Opportunity's Empire Waytiesviile Altitude 2,802 Feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries irons Volume XXXVIII. Number 34 A N ESYILLE, HAYWOOD COUNT. 'NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2H 1926 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if met so Obey Motor Traf fic W. F. SHIPMAJt TALKS -ON MO' , TOR MENACE. Prominent (Civic MR. JOHN F; BASS MARRIES. Coming as -complete surprise to' The New Prices jf ! Appreciates Way For School ; Books ! nesville Courtesies Prices Reduced by W "State ,Bard A LETTER OF APPRECIATION , or education, Superior Court Historic Scrap of In Session Here Eighteen Sixty-three Haywood Superior court is in'se- (Published by request of History;! nirtn tliis woot Ari ri Tn)ii- T . T ti j i i . ... t i- - v MLv ' WayneSlUe N- &; Harding of Charlotte, presiding, with This concerns what occurred duruur an unsually heavy docket joi civil the last year of the war between th cases. . , - . j States, at Waynesville North Caro- Monday was taken up with mo- Una, Haywood county and Qualla tions. Among the motins heard was town, Jackson county, known as tike the motion continued from Swain "Kirk Raid." It was on Saturday, to Outdriving traffic regulations, new'his host of friends was the marriage' Superintendent . Wra. C. Allen- Aas Editor, , menace in motoring, is branded 8 nVqt' J"n F' 9B' .prominent citi-; received from State Superintendent, ' ' Waynesville Mountaineer, : increAsing cause of accidents -says zent of Waynesville. A. T. Allen, - the' following letter in . Waynesville, North Carolina. W. F.. Shipman, Assistant District ": The wedding occurred in Asheville ! regard td the' reduction "in the prices ar "r. Editor: Manager of the Carolina Motor Club, on Thursday, Sept. 16th, a very! of school" books" now beini used in wil1 y please allow one of who was m tne city tnis wee pre-quiet anair witn only a lew' imme paring to launch a campaign here for diate relatives and friends of the new members.- j contracting' parties present. j , " .'. - -- ' n , .j i uy,outarmng tramc regulations, ne Mrs. Bass was Mrs. Virginia Hal-)"'". vwu w w. --- - r the iands condemned by the town of Mountains, up Jonathan's Creek fcy explains, is meam oy me naou oi ne wawiora ana a regisierea nurse . .ww.:,!nT' - wttfc a- i. ... a Waynesville for additional water Dellwood. On the way he had en- driving a car on the assumption that connected with an hospital of Ashe- t.th. piwi placed after each tl he "spondence in- gupply t $1Q per After ar. countered aome of our men at aia what.unt sean, or wnat ..uni nap- vine.. ... t , v ... v ai .nuen "'.;" '"""T u" gument by Hon. Felix E. Alley and loochee Gap, and in the skirmish a Mr. Bass ,s one of Waynesville's ..V? t. . i"1 r"A: " "" ."j CJ. John M. Queen on behalf of the few of them had been wounded. Zeke . .. . town and George H. Smathers of Harrell, Jerry Liner and William efficiently... . ., . u.. . j. mbers of the real estate firm tht,e, book" Bhou,J be .P!lff . - ' Tir.0:1i . i -i i inoiion continued jrom swam iviu. ii was on oaiu the schcto 8 of Haywood countv- . Waynesville s annual visitors to ex- . . . ., , .. u oj io,c ,L . Tr- 4,. " L.: o " y , r,r.a th.A..nh - i county court to set aside the verdict March 3rd, 1865, that Kirk can '". '" 7 WUTOnMBiK " of the jury at July term of Haywood Waynesville from Tennessee, across Arrangement.! have been n.ade with , -word of appreciation for special . ' . ' . , . . ,t Ut o i- j r J t . the v.rL. 0M: ,wt tS .ervices received in your citv re-. c.oun cour S8MS!nK the value of he Mt Ster,,n? 8nd CaUloee . penedT will be entirely favorable, Mr. Shipman places the new haz zard in a class with the habit of i j i i i. ii:.t.A t OULU