Opportunity's Empire Wayuesville Altitude 2,802 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries Volume XXXVIII. Number 33 .v",0 NESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, -SEPTEMBER 16, 1926 J2.00 Year in Advance, $2 50. if Met so PfcM Millions to be ; . SpentHere ; v (Editorial.) - 3 ' The expected and much heralded - real estate boon that was schedul ed to happen in Waynesville and vi cinity did not materialize, - Thi, was one' of the greatest things that couM have happened for a boom would ; have ruined the brightest prospects just ahead for this auction, that has ; ovar luwn known. " ? The Speculative "Down" was not realized here. Those who set out to repeat in our section the real estate 'gambling of Florida worn defeated and disappointed and . it, is to our credit' that they were. There- f hai been no boom here ami no boon was desired and It was 'purposely held off by joint action of "the; property .owners and real estate operators., In the early season 'promoters ' began swarming in. Lota of 'speculators were driven from this Sold and the optomist run out. In this way land was not held at exorbitant prices and ' i i i I real estate is iar iower ln-inw sec tion, considering our superior soil, climate and scenic grandeur, than most other sections. Beginning at once and during the Carolina Motor Club Renewing Membership Drive 0W f1' i . I f 1 f - . . 1 . f y " - -v -u - W. F. Shipman Reaches the City and membership holders provide emer Will Seek Members in Uiv .Or ganization. gency road service, provide police j bond, recovers stolen ca, fight ' speed traps, gives f rea legal assia- W. F. Shipman, assistant district tance, provides full membership 'ih manager of the Carolina Motor club, the American Automobile Associa- hext few months millions of dollars ' arrived in the city yesterday after- t! on, subscription to the Carolma will be put into circulatioa in Hay-j noon and will stage a campaign for motorist, attractive radiator emblehi, wood county by the contemplated Memberships in that state wide or- works to prevent accidents, favors power development project This jganization, which by the way, is g00j legislation, and advertise to at means that Waynesville and Hay-1 affiliated with the "Tripple A," or tract outside tourists. ; - wood county will have such a wve ' American Automobile Association. In furniahin- free emergency road - service, it is the club's purpose to of prosperity as has never beenl Mr. Shipman, who is the son of M. known by the oldest inhabitants. It L. Shipman, needs no introduction provide immediate relief to the mem is estimated that the power develop- here. s , bar's disabled car. if possible within ment project will necessitate the ex- "The majority of. our members," 3p'mu,utea after arrival of mechanic penditure of from twelve to fifteen said Mr. Shipman Tuesday afternoon, and 8hould the trouble be serious re million dollars. This is a vast sum in referring to the work of the body quiring parts or machine labor im of money and 'tis said the grat balk which he represents, "are already possible at the road side, the car will of this real money will be put in cU- educated to the fact that our services e tQwed a -xos of 10 miles freo purchased in this section. and courtesies are so extensive as of cnarge. There are over five hun Hot only will there be an unusual. not to be dreamed of by men who dred placM in the- state t0 give such demand for skilled and unskilled la- have no .insight into the activities of gervice to members. bor for tne Duuaing oi Huo-avH"oi .w juiu, x towers et ewrwiw -rour years ago, aurmg me exten- in recovering. stolen' cars having re quantities of supplies, etc., will be give progress of . North Carolina,, 10 covered 250 of 262 cars stolen from purchased i nthis section. , pioneers gathered in Greensboro and members. These in a position to Know assert decided that the state which leads all . hf fh finnnriprs back of this treJ others In tha o-rnwine and manufact-l :n v - . i j ..i j lis mendous power Pr0jeCv ,w. - lng 0i otton, WDMx0 -a ouner proa-, pertaining to the registra- ing the