P O Dunham 2lNovU 1 Opportunity's fmpirc-WaVitcSVille Altitude 2,802 FcelUnsurp'aslcd Natural Resources for the Location of Manufacturing Industries mm II .111 I I 1 J . ' I .11 . Wf YV V i . Volume XXX VIIL Number 36 . kVAYMESVILLE, HArWOOD COUNY, NOBTII CAROLINA THURSDTY, OCTOBER 14, 1928 12.00 Year in Advance, $2.50 if not m Pal Local Interest In A. S. H. Shown A S. H. Representatives Announce Plans For Ash Meet 1 i Expect Many Waynesville People j to Join Motorcade Monday j v4. S. H. Signsj to Be Erected . Next Monday morning:, October lth, at about nine o'clock, one of -the largest and most representative autocades and Jpilgrm ages ever to invade the South will arrive in Waynesville. It will be' enroute for Atlanta, Ga., for the second annual convention of an International association. , This Organization is the Appala chian Scenic Highway Association, which has sponsored, fought for, and finally completed. The Appalachian , Scenic Highway, which, as everyone knows, runs from.'The St. Lawrence River to the Gulf of Mexico," and over which travel tens of thousands of automobiles yearly. - Waynesville ' to nave ts repre esnutlon. There will be ?- dozen automobiles, more or less, to repre sent. Waynesville . ct this great meet ing, which occurs in Atlanta Oct. 19th and 20th. There will also be Waynesville delegates, it is hoped, and these delegates will be recognized and . will have the power to vote on plans, promote the interests of this town, and do everything within the power of a delegate. At this two day meeting will be important and great men from other parts of the United States and Can ada. They are the backbone of the A. S. H. which brings to the SoutbV hind the progress, the environment, and financial returns which have been so Ion in" coming. . ,.; Logical reasoners have always visualized the productive value of the No organization, it, is known, can exist without advertising. Adver tising costs money. But advertising is not all. Moral support from bus iness men all along A. S. H. is as important as the financial end of things, Mr. Marvel says. Woodley Q. Merritt and David Sanders Ballou, Field Secretary and Director of Publicity, who are to in terview the prominent citizens cf Waynesville this week, in an inter view declared: "No chain Is stronger than its weakest link. We must have repre sentation of Waynesville at Atlanta next Tuesday and Wednesday," In a statement today, Mr. Merritt, Field Secretary and A. S. H. Organ izer stated: We. need Waynesville's financial support from the banker to the low- "a ; , - t' r - "' I ( ' ' ' V . i , Aierritt and Baoi jffere, fjell Q)etaifs of (Bonoention- tycujnesvilte to Have SDeeyafes j The program for the Appalachian Scenic Highway second an nual international convention, which is to occur at Atlanta, Ga., October19th and 20th, has been formerly announced, according to Woodley C. Merritt, Field Secretary of the A. S. H., and David Sanders Ballou, Director of Field Publicity, who discussed the project with city officials and prominent business men today. According to the two youthful of-.representing the mayor and councils ficials, the program promises much of the cities of Atlanta and Decatur; in the way of important business, and the state highway board; the county also in the way of entertainment " j commissioners of Fulton and DeKalb .There will be two business sessions counties, the chambers of commerca the first in the automobile building at the Southeastern Fair grounds on Tuesday, October 19, after the dele gates have been entertained with a big barbecue, and the second in the Ansley Hotel roof garden convention hall on Wednesday, October 20. Barbecue is Feature Among the entertainment features will be the barbecue at Lakewood, the dinner at which Major John S. Cohen, president and editor of The Atlanta Journal, will entertain the delegates, Tuesday evening at the Piedmont Driving club, the automobile ride . . ii . m i f . , -mil 1 .. .w.r.. - lover me city luesuay aiiernoon ana Woodley a Merritt (lfet) A. 8U.r;Field Secretary and David the luncheon Wednesday at the Ans- Sanders JtJallou (right) Director fflf rield fuwicity, wno are nere 10 get Waynesville's representaiioniavthe second annual convention ai Atlanta next ween. , South its importance in relation to liest peanut vender. Without it we EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHANGES HOUR OF EVENING SERVICES Commencing nexi) Sunday night,' vne.rwt or zn u country, ftW ut w, w . .onger um ; wi, be