riving ui eutva anu iicauiiKiita i.u "IWOV lUMUli7 HI1U C1UU HlCil. ' . . He is a large property owner and is ' " Bt l,lr" v. ' 7. LC;; '11' "! Asheville and J. Bat Smathers of Hyatt, a very dear friend and school . V' oe.puiXD.sea.,... Cnton on behalf of the H.J mate of mine, died from his wounds. the case of headlights he point, out. of Baa8 & Witherg. , Allyn and Baccr -nH V T- Lumbe- Mining Company who'He was about my age and we wer,, tbe Vbit is to assume that tt the Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bass will be Elementary Community C.v,c. $1.03 p own the condemned land, the judge bpth just boys then. We were in road is clear with the area illumi. at home after the m of October in Am "fan ,Bok CPV t. ZHfLlL ' refused to set aside the verdict of school together and he was an ex- nated. there win De no immediate their home located on Love Lane, uKr,pfly , .T"" r the Jury and grant danger just Deyona. The honevmoon is beincr snent in 1 - 1 . . The newest evil in the practice of . Lexington, Ky and northern points. outdriving traffic regulations and I directions, says Mr. Shipman: "Ob servation made at principal points about the city show there is a pro. Book II jl,70- your People, have made it not a new trial, and ceptionally bright young fellow. We the lumber and mining company ap- were together when the war broke MR.. HUGH F. MULLIS DIES. pealed to the Supreme court. put, but too young to enlist at that The term will last two weeks, be- time. There were about forty young D. C. Heath and Oimnnnv 'J only superlatively pleasant, but Drof- iVlt. D..l. : ii o rri-j. fnr mo nrA mv -fowiilir Johnson Publishing Company gPenl tne months of August and " " , " ' " '', u : ,,A- L ' i S ,T , T7T,. . . . . . , , . . v ' ?entemhpr hpre for which the calendar has been set. .ounch, including the teacher ulun- Mr. Hugh F. Mullis d!ed at his Child World Readers , Sep ember here. J Ueered and w.n at the first rail t -r . . n i r.; a n. t 1VD VOO O err thn lti-A nf U i " " nounced tendency to take too much nome on wain street aunaay morn-."' - u ' V- , . D. A. R. MEETING. Getting back to Kirk. He bad for granted. Just because an officer i"g. Mr. Mullis was a quiet unas-, First Reader .... .44 ul nt"!"a of J10" . I robbed every house up the Jonta... Second Reader i arew us away irom tne ocono Th 55ont pmKor maatinff rf flia ...... waves to a motorist to come on is i, 6 - b" w..v.. - , r ...v -" ureeK valley and killed another man in.ra tteaaer 53 "M" nu nere uorca. Love Bell Chapter U. A. R. at Dellwood. Kavata Wiann thm an Cil... P. t W nnVO Tmin1 mnM than fi.ll .m L.tJ '.L ii ! t . - , xjuiuculc oi v.uuipany ,.r ...... ...... vu...- was nela WIln rars. ixannie rersons to Waunpsvillp Wo hmi no reason why the speed of the car the town' and the county. Mr. Mul shnniH ho tnn fast fnr a nuirk and lis has been in ill health fbr several safe stop should any vehicle or pe- months, but was taken seriously ill Progressive Music Series ponsation for the change destrian disregard the officers di- Saturday. He attended the Bap-.One Book Course .68 "e aT gratetul as visitors to the hers present tin0 nH mp tprino. Hmvn tist and Presbyterian churches. I The North Carolina Book Store immunity, and if you will be kind onlv a few and Mrs. Kate Morris with 23 mem- tnere but they bcjfan to Cr(? i the Kirk gang, as soon as they came The meeting opened with singing in range of their guns. Our men ICailllK UUVYll a . - , ... , .1 t . vciivj (VILil a. side street. Many local drivers have ' funeral services were conauctea uury nas nounea an tne aeai- . - , "Americal" The Flag Salute was were located in an old two ttorv been observed to handle their cars by ev. &. K. Crockett on Monday