doctrine .imn.nntal in. Watinc manv new in- nt. nhnnM nrr lnnper hfl without a I, . ... Noted Author at I Haywood County ; ; Waynesville Singing Convention "Betsy Hamilton" la StUI Writinjf It met at Clyde, Haywood county, 'ng At the Age of 83. . Sept. 12th.' A most interesting pro- r gram was given by the joint meeting The old time Southern plantation of the Haywood and adjoining coun tbe slaves that toiled in the cotton ties and the State association, fields, the great holiday celebrations,' Prof. Chas. Nelson was chairman the wonderful Southern hospitality, of this joint meeting who was presi and the singing of negro spirituals, dent of the Haywood county associa are all vividly pictured by Mrs. tion and noted instructor of the piano M.'V, Moore, noted Southern dialect at Canton. . writer, when she is engaged in tell- Characteristic of gatherings there ing of her childhood days. jwas a lack of promptness in assetn- Mrs. Moore, who is better known bling. I in th literary world as "Betsy Ham-1 The enthusiastic president of the ilton," is visiting her .. niece, Mrs. State association, ' Ray Parker, was I Arthur Meade in Waynesville, and prominent on the program, joining enjoys perfect health and is still in the choruses and solos. , .. , .... j writing at the age of 83 years. The first song by the leaders and I She has written most of her work audience was that familiar "Sweet By i under the name of "Betsy Hamilton," and By." 'which she adopted early in her ca- Mr. D. H. Harris of St. Louis led , reer. Her most noted publication is in the invocation. ! "Betsy Hamilton," which is made up it wm be impossible to give a com- joi sKeicnes in me lorm or letters. piete list of the songs or due credit Some of her other works are "Christ- to the many talented performer, but A. A. which mas on e 01d Time Plantation" we feel compelled to irive a few of is a business organization devoting and Ine Backwoods, familiar Let- the prominent ones, even though sub its efforts and resources to lawful ters. ject to severe criticism by omitting and proper interests of American' Her writings are in two dialects the name of many of those o.uite motorists. Members who travei ou':- that of the Southern plantation ne- worthy of praise. side the jurisdiction of their own ro and tnat of the white people of; Dr. S. B. Med'ford, officer of . the club may, upon the presentation of tn Southern backwoods and hill association, lent his strong, sweet the membership card receive all cour- country. I tenor voice to the pleasure of the tesies and service as if they were at1 "Betsy Hamilton's" girlhood days occasion. the home club. were spent on the plantation and it Prof. Chas. Nelson and J. B. Raby The Carolina Motorist, the press was there she became familiar with rendered valuable assistance at sthe organ of the club, is sent to each the habits, the characteristics, and piano. member every month. This publi- 'he- dialects of the old time negro. The talented Dr. H. Dalton, three cation plays an important part in In writing negro stories she does not sons and daughter-in-law gave re advertising the progress of North have to draw on her imagination, or markable assistance both morning Carolina. The Motorist endeavors to hearsay for the material sha gets and afternoon. Dr. Dalton is the keep members posted regarding mo- nrs' hand, from the kitchen, the noted musician of Macon county and tor laws, speed traps, traffic regula- cotton patch, and com fields. In re- the daughter-in-law is considered one tions, developments both in tha mo- gard'to her negro dialect, it hm been of the finest alto singers in this tor world and in the club.' said' by some noted authors "In section. Attention given to expres- some respects she Is without any sion helped greatly to inspire the cerned. Membership in the A The accident prevention depart ment is ., working with untiring ,ef- real rival." audience, who expressed their appre- Th club, bs been- very ucceis'Mt, forts to decrease the number of ac-' Hamilton" visited in he cjatioa veryheatily. -Among the ac cidents in the state. Placards and home f the unique peonie