Opportunity's Empire-VVayiicsviffc Attitude 202 Fccl-Unsurpasscd Natural Resources for the Location of Manufacturing Industries ' , ,', ', .,,".'-. ' , ' . . I " r -' i .. . .1 , - - . . WAYESVIllJ;'H.YW00DfC0UNT. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1926 Volume XXXVIII. Number 35 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if not so Paid I-, '. 4 ? Woman's Club ,: large Number . Held Meetings Join Motor Club The Woman's Club ' held ita . first meeting of the fall Thursday after- noon. Sept 23, at the home of thejthe Caroliim Motor Oiifr b president, Mrs. McDowell. As th .experienced toe greatest memnersmp meeUng was, in the ture of a get- production together gathering a , ionnal . pro- its hfatory gram was dispensed with. man W. Roberta, vica-preaident. At a previous meeting the club1 During the mon juat peed S decided to adopt the State program members were added, to tb dub sent out by the University of Chapel , r08ter. wh5cn n" moved up to four-! Hill. Miss Robtna Miller, treasurer, teenth position among the 841 organ-! madeher report showing the splendid work of the club for the past year.MAutomoDlla AMQC1twn- LMt wp-, A motion was made and carried .. .. .. that the .ecreury., write stone, Miss (jiara wnoiors, , jar. j. ( B Ivev and Mr. John Smathers votes of thanks and appreciations for their . 1 - j j j 1 i.U , MAAH. - services renucxeu uuriug vw innib j Dahlia Show. ' i- This waa in June. 1925. The A letter was read from the Dis.,rage monthly membership fc L trict President urging each member No . high preaanre'V methoda . per-, to be present at the district meeting in Franklin, Sept. 30. 1 After the business session the club . . . i-. i.i- adjournea lor an enjoyaoie iwint , hour. Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, chair- man of -music, had arranged a de- lio-htful musical nromram. those tak- - .t .inMnHit,o. Mra' -': W. L. Mat- - n . l ney, Mrs. U. S. omatners ana " Kogers Boone. The hoate. tMm. surprise n Inviting Mr ' " coonilli re8idence at 219 East Market CL'LLOWHEE MAN KILLED IN oundbott teams unZ to' s ore Pe,e8tnanS- Altoether. s.tua address the club on dahlia culture. nrBonaW , CRAS. . T d ?t'a UnabIe t0 sco"- tion is not conductive of safety." Besides giving some very valuable advice as to how to raise the finest dahlias Mr. Ivey orTered many prac- tical euggestions for next year .1. . B11UW. . . JS7Z basket of his - - brought from h home at Lake Ju- 1 LJit naluska, Guests of the afternoon were to - teachers iTTv-ft-''' -S "--rtrisj'ft t Mrs.' J. B. Ivey, Mrs ; Walter Taylor, a ormr i " m j' J; l1 i T'X8rkrn I"6' Mrs. K. L. Elmore of Durham. . , The hostess, assisted by Misses Joscelyn and Anna uoroon racuowu ana miss jary oiringuem, -,. a delicious salad course. IN MISSIONARY CONVENTION GRACE CHURCH. 4 A most inspiring meeting in interests of home and toreign mis- sions was held in Grace .Episcopal church on Wednesday, 6th inst. Over fifty delegates from the Aux- iliars in the territory from Asheville to Franklin waa present. The ser- vice of Holy Communion sung by the vested choir was conducted by Rev. Albert New, assisted by Rev. E. J. Pipes of Franklin. During the business sessions Mrs. J N. Shoolbred, vice-president of the Asheville Convocation, presided. In- teresting discussions-took place on the different text books which are the official basis of the study classes 1 .. .. - .i.'" : MnMfVia " Vr;. Y u -..iHiiiff Mn Fred M. Horner, presiding, Jars, urea Th,m f Asheville. was unani-- I'Hi a. i.tisa xkiiciab ik v v mwwv. - ' mously 'elected president of the whole Diocesan organization in place of Mildred Carter, resigned. A beautifully appointed luncheon was served by the ladies of Grace - . . t.fi aL.lI chnrcn to ail tne visitors. uuu. fifty were served. ,Much interest was manifested tVivniKrhnilf tho whd t UBV. BTIQ B reat impetus to the missionary work of the church was aroused. , ,. . EPISCOPAL CHURCH SERVICES . SUNDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1926.' 