nu iocai aepositones oi tnis j- . given an immense flag draped on building which stood on the (lf the wall". The home was beautiful Dr. Sam Stringfield's home at pres- CLJNIC .'iL i i. f till 1 m fa nn aanh Vinnlr at intersections just as though what wJ interment at ureennm wmeierj. f " tbp H-flffi.. nffiepr ordered : would be Mr. Mullis was a native of Meek- With good wishes, I am obeyed and as though nothing in the lenburg county and owned mattress way of a hazzard could lurk just out- factories in Waynesville and Hender side the immediate sphere of traffic sonville. directions. This also applies to the wr. Mums aiea at tne age oi aooui ii. ; L -i. i - j. fifrv vonra nnH is Riirvivp.1 hv ' his' aisca in tne center ui streeta Ht m- - p ATn ifTR rnVF rnRRirGtmv, ,jne urtnopaemc enn o, under the iWcia "au tersections. . ;widow and four brothers and four KAFFg XO : j . . . : ..fa. Aluiueut, jic veil nuii wut ou Yours very sincerely, A. T. ALLEN, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Yours very truly, ' , . " 'in its decorations of many pots and ent. After exhausting their siqipk'y : ar e.on, . - baskets of red, white Old blue asters.'' of ammunition, our men had to take Alter the reading of the minutes to the hills, until a supply cuutd bii reports were given by officers. Mrs. gotten from Asheville. Haynes reported the grave of Hugh Then Kirk reached towtI an(l bur ROTARY ORTHOPADIC TO BE HELD. .The Orthopaedic clin under tho Rogers had been located in Fines ed tne jaiit but all the prisoners and ..r- ome men- had been'riemovwl; be held at the Methodist church in' The names of Mrs. W. R. Shook, Next they burned the Love house, ami ty-on the highways are the principal MRg HATtjr FELMETIS DEAD After receiving and comparing the Waynesville on Saturday, September rs- : Hampton and Miss t,iea- attempted to burn tho Welch house, features of the Carolina Motor Club. ' , proceeding of the lasrt session of 25th- ' nor Ormond, all of Canton, were pre- niSOi which was on the main streer 1 Mrs. Hattie Felmet, widow of the Congress with that of preceeding. A1' cripples in the county are in- sented for membership. but thia was prevented because some MISS MARY COBLE WEDS IN ,ate David B Felmet, one of the session from a common isense and vited to attend tho clinic for exami-' A letter was read from Crossnore frit.nds of the Welcli family wen CALIFORNIA. bounty's best known women died Sat- business standpoint; goes down in nation and treatment by Dr. Edward scho1 acknowledging two bags of among the raiders.. I was at head- ... . ; , urday at a Statesville hospital fol- history as one of the most profligate KinS. Orthopaedic spealist. clothing. quarters, Quallatown at that time. ine IOUOW1I1K ajinuunuciircin, uaa , . . . . , - , " 1 : : n r -M.n.nl n,An1.a n ( h anno a tr mil cnitiln. . Mrs. Secrest of Canton reported mi tu,. ,.. f. mcn tu, been received by friends. , Mrs Felmet was a woman 'of In the first place there seemed a ,N MEMORIAM. jshe had sent three bags of clothing Colomi, Love and hjs me wenf Mr. and Mrs. George W. Coble ! christian characters and a great lack for leadership. Less than . fnrpnZT3T t, ,., .. f for which our chapter should have Frankin, but when wp received thlt announce the marriage of the daugh- .. In the forepart of the day, oept. credit, r, lUVlIlfP 1IULU1C. OllC . Wlli UG OUICT 1U"J 1'' mvBom.j xt- .1 ..... 1 J.. 1 .1 . ..... ...... hi . . u , ..v.o . . 