oi the Kve were; aau un, posters have been widely distributed Southern backwoods and hill country "Speeding - Through the Pearly in the interest of public safety un- where she studied their habits and Gates," "O What Singing," "Bring der the direction of the accident pre- dialect. Her sketches of these people in the Harvest Today," "Streets of . n. .ii.: u are cenuine and not overdrawn. Gold. tdlkiUil UC)Jat WI1CI1L. DU11CL1IIS pi Cttll- of safety have "Betsy Hamilton" was born in The legal department of the club available to members regarding . : I. : J i.. A ... i hialao tiiiii.vliMit tUa ofota Vn. TaWaAocra AlflKnmn and aha wfi u riimtriM in this Dart of the state. This motor club to look after the interests 1 . , , , ... . . . u: . !.. j...j is .plausible when it is realized that of th,s great body of car owners. Lertllkea of membera niust- been placed alone the highways to lege of the same state. Her letters of .Mv Sav'r. ly accused. In civic matters the de partment will advise with respect to the power company must have con sumers. "These . 10 pioneers took steps to ward the organization of what is now Already our progressive town of the Carolina Motor club, the largest Hazelwood is 'preparing to get its jn the south, and the fifteenth larg share of more industries. The tax- est of all those" affiliated with the payers recently voted to sell their American Automobile Association." power equipment to the Carolina I Mr. Shipman points out. that the Power Company. It is reported that . numerous only three voted against the nropo-1 . , . i j j 1 sition out of nearly two nunuic features offered active warn motorists of dangerous and began to appear in the treacherous places on the road. The South," a leading literary publication activities of this department include of the South, about fifty years ago. 166 accident prevention talks in 51 Joel Chandler Harris (Undo Remus) -1-: -n f.iA i- d i qr'nvprpH A valup in her letters and ! "--' ' T . w r;:, . , sweetness which greatly pleased the Talks have been made in ova,- a min. audience. Mr. J. B. lisions in which members are con- dred schools and 38 civ:c clubs. . . . , - Clark for the able leader. i engage ner on me sian oi iniu pa- Rhp thn ahnndincfj f-u- ler.tor U,UI D "u "u song- their legal rights in the prosecution and defense of claims for damages. It endeavors to settle outside of courts controversies arising from col- Beaverdam rendered quite ably "I Will Sing of My Redeemer," "I Want to Love Him More," "I'm Thinking "Galilee." All very 'Sunnv we" rendered assisted by a number of ladies who added much by their sweet soprano voices. Oak Grove also had fine assistance from a number of ladies who aided per. vo.tes. Naturally all cities' and towns in this section will get busy to offer inducements in the way of free land, CIVIC LEAGUE. D. A. R. Met. The Civic League will meet with Mrs. W. H. Liner on Friday after noon. Sect. 24th. at 3:30 o'clock. As " m - noun, taxes, etc., to get some or me goou thig jg the first ieeting of the club things in the wayof industries that aU member3 aro urKed to be present. are sure to locate in hub ci-wv... Waynesville is nearer to the pow er than any other place and it seems logical to believe that, with our many superior advantages, we . i. . . j;ffiiUif in huv- shQula not nave BOX SUPPER AT ROCK HILL. There will be a box supper at the Rock Hill school house Saturday located here some real big indus- night, September 18thr af 8:00 o'clock. I "tries with large year round pay rolls. Everybody is invited. Come, bring It can easily be done if everyone a box. , . will pull together and an energetic! ' , ' ; , ' . campaign U put on to organize a ; One way to mak people is to Civic body that will really do some-, leave them alone, and let them go thijig before it is too late, i . about being happy in their -own way. Waynesville had its share ot tour-, , , ists this year. More . man ..mom substantial 1growxn. The. first meeting of the Haywood course, Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy -was held with Mrs. B. J. Sloan at her attractive home, "Bonnie Blink," Frfday afternoon, September 3rd. The President, Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, presided with Mrs. Roy Martin secretary pro tern. The meeting opened With the sing' ing of our State song, "Th North State.'" - .. 