Opportunity's t mpire-VVayucsYilie ARitccff 20 Fect-Unstrrpasscil Natural Resources For Ihc location of Manufacturing Industries Volume XXXVIII. Number 42 : VAVNESVILLE. HAYWOOD COUNY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25, 1926 $2.00 a Year in Advance, $2.50 if not .0 PaM MUSIC AN AID TO ADOLESCENT BOY Alto Found Effective et Dis cipline in Corrective , Institutions. Rapid progress In lite use tof, music a meuns of discipline In correct" InsillutlOG. la re ported by. . thf Conn MflWr Cen ter of Rlkhart. Ind. MvpIv Ik not only heins ued successfully SB 4) tonic for dlfc eased minds, feu; rlna b e 1 1 e found effective Ifi saf c guar dir. it youth piKln." through .doles cone". WllbfUn vati de Wall. dl. W. van Ha Wall. rector of the Committee for tbe Motlx of Music in institution nd a crimi nologist and sociologist wbo - pent a pood portion of hit life In experiments along this line, flrds that musical work with the Instm. Hto mentally weak tends to muke the In mates of such lnt i; nt inn forjtet their Idiosyncrasies for u time at leant. Musical exorcises stimulate their men tal activities, as well us their mom) reflection. It make tlicni happier Van de Wall tell of uinmlng trans formations In patients brought ahon by music. "Music does for the utii.ot uml mine identically what fct does tr ihe nor mal," Bays van de Vail. "It dispels the gloom of morbid Isolation and renltaut drtnwlons and hallucinations. It eroates u tilwt. pleasurable, congenial and beautiful environtwtit In tones. It stimulate some of the drowsy patients to vigor ous action and many of the anti-social Individuals to constructive activities. Bven tliosa unfortunate who are too feandicaiied mentally tend physically to fit Into the normal scheme of so ciety, under the Influence of music -quickly drop their tmttiologieal moods and refiecrtntw, throw off their eccen tric behavior and "lug, dance, act and talk with full concentration of mind." MUSIC PRACTICE AID TO SURGEON ''' Constant praetlc w i nuslcal In strument n a means of acquiring that degree of skill which the surgeon must have for the successful pursuit of his profession, is advocated by a writer In on English inediciil journal, copies of which have been received by tbe Conn Mnslcal Center. The editor, of the magazine carrying the amazing article la a famous ftlouceerer surgeon whose advanced oplnfons are widely Quoted. The writer of the article maintains that constant and Intensive .practice on a musical lnstrnment gives the sur geon a super-degree of dexterity. Th difficult exercises required lb hrlt.glnfr tuneful blasts from a horn wre wen superior to the xkiti required ly th medical nan In th inMd r.t a major operation. Absolute munculiir control of the linger, and their linmedhttf r. anonse to mental auggeation are listed by the "writer a. paramount among tbe benefit, derived from the saualcal aide- 1 WAYNESVILLE TO HAVE A 16 CENT STORE. Mr. Clvde H. Fav. Sr. will soon open a 5 and 10 cent store in tie old Sloan-Plott Hardware building di rectly across from Mr. Ray's dry goods store. Mr. Ray has been one of Waynesville foremost and most energetic merchants for years and it is hoped that this new store will be as successful as his other business. Several people have attempted 5 and 10 stores in Waynesville, but have failed. There is no reason why a town of this size can not support' a atore of this kind for one is very much needed. . TURKEY AND CHICKEN SUPPER TO BE AT DELLWOOD A big turkey and chicken supper will be held in, the Methodist church at Dellwood on .Saturday night, Dec. 4. The proceeds will be given to the parsonage fund. . Come, .and bring your friends. - .. , -'e . ; continually at-full' speed. -Can th human body ' be driven at racing .peed without -disastrous results? ' ; Mr. Ford's Idea Js worth watching for lie -generally Mcnowa what. -het is doing. 1 -" r-:; " ' ' "l; "'"'f- ";'. y - '-4. All kinds of .' cookies and cakel fresh bread . and rolls' daUy. -Citj.' Bakery:' ; "-T. '..