1 . . , 1 m.i. . uievciiui, iuneien nunarea ana Tkm ,o- ionon,i t Wo,.o . . ter ' Mary Helen to Mr. Robert Lawrence Sullivan missed by all who knew her. commended by Mr. Coolidge became twenty-six, the angel of death which nan nnvnfui. nimi run n t n ni- un.. ... nf tho Rontiot fhiirn-h. Fn'npral apr. tant ones failed to meet his entire . . .... vine, a great ...... ..w. - bert Uwen Ior a fortnight, bore on pr, in preparation to Mrs. Felmet was a devout member a law, and some of the most impor- ... ' . .. . , as a Kuest Mra- ampson oi rayette- meet bim We oxpPcted b;m t0 comQ on Saturday, August the fourteenth One thousand nine hundred and w twenty-six Santa Ana, California .Mrs. Sullivan, formerly of this city.is a vices were conducted from that approval. church Monday afternoon with Rev. grana aaugnier oi b vVcbstcr and down the Tucka- riek Henry. In a few well chos- .,..... ,; .. i..; w Dllant ..nnrra an. .if rf . ........ ' r.. In the leeislative deDartment there " " " t . " en woras sne "rougnt greetings irom . cai. I liirpn tn hp. hnm. a hmra ville and on to Quallatown and we- C. T. Tew officiatine. Interment was was confusion, wrangling, filabuster- . ,, . "er -PLe' "u apunc "i viaii. ui ,ntendcd to meet him in the bernl or 'in Greenhill cemetery. ing, fistcuffs, which is prevalent , , ' , very "wer had made through New York State the ,.iv,,r about thrce or four milleR 1 Mrs. Felmet is survived by three among school boys, but certainly not ner wmca""00d-. e was l'orn visiting some of the wonderful mark- above Quallatown and we sorely miw.a... xU....cw, Ui , commendable for a bodv of law . ers erectea in nonor oi ueorge vvasn- brilliant young lady. She " . , ' " , , . " , ' , . . , . , and ninety-six. At the time of her jntn j""'t vj. rto.n- TonL- on1 TPonnlp Ppol PpI. maltprs in a nvllizfid rniintru who ... ingio graduated from the Piedmont Hos- hftve been intrusted with lpsis,ati4)I1 sne was tmrty years, ten one of our memberSt Mrs. Caroline de viIle abnut three or four p,. ,n auinu .m " that would be for the best interest """"" , " , . eergaara, was a direct uescenaant on the road to Webster, they set up in France with. the Emory Unit dur- MR. ROBERT BRYSON KILLED. Lf th. whnl nnnl. n'- nf .p At an early age Mrs. Owen accepted of the Westcotts who carried the rnmn nf .u R,.0Hl,. r,rm would have eotten every man of She also told the chapter thpm But ftor tiley Ieft Waynes- miles above. ing the World War. Since then she , 1 than seventeen thousand bills intro- SUS 88 personal bavior amlflag when Washington crossed the has been! located in government hos-1 Mr Rnhnrt Rrvson. a nrominent ...... .. . was ever true to her creed. On . ... i " . . uuceu, less r.nan one tnousHna Delaware. It was thought that here, some om? j informed Kirk during the night of . ... ... . . . J ----- . .. ac vi u i uwniLiuii aiHi liii laiuri'r nt u'riiiiii was one oi waynesvilies most pop- killed Monday morning when he en- M, . f. .. ,,, . . "i xieioeit uwen. one was an em- charire of the program of the aftci- .. .. , , . . .. ... : iv u... i f . i. i j-.. i - - . ... in il unncn c in iiiii- i tmc n cicnt miuaMrei, a. imuniui wiic noon. she useH he vear book in' ., . . " Sept. 22, 1913, she became the bride Mrg Charles Quinlan was pitals in California. Mrs. Sullivan farmer of this county, was instantly finaily acted upon, was one of Waynesville's most pop- killed Monday morning when he en-1 u . f fb H ' nlov iTAimn lorlioa wrf1a cho rota J rl a A Jn..nJ 4-a tvonlr ia t nf r Via .... 16 7" "" wholesale investigation, spending two . , V. ' I.. . n""- "e uac" u,e L'uuu "' so the next mornine instead of ad fcpyp .nj.w ivmnv fr,nl. onJ oil. i, i i , h,'a hnmp Up on1 hi . . . . .... and a true mother. To this union i :.. 1 "c "1UI mhicaa or ad- "-."