8 A, M. The Holy Communion, "10 A.M. Church School and Bible Class Jn the Parish House. Subject of address by the Hon. C: R.Thomas: TVin niafnrv nf fhtt DirintiAn Church at the end of the first century." - ' Mrs. T. Grady Boyd charmingly one 01 tne most prominent pio- The Rector will preach at 11 a. m. entertained with a bridge affair at Beer- families of ; this section, the Waynesville should and could sup nH t 8 n. m. ' the Hotel Waynesville on Friday ai- danaThter of our townsman, C. B. Prt. up-to-date bakery. Dr, Evervbodv cordiallv Invited. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY MEETING ING. . The regular meeting of the Wo man's Missionary - Society., of the Methodit church will be held in the cnurcu pur iuesuay, wmr ma, at 3:30 o'clock. , , ' , ' , - f ' As this is the last meeting before t 1 w , f .i 1 a.. conference, and the annual report wil be read, It .s hoped all members Greensboro, N. C, Oct C-Com- memorating ita fourth" anniversary i"tions that compose the American, Automobile Association. Last . . - . ..UatMr.a t.ik MntI AftMHtt. 1" 7- I "77 . The Carolina. Mntnr Hliih van fnnnrt. ied g",. . p " - r " , - Previous to the record breaking month the largest number of new mpmKpra Htvn rfl inv nna mnnf Yt waa mitted memberahip solicitation ' " "7 aay ana gervlce8 nave expanded and the motoniur m i, Z'Z In line with the expansion of club activities and services. rial Vina hppn inrrnjipd tJip Hnrino- it waa necesaarv to move ,... - . -.-.- , : - - "TrSZk TZZ - - ' 1 Personnel of the dub Includes: i,. C. W. Roberts, vice-president and general manager; C. T. Matthews, .assistant manager and head of the- t ... . production department; W. 1J. Hen- attorney; JH. Monte, di- tor of public relations; Vear . XMral. ' a J Motorist; Miss-Gladys Allen, audi- A T a ' -ni t m . . . ""' riZZZZSZ. jp"onr airs; v. cioxtcm, mem- bersnip8. m!m EuU Nye "ces; Gladys Craver, Inex Nayter, Mrs- Simpson, secretarial; Mrs. C ... . -. ' .. . Migs Eve)yn Osborne, telephone in- formation; Office Managers: C, Ed- ward Walker; Greensboro: E. H. Sawyer, Asheville; E. W. Powers, Charlotte;. Mrs, Jane MaeMUlan, bi Tir tt i . "Tbeft X" O c"" Poold mi., p., tfc-.'.ui iC1KM. Fle'd force: W. H.Evans. M. BL Barmettler, Sam Lubow, Greensboro; R- H. Shelton, W. F. Shipman, T. M. Jackson, R. O. Stone, F. H. Gulley. and F. D. Fletcher, Asheville; H. S. Wakefield, J. C. Layton, E. I Jones, H. Fullwood, and J. C. Wakefield, Charlotte; Edward ThornhiU, Dnr- ham; J. D. Sikes, and G. M. Spahr, Rocky Mount; J. L. Anderson, Wil- son; H. B. Hogo, Goldsboro. u. r - HAYWOOD COUNTY TEACHERS . TAKE NOTICE. 'j I take this melhoo7a. chairman U. .