THE WAYNES VI LIE MOUNTAIN E ER. DODGE BROTHERS 1926 OUTPUT PASSES ENTIRE 1925 PRODUCTION. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the esbat of Moses A. Curtis, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all When the 746th motor car shipped from Dodge Brothers faCory at De troit on August 26, 1926, left the persons having claims against the as freight yards at 1:30 in the after noon, a new record had been estab- tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the IKth riav AT An nt 1097 ap thia tiA. i.shed The shipment. , to dealers this Jt,M wi p,eade, rf their year had reached 251,967, the output covery. All persons indebted to the 'said estate wiill please make imme- for the entire year of 1925. The consistent growth of Dodge .-, Brothers business is revealed clearly, Thjs the mh day w AugU8t ,92;, by the statement from the factory, j gQyp showing the dates on which 1926 ship-1 Administrator of the Estate' ments oassed the figures for orevioui SePl- 23c Moses A- Curtis, deceased years. The lazi production was passed April 5; the 1922, May 27; the lOOl O m-A fko Ini. 97 ru . .i T . 'a S,a f North Carolina, County of cu.iau..n Haywood In the Superior Court, mand for Dodge Brothers products," Nora Sorrells Stroud, by her says Roy Martin of the Haywood next '"ends, Rachef Sorrells j oarage, local uooge nroiners aeaier. "is convincing evidence of public ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHAPEL, said defendant will further take no- tice that he is required to appear at St John's Catholic Chapel, 145 the office of the Clerk of the Superior Church street, Waynesville. Mass on urt M conn.7 Court c . . , , , , u . . House in Waynes ville, North Caro Sundays at 10 o'cloc. Masi during on 9th day 0f' October, 1926, the week at 7 o'clock. and answer or demur to the eom- REV. FATHER McDEVITT, plaint in said action, or the plaintiff tf. Pastor wi" apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint.; hand and official seal HONEY FOR SALE. Witness my this the 5th da: NOTICE OFSUMMONS. v nf Sentemhor 1Q9A. New honey in the comb or extract- C. A. HAYNES, ed $2 per gallon. Clerk Superior Court, Six gallon lot or more $1.88 per M4W SePt 30c Haywood County. gallon. Produced exclusively from clovers. XOO JY-UClX Quality guaranteed. I t V;': t State whether comb or extracted ; ACIQ is wanted when ordering. I THE BUSY BEE APIARY, 1 Excess Vric Add Gfoet Rise to Hams Jan20pd Fletcher, N. C. NOTICE, Having sold all book accounts to , Sluder-Oarrett Furniture Co., we ask all persons that are owing the Med-j ford Furniture Co. to please pay, Sluder-Garrett Furniture Co. at their! store on Main street. Medford Furn. Co. Sept.23 By C. B. Medford. new models." ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE James Stroud. I The defendant. James Stroud will recognition of the fact that dependa- take notice that an action er titled bility and sound investment value are above has been commenced in the the result of the policy adopted ft""' Co"rt of Haywood dun: r ' N. C, for the purpose of procuring twelve years ago by Dodge Brothers, an absolute divorce from the defend that of constantly improving a well ant on the ground that the plan:tiff tried standard design instead of at- was under fourteen year of age at, tempting to stimulate sales by radical t 5i.,ntfffP?na de'' changes in appearance ami construe- fendant; that the slid defendant wili.'FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. tion and by annual announcement of further take notice tha he is re quired to appear at the office of the In compliance witn the Federal Clerk of the Superior Court of Hay, water power act (41 Stat., 1063) no wood County in Waynesville, N. C. on tice is herby given that the Carolina the 6th day of October, 1926, and Power and Light Company, whose answer or demur to the complaint office and principal place of business filed in said action or the plaintiff j3 at Raleigh, North Carolina, has ! will apply to the court for the relief made application for a license cover demnnded in the complaint. ling a proposed power project in the C. A. HAYNES, Big Pigeon River extending fron a Clerk Superior Court, 'point near the mouth of Fines Craek MiW Sept 