I ( Opportunity's Cmpire-Wayiicsvifte Altitude 2,802 feet-Unsurpassed Natural Resources For the Location of Manufacturing Industries fr) t-w k ' . ... s uii kv Mvfl m m m t mmm u I K I I 1U J J -A W r'A III irl ' m I'JILl? Volume XXXVIIL i Number 41 V A YNESVI1XE, HAYWOOD COUNX NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1928 12.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 If not ao Paid The News of The High School CURRENT THINKERS. CLUB AT THE HIGH SCHOOL, v V . Students at the high, school are creatine enough news to warrant the publication of a high school news papeA Splendid chapel . programs have- been held. Last week was cel ebrated as National . Educational Week,' Miss M. McDowell had drills on the ' flag and .' America's " creed. Mr. FIE. Alley spoke on Wednesday concerning ' Woodrow . Wilson and the "Fourteen. Points." . Thursday an interesting Armistice Day program was carried out. On Friday r Pro fessor ' Edgerton ' discussed the "Eight Month's School .Term," in celebration of Equal Opportunity' Day. He gave some 'interesting statistics about the high school. a In Miss MoDoll's History class club has been formed known as the "Current Thinkers Club," which will meet on Mondays. The president is - Cw W.l.h Tl, . .t.n n.nnnnl M... UMIU IT V ..14. IH,o-UlVIUIJiaill garet Hyatt will serve as Parlia mentarian, Secretary -treasurer is is Isabel Davis. Each student member . win serve as cnairman 01 tne pro- gram by rotation. World News and Literary Digest are the main texts lor the cluD. . jj ine lonowing aaaress was aeiiv- aTo1 hif Arim AValh al nMai'ilonf1 It irives m .rreat Pleasure to .rreet you on this occasion for the object of our oro-aniiation is to me both ji a.: j m : ai ' sj1 jyiereBVaiijf uhu laaciiiu.ing asiue trom its educational and cul. tural values. In this great aSe in which we aro livinav 4-Vi . o flTo 5 rm n t maan ata nl ill ? changing. Ideas we have cherished for centuries have proven to be mis takes oyer night.. .- Inventions and discoveries . have ' revolutipnired " our mode of living. Inface of these vast changes, hide-bound tradition of generations . are "being cast to the four winds, and if we -are living abreast of the times we must read and likewise discuss these marvel ous happenings. - But to understand ... , . , a a' the present, the past must be a vol- , 7 , ,. , . - ume well read and studied. That old familiar quotation that, "Our deeds do follow us from afar and what we have been makes us what we are," may be applied not only to the lives of individuals, but to the history of nations and their achieve ments. &n. na mnat f1ilv intn the naot to appreciate the present, and to be able to recognize certain signs ,which 8 prophesy the future. I feel that our study of current aWPtlta unll ha an innnirnfinn ' f a nni H,a, t hi.t J,,. ha,.- in mind that many Of the headlines - ... . of today's newspapers will be chap ter heads of tomorrow's histories. I hope that every one of us will enter into this work remembering that both as members and as en or ganization we will get out of this hib only in proportion to what we put into it CHRISTMAS SEAL LUNCHEON .Mrs. Paul H. Walker, chairman 0f the Christmas Seal sale in Haywood separate solution. ' ' ' ' ' f ' 1 Has Served Denomination ounty, with tiie following represen-' As P"P08d therefore, the plan To his new position Dr. Brton tative women .attended the ' Christ- calls for the establishment "of seven brings a ; wide denominational t jd mas Seal luncheon held in 'Asheville standard high schools and ; from twen- pubUo experience. He has held proml at the Woman's Club house on last to f 9V elementary schools nent pastorates in the South- and has Saturday; -w . ... mrs. kuius Alien, Mrs.,:"- '-"""rrZ W. L. Hardin. Mrs. .T. M. Mnelr Mr. ' E. L. Noland, Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick, Miss Frances Robeson. , MEETING- OF THE WAYNES , VILLE. MUSIC CLUB The Music .Club will meet with Miss Frances Robeson on Friday, November the twentyesixth. " .. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN Mrs. Paul H. Walker is chairman of ville township special school taxing Haywood county for the sale ofdistrict was organized and a central . Christmas Seals. The sale Is from .high school with ten feeding elemen . Thanksgiving to Christmas. ' Buy tary schools wag built with an ex : - your share and assit in stamping out penditure of nearly three hundred tuberculosis, .' thousand -dollars in, new -buildings, ' The 39th Annual - Christmas Seal safe will be conducted in this, county , . and throughout the, state- from .Thanksgiving to Christmas. Resi- dents of Haywood county.. are being students, who are being taught ty asked to purchase, Christmas Seals.; v twelve teachers, all college gradu The sals of Seals renders possible ates and teachers of' experience. The the Carrying on of a continuous cam- elementary " schools, including -'the psign in North Carolina to prevent negro school, number ten with over tuberculosis . and other diseases, to fourteen hundred pupils enrolled and . promote health education, and to a faculty. -of forty-five teachers, moat conduct local health and child wel- ,. fare. work. in each county, , , . i County Plan of Buildingand Mgr. What the Plan is and What it Means to Haywood County. ' :. (Wm. C. Allen, Superintendent.) In 1923, the Haywood County Board of Education, after. county wide canvass and in Una with a res olution passed at a meeting of com mitteemen of the various' districts in the county, adopted what is known as the "County-Wide Plan" of build ing operation,' and maintenance of the school system. That plan la com prehensive and practical, and- can be expeditiously put on all feet as soon as the authority is given the Board of Education by the court ol last. resort, the people , Perhaps, after the lapse of three years since the adoption of the plan. 'oui minds need to be refreshed as to its meaning, purport, and compaas in the light' of the present situation in the county, and the further esti- mate of its practicability as a work-. aha n an in Hn Hat Mm.f. fntn.A JIIU1I 1.1 .11V. IIV. ItsauVIVta ; As set forth in its adoption i '1923, the county-wide plan contem- 1VZ6, tne county-wide plan content- plated the formation of a number of special scnuoi taxing uistricis wiui a central high school in each district and several elementary schools as leeaers. atatea Drieny, tne plan con- tomnlntsa tVio fninotinn n th. ... lowing districts: Beaverdam, with a central high school in the city of Canton and from six to eight . ele- mentary schools in different and most convenient nninta In the tnwnshin; --- - Pigeon-Cecil-East Fork, the central high school at Bethel and the elemen- tary schools at the most convenient and accessible points in the three townships; Crabtree-Iron Duff, hav- ing the high school somewhere near the present site of the Crabtree school and the , elementary schools placed wherever most convenient in the two townships; Fines Creek, the high school near the Hiram Rogers school site and the elementary schools in Fines Creek and lower White Oak as feeders; Jonathan-Ivy Hill, the high school at or near the site of aUVR AAi.l 0.tlaUl ailU V1CIIICII.B1V . , t ,. . . . . ., . schoola at different points m the two townships; Waynesville, the central high school in Waynesville and the elementary schools in various parts of the township as feeders. As is readily seen, the plan is ' county-wide in it3 scope with the ex ception of Clyde and Cataloochee townships. Clyde is strategically a unit in its " and has Lhad, for successful union school, and the plan proposes for this condition to continue with such additions and ex tensions as may be needed. Cata- loochee is a large township sparsely sftled with Ave elementary schools, three nne-teflpher Ri-hnnla unn tnrn. two-teacher schools. The number of students completing the elementary school is so small that a high school will hardly be needed in that town ship for a number of years. The. few, that finish the seventh ' grade will have to be taken care of in one or the other of the high schools now in operation or in contemplation, th Problem of transportation calling tor Trtv thA entiro nnuntv a anharonrin ( m-'i m , u ..m v, . .., . j i. it,. schools; bu