-nr... :r:..: u of-'the Western District of the North iCrolin. Educational Association, of advising the teachers or Haywood . ... . .. ' county of the recent action of the executive committee ttngfa tte meeting ace forow Cfetober S- nng. ihe teacners naa oeen , n- formed thayhe -1927 meeting he held at Hendersonville but owing f i f ha Toff that AAma nW the hntAia w - jat Hendersonville have already closed for the season, it was decided to hoW l"B "ICetlllK III A3I1CV1UB. , JLUB UOWB are Friday and Saturda, O 'loth and 16th. We are looking for an attendance of more than a thous- ,nd teachers from the 19 counties ;colnposinjt the Western District. . Cordially years, ' H. T. HUNTER, . ' MRS, rresident. GRADY BOYDENTERTAINS ternoon. Eight tables were ar- ranged for play. - Dainty parrot 'tal- lies were passed the players. Mrs, Roy Francis held high score at the conclusion of the game and received an attractive cup" and saucer for first prtee.; ; Th consola- tion was a pretty portfolio and Mrs. Conner Ray was given parrot or- 'nament for booby, u - -: I ,-rj .Arvej w ttamutm i. Am- - licious salad course. ' The guest Est inclu(!ed about forty . ladies, di 1 m 1 ,ii rm n H rri ann Qnran a a m o t v m Scenic Hishwavi (Special to The Mountaineer.) J The new eoncitvte highway WofK w Appaiacnam ncemc mgnway nw,. wlln Wavr,Mvill Hirh met and School team of Brevard, in? to falloion received fiwm . ... v Georgia division .t Gainesville... This aerial -attack that threatened the eleven miles continuous stretch, c Waynesville ! goal.' Two ; forward paved highway eliminates the last , passes, well timed, netted the Bra- tooublesome detour between Ashe- Bep-,viue ana Atlanta, zo mues ox .nam -no quanta, o mues ox nara, J'J T . - Jt-xHj.' , nl. i VfTZ "u , "IT" f 1r,rA Umiun. a . TVufn AfUj IZZZTZ: - , y ' .an hoar over' this rout. The autH cade being organized by J. H, En- wriirht to make this trin OctohfiK " - ... - -j 18th, will limit their speed to 30vrractically impregnable, the visitors miles in order to keep the 100 or more; faking only four first downs through c ar. exited, their numerical, the Hne. ; . . a , order in line. . ine autocade will spend the mght at Gainesville, Georgia and will be nun . i,.m i..i. t i. open to all people own autom. biles and care lo'T xhe autocade- to Atlanta. At: " ie in Atlanta th 1wn1nn.11. - a 1 i . . 'Jnd n T C 7? .1 WU h.?W 11 8 iecond annual meeting, " o.u i.ui raw,inf r tut 1 r i kU rwu- P" . . - . ) I(SpeTt1 er Tlraes;) . Sylva, Oct 6.-Weaver Nations, ?f Cullwhee, was in tntW JIed in an automobile ac; ilanf mr. f JTt i. i . . - "w iujr om vreea iq . county, T- ,sday. The tow which his. was being jmlk ed into town for-Upairs broke and 1 . t.Lfi a nw. rn batkward over a steep; AmfaatllrmATlf Kalrinw k.'k H.l. embankment, breaking his neck." i w- vw uiu, and also by his parents and several nta anH brothers and sisters. MRS. FERGUSON DEAD. n Enterprise. Mrs. G. R. Fermison. nf nrahtroa died at her home Tuesday, Septem- ber, 28, following an illness of sev-.At eral months. She was 47 years of A. : j 1 1 1 . . "14 urvivea ny ner nusoand and fUr Fun.r.1 services cnhrch Wednesday at eleven o'clock, conducted by Revs Davis li. vj. ana u. MISS MARIAN ATKINSON BRIDE OF BR. POMEROY. The marriage of Miss Marian At- kinson and Phil Pomeroy was sol- emniied at the White Temple Church at 6:30 p. m. Friday, with the Rev. Dr. Richard N. Merrill officiating. t Following the ceremony a wedding supper waa served at the home of thj bridegroom to a few intimate friends, (Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy left imme- VT7' J ledo, Ohio, and other Northern cities, BDU iv aays' , . . . TT ron of honor and L. G. Haugenwas w ma a . , attendants outgrowth rf . b during summer bride wag formeri of w ville, N. C, but has been making heT 0 home in Miami for the naat two veara anrf hni Wn i.nnn.t-A n.:i-i the -firm of Shutts and Bowen iL - . . ",ine. lower aast uoast storm centers sent by a M. " " r-w. . - r - fi !fe president of the First National Bank, j The above Is of much interest to the many friends of Miss Atkinsson in r r;.. 