f A V ; si Opportunity's Empire-Waynesville Altitude 2,802 Fect-Unsurpasstd Natural Resources For the location if Manufacturing Industries -) TlliTTiTTS Volume XXXVIIL Number 39 WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER t, 1926 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if not ao PaM ' V ' "--A 1 rV-.-- J.. ', Vaynesville Country Club Entertains On Friday night, October 29, 1926, the Waynesville Country Club gave a most enjoyable Halloween party. Hundreds of Invitations were sent out and apparently all were accepted There were approximately from four nary work is getting underway inci te five hundred guests who were : dent to the development of one of tr. there from time to time. The guests most colossal hydro-electric power were met at the door and ushered into projects In the South. I the dance hall by devils. and spooks With the harnessing of the Big of all kinds. Pigeon and the installation of dams, The Waynesville Club House was tunnels, power plans and other ma most attractively decorated with the chinery the Carolina Power and Light . season's colors, pumpkins, corn stalks, - company proposes the ultimate devel-' apples and all the samples of the opment of approximately 70,000 horse season's crop. power. Engineers estimaU it will re-! Refreshments were to be had at all quire two years to finish the job. and ( times. Pop corn, dough nuts, cakes, the cost, It is figured, will approxi-. pumpkin pies and great Kegs of sweet' elder. Old 'time square dancing was the most popular amusement of the evening and a splendid orchestra en- tenanted the guests while a many has applied to the f ederal Power as four sets were in swing at once. Commission at Washington for li Perhaps' no entertainment has been 'cense for a transmission line in Tran enjoyed more than this informal sylvania county, within the Pisgah gathering of the citizens of Waynes- j National Forest from the company's ville. 'Canton station, to a connecting point Great interest is being taken in the Waynesville Country Club. Mr. J. M. Long and Mr. R. L. Pre vost are very active in the success of the new club and many citizens ( Company last week secured a license are taking stock in the new country for 50 years from the Federal Com club. Work is now being done on the mission for the power project on the nine hole golf course. I Big Pigeon. With the securing of the The sponsors of Halloween country permit, it was learned last night, the club festivities were: Mrs. H. G. company, which serves Asheville and Stone, Mrs. C. W. Miller, Jr., Mrs.) ether cities and towns in the Caro C. M. Dicus, Mrs. Floyd Rippetoe, ' forms, proposes to proceed at once Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J. W. Reed, Mrs. H. B. Atkins, and others. New Bakery to Open on Saturday Waynesville is endeavoring once more to have a bakery and it is up to the housewives and merchants to support it. Why should we patron ize bakeries in Asheville and Spar- tanbure when we can have bread as eood in our own townt The bakery ouens Saturday in the .... . , i old bakery Duiiaing on cnurcn street under entirely new manage ment. Dr. John Smathers who owns the building, has built a new con- crete oven and there will be expert bakers in charge. This bakery is well equipped and will equal to those in cities much larger. n f 1 J. i. everyone is urguu iu uu-upciawu with the new bakery and at least give it a fair chance. Let's do away with these big bread trucks that come to town every day. Many towns smaller than Waynesville sup- port one or two bakeries. Why can't we ? Court r at The Nation's Answer! 