a decreas? ,n ," ber of elementary ; schools, thus ; showing a healthy drift to a saner and safer and a more economical i basis for the 'supervision of system. , j ', An inventory administration and the county school of . the accomplish ments in working out the plan will be enlightening. In 1924, Waynes-! equipment and the assumption of the'; debts of the old. The high school is' now in ' successful operation with an enrollment of. over three hundred of them college graduates and ex- ' ' (Con'inued on back page) . , " WOMAN'S CLUB ; 'Mrs. J. W. Ferguson was the charming hostess to the meeting ' of the Woman's Club Thursday after- nnn. Nov. 4th. at her attractive home on Walnut street. The meet- tag opened with the songs, the "OH KTnk Ctaataa'" m-A VaAnratxnn anna Mrs. McDowell, president, was in the club prayer. Due to the absence Meyer, Jr., the chairman. Theyare.By R. E. Powell, Washington Ra the chair. On motion of Mrs. Shool- of the secretary, Mrs. Seaver and ' convinced that in growing the next . of Tne me' . bred, Mrs, W.T.Crawford was chos- Miss Sara Thomas filled the vacancy.' crop of cotton, the South must give Washington, Nov. 11. WUh tfco enaecreury to fill the vacancy caus- After the treasurer's report the' serious consideration to the factor j exultation of a considerab e victory ed by the resignation of Mrs. Joha chairmen of the various departments 'of production costs. Much of the Kng away to cold analysis of 1928 Klrkpa'trlck who has accepted a posi- gave their reports. Mrs. J. M. Mock, loss sustained on this year's crop chances, the most absorbing ques tion to teachMn the Haselwood schoaii chairman of Health, gave a report of i was due to uneconomical production, tion amongst Southern Democratic . ThW Thomas Jeflferson Memorial meeting she attended in Asheville. While the president's committee politicians now is whether or sot certificate "which the club recently She stated that 25 of the money 'seems to bje concerned right now with , Josephus Daniels will accept a vice received was much admired and- it obtained from the selling of Christ-! the problem of pulling the cotton Presidential nomination on a ticket was decided, to frame and thus pre, ns Seals will be sent away and the growers out of their present hole,! headed by Governor Al Smith, or serve it for the adornment of tbr remaining 76 will be kept at home and in backing the efforts for reduced Ne York- ...i. vl m D..L.. ... MWilmrli. It advocated that Dlantines and diversified crous next There 18 some change m the atti- , . . ,. ,u.m- ,m;. imun ciuu uiuc nisi vaiun. I HUUWUWU klf, MWVI lUIMtUtli .WM..UJH for it' Mrs. Shoolbred as ParliamenUrian gave a lesson in Parliamentary La which will be followed by other les - 1 .ona Huiinir the vear. v I Current Events were given by jjrs. Mangum. Extracts from th 1 JJlIBt illAIIKUJUi UAbl BLID ilVIII ' Bulletin were read and two new sub- I ... ... SCrinLlOllS tO tnifl Were taKen scriptions to thin "were taken. iuiao tua ij.wnii ki beautiful vocal selections beautiful vocal selections, "Some." where a Voice is Calling" and "Rosei 0f Pircardv " Durinit the social hour tess, assisted by her daiighU Isabel Fere-uson. served a most .... - m.. . 1 ? Ul.. iicious saiaa course, ine next meei- inr mill h. with Mm .1 H Hnwu: Fridav afternoon. Nov. 26. Mrsi Stone will have the paper of the aff ternoon. "PreDarine for CitizenshiD.l 11 1 1. WOMAN'S CLUB MEETING . . The Woman's Club will hold its regular semi-monthly . meeting Friday, Nov. 26 at 8:30 p. m, Mrs. James Harden Howell will . be hostess, r Mrs. H. G. Stone will have the pv per that afternoon. BARTON TO HEAD BAPTIST PROGRAM Mlssourlati . Will Lead Effort to eraate Mission and Bnvolint Budget CHURCHES - GIVE TOO IITTLB Survey Reveals Low Standards Main tained by Many Plans Are Lsid For Improvement In 1927 To load Southern Baptists In greatv ty increasing their budget for tha sup- port of missions, Christian education and benevolences, Dr. A. J. Barton of Kansas City, superintendent of Baptist work in Missouri for the past three years, and One of the -most prominent men in the denomination, has accepted