1 1 1J Couley, guests of Mrs. S. J. Shelton style and wrote character sketches, '" "w ' Mr. Rl. .J ,!!;. .1 keenimr her nen name. She has had Browns Chapel, Mac in cjunty sketches to appear i.n several lead- ,c "'"g an. oac-K to ing publication including the New Stay and others we" rendered. York Sun and Harpers Weekly. , AsheviIIe boy quartete, "You Must . .. . . , be Right With God" and others that "Betsy Hamilton" has appeared for , . Ji T . gave evidence of fine professional years m success on the Lecture... , 7 , . Course of the New Yo'-it Chautauqua, . , . .... absence of the Rector of ,. , . . , , t, t ;fr clear low tones and the teiur wts WHICH cajjci iciicc auucti igianj lu her reputation as an entertainer. CHARLOTTE PREACH IN COPAL MINISTER TO GRACE EPIS-CHURCH. In the Grace church, all the services on Sun J 0 . i in.L u 1 ' uay, oepwiuuei ivu,, win ue cui.uu.h- . . . BnPBr.H with - 1 il. T 1 TT f TT Hfl 1 v ff Old e" UJ ine iveverenu v. n. vviieeir, Superintendent of the Thompson On The annual State Convention of $hna f Charlotte, N. C. The iuu rgguiar scneauie oi tne nay s the United Daughters of the- Confed eracy will convene in Fayetteville October 13th to 15th. The following delegates and alternates were elected: Mrs. E. J. Hyatt, delegate with Mrs. J. M. Queen alternate; Mrs. J. H. Howell, delegate, wih, Mrs. W. L., Kirkpatrick alternate.' ,"' .., It was voted that the chapter buy a copy of ''North Carolina Women of written. and pub- It and service will be maintained by Mr. Wheeler, aa follows: 8 A. M. The Holy Communion. 10 A. M. Church School -nd Bible Class in . the . Parish House. 11 A. M. Morning preayer and ser mon. 8 P. M. Evensong and atldicss. The . Rev. Mr. Wheeler ia a most' interesting and attractive speaker, ind it is hoped the church will be filled 'to its capacity to hear him. Frank A. Morgan and the last one she was with Bob Taylor's traveling Lyceum Bureau. She was engaged for several years Kir tUu vliaa allAnli on A nhnr rtr- . .. w.-.v..., , . tributions. ganiations and sne traveled through out the South and appeared frequent ly before large audiences in the in terest of these organizations. In conversing with Mrs. Moore she said, "I have derived more pleasure from this work than anything that I have ever done, because it has given me rich and strong. They gave a num ber of songs showing rare talent. The Clyde quartet gave in a very Mc rendering, "Have You Heard of the Lamb," "Shall Never Grow Old." Other able musicians shauld be menuoneu cna uie:r meritorious cjn- Mr. Thorn 13 Langford v'hn wai n.)t there in the morning is ihu leading singing of Canton. - In a:i a-txlo of Aug. J 7th in the Li.ersr;-' D'gc-t heeded "Why We A-.9 Unmusical" by A. F. Davidson, pre'e- '-"r of n-usic at Harvard. He opportunity for extensive travel and 6t3nrf.,u!ni indiffercntC and the' too An expansion nfhor mimmer . resorts according to that very few cities the size of , the usual season's quota. The tour- ; Waynesville . can boast ' of. A great raifnfa Tin mflllD & rlnl tha Va1 Atnta Apt.lvtt.V nf . i ..: t.. j.. iuA the .Confederacy, ' derful LakV Junaliiska x:oIony our fact that wr have. 4 progressive city sh!d Mf" Huske Anderson : .,-irof u-l.Uf.Mn.. Thev have snent of Fayetteville .who- is Historian of W.frt.iiniL to ssv Krf, f rfnllaro.; bt.. wa North :,;;CtoroIinDii8ion v United nothing, of our hospitable citizenry sureiy have : something ' to' show Jor Deters of the Confederacy. ' Xj ...i.r-.- nm,rP. i ' 4. mI , - A contains , interesting incidents we will always have the tourists in streets and in W: street Opened "" "cering.;theCorfederate .fr. t the fact that this is the only whirh. hare mademany sub-divisions women pf our 'State' -Tma book tourist town in this part of thtTstate possible. Give credit Where it is due. feA the Wavnesville L. ary. that does not employ '.