- ' " u.6..no " - " "- hundred thousand do Iars of the . , , k'vuik vC1 ,...,.. vC Ui..,.c van in toward us h tnrn,i mirers wish for her all tho good family have occupied the old W. H. ,eg m wh down were born five children, all of whom o the 26th annual State confercnce w.Tne.ville on thuLl Tt things of life. , iLeatherwood home, near Lake Juna- to a business aais amunt8 to about fvive D. A. R. held in Charlotte, March, Jon,"thdana "ew J " Mr. Sullivan is a native of Cfli- luska, for the past two years. as much so far ag any benefit bo as 0 Josle" ln her final ,1!ness- 1926. h u vc n Z fornia and a resident of Los Angelos.l Mr, Bryson was the son: of James h . e concerned . ., t every deed possible for her comfort Amon the man other intcrestinfr P'"'" Z y. He holds,, responsible pos.tion with Bryson of ' Crabtree and died at the veL's bird's nest a"d well?bein8 was performed ly thing3 she brought out was that the Su"day r found an oU the Los 'Angeles Gas & Electrical age of 45. He is survived by hi.J!?""on - .Q loving hearts and hands. Dorcas Bell Love Chapter is the only ,!5 "J" L". Pmrtnini.' .nl opvpn h ldren. i ... . . 10 thOSB Who mOUm her 10SR WC . iu. .1,... v,. .,i,,i " J"" "'" u"u,r al'u 1 j . vprv -jp n leaser! with the nehipvc. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan will be ati Funeral services were, held on ' ...... .... ... y. mcnt wrought during the last ses- There is no death! . . ftrt T i ....... T m i AT T. J nome ac zaiv leewarn avenue, ijus luesaay at rauuee. j c.; : . Aniteles: California. ' n '., ,. i . .1.1 .... 'a. What seems so is transition 7 .'.: ' - - DR. THEODORE A. HARGROVE ;e"u " . This life of mortal breath, DEDICATION OF ALTAR HANG-1 .I DIES. yet the .pprrfpriation . .. of tho last b'bnt . MblIrb of life elipian - INGS IN GRACE EPISCOPAL ' se3Slon eJfceed?d th .Whose portal we call death." i! CHURCH. I ' Funeral services were conducted vious session four hundred and sev- ; i .Monday afternoon at the Methodist nty million dollars and . acceH- ha5 bee, a great deaf of syslemizing At theSHoly Communion on Sun- church in Canton by Rev. Alfred Coke '"ff to me Duaget pian- now under done on the part of the tariff com- , . . - . , . . .. . , tney took him prisoner with same and paid for two chairs in Continental , , r . . k. .. half a dozen more. This was thp morning of March 4th, 18f5. Just a little way out from Dellwoo J they ,were met py two of our men, who fired into the Kirk band and re created, but were pursued and killed. Their nDmoa ...m.n Pin. .. A ... ktl 41-- AS - i: J it... """ - niiei lite int;i;Liii$ uiijuui jicii The Memorial Hall, Mrs. J. H. Howell read the Presi dent General's letter. In this mes sage she.'" laid great ' stress on" the observance of National Education Week. ' sr V!-L- artA Uio v.. TA11 ...I . . . . "U 11 mill IIIO UflL 17t IWll HI. day, Sept.f26th, at 8 A. M. the Rector,. Gibbs for Dr. Theodore A. . Hargrove, contemplation. There will; be;....ddi- rgio but 'it..ha8 amo8t inverably ??ste8"e"' asslste W W Ver . . 'turning up Jonathan's Creek toward Rev. Albert New, will dedicate new prominent dentist who died at his nal appropriation or,-- hfity-ftve be6n shown in' the finding of ingen- " 13- . ' c " u""',u" Soco Gap. On reaching Soeo thej fumishings for the altar in "Grace home in the city on Saturday. Dr. million dollars, totaling five .hundred ious excus'es for raising, the duty on co,,r!eft w ."v. proceeded to Quallatown and we had Church in; the Mountains." . Hargrove has been in ill Health some and twenty million dollar, to , be homo confumtiorn 'adding greater ..V, WbAVfcK iJUiU, ecv m, word of ..-their-movements until Every' communnicant o. the church time. ' V" " - -paid by. tho .tax payers of the.AiBer-.'hne''---...;:.-;-, g0 MRg R "R CALDWELL AND m'dnight, when a courier brought u is expected to be present at the ded- '. Dr. Hargrove died at die age .of Jean people. Now with big business, judg jig from- the proceedure of the DAUGHTER IN FLORIDA DIS- the news that Kirk and his- mm v were ication at;. 