1.1! y. &aBmfci& Rush Work On Big Power Development - By A. D. Jones. Where the Big Pigeon river plunges through mountain gorges along the North Carolina-Tennessee border line, 50 miles west of Asheville, prellmt- mate $10,000,000. ' j The survey of a route from Water- ville, the site of the proposed project,' to Asheville is well underway. The J Carolina Power and Light Company with the Southern Power Company's system at Greenville, S. C. License Secured The Carolina Power and Light with the actual construction work on the power project. The work will involve construction of a concrete arch dam which will ultimately.be 180 feet high; a water conduit more than six miles long, comprising a tunnel under a moun tain; a power house with installation of 35,000 horse power initially, and 70,000 horse power ultimately. While Asheville will benefit f rom power to be generated on the Big'cial jb printing, engraving, ruled Pigeon River project, it was learned last niirht. that power from new (sources will be available here within a vear. or a year before the Bite ... ..... . Pigeon joo is scheduled lor compie- tion. Those in close touch ' with nower develonments throughout the country declare the Pigeon river plant will mark a significant move in the indus-! trial growth of Western North Car- olina and the South. Large power , .i , 1 1.1 i u companies, otner man me varuiiiia Power and Light Company, it is pointed out. will benefit from the Pigeon River project by reason of a recent arrangement between the com- panics providing for the inter-change of power of strategic points where (Continued on another page.) Tfew0.SsiO--l3 Um RlehmooA (Va.) Ttanes-Dlspateh. V'-'IMI ill, i Business Is Good With While the Waynesville Mountain- eer has had more rders for commer- worK P""".ng, omomg erc., Known ln ne malor 01 lms ?"" office ln tne montn of. ctobef' we aeem lc avisaD1e io imorm me gen- . .. , . - eml nilhlK' fhrnilO-h thpSP Columns. ' - -. that this printing office is so well equipped we are able to handle any- imng in tne printing or engraving llne- 1 We are making a specialty of put- ting new backs on old Bibles and find that there are many people who have R I V. 1 n a n "Vi ti I r Unmaa nrViiVi nro 1nnt "' """ on account of sentimental reasons, 1 nese Bimes can De maae as gooa as new with new backs and gold title burned in at very little cost. Bring them in. We also do special railing and em- bossing, engraving and print any- thing from a small card to a largo volumn. At the present time we have one order for 9,000 vouchers for Nor- ris Motor Co., and we just finished 28,000 cards for R. N. Barber. Our samples of Yuletide greeting cards are now on display. We urge our customers to come in and order early as there is a large percentage deducted if orders are given in tha next few weeks. , . : '' Co., Brevard, Bell Motor Co., J. H To show our., appreciation- of the Furvis, W. R. Francis, Walker & Fer large volume, of business gjven' dur- .guson, Rev. C. T. Tew. Rev. James ing the past? few weeks-in the job Arrington, Haywood Furniture Mfg. work! department : ( the . advertise- ments in the. Mountaineer .speak for themselves) we wish ; to , tjiapk the following businesses and individuals: -. The WaynesVille Pharmacy- Sher- rill's vStudiai, Town, officials: of Ha- Belwrfod jC. F, Kirfcpatrick Register of Deeds; Alfey 4 "j Alley, attorneys. the Meth'fjaist.s.Church, H. G. Stone, Waynesville Laundry,' Citizens Bank and Trust Co., Prof. Wm. C. Allen, Supt. County Schools, E. L. Withers & Co., Mrs. L. E. Vinibrough of the .Lake, MiUer Brothers, D. A. R. Camp, First National Bank, Jt, L, Allgood, Long's ChapdEIUsoh'i'.'Ysyne'. yilleuook Store, H. Hi. roole, J. it. Mnmn MrMn . wnl. M G. Stamey. Eagles 1 Nest Camp, Picus Brothers, J,' H. Matney, ' Unagusta 5-v i.i.' ,n.. m. mtg. w., xne niKu .. TO Browera,. ".v. most important piece of work It neaitn education mis oetuc interpreted man's Club, Duckworth - Motor Co., ris Motor Co., Brevard, Lowe Motor. , Jn ncret, janguage. means teaching the child proper health nablts in order The Elmart, Waynewood Theatre, Company, Brevard. (If we have ; ne remain heuthy. and training the undernourished child ln hutn- ' Dr. S. P. Gay," Dr. John Snjathers, overlooked any customers, we take " oon classes la order that he may become 6 ' in ome class roomk one oun Mr. Fred Martin, The Community this method of thanking them' and of . dred per cent cf the children have reached a normal atate of omrtttoa. while Club, The Junior' order United Ameri- assuring- them of our :appreciatLpn.) . V In a acbool of Qva hundred, ninety -six per cent were successful, it. U relt :W Mecsnics,'.: Waynesvill.rBattary:' -We -refer -anyonp"' tor any ' of the fthat the proper nutriUon ot our children la the most Important thing before Co., Burgin Brothers, Official, of above; customer, ofour. for rerence Ty'''-i.. Md ..Uwhere wl Town of Waynesville, Mrs. T. C in gard to the quality of our. work : v j mr ,h. h. i. fa,t Breeding;,- Mr. Stall ' ' Waynesville , umiture co., swnt s uairy, rirsi Baptist Church, Mr. Harley Francis, lj J -- V, -rf' Armistice Day Call h Hnf MpI OUll UJ UUf. ITIULUail M I MUW. iHWbWUii "Raleigh, Oct. 30. (INS.) Govern - or McLean tonight issued a procla- mation calling upon the state to ob- r..v, """u ..uCI , " "le c. aslde as a legal h0,lday- . . - . ... . The hght lor peaceiui settlement ir,t,noinul Hier,icc mn.