30c Haywood County, to a ppint near the Tennessee-North Carolina State boundary in Haywooi County, North Carolina. Any ob- 'jection to such application, or request! for a hearing thereon, together with i 'any briefs, reports, or other data for I which consideration is desired, should be submitted to the Executive SoTe-' tarv, Federal Power Commission, 1 I Washington. D. C. 70ctc ! I 1 SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUB- LICATION. ! S'nte of North Carolina, County of ' HiivwooH In the Superior Court. Ethel Medford, by her next ! friend, Etta Godfrey, I i vs. Derry Medford. The defendant, Derry Medford, will take notice that an action entitled as I !"bnve has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, on the part of the plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining i an absolute divorce from the defend ant upon statutory ground; and the Vnplmtuant Troubles. AUTHORITIES agree that an ez A cess of uric acid ia primarily due to faulty kidney action. Reten tion of this toxic material often makes its presence felt by sore, pain ful joints, a tired, languid feeling and, sometimes, toxic ftar karhc and headache. That the kidneys are not functioning right it often shown by scanty or burning passage of secre- ' xjons. Thousands unit their kidoeyi at such times by-the use of Don't Piltt a stimulant diuretic. Domn't are rwotnmmded by many local peo ple. At k your neighbor I DOAN'S PP Stimulant Dimrmtic to thm Kidnmya rosar-MObum Co.. Mf. O-rn.. Buffalo. H.Y. PLAZA ASHEVILLE, N. C. B. F. KEITH'S SUPREME VAUDEVILLE EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY THREE SHOWS DAILY 3:00 7:00 9:00 Admission MATINEE 15c and 40c NIGHT 25c and 50c Having qualified as adminstrator if the estate of M. I.. Jones, deceased, of Havwood County, N'. C. All per sons holding claim against said es vite will exhibit them to the under-.-ined :it Marshall. N. C., on or be fore Sept. loth. lt'27. or this notice v ill he plead in bar of their recovery. This the loth day of Sept., 1920. A. W. WHITKHl'RST. Ad-r-;ri'iwt .,or ,,f M. I.. Jones, deceased. Oct. r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTK'K. Ilav'ng (ual;f'"-d as :idministratn" f ,) of R II. Pl.itt. deceased, l-i'c oj Jl-iywood County, North Car- rl;n-i, this is to notify all persons hnvinT cl'iinis ii,'ain- the estate if said deceased to exhibit them to the iiH!o"!(ried on or before the 1 tth day Auirust. I'.t27, or this notice will In p!;";:.d in lriv of their reoove-'v. All oersons indebted to the said state will please make immediate pavment . This the 14th day of Auirust, l!2Ci. I). O. PI.OTT. J. R. PLOTT, G. C. PLOTT, Administrators of R. 'I. Plot', de ceased. "sOctc I WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY. Purity Is Especially Desirable ANY POWDER, CREAM OR LOTION WHICH YOU APPLY TO YOUR FACE SHOULD BE AS PURE AS IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE JT OTHERWISE A RUINED COMPLEXION MAY RESULT. OUR PRODUCTS ARE PURE. The Waynesville Pharmacy Main Street. "Motorcycle Delivery Service" Waynesville. N. C. Furniture, amd Houselholldl IFumnshninigs Summer inlYour Kitchen The Test of Good furniture You Will Enjoy Eating WHEN IT'S HOT, THEN IS THE TIME THAT" VOl WANT THINGS HANDY ABOUT THE KITCHEN. WE HAVE MANY SPLENDID Si'tiGESTlDNS, ALL AT REASONABLE TRICES. YEARS OF SERVICE THAT'S THE REAL TEST OF GOOD FURNITURE. YOU KNOW THAT IT WILL WITHSTAND THIS TEST IN BUT ONE WAY. BUY FROM A REPUTABLE DEALER WHO GUARANTEES YOUR SAT ISF ACTION. WE DO. ONE OF THE PLEASURES OF DINING IS IN KNOWING THAT YOUR DINING ROOM FUR NITURE IS OF THE BEST. LET US SHOW YOU ONE OR MORE OF THE NEW SETS WE HAVE IN OUR STORE. For Porch or Room This Summer Reed Furniture THERE IS NO COOLER OR MORE COMFORT ABLE FURNITURE MADE FOR SUMMER UE THAN REED. ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE WHEN BEAUTY OF DESIGN AND FINISH ARE AS EVIDENT AS IN THE SEVERAL STYLES WE ARE SHOWING. Phone NOt l A Good Night's Rest YOU ARE ASSURED A GOOD NIGHT'S REST EVERY NIGHT, IF YOU ARE SLEEPING IN ONE OF THESE WELL MADE, COMFORTA BLY M ATTRESSED BEDS. DESIGNS ARE QUIET AND ATTRACTIVE. METT Era. Waynesville, N. G.

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