer. perSons having claims against the es tate 01 sam deceased to exniDit tnem to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of August, 1927, or this no tice will pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons' indebted to the said estate wiill please make imme diate payment. v 1 1 This the 18th day 01 August 192 J. R. BOYD, Administrator of the Estate Sept 23c Moses A. Curtis, deceased -SAVE YOUR MONEY- On bo of Tutt'i PlIU mvm manr dollftn In doctor' hill. A I for diKim of th lion, rick hnd. I ch. dnperala. constipation, bo- I iouw ; mil&on ptopl moon Tint's Pills FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. NOTICE. in compliance wim me reuern Hnvino- nlH all hnnV oonnnf. ta water power act (41 Stat., 1063) no-1 tice is herby given that the Carolina Sluder-Garrett Furniture Co., we ask Power and Light Company, whose .11 ,., W ,ro ,; ft,, r. office and principal place of business .!, r i ., is at Raleigh, North Carolina, haa'ord Furniture Co. to please pay made application for a license cover- Sluder-Garrett Furniture Co. at their ing a.proposed power project in thet M nn M,ln . . point near the mouth of Fines Creek j to a point near the Tennessee-Noith c too foi-nlina Qtofn kniinaru n UatruAA-l i " County, North Carolina. Any ob- -Medford Furn. Co. By C. B. Medford. jection to such application, or request for a hearing thereon, together with any briefs, reports, or other data for which consideration is desired, should be submitted to the Executive Se?re- . r.. . j 1 n iary, reuerai rower i-Uinm Jsiun. c j. .4. Washington, D. C. 70ctc S.unday 8t ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHAPEL. St. John's Catholic Chapel, 145 Church street, Wayne.ivil!". Mass on 10 o'c!ai-. Mas? durina Tincd bs follows A tract of land known as the Thos XT CO' E. ." Doles: then .N. ) t,. I 1 poles: then N. 32 E. poles: then! poles; then .. Mr r.. Orr Place fully described in a deed 2" E 2 irom v . j. riaynes, 1 onimisi .n"r 10 V. B. Ferguson, recorded in l'.-jk 27, riBge 405. Record of Deeds of H iv wood County and the same land con veyed to F. I), and Lon Rogers by tleed from W. T. Blaylock, Admr., et sJ, dated Sept. 1C, 1'.U2, and r . (!- : in Book 36, page 266. Heiord of !cv!' of Haywood County. Also a tract of 20 acres of l.uni Nvhereon the parties of tie fui: ii.i-; now reside conveyed to ti. '" 1 1 ' '' Ilogers by deed duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of 1 1 .1 v wood County, North Carolina. Hale made pursuant t we- 1 1 .: 1'ered upon me by deed f t ' I 'n Lon Rogers and wife Rhru !l , dated 27th dav of Dec. 192:1. and re ordpd in Book 10, prce 10.', ie:..r.l ' of Deeds of Trust of Ilayw nJ Cjun- y-'l':l i? 1 1 le '' : P- n - ' '" ty. North Carolina. tim. This the 10th day of August, 1926. ; Thii tha d -y of August. 1;21. j p. mor::n. J. b. iptlCc Truste-;. ept.fh- ITili tommljsioaer. J notes: 'hen lili1 :!(J' E. still with the 1 1. ...;.l ,a..,1 n.l.w finil 1 2i links to a Spanish o.k: tlien N. 