held 4t tremanoous po.s o. nue. oi xnm nugti m wm. or . supremacy oi ntaate. earlier quarter unit. ne5I0r . wunst 1,18 "" than the summer schedule. xnese wise men, loresignteu pro-.u"ni. , t jj,e jjg,. j phets who are always amongst usL David Sanders Ballou, Director ot . ,. ilti.. aii...i!i.Jmjj Li., a on .. Peacn at wis thelr visualizations, their forecast sertod: , are coming ,true. .They"realize thit "Waynesville needs more tourists, at last, through the A. S. H,' it is If she will foin, heart and soul, in possible for them to expand, enlarge, this tremendous project which is a take -in more territbry because of forerunner of progress and material completion, of "The Backbone of returns, she will benefit and grow as Eastern America," to wit, the Appa- she has never before. The A. S. H. TTiVhiarav has onened Wavnesville to the world. To the laymen the A. S. H. is a New' vistas to' conquer' have en ' ..Eye1rybo,dIyJS m0St . cordiaI1y strip; of concrete somewhat longer opened through this magnificent Vltcd to a" these services, than 200 miles, running from the stretch of roadway which rivals, the' ' North to the South. old Roman roads of Caesar, many of " JO""V, . . To the wise man. the modern sooth- which remain and are hone the worse As dispenser of bargains, Elli son's store fills a place in the home of very resident of Waynesville. By its great Variety merchandise and Tha Rector. Rev; Albert , New. Mr. Ellison (a; m. ' At the Bible Class in the Parish House at 10 a. m. the Hon. C. R. Thomas will speak on "Early Here sies in the Christian Church." The Sacrament of the Holy Com munion will be administered at 8 a. m. m- RfiLLISON'S STORE OFFERS ; CHOICE BARGAINS IN A HUN . DBED WAYS. ley Hotel at which the officers of the Georgia division of the Appalachian Scenic Highway association will en tertain the national officers of other state divisions. The motorcade, headed by President Roscoe A. Marvel, of the Appalachian Scenic Highway association, and oth er dignitaries, will leave Auheville Monday morning, October 18, at 7:30 o'clock. Local delegations will join the motorcade at Canton, Waynes ville, Sylva,"Dillsboro, Bryson City of-Hving. He has already proved, duriag his short time here, an inval uably friend to the housekeeper and the mother ever needing ready made frocks both for themselves and the 'cade at Murphy. children. In house dresses, milli- At Neel's gap, committees from nery, accessories ana especially in Blairsville and Cleveland will jointly At" Murphy, the tour ists will be entertained at an elab orate luncheon by the citizens of that city and about 25 automobiles filled with delegates will join the motor- serve refreshments to the tourists and point out the wonderful view over Blood Mountain gorge. Local dele- shoes, Mr. Ellison cannot be surpass ed. for bargains in all Waynesville. " Ellison's store is headquarters for the visitors to town and the folks Rations will join the motorcade at just ' naturally like to trade at this ! Blairsville, Cleveland and Clermont. SPLENDID BUSINESS j store where hospitality and a real Monday night will be spent at hearty welcome awaits each and Gainesville, where an elaborte enter- of Atlanta and Decatur, the Atlanta Convention and Tourist bureau, tha Atlanta Motor club, the Southeastern Fair association tnd various civic organizations. Tiio- ro will send w-lcoming cai to S".n-i li ouri will ob'.-.n the bi';s and car m-iker3 from "Cousin" Fred Houser, at the At lan'a Convention and Touri't bureau. From Stone Mountain the motor caJe will b escorted through Clarks ton, Scottdale. Avondale and Decatur to the Southeastern fair grcii.ci at Lakewood by squads of motorcycle nfRc-cr.J from icKtlb and Fulton counties. After the tourists have refreshed themselves and have enjoyed the elaborate bnrbecue, Mayor Sims and Chairman Paul Etheridge, of the board of county commissioners, will deliver welcome addresses to be re sponded to by President Roscoe A. Marvel, of the Appalachian Scenic Highway association, and E. M. Tier ncy, of Binghamton, N, Y., aa noted speaker and one of the county's outstanding advocates of Improved highways.'", Music for the barbe'eae't;; sfl-Weinit'-iittaitewootf wiirtie ' furnished by the Atlanta police band. Drive Over City From Lakewood a squad of mo torcycle police of the Atlanta police department will escort the tourists on an automobile ride over the city. First they will go to Grand park where they will view the great cyclo rama, then they will drive to