the position of vjeral director of the Baptist Co-operative Program, and will move to Nashville, TenD4 to assume his new duties at oie. '. Southern Baptists are seeking to raise - f 9,000,000 for the Co-operative Program during this convention year and Dr. Barton will seek to enlist tha aid of every agency and ' church of the Southern Baptist Convention In accomplishment ol this task. . Mta.iIM1..MMrf, field - lortwi mm NBuemm ibuicioii ui vw rnraim miii nn . Hnirn unin ini: rF - r, a tarj oi mm noma idihiuu diwiu, eneral. SecreUry of the Arkansas State Mission Board,, and secretary of p T tiaptlst Education Com mission prior to taking up his work In Missouri. Ha has als long been prominent In the cause of tern per- For sixteen - has bean " 1 T DM. A. J BARTON New General Director Baptist C-op-l '.. , .j-:. oratlve Progrsm , - . COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS A most interesting meeting of the . Community Club was held Monday afternoon at 3:30 p. m. at the club rooms. The members', all joined in singing America the Beautiful, after which the nrenirient. Mrii. Rufui Silr led - - - -- - a Greater nortion of this amount V IF- snouid go to tne unaernourtshed chii- dren in the various communities. Mrs. Mock also reported, the disease of T. 'B. reduced to 5th in dangerous dis- 'eaBes. . , I Mrs." Joe' Tate, chairman of Social Service, suggested adopting one , . ' WW . w I ... . . . . .i L stitution to donate to at Christmas sutuuon to donate to at nrisimaa fttma Thl. n an urn . k.ai.fHf .rinOnt. ttimi TVii. nl.n honrtiltr .nvnt. . mill. .1111 ytmit Ta 1 11. u 1 W J ii.vyfv ed by the club. ----- - Mrs- Roy Martin, chairman of fi- nance, stated the- expenses of the i'Mnli hrJ o-.va, th. ronnrt 1 on the hos,ecutive meeting which was held prior yields per acre this year are making teAMis the regular meeting. I money in spite of low prices. Then ' Mrs. Paul Walker asked the full'thev proceed to back ud their fisrures 1 Mi-nnerntlnn nf tha olnh rlnrino thw - - . - sale of Christmas Seals which she -aii wou'd start immediately after Thanksgiving. the business session Mrs. William A. Band deliehted the club r " with a most interesting, and instruc - wve paper on ;aith wnarton," an American novelist. ont; The club then adjourned to meet yields follow thorough cultivation of the Smith-Daniels combination ex Nov. 29th at 3:30. A social hour fol- and greater fertilization of each pects the New York governor to be- lowed when the hostesses, Mrs. S. T. a a r n t t ia j . r JNeal, Mrs. S. H. Bushnell and Mrs.'fies itself many time ' over,, by tha Arthur Mead served chocolate and cake. delicious hot member ot the executive and legis lative committees ot the Anti-salooa Loagua of America, and during his incumbency as superintendent ot the the financial and business interests Anti-saloon League of Texas he aawj0f the country.. Notwithstanding prohibition written Into the constltu- the fact that the Republican majority tion of that state. lQf thfl Senate has been knocked into. the B,.,h . hh., .t.n.rrt in giving to the missionary, educational and benevolent program of the de - nomination, known as the Co-opera- nappen. All tnis is due to the tact f ronibition will be referred to as at tlve Program, will be the first and that the people of the United States strictly local issue. On such a corn chief task to which the new general! have come to the point where they promise Messrs. Smith and Daniels director will address himself. demand that their representatives, no might get along famously, many According to a recent survey of thejmatter whether they are Republicans, Democrats hold, because the dry law record of the Baptist churches of the , DemocratS( Progressives, Socialists, is in the Constitution and both know, South, compiled from the letters of T , .. . . the individual churches to their dU- Farmer Labor' or Skirts, give the as everyone else knows., thnt th j trct agg0Ciaticvns for 1925, made by ip,. E p Alldredge, statistical secre- t Southern Baptists. 6.927 j h h u tad .. ctw,Der.uM with the Southern Baptist Convention, gave nothing to missions and benevo - lences last year. Other Interesting Information gleaned from this survey i. aw. a in in ..v.