11.: . i 1 NoPth Carolina. : 'She. fa one of Waynesville's. most veuiiuiui ana popular girls, decended Atkinson, who has Wn l.m, wn. tifid with the political and social of this county,' grand daughter of C- Nntt : Atkinson,' one of the "Mera of Asheville, grand niece of Chief Justice A. ''.S. Merrimon, re- !ated to the late Gov. Vance as well "M prominent families of this .. cuon. , , , -.-v-A-St-- She was "graduated from --'the Waynesville , Uarh 'aehnnl mn attended Agnes A Scott College in , Georgia. -,,y rooi can aea- son is V The Waynesville township high .chool foot ball season' was formerly -yard team about fifty yards, endan- gering tha Waynesville uprights. gering tha Waynesville uprisrhts. wn. 1 1 1 YT t : i n" T V"y neBiaues leny,ra"ne, Pra...J V.1J tir..ra....u. ""e- f'""B into the visitor's territory, thus end-' ing any serious menace to it's goal. ; -. The ' WavnASVlllo T-T I trh lina Tl...,..l. 4U- H-.l 1 1.1. 11. ",u"" we 1,1 31 w penous me teams battled to a scoreless tie. Shortly after the referee's whistle ..iuj j.j .... wui uuiu inug inio action, Dy a series of line. plunges and end runs Waynesville Disced tho ball nn Rrs. vard's four yard line and J.m . . . Carr- ?b811 0Ver0r th8 "ly scoring of the game. James dropped w une game, james aropped ..i. k... vi. . .1 v nmpx ior tne extra uc 01 me game were the Ime plunging of the backfield and Captain Don Hyatt and the broken field running of James and Jones and the stonewall .likeness of the Wav- . . J nesviiie line in the punches. Bre vard completed two of the prettiest forward passes seen here in a long tim. Th. Hn, !,,-. f w a . vavio. center Griffin nd Garrison. Buards. t? ..iJ . . . Sto rv - T T , ' .nes ana jame ett, Blackwell W Dl 1 11 , ... ana coyd, backs. referee, Howell, umpire, Plott. ! i?n...! ... a. . . .. ' 0 "' nlu ason: z wason. z 2 z z At Waynesville, Oct. 1st, Brevard. ' At Waynesville, Oct. 8th, Weavervillej Wftynesville, Oct 15, Farm School; At WaynesviHe, Oct. 22, Rutherford-! ton. i At Waynesville, Oct. 29, Canton. ' tain- At Marlon, Nov. 12, Waynesville. At Mars Hill, Nov. 19, Waynesville, At Hendersonville, Nov. 24, Waynes ville. At Waynesville, Nov. 29, Asheville. MASONS AID DISTRESSED FLORIDA. IN .. Washington, D.C. The Masonic Service Association has telegraphed offers of aid to the Grand Master of Masons in Florida. A representative of the association left here recently to confer- with officials in the devas- TLltf TfT m of assistance needed from Masonic "ZZ 'c "T".. . . - a nnnar , , work was sent by the Grand Lodire . i, ura"'f Loae "I d" aidiaZritJL lo7d Z sen- At needed and that funds also wo 1H W 8ent t0 Mobil ' JmucZ assis- tance there is needed , . - r V,.,'.j j 11 i.- 1 . - . : ;by Solomon Lodge No. 20. of Jack- i V-" ''vered .'" ."". deputy urand Mas- aS he 88W flt BUILDING BAKERY OVEN . Dr. John Smathers is having erect-1 eJ new hakery oven at the back of lI1B ' U1Q oaKery ouuaing on (Jhurch John Smathers is one of Wavnesville'a niost influential citizens, always pro- Eest J. Hyatt, N. M.Medford, Kssive and always working for thc,Muise8 ,Sarah Hannah, Alice Quin- development of his town and home; , Ian,". Lena Altstaetter, Louise Mc- If the people woul'd support te tr8dyent Fnn Campbell and Sara home industries ; of this kind and I Thomas, 1 The ; tea. guesU were: "ould not buy imported bakery goods, ! Mesdames Ir Thackston, C. Mark the many ; truck loads coming ih ... . . daily would, soon be a thing of the ' PMt-:;-: '-,-.