, -ypt yw '-jy art . V THE WAYNESVILI.E MOUNTAINEER. S'L"""-"r y r- V, f CAPACITY OF NASH LIGHT SIX tical of the newer styles in lighting PLANT TO BE INCREASED fitments are those made of alumi- 300-350 CARS A DAY. Lm !,:.: iminm and wrought iron, decorated in sub 'lued colors. The finish on the bet ter styles is guaranteed permanent, will not rust nor tarnish under any conditions and never requires polishing. Material expansion of the produc tion capacity of the Nash Light Six plant at Racine is under way. An nouncement of this program, entail ing the installation of over $600000 worth of additional equipment and giving the plant a production ca- j pacity of 300 to 350 cars a day, is made by C. W. Nash, president off ine .asn moior company. uoun-try-wide demand for the Nash Light Six, strongly emphasized since the introduction of the present new se ries, has kept the Racine factory in an oversold condition for many weeks past although the present production at that plant is over 225 cars a day. "It wat because of the demand for many more cars than our present capacity would allow that Mr. Nash authorized expansion of the plant on a scale that would be commensurate with our requirements," said D. M. Averill, general manager of the Nash Light Six factory. Definite orders have been placed for practically all of the new ma finery contemplated in the expansion program; some of the equipment has rJieady been installed and, it is ex pected, that the entire installation will have been completed in the next sixty days. All departments in the large Racine plant will be affected. "Every item in the list of ma-hin-iiy will be of the very latest and most approved type of factory equip ment known to the automobile in rushy," says Mr. Averill. "This Titfcmer with the present equipment nil thoroughly modern, and installed nly year and a half ago, will gvv :1 P'iim which from the point of inmlein equipment cannot be excelled in the automobile industry either hf le or abroad. 'The splendid reception with whipn the Nash Light .Six has been met by tile public is due, I believe, to the iits'ainling quality we have been :ible to build into this car became of our unsurpassed production facil ties" The Nash Light Six was intro duced a ear ago last May. It was ! signed and built to meet the re quirements of a large field of buyers whose preference is for a motor car, mod-rate in size and outstand ing in quality. How well C. V. Nash bad measured the extent of this field for a car of that type is indi- r:U; by the fact that practically at no time since the first Nash Light Six was sent to the loading dock for shipment, has the factory been able !o produce cars in volume sufficient to meet the demand. FREEMONT SL'MMEY DIES SUD DENLY. had suffered for a long time with some affliction, which gave him ex- DISTURBED SLEEP. have traveled nearly 10,000 miles and to the Other aidd of tJia earth W cruciating pain at time, but he was j Relieved for Wisconsin Lady. Waste , , . ,.Mt f.M ::J:..- t. j v' ul Tell nth,. MnMr irrtt.. " u araKl on . the veldt ouUide Bloomfontein, South Africa. In this far-off land the Oldsmobile will be in no immediate bad health, in fact to Tel! Others. Bladder Irrita- was better than he had been fori Uon The CauBe. some time. He is naid to hav hand-! ed some bread he was eating to his' Mrs. Ellen Johnson, Hillsboro, depended upon for transportation by mother with the words, "I'm gone.'