- .. v. ...... V. 1 ' or slightly more than one-half of the total number of churches, retained from 7.u cenis om oi every aoi- lar coming into their treasuries for tmrelv InnAl Work:- l.fiB churches aD - . V . . Z a a , r. t was auring tne campaign qu He a plied from 67 to 76 cents, and 1,565 named to the county bench in South wet He nnnspK n , (Vl Churches from 51 to 66 cents' out of Jersev Judge Smathers ma0(; good S,e "aV la Frank T Wi, , every dollar contributed to their own . ' chamnion gentleman' .Jsenator Frank B. Willis, local work; whereas, only 601 churcei Il,m 'f.6 sta" Always a champion who 0CCUples a high place on tho in all the South gave 60 cents or more of youth, the fact that the county Anti-Saloon League's honorariums, out of every dollar coming illto their-has 8 home for juvenile delinquents, Dissipation of the religious objec- treasuries to missions .and benevo-that separates theni for the first t;on t0 the candidacy of Governor lences beyond the borders of their time from the hardened "customers" Smith is predicted by th Southerners own communities. y - ; in the city and county jails, is large- who have informally canvassed tho . The Southern Baptist Convention ly due to his efforts, as are a number poiiticaI situation since November , has established an Ideal of a fifty- of other ref0rms for the "public good. ee(.tion Tn fiht sTh i i. fifty distribution in that It 1. recom- A week ag0 he acceptedP the psi. eeJ J fig f S.mll , penly be- mend.ng . to the churches that they J Parent-Teachers' Asso- Z be to snlS wl V n T' endeavor to give half of all the ...... t . . wou'd De to split both the Democratu- money raised by them to the general nation .of Ventnor City-further evi- and Republican parties wjde work of the denomination, retaining dence of his keen interest in Young For his political enemies to attack the other half tor their own "local America. . him surreptitiously on account of hi expenses. v 'vi V ? .) These things would seem enough to religion, while 'openly objecting to Included in ths plans of the Co-op- keep one -man busy, but five week him on the ground th t hp VRted n raUve Program is an everymember ago he further showed his calibre by drv ..w-.., , , M . xanvas. this, tall in every BapU.t king on the Work of the supreme state act Llvi.v church 5 - W tifmiit .ourta when W untimely 'Kw vSTLdtT very member in making a subscrlp. death of Judg Theodore w. Schimpf of the ew York lentiGr tion to missions and benevolences. , " , . , ., e . Another effort Is that ot enlisting left 8 vacancy which the governor TUESDAY BRIDGE CLl'B MEET 3 at least 500,000 Southern ljaptlsts as could flot v immediately fill. Since , tithers, or glvlntf one-tenth of their then he has held court six days a Miss Dorothy Thomas was hostess incomes to , religious work r through week- five in the supreme and cir- to the Tuesday afternoon bridge club their churches. , In this conneotioo cuit: and the sxth in domestic rela- at her home on Church street, the number of tithers . which each tions and juvenile courts. ; Now that After several progressions Mrs, state in the Southern Baptist Con.'word ha, come from Trenton that. lW.i-n.. mii.j t.. -I al.l. Ill -4..U. ..1I-. I. IVUUUU a, UU.l M,K. 1U a; given as follows: ' Alabama. emisi is 87 850- Awbaaaanaia, II IKA VltaitaalA nf Pll,,YVI. . , -v... wa....... bla, 2,000; Florida, 13,650; Georgia, 65,960; Illinois, 8,700; Kentucky, 4?.. 860; Louisiana, 1M00; Marylsnd. 2, - 450; Mississippi, 80,000; Missouri, 81,. 400; New Mexico, 1,800; North Caro - Una, 50,000; Oklahoma. 