the Girls' High school, thence to Druid Hills, Emory university, Ponce d? Leon avenue, Piedmont park, Orgle thorpe university, and back to the Ansley hotel via West Pwuchtreo sayer, K means more peop e. a 'g - - I MilIer Brothers - erocery atore on everyone. No matter how small the . uinment is being planned for the street c,ty mooernism ana nronu in, , - .,8 - urchase especia attention is given ; tourisU. Gainesville is the home of It is anticipated that the louri Lf, irJu iZ e.n2ta SflftriS to come Waynesville. They, carry to each patron. j Henry H. E.tes. the president of the L get t0 th, Ansley by 5 o'clock gress to the tourist, the captain of oucement lor tne tourist to come , ,,,. ..u - j 1 m, thltt whi Hnv, rp We and Georgia division of thp Annnlanhi.u, I t e - where Waynesville has " U1J """ "L , " . " ; . r . , - - ... w: MHVe IIom w uo lncra.1(. caiineu gooas. iresn iruns ana veg- uiitujjy mc aucuuun i At 8 o clocK tnev will atten' etables. industry, the banker, the schoolmas- your way. ter and the student. It makes far seen thousands of cars a year she richer the business man of anv town, will soon see tens of thousands. improves :stown, because an asset These cars every one of them, spend frocenes are instead oi a "dirt road liability." twenty dollars a day on the. road, m V"J" Then, too, it tempts the workingman, according to government'.' statistics. ; T0'8 grocery store has served who -with his family, hears of the The. average number of growrirper- faithfully and well the large list of construction of a great hotel, a great sons to a car is three. Think Of the patrons who have come to deflend on power project, or a tremendous fac- increased financial returns think of for their provisions and neeessi- tory. He,' with his small bank ac- the increased number of citizens per ties , in the grocery line. They have count and his family, comes to that year men and .women, who pleased Siv?n years in unselfish endeavor section' to increase his earning ca- with Waynesville and the opportu- for the betterment of Waynesville, n.fitt, tn uAA tn th mmnnltv lifn nitv afforded here, nark their cars. a"d for the best service to their Their staple and fancy folks, Ellison's will be found the j Entertainment Feat . es undoubtedly the finest liest place to resplenisn tne articles , ac uainesvnie tne party will be so necessary in every day wearing j complimented with a street dance and apparel. i canuvui, wnicn win oe cnaracierizea Mr. Ellison is a very piogressive by its colorful scenes, its confetti and merchant and one of the most con- its music. Gainesville will make the sistant advertisers in Waynesville. j visit of the tourists a gala occasion. Uis Coming to Waynesville has put The motorcade will leave Gainci new. life into the mercantile business ville Tuesday morning, October Ht, and has a tendency to keep much money at home. T. H. Kl'YKENDALL MOVED of the town, village or city. - ; rent or buy houses; roll up their menus ana cusromers tnrougnout With the tourists comes either a f sleeves,, and interest themselves in , waynesvme townsnip. resort center or an industry. With this community. The A. S. H. is thej. ' Mr. T. H. Kuykendall, who has either of these comes the railroad, greatest thing ever to have come into .KENMORE HOTEL BEING RE- 10j.ni.lry een jn businness with his possibly ' -branch of a gigantic rail- Waynesville's life," he concluded. ' MODELED. father, Mr. J. H. Kuykendall on wti A . ,nJ nr;,l. y.M Tt naamn Irnnurtt tAat fha4- f..,n I .vjl' . . Vaof- otraaf Tine sof tin n nllimhiniy ... ... .v., w.m. .un..iautwu " v""" " , ' ' ' , vvv ' " ; Demg carved Dy Augustus Lukeman. i,,r.(,.H otner tourist possioiuties or otner youuum omciais 01 tne a. o. a, win "e Muiuuie nuiei, one 01 tva.v- business in uio oia iiuuu aiuiui ouw Refreshments will bo served hero industries. One thing to another, conduct their membership campaign nesvuie s most popular hotels, is be- on Church street. Mr. Kuykendall , . at 8:30 o'clock, and will bring alon; a large number of ears bearing prom inent citizens of Gainesville. Other i delegations will join at Buford, Law- jianccville, Stone Mountain and De- icatur will entertain the tourists ffor '!0 minutes at Stone Mountain, where i , 1 ... tne great i onieaerata memorial is ! dinner to be given at the Pi Driving club by Mayor John S. president and editor of The Journal. Two or three add be delivered at this dinn tinguished speakers who nouneed later, there vi!" ber of entertainment the