- O-n nn ul unt some adequate, lasting proces- ses, based on principles of human crothernood nave Deen aevisea ana set " motion, tne governor said in his proclamation, The governor also issued a procla- mation calling on the people of North 1 : t .. n .1 ,1 r. V. f Kii An oiuuim lu itp"u to the tenth annual roll call of the Red Cross. Unagusta Mfg. Co., Suncrest Lumber Co., Unique Cleaners, Waynesville Candy Co., Waynesville Battery Co., Waynesville Music Club, C. M. Dieus, Mrs. B. Gilmer, J. M. Edwards, Phil- J' ips Construction Co.. England, Wal-1 ton & Co., Junaluska Tannery, H. Gibson, T. H. Kuykendall, Hannah & Hannah, F. G. Rippetoe, Camp Juna-j luska for Girls, Southern Assembly,! Sluder-Garrett Co., R. N. Barber, j County Ballots for November Elec-j tion, McKay's Pharmacy, Allen-Siler j Co., J. M. Mock, Standard Clothing ! Co., Major J. H. Howell, Dr. Pegranu of Canton, Board of .Education, P. V.j Massey, Belle Meade Development Co:, Clyde H. Ray, Hon. T. L. Green,, Postmaster,'. Waynesville Show Case Eight Jobs for Colored People, no , Names, Waynesville Hardware Co., Democratic Executive Committee, ' Long's Store, 'Grace Church in the Mountains, Clyde Pharmacy, Bank of Clyde, Martins Drug Store, ' Canton, j Haywood Garage, R. L. Lee & Co., j Bell Telephone Co., Mrs.,-a H. Mc-I Dowell, Mrs, R. L. Allen, BueU Hyatt, 1 City Majket, Waynesville Hudson ( C'- County . Commissioners, . Ralph ( w. Davis, tne Appaiacman annw TTio-Wv. The American Automobile Association, The Boyce Hardwood Company of Hartford, Tenn., Ed- o, i. xt n and tha reasonable prices charged, many ox tne aoove uruis several jobs during October. . t Thanksgiving Procla mation by President Washington, Oct. 30. (INS.) America, prosperous, happy at peace with all, is blessed among nations of the earth. President Coolidge de clared today in proclamotion netting Nov. 25 as Thanksgiving Day. The proclamation follows: . "As a nation and as individuals we have passed another twelve months in the favor of the . Almighty. He has smiled upon our fields and they have brought forth plentifully. Business has prospered; industries have flour ished, and labor has been well em ployed. While sections of our coun try have been visited by disaster, we have been spared any great national calamity or pestelential visitation. We are blessed among the nations of the earth. "Our moral and spiritual life has kept measure with our material pros perity. We are not unmindful of the Grade, Friday, Nov. 12th, Sixth gratitude we owe to God, for His Grade, Saturday, Nov. 13th, Seventh1 watchful care, which has pointed out Grade. to us the ways of peace and hap-, 5. Judges will be Directors of the? piness; we should not fail in our ac- Library Association and such others knowledgement of His divine favor, as art- necessary, the prizes to eon which has bestowed upon us so many sist of free yearly subscription to blessings. Neither should we be the Library. forgetful of those among us who,1 (Signed) Children's Book Week through stress of circumstances, are Committee, Waynesville Library Air less fortunately placed, but by deeds sociation. ' of charity make our acknol wedge-1 ment more acceptable in His sight. "Wherefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United State, do hereby set apart Thursday, the twenty-fifth day of November, next, as a day of general thanksgiving and prayer, and I recommend that on that dav the Deoole shall cease from their daily work and in the homes or in their accustomed places of worship, He was the son and only child of Mr. devoutly give thanks to the Almighty J and Mrs. Charles W. Padgitt of Dal for the many and great