17,000; Sooth Carolina, JWW; Tennessee S7 500; Tm- U- Vlr,,Ua f0;00'-, . " . '. - . I An Opinion From Washington Members of the President's Cotton Committee have -been kept ' closely advised of the situation in the South throueh the tour of Mr. Eugene 'year, the agricultural experts in. - - j wasmngton ana eisewnere, mo ,re,.,.... ...... - looking into tha future, know that ot his victory in New York the permanent remedy is in securing . State. Their observations while home production from cheapest rate p n tne sou at me per unit of product. Cotton acreage may be reduced anu j in-'the extra acres devoted to other' , ' mi t :i u-4. , crops, in eipcra puini, uui mat . crops. These experts point out that Who firmor'a nrofit on rrotm rienends Itha f fl Vtnar'a nmtlt An frATlK (lPTlOnn 1 hi. f . . v.. . largely upon the rate. i. e., the yield i - - - per acre, at which the crop is pro- duced. They prove this by showing that nlantpm whn are irrowinir hiirh hv Khnwinir authentic renorts from every state in the cotton belt which .demonstrates that with proper fer- tihzation even a within the reach bale per the acre is average of, Dlanter, 1 j What is true of crops in every section 01 tne country noms gooa with regard to cotton, when high acre. The attendant expense justi- 1 . i . ,, ,,. a a., lowering cost per unit of production. NOTHING ROCKED. In the olden days the upset of a political party through a Fall elec- tion had a tremendous influence upon a eoeked hat there 8 lare , dustrv in the cauntrv that proposes to "wait to find out what is going t.D country the most beneficial legisla- tion possible, and uphold its institu- tions in preference to their political oarties. , l WELL EARNED REST County Judge William H. Smathers leit yesterday for his native hills in v . u n .... i : .. ...u .... '"-. - two weeks he will hunt the elusive iuu uu uiuw oiuunu .i, uic uj.cu. The vacation is well earned. ! Atthmio-h the vnnntrest man ever'. . " - rr.t c!::t 'm ri. c .... ajui.a-iaMi . .-!! uuj i vj to. oJi)ujmraw. nuratu , juuje . il. 1..J.1 wnignv, m uuny junsi, De xne hostess served, a. tempting 'ieves there will be no further hitch" salad course, with it's accompanie- , the cwrt work and has decided to ments. The regular cllub members relinquish, his responsibilities tern- present. were: Mesdames J. Hayet 'porarily and enjoy some recreation.' tAlleyi John P. Swift, Jr., William T.-. The above is a clipping taken from Hannah, -Margaret Holland. Miss. the Atlantic City Press, a Republican Jane Lovd Mitchell. Mrs. Curtis G.' paper; and shows the opinion of a Logan, Jr. and Miss Sara Thomas ' Democratic judge. were invited guests. . , , - Smith-Daniels For Dem. President Dry Issue Is Put In Bukgroimf Church Question May Be QuiteS. tude of several Southern members of ' f. . jf f. . . v..c campaign period is that Southern democratic admii Democratic Congre Democratic administration and a ss in 1928. Not a , . . . . . , irrpat mnnv hphevp this ran hi many achieved without naming Al Smith lo lead the Democratic fight. j, i , UP on -apitoi nin tnere is a great uc"' " w jjiwpi-bc-.i omiin-uanieis tlcKet. It nas Men mentioned in Tammy acc credible reports here, a i tlmes recently. In fact, it according to number of was mcn- uonea m lammy several times in . . , , n . . DUl Mr- wanieis, in tnat year. was one of the "Big Four" delegates from North Carolina and pledged to vote long and late for his former colleague in Wilson's cabinet Wil liam Gibbs McAdoo. Dry Issue Quiet. Not the most enthusiastic booster come the least arid in order to get . . .Acjreal dry running mate nor for the Martin street editor to become the least moist in order to land second place on the ticket. There are many suggestions that Smith's record will carry sufficient appeal to the wets and that the platform can be written with consideration for the feelings of Mr. Daniels and the dry wing of the party. The more likely possibility, at this distance from the struggle, is that th, sil lent as party leaders can make t;. Mates must vote great loads of wee ballots before there is any prospect for amending the constitution. t Opposed by Willis. That the former Secretary of the rslavy does not regard the wet and drv (luestion as nnp nar!tmnnt . . Democratic control of the covern- . . ment, either now or in 1928, is said here to be ,.eflected in his consent to ,n Ohio in behalf of former Senator Pemorene, who is at least j ., .. aa..,u n OS XUUI1U VU U i.ui... , . . . iiuiuing top score and was presented a aainty nana made handkerchief. . a . .

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