'J" 45' W. 54 poles and 1.1 links to a stake; then N i' 'M' W. 10 poles; then W. 54 poles and S links to a stake; then S. 14 M . .i 1 poles and 6 links to the BEGINNING, contain- ing thirty-live ami one-tenth j (.':r-l '10) acres. I )ly vil lues of the aforesaid order I will therefore titter the above de-1 scribed land for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of Haywood County , on the Dlth day of September. li2'i, at 11 o'clock A. M. lor the purpose! of .r - .ting assets t pay the deb's1 i,v tlK ettatc of .J. A. P.ob.ns,)n, O0 VA M saaois MvmiMsaiavHD 11 bo ipreip A uoqqSjm ot pu m 01 3AJMiJi japuaj iua Aqi m inp mumIehm uo -an dob u itOMns p0 Jno y 'mamov, -sooq join on Aa i Aiui jojun inq pomp asni r , a pa jq. ur:no ij., .- .q ino 3omi"j r i,.. j u&aq a;ooqSiq.-v- a - j. 14 ruoo, iqDj.''- Jai;j-1.. .--ilqidAvf uoc Of p.,-.4. 1 -r. Topn0 c j3tt.nv '( t : mo n pn Sopnn !. -) sjt p. k-.a puiuip oqjlvcSATiT .-v. ,-..Oupno5 n'i" y Sopn3 J . JA uq- jnxvo Aq tjoq .qSu 3ia-un f aoApuin dq fad jc Qm k.aioicn3 po ano o in puis noA a3qo Ha Aaii om' 34s pue lUrunuiiuoD , a Ausca on 9431(1 fjotuoisro jno 10 suo uiojj So;n)B3 e Moxioq 0) no 2jsb Aiusujcs 'Ajd dns jno psHncqxo tsi iOoq joi puemsp Sannno as '! ucnesj auj, -Axiot J 9U ji p3AI339JOU3ABt pUB fUndUsq 8iq o SojB3 MoismennAV 01) .tt asoiji jo auo 3JO noA j J. the week at 7 o'clo' lc. REV. FATHER McDEVITT, tf- Pastor. FRESH VEGETABLES You need to eat veyetables to balance your diet. When you get them from us you KNOW they are FRESH and of prime quality. We sell vegetables and groceries at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. MILLER BROTHERS Phone 30 Main Street Purity Is Especially Desirable ANY POWDER, CREAM OR LOTION WHICH YOU APPLY TO YOUR FACE SHOULD BE AS PURE AS IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE IT OTHERWISE A RUINED COMPLEXION MAY RESULT. OUR PRODUCTS ARE PURE. The Waynesville Pharmacy Main Street. "Motorcycle Delivery Service" Waynesville. N. (FonmStuiire amid Irioosehollcll IFumnsfaflirags Summer in YourSKitchen The Test of Good Furniture You Will Enjoy Eating WHEN ITS HOT, THEN IS THE TIME THAT YOU WANT THINGS HANDY ABOUT THE KITCHEN. WE HAVE MANY SPLENDID SUCCESTFONS, ALL AT REASONABLE l'RICES. YEARS OF SERVICE THATS THE REAL TEST OF GOOD FURNITURE. YOU KNOW THAT IT WILL WITHSTAND THIS TEST IN HUT ONE WAY. BUY FROM A REPUTABLE DEALER WHO GUARANTEES YOUR SAT. ISFACTION. WE DO. ONE OF THE PLEASURES OF DINING IS IN KNOWING THAT YOUR DINING ROOM FUR NITURE IS OF THE BEST. LET US SHOW YOU ONE OR MORE OF THE NEW SETS WE HAVE IN OUR STORE. For Porch or Room This Summer -Reed Furniture THERE IS NO COOLER OR MORE COMFORT ABLE FURNITURE MADE FOR SUMMER UE THAN REED. ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE WHEN BEAUTY OF DESIGN AND FINISH ARE AS EVIDENT AS IN THE SEVERAL STYLES WE ARE SHOWING. A Good Night's Rest YOU ARE ASSURED A GOOD NIGHT'S REST EVERY NIGHT, IF YOU ARE SLEEPING IN ONE OF THESE WELL MADE, COMFORTA BLY MATTRESSED BEDS. DESIGNS ARE QUIET AND ATTRACTIVE. SUJSM VI 71 WW, G FffP CO Phone No. 1 Waynesville, IN, C.

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