-a ; full . time , The pessimist who laments the f After the business was disposed Seereary of our Chamber of Com- fact that real estate is toi high :n with the folibwing program' was ren- Nnerce. - " ' ' ' Waynesville is so far behii tht dered: An interesting article from - Waynesville really is having a build- times that he should wake -"up and "The Confederate 'Veteran' contrib- , ing Boom and has had this boom for withdraw his. funds from Ux--exempt ted by Miss ;Martha ' Haywood in the past eighteen months. Look t securities and really make a profit commendation of the j wori of Capt. h mnnv new homes. cottaue.rdwell- bv investine in real estate in the S. A. Ashe's history" cf North Caro- ' ing houses, filling stations and the. town in which he madeTtis money. ma was read by Mrs. J. H. Howell, j, l. Allen, Waynesville, N. Itrautiful new store and office build- ' Land W dirt cheap ; in' :thi com- ,T Mrsl J W. Reed sane two selec-! Librarian Miss Anna I -' togs' - that have been erected within munity and it is ' freely predicted " tions beautifully Trees, by "Oscar dell. " ''.- ; feasts on the holidays, and we would .and that its influence may be exended , the past, few months. According to that 'within the next' ten or ," twelve Rasbah and Philosophy, by Emmell. '' Historian Mrs. Sarah H. Hemzer- have visitors , come to our house and by all who have been present.. May '.' Mr. T. C. Norris, Waynesville's pro- months every foot of land .ia Way- She was, accompanied by Mrs, Louis line. ' ' '.. .' " spend several days, i 'All strangers we not look for a continued and more gressive general contractor, mere nesville, township win nave aouoiea. jonnson el Decatur, ..fcia. h. ; , This pope' . ? oi interest w tne were invited to attejui .-,tne ceiebra-general ana perfected aeveiopmens there are more buildings contemplat- and trebbled in value. Just a; soon The chapter was. delighted to have "North 'Carolina membership of the tions on these plantations.' My fath- throughout our country? This is the ed at this time than have been built as we wake' up to the fact that met! with "iheni !'fces?ies '.'Mrs. Reod League of American1' Pen Women, er would kill at least sixty hogs to hope of your reporter from St. Louis, within the past five years.,. This is Waynesville's hour of prosperity has and Mrs. Johnson, M.-s, F. A. An-"A meeting soon will take place in last during Christmas &t the en- A resolution was made to reorgan most encouraging.' It show3 a real come at last.; ' r derson, of Johnson City, Tenn., Mrs. Raleigh; N. C. tire plantation. , ' , , ize the Harwood county association. to mingle witn an classes oi people. Iimitcd tltention iVen to musk. This work has broadened my views- The value of. music is expressed by .r , THE PIONEER. ,and has increased my Knowledge ot Shakesnearei "The man who has no -The' Pioneer' whU is now being is- the wor,d nd. ,ta W8VS- .a"d have musk in himself nor is not moved sued in .Nrfrth Carolina by the North received untold pleasures which mon- with con'ord of weet soflnds is fit Carolina .branch of the Leagua of,0 coul? buf :- for treason, stratagem and spoils." American Pen Women" containes the 1 In speaking of her childhood days Another has expressed the value of list of Officers: 'she said: "My father owned several music: "Let me make the songs of President Miss ' Mary Hilliard hundred negro slaves and I min- a country, I care not who -lakes the Hintbh of Raleigh, N. C. gled and played with the little ner iaws, t Vice Presi-nt Mrs. Isa Maud groes--in other words, I was one , The three great institutions, Ilsent. u . of the 'little negroes,' and I learned Church, Family and State, all value 2nd Vic President Mrs. Charles to speak and act like them,. It ia music; ' and no country can afford .to Fisher Taylor, Washington, D. C easy for me to write sketches in ne- ignore its value upon the rising gen- - Secretary-Treasurer MrS.' Ruf us gro aiaiect oecause is comes natural elation. C. - for me to speak it. - . " , We trust that this great conven- Forbest Led- "We ' would - always have large tion will arouse the interest in music

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