proceeding will h the world by WSR Journal radio broac! The business s morninw will open will be held mi t! ' 10 o'clock, and drn. Generr.1 bu AnJfy I'.wf 3cted, new offii u"! ,.; i,e (rans. illd '' iVes. i the jdmon' . Cohen. Atlanta eRses will r by dir--will bo .'in- bo a nur.i- features 'ml i broadcast t" , The Atlani-i. caning station. jsi.in ntst Interest the world in Waynesville and with the aid of prominent city offi- ing extensively remodeled. has an up-to-date shop and ample it is bound to grow in proportion to cials and business men Of Waynes- r This hotel Is located on Main street room to carry on his extensive busi the created interest! The Appa- ville. Committees will be formed to. and has , a splendid representation ness. He is the salesman for all lachlan Scenie Highway and-its as- handle the Waynesville autocade, 'among the traveling public, 'modern plumbing fixtures sociation act as a medium through while other committees will aid in which ia town can be exploited. '. the membership drive for money to "Waynesville, N. C on the A. S. H." advertise the A. S. H. and Waynes Prominent citizens of Waynesville ville. have expressed a' desire that tha I At the close jf his interview witli town be represented byi a large, local the Mountaineer- editor' Mr. Merritt ! autocade ' "Waynes-rjilWl . atop East- j said: Within a very short time, prob- ' ern , America," should have repre- ably not more than a few days, thj aentatiohl. . . - . iA. S. H. signs, which have" beenlnv year's c pla- ado from committees and a lecturer frj i Roscoe .. A. Marvel, who organized the A.' S. H. .and got it recognition, who fought for it, who gave every thing that., the South. migTit benefit from this great ; project, is making an impassioned plea for represen tation for every section on the high way, from "The St Lawrence River to the Gulf of Meico." Waynesville for almost year, will be' erected that they may be of ser vice ,to. the ; city. Due to a misun derstanding between A. S. H. officials and Waynesville representatives, the . signs have not erected, butt this mis understanding having been cleared away,' the .signs will be immediately placed in conspicuous and advanta- It is important, he says, that every 'geous places along the route. , busineM man who is progressive ' Upon' the completion of tne erec,' should be morally and financially in- tion of these signs, it is expected) terested in such a huge project, a Waynesville will feel an increase in project which is daily proving itself the winter tourist business, A. S. H. ' to the town through whlth'it passes, officials stated. . - - ; .-. ...... ...... .' . ; ' . .., : ... - ". i 'kit. 4 W-' r . I will tell the tourists all about the .P held Stone Mountain memorial. , and cr nn omcijjl car irom inc Aiiunia s:rc Chambor of Commerce will meet thct0 motorcade at Gainesville on Tuesday f evening 'and escort it to Stone Moun tain. A large number of weleomir g . cars will ko to Stone Mountain f' n, ' 1 Atlanta and. Decatur to grce :. hn rtain luuiiata. . Aniuiig iuv.ii, win tp car 1 is fur t Atlanta k muds on the .tins sotr ihat th New O nrough After I be elected, city will bo great m;tor ionaeal ux no t. : . and a hearing will aim of tho:;c town. h of Atlanta vho Hp- route of the Appalachian rleans .and Tamnq nii heir borders. the adjournment of fhts bus- spwion the Goortri.i division will the natiorinl officers. thi .cers of other state divisions at n I uncheon at the Anslev. PL r v CJT MR. H. H. QARNR DIES After bn illness, of several r d0nthg H. H, CSarlier, a prominent f' Mrs. Rufus L. Allen on Friday a- ttie Pigeon Valley sti' i .. ernoon, uciooer nueeniiv away at Vila home tbierj CIVIC LEAGUE MEETING The Civic League will meet with Typical specimen of concrete bridge cor trwtte ton A. & 'H., '.-.:'. ii ear wayueaviue. . on, passed : on October ) NEAR EAST RELIEF Mr. uamer-WftS'-Bivtv-five vart A few nu t nlH ,lnth. .r of age and had irJ f0 most of his 'to fill out a barrel which J am trvine life in HaywooS 6unty He had been identified wit the public affairs of the county a a member of the Board of County Commissioners and of his local school board.. He leaves a wife, one son, and an only brother, C. L. Garner of Macon county. to get off to the ..ear East Relief. If anyone has any discarded clothes in reasonably good 'condition and is willing to donate them to this cause I shall be glad to get them as soon as possible S. R. CROCKETT. 1 '!

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