8 'A. M. , 49 and was the son of the late Cap- befn relieved of two hundred and past six years with big business hav- , ASTER -. at . Soco, just a little w-av from our Others services during 'the day wHl 'tain. -WtH.' Hargrove ofthifeounty:"; '1om in: taxes and. multiplied 'ing-y: fr.' wishea granted, I ,' ' headquarters.' Then we had to get be: 10 A. M.. Church School and Bible He is survived by his .widow : and millions . ' invested. .. in . non taxable whJIe the producer and consumer ' Mrs. E. R. Caldwell and babyword to the men up the river and, if Class. The Rector will preach at 11 three children, Foster, 19, Bruce, 16, Dnds' where or from what source bave 8uffered severely. Now, with daughter, formerly of Waynesville possible, gain another position. They A. M. andvagain at 8 P. M.; ; Leah, 15. Dr. Hargrove is also sur..wiUth revenue to' be .derived 'to. the administration and his business -were reported hurt in Hollywood, had camppd at the Mission thai Everybody is most cordially invited vived by three brothers,' iames B. ; meek this enormous appropriation discriminating legislation against Fla. Mrs Caldwell is the daughter night on Soco, but with all the haste to all our services., and J. A. Hargrove of Canton, and and ..the interest t that will accumu- him,, it seems that the only sensible of Mrs. May Leatherwaad of Way- we could make it was davlieht be- REV. ALBERT NEW,'. ; W. H. Hargrove of Colorado. '-: ..,' v - late and run the machinery' of our hope the' farmer ,i, tl trust inf nesville : and was on her way to fore we could get there. They were T. government r it seems that every God and hig own jndntty and see Gainesville, Fla. The last heard just ready to start, so we got as , v A. E. WARD, JR. SHOT available source is now taxed to the to it that t- (hp fntnr th.t we nlace f h ... . lotto, .Wviwi" h-well onranienl' ' - rinM .nt ' FIRSTISTRICT DA. R. MEET. Mr. A. E. Ward, Jr. of Lake , Juna- limit , We pay a tax on every thing men at the head of our (rovernmeht Mrs. Leather dated Sept. 19th from into them. They turned toward Luf-.' . The district No. 1, N. C, D. A. R., luska and brother of Attorney George that we buy to be used in the home o McKinIey and Woodrow Wi!son Brunswick, Ga. " ty. They burned some Indian hut will meet. in Lenoir Sept. 30th at H. Ward of this city, was found near 'or. an .the farm 'from a pen knife to type, men of vision, filled with pa- ; r . and carried off old men who could at the Carlheim Hotel, beginning at his home Tuesday night suffering the . costliest wardrobe on the farm, triotism and courage to do the right ' THE COMMUNITY CLUB. 'scarcely walk and took one old In-' 10:30 A. M: Any members of Dorcas from- gunshot wounds on his head from a shde nail to the most expen- thing regardless of cl'ck klon or any The Community Club has ordered dian to the top of the Smoky Moun- Bell Love Chapter who are expect- inflicted from some unknown source, sive automobile. , , . other influencet . . . .. .their, usual club books printed by the -tains and killed him, We followed ing to attend please notify Mrs; Mrt- Ward was rushed to the French It was claimed in passing the pres. .... v, - .. w ; Waynesville Mountaineter. It is a and fired on them every time we got Camp so she. can report to hostess Broad. HospiUl where he is improv- ent tariff law that it would give the When you're mad, keep quiet and splendid booklet in two colors and sight of them, as they were all chapter. , .. ing and is expected to recover. .country a systematic tariff. There do .nothing. , v ? well edited. v I (Continued on another page.) Rector. .