- "y she will tell or write any ronp of scientists during their meet me in heaven." one how she was relieved by simple six-year search or additional data The funeral was held at Arnold Iithiatd buchu (Keller Formula.) regarding the double stars in the Plains church, and burial made on she says: "I had to get up nights Southern constellations. Tuesday in Smathers' burial ground. o much. The irritation was so bad. The car was purchased by R. A. He leaves his mother, father and I had to go to the hospital for eleven Rossiter, assistant professor of as- stay there making their observations. several sisters and brothers to mourn weens, i improved some Dut was university oi inicu- Th Enternrise Ptj.nds its not at all well. I beiran to take lean. Professor Rossiter Is accom- railroad that connect these two points there are signs warning the engineer not to run his train faster than IS miles an hour. An observatory will be built on a hill about ten miles from Bloomfon tein. The city is 5,000 above sea level and the hill ascends another 800 feet The Oldsmobile will be the connecting link between the ob servatory and the town during the six years the astronomers expect to Canton Enterprise. Froemont. Summev. son of Mr. and his loss Mrs. Chas. Summey, died suddenly ! heartfelt sympathy in this hour of Kthiated buchu. I feel fine today. Panying Professor W. J. Hussey, di- at breakfast on Monday morning. He trial. Qo them who dream (by O. Lawrence Hawthorne T uicb oil men nnM tindorcranrl I wish they would jnore frequently &s$KsSv rorsaKe tneir irenziea scnemes sPf And foolish plans that look alone SSvVK 10 warn monev-maKinir irnais wish they knew the joy that dreams tan bring to bless their souls. as mm ; -&! The days of life so soon are done That we should early find The way that leads to happiness Of heart and peace of mind; And, though perhaps we must remain Within our prison walls, In dreams our spirits may be free To go where gladness calls. Oh, how the world today needs men1 Who wi;ely meditate! In reverie are found those things That make one truly great. And, after all, there is no wealth, No happiness supreme Except the heavenly delight That comes to them who dream. is.1 Am tint-a m im TTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Haven't taken medicine for two rector of the University observatory months. Am still well. Gained 30 to Bloomfontein, which is the capital pounds." of the Orange Fre'e State, South Af- I Keller Laboratory, Mechanicsburg, rica' where they wiH set UP the lar- Ohio. Sold by all druggists. Locally est tlw,C0P eyer erected n the at Alexander's Drug Store. hemisphere. I The Oldsmobile was driven to New ; AN OLDSMOBILE GOING TO York and then shipped last week via SOUTH AFRICA. steamer to Capt Town. From there the party will drive a distance of All records of distance from the about 900 miles to Bloomfontein. place of purchase to the home gar- This district resembles our 'Rocky rage is believed to be broken by an Mountain section. Some idea of the Oldsmobile Sales & Service Co. at hills and curves can be had from the Fly-Tox the grown c'icickens and chicken house against lice and mites. BROKEN REST CauMd by Biaridsr lrrittion ll Nature1 Daniel Signal. . C. R. Kitney. Ontono. N V. aayst "Uthfatwl PMri-n Hr ' ir r-re for m tnan all utb?r rfmJi ivmihineJ. Bottm dayo I haJ almost a raiwtant ilenire wlUt a tarrlbli biirnfnT nalim. Wuld b bothered about hU 'Amid at night. WiU tell or writa mr eri-rieniwyt, any one. frn't tav anrifrr-if for tr.!. Too may ret the Hhil or 'on.i ir-tl(oally to aid naturo. T.l'hii'-'J bu-u. (Kaller Formula.l . ucta on hlaii'ir m epaota alta do on the b"-.'-'.!'. f'rivc out forelsn matter. dMi-ea' ci-c;- -rlB. threby relievine l-rirtioc. The tablet con Z'- e t. . aru aw'.- Ann Arbor, Michigan. The car will fact that along the narrow guage Laboratorj. Mechuuicsburs. Ohio. M. err A EVERY GARMENT it Clothes U Wool. GUARANTEED Js.y Walker to Blame Tor Half of the Deaths by Auto ri.ASS SHADES rSEI) IN HOME ' N.. LIGHTING. -K-'innjr mnirnts ((luinncd uiih Iccomtive glass shades is the latest :!, development in home lighting, , ""ni tur to Al.