blessings las, Texas, and was in his eighteenth they have received and seek His 'guidance that through good brotherly love they may . deeds and brotherlv love thev mav deserve a continuance of His favor. , wjtnes9 whereof. I have here- unto set my hand and cause(j to be affixed the great seaI of the United states. "Done at the City of Washmgton this thirtieth day of October, in the . . . i,i t,.. year of our Lord, 11)30, and ot ite T f lY, II!tol Cotoj ,UCF,iUciat ' ., one hundred and fifty-first (Signed) Calvin Coolidge." ATTENTION D. A. R. Mrs. J. W. Reed will be hostess to the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter D. A. A. November 10th at 3:30 P. M her home on Woolsey Heights Subscribe to the Waynesville Mountaineer, only $2.00 a year. HON. W. N. EVERETT TO DO PHILANTHROPIC WORK' FOR N. C. TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION : ,', ; i f Hon. W. N Everett State $eat Salt Chairman culosls Sanatorium is included It this Tuberculosis Sanatorium has conducteo to thia natlon-wid movement This disproves new discoveries In laooratorles pi , Elsewhere. ' Jut it assures tne Patients of more careful and thorough otner inmgs. tae norm Carolina luoercuiosis Association is aoms j, optima rigor. o much pmiaatliroplo irori for the North Carolina Tubarcuioais Asaociation. - Nat. Children's Book Week, Nov. 7-14 RULES FOR STORY TELLING CONTEST, WAYNESVILLE LI BRARY ASSOCIATION 1. The contest is confined to pi pils of the second, third, fourth, fttt&v sixth and seventh grades of tne1 Waynesville,, Hazelwood and East Waynesville Elementary schools. 2. No prize will be awarded unfess there are three contestants present at the Library at the time indicated for he grade to be represented ( p. m.) 3. Any story may be told, provided it meets with the approval of the teacher of the grade represented. 4. The following schedule will be observed : Monday, Nov. 8th, Second Grade, Tuesday, Nov. 9th, Third Grade, Wednesday, Nov. 10th, Fourth? Grade, Thursday, Nov. 11th, Fifths SON OF WAYNESVILLE WOMAN DIES AT W.-L. Word was received here Saturday of the death of young Charles Pad gitt, Jr., a student at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Vir ginia. Complications following ln- fluenza were the cause of his death. year. Mrs. Padgitt was Miss Obena Rogers of Waynesville. Mr. ami Mrs. Padgitt were making a visit to .their son at the time he was taken ill, about ten days ago. The funeral will be in Dallas. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Beginning Monday afternoon and . , . m, ,1 i,r conLinuinif mru inursuav tne wi- , m. Ml. 0,t' u "" linrauaij """''f u" serve its annual week of prayer each afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the La dies' Parlor of the Methodist church. On Tuesday will be held the regular monthly meeting of the society. It is earnestly desired that all members will take part and attend at these meetings. All visitors are cor-, dially invited. ( 1 Subscribe to the Waynesville Mountaineer, only S2.00 a year. Honon hk v" N Everett. Secretary, f t"B'e "H ,CC"l"ert ',PB",r," nnt ot tate Seai -al (. hairitian lur thf ponnnt Tuiierriiloslt Chrtstmia sai -nle wnicti m jonducteu t;ou riiHiiKsi-tng to 1 tirlstmas i Ml Kvtrftt su? ihai tif nn for, min.. jirii ippi riHied h- ?. sa.a mo the Jfieiidld nun wondei rui wult 1on'n ht ntt inn iihtlnvBi f!o- . !7laM.ni inc'np is Viad to rpjidt-r u , ervii pouuini ip ihin vrtnV ann. . Ih- miisi .-uitHi1iuis .no vump.tf-.-' neusiVf. dih. ji rnrSi or in 'U- ,' oercuiosif if n ttic tubervi nb. inua ysnd- i opiiik' noh(- t ' xtu. tim ov the National I unT-ttiOiH .Oiiut.on. I'hli r rtn- in cu-'.iwratir wav hw uslnv the nri-t ianitaiorie( . ano -ntiric wnfKer fii thtf Dne'. ooflnct it with but wadlnt ' tinivrtmies imt is , tlnanred b: rant( rom tht Na tional Tuberciilootfi .4soclatt6D At the same time tbe are securing toe' co-operation ol tbf- leadliiK aaua-orl- . ' urns ct . America In rlttncal res-arct which In a verv necessary part or the -program The North Carolina Tuber- ,-. last ""or vear 'he North Carolina clinical research and is Rlad 'to loin clinirai esearch not only proves or examinations and better treatment , aonhat h feeU ablt to taka op this