--v.;-,- -- ; - : The new manager of the Wavnaa- vi,1 Bakery will be an experienced baker and an expert ' Safety Topic of Mortor Club Says Motorists Have Too Little Time for Safety Thoughts. Mowists have too much on their fninds and .have difficulty in finding room for thoughts of safety because they carry their domestic and busi ness troubles with them in the opin ion of W. F. Shipman, Assistant I Manager of this district of the Caro- lina Motor Club, The Th Carolina Motor Club offlcia!. following the example of the officials' 856 other club, affiliated with the i American Automobile AMhoIatfnn has been studying the behavior of m ntnri fa in b n oflTnr4 fn liaAwA. n.liv - ... H.. v u..vt.. " j there is so much apparent careless-' 'es, The preoccupation of the mo-'S tortat8 mind is one of the principal features thus far Hisolnsert h tho investigations. "Motorists carry their business and domestic troubles with theni, says Mr. Shinman. "and th roanlt a tv, i. MW j .- .s. " """ room in meir minds f0r thoughts 01 safety- The housewife does too much shoppin housewife does too much shopping . . vhi""S at the wheel. The business man nuts How this conclusion was reached, says Mr. Shipman, is as interesting as the conclusion itself, according to those who have studied these facts. Members of Jie safety and accident prevention committe of the club were commissioned to accept offers to ride with local motorists to dis cover what the drivers were think to-V -Aknoat invariably,, the assump 1 no one n ,n. tk. i.j v - ooouihu- ' bsusa vr ho b met JJ uau uccll I1U 01U in the car to talk these matters over, : . ...-v.o witn tne anver, ne would nave dls- u u j .u. LT .her home cussed them over with himself ; mentally. W F Shipman Comp PRESBYTERIANCIRCLES. The circles of the Woman's Aux iliary of the Presbyterian church will meet on next Tuesday, Oct. 12th, at 3:30 p. m as follows: Circle No. 1 with Mrs. L. B. Palmer Circle Noi 2 with Mrs. R. L. Pre vost. Circle No. 3 with Miss Sue Willard Lindsley. A full attendance is requested at the various meetings. JOIJJT HOSTESSES ENTERTAIN ' FOR MRS. HOWELL. Mesdames Guy Massie and Bonner Ray delightfully entertained Wed nesday afternoon at Mrs. Ray's home 0n North Main with eiht tab,es "f hrirw ; Pnmniimof f v. . bridge in compliment to Mrs. Fred Howell - of Providence, R. I. Tne nome Was most artisticallv j j , . ""'sliCB1J decorated m early fall cut flowers. TT ' the , H""h h e frame tor holding high score, ,f wk' to hf f"80,-t1,on a was award" orl a rloititw hanHlrnAhJA r. it.... ,". . now V" v"bi o Kucsi prize, a loveiv pair of silk hose. fni...i- .. '-' W. ,helr a delici( ous salad course ;: -The bridge guests were: Mesdames pre(1 Howell Rnbprt nw. t I Wither ' 5 Xal 'SSt ! Atkins, R. Lowry Lee, Georire Ward. . iRufus.Siler, Robert L. Coin, Clarence W- Miller. Jr., Faucette Swift, Car- ohne d Neergaard, J. W. Seaver, "v . -."itt hick, vieveiana r. Jiirk. Patrick. Rov Francia: ChurU. n,;.. Joe Tate, M. Hes Reeves T Grady Boyd, L. M. Richeson. Kate Kat ! Morris, Arthur Case, James M. Lonir. wens, Hugh Massie, R, H. Blackwell; I nrt . n 'paries a. Jtay, Thomas N. Massie, iSam Stringfield, Paul a Duckworth, Ernest Herman' and Misaaa Ifimw' , Robeson, Nora Massie, Katherine 'Kay and Maude McCulIoch. Newsletter, From Balsam Since the recent revival at the Baptist church Mr. Carter Bryson savs he feels that he has been called t0 preach He preached his first sermon Friday night to a very large nd attentive audience. - Prayer meeting is being conduct ed in the Baptist church every San day night, and every Wednesday night in some private home. Balsam Lodge closed Monday af ter a very successful season. Mr. John T. Jones and family mo- t0red to Asheville Sunday in their vutcu vu .none v mo ounujr i.. 