-irtin Klectric Co. tl'iir u:.e Letter illumination is ''ni.i tnrough their e(Te '-'nintr the light and j'ven ilistributinti I T? recent perfection of nev. type '. tK !rv lamps nr bulbs that ars ' fi"v ?i d inside resulted in greater ' .! ;,r .. . t i i . .iiih.-.o.i oi i;i;.it anl the elimination ll,m Klare. Since thi , new 1-mp is being used so gener- '! 'offmng influence I'l.-h practical L.v ob- teet in sof giving more 9o Pedestr ion CbrAned 1 yr , .N..Js 727 of 1390 Auto fatalitieslastyear were directly dueto pedestrian's fault UES A. JAY 1 vv; "yjMJsreR. 3 CO PvsicaI Disability Jay ev diking xrt L' Wo IrtoxlCAficn TSWAKr-WARKCIt AUTOMOBILE BAFkTY fMVUCIL 1.! in glass and iVsira- ''X-i's in residential iight : g ri'.ments are either equipped with .'haib s or provision is made .,o that shades may be added. Of the .-ever-, a! styles of shades available, the mn-.t popular is the Cremax type, in ar.tiiiujd iridescent finish, says Mar-' i n Electric Co. J Among the most popular and prac-! JyfjAN a motorist wl.ose ear lins tlgured In 11 fatal accident will be nhle ' 10 present a clear sheet to Snlnt Peter when his time conies, when one , .-on!,), rs all 11, e eonirihnting fa.'tors outside of the driver's own fault. A total I " ' tat. miles on record with the Stewart-Warner Safeiv Co 1 f iiuioinobile aeeldeiits, li.at In 7'.'7 I"' unci! for the covering a period of seven months. ses the fault was clearly the pedestrian's' and cannot ii! the ilrlver. the weather or unavoidable cireuinstnnees. :!, pedestrian's footsteps lend him to the grave by six distinct 1 lie Safety Council, and the most travel-worn of these Is lay- Mxty two per cent of the 727 outo .fatalities Just referred to were due 'il! aCrOSS llOSV Streets Without lllt tha lntareMI,nD CI, II .1 pia.vh - ;n the streets was responsible for 31 per cent and coasting for another 8 per lit. Confusion on the part of the pedestrian, not hearing whistles and turni: - l,:,, u in his tracks, brought nbout 9 per cent of these 727 deaths, while phj si. -ai disability and Intoxication rate 3 and 2 per cent respecilvely 1.0 .,;. ,. ronr.s wa'kit to '. SHOE American G American Ladies , Never More 1'lcasing the . New Fabric Colors, Weaves and Patterns The Best Selected Display of New Fall Fabrics Ever Assembled by this Store. We Welcome You to Come and View Them Soon The Smartly Dressed Man Wiff Welcome These Suggestions Each r.em Shewn is Especially New and Extremely Choice. A Display of Articles that Every Well-dressed Man will Delight in Choosing Frora. hi mmm mm Phone 334 WANOC jjj !S FAST DEVELOPING INTO WAYNESVILLE'S MOST ATTRACTIVE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. GRADING WORK IS BEING CARRIED ON RAPIDLY AS POSSIBLE, AND IMMEDIATELY UPON THE COMPLETION OF THIS WORK Cement Sidewalks, Cement (Curbing and Gutters, Improved Street, Water, Lights, Sanitary Seweraee WILL BE PLACED ON PROPERTY. OUR ASSOCIATES, A GROUP OF WAYNESVILLE'S MOST PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS MEN, JOIN US IN GUARANTEEING THESE IMPROVEMENTS JUST AS QUICKLY AS THEY CAN BE PUT IN CONSISTENT WITH GOOD CONSTRUCTION. ;...v;;;;c::P;R;l.CES: " Our pnees are far below existing prices of simikf property, and are based for a normal development. We want to appeal to home builders and co operate in every way - In the short time we have been offering WANOCA HILLS property our sales have been most satisfactory, and several of these lots have been sold for the purpose nf building homes immediately.. If you will take advantage of our pre-developmnt offer you are sure of an extreme enhancement in value. Do not fail to investigate at this Office.' : '' '.: ' , ' , '.J P1IMX DEVELOPMENT CORPQRAT. 01 X

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