'new Oldsmobile and were guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. J. C. H. Wilson oil ruuu- 1 Mr. Henry Beck has returned irom ut A i 'fl' . u 1T 1 . JCrl W , Sniftofc31 Ig In an automobile accident 1 8evera? weeks ago. He is recovering: ai rapidly as could be expected. Mrs. Ed Smathers went to Way nesville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Ballough have ,.f,j 4 n.tr, irio ( .u- ' .' ... . . .... 1 Mr. and Mrs. D. w. tnsiey nave 'turned from Asheville where they have been for some time. have been for some time nave uctn iyr some nine, Mr. Corbett Ensley is here from iheville. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ensley, Mrs. H. P. Enslev. Mrs. Marv Woody and M, and Mr Eultene Ensley were guegts of Mr- and Mr9 w. E Enstey in Franklin Sunday. Rev. Frank Arrington preached in the home of Mr. Perry Swangim Sun day afternoon. Mr. Hubert Ensley has a position with the Jackson Chevrolet Co. in Sylva. TAIN ED. M Francis Denton entertained ar. on Walnut street on Tues day afternoon with four tables of bridge honoring Mrs. Fred Howell. The home was beautifully decor ovatcd for the occasion with bowls and vasea of roses placed at points of advantage. After several progressions Mrs. Badgett was found to be holding top score and was presented a pair 01 ear rings. Mrs. Howell received a dainty guest towel for guest prize. Those accepting Miss Denton's hospitality were: Mesdames ,James W. Reed, John Swift, Jr., Fred Howell. C, S. Badarett. Guv Massie. Misses isabell Ferguson, Grace Hipps, Braxton Kirk, Nora Ashton, Carolyn Ashton, Janet Quinlan, Elizabeth Quinlan, Janie Reeves Eleanor Bushnell, Margaret Scmmes, Sara and Dorothy Thomas. Miss Denton served her guests a delightful salad course. HALL-SPENCER WEDDING Miss Syble Spencer and Hr. Moody Hall,, both of Waynesville, were quietly married in Mount Holly, N. " Mnd8y' Ct' 4" MiM SpenCCr S" ne f the l0Ca' telephone operotors and will contin- ue t0 do 80 for some time' Mr- Hal1 is connected with the Dworth if .1 r a . 1 1 ir a, Aiier a weens nonej- moon iur. ana rars. Hail win make teir home in Waynesville. FOURTEENTH MILLIONTH FOR! . Another million . mark in Ford pro duction was passed on July 21 when motor No. 14,000,000 came off the as sembly line at the Fordson plant of the Ford Motor Company. It was only a little more than two years ago, June 3, 1924, that the fam mous Ten Millionth Ford was pro- duced, an event which was celebrated by drivinK the car acros8 tho country f'm New York to San Francisco on ! .e . .Ll"coi" -Highway,;- The first, . k , Yam, W"a "? !m Uct0Der x- ' n nn" sevel ye". later, December 10, 1915, tnat the nrst million was reached, 1 ' D J - : The regular monthly meeting of Dorcas Ball Love Chapter D. A. R. will be held at Canton Oct, 13th at s sn t r wM w. n Smemmt. and Mrs. Sara Roberts Haynes will be hostesses at the home of Mrs. Secreat win ins uieneuu ; tWtf:aMs fail Assw titi ti ili"m wai ifu fcwsiO.

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