-.... Suiicrest Lumber Company Host A party composed of the following were guests of the Suncrest Lumber Company on last Frday, Nov. 19th. , 'They made the trip of twenty miles 'right up into the heart of the bal- I 'sams: W. T, Shelton, James Massie, Paul Walker, C. G. Logan, J. M. Mock. J. R. Boyd,H. G. Stone, C. S. omauiers, j. m. vtueen, &. n. umV, N ?.iue to the College proper, ana lege, uaiextmrg, ill., "the student, in "-"""' "!. Charlie Smith, F. G, Rippetoe, Glenn 0f 'great material and aplrltual benefit our mualc school are all above average When we contrast the amazing ma Miller, R. T. Messer, Jere Liner, Wm. to the student who takes an active In their academic work." jteiial advancement of America with Hannah, W. J, Hannah, M. H. Reeves, part to K. V ttudenta a Leader. he desperate poverty which prevails J. C. Fisher, Dr. Chas. Shell, L. N. This la the composite sentiment of Forty-sli per cent of the colleges throughout much of the world; Davis. J. H. Keener. M. A. Hayes, Loathcrwood, Mr. Gaskill, Mr. Rogers, Finla-nd M. M. Noland, J. M Palmer, " UB,Trr"Il,ra "'"u" " part or their .cnoot cnrneuium. nve privileges vouchsafed to the laboring M. E. McLauglin, P. C. Duckworth, 'cr JSSSSSSVl cnt of the toUl enrolment of the men ot thta countryi and think ot r . j ,t it d d higher learning who eontrtboten to a colleges are member, of college bands ! .u mu,i. : Wm. A. Band, H. H. Rung, R. M. of mMi, w complied ., - -m.. i ,the tarvat,on w"Kes which rule m Ray Morgan, Colonel Gosta Ser- ind. The survey sbows that mnslcal piayin, almost exclusively In orciiea- When w contemplate the pros-lachiu!-. training In colleges- baa doubled to traa, Leaden for theae college band, perity which has been given to this The scenic grandeur of this part of popularity In ten year. are drawn for the most part from the 'nation, and out of which hundreds of ..k. k. Thousands upon thousands of acres of vhgin tiar land are to be found on eveiy hand. , ! The party had one of the finest d nners at the logging camp. Every- one was exceptionally hungry owing to the fresh air and exercise. The party walked about ten miles. WATNESVILLE BOY INITIATE!) IN SCIENTIFIC' FRATERNITY Last Wednesday, October 20, the freshmen on the campus were amaz ed to see a dozen men swaireerinir around arrayed in white costumes i with straw hats and red neckties. !But their amazement turned to feaF. j that night when the heavy thud, thud of the paddles was again heard upon the campus. However, they had nothing to fear for the whole affair, iV.'as only the annual initiation of the t i Iota Gamma Pi scientific fraternity. ! The regular horse-play began Wed nesday night at ten o'clock and lasted until two. At this time the initiates j were sent uptown (wi1;h pjr4ert- to j "bring back' some eats." After this had been done the ritualistic cere-' monies were gone through wilh, and the initiates were turned loose at ' four o'clock. The men initiated this year were: J. W. Morgan, G. B. Judd, ' W. R. Morgan, H. L. Hardin, T. W. Abwood. O. T. Colclough, S. N. Wrenn, S. B. HowelL G. W. M. Mc .Dowcll, W. C. Earnhardt, and J. O. , Bedding. i Next Thursday night, October 28, ' there men will be given a banquet Bt the Washington Duke Hotel. All ' the members will be present at this banquet and several speeches will bo delivered during the evening. It is expected that many alumni will be . present at this meeting, along with a . number of the faculty members. ' MRS. KILLIAN COMPLIMENTS i MRS. MARSHALL j Mrs. Leon Killian had as her 'guests at luncheon at the Battery Park Hotel Wednesday, Mrs. Wil-, (nam u. Diai snau 01 morusiown, n. t .Jersey, Mrs. J. Harden Howell, Mrs.! Clarence Miller, Jr. and Mrs. Macon of Selma, Ak 13 STVDENTS AT N. N. C. TO BE ! TAKEN INTO CLUB Thirteen students whose scholar ship and interest mark them M out- standing .Wiv,d,.ls th hdv of , young women at North Carolina col lege will be added to the membership of the International Relations club of that institution tonight. The meet ing for the initiation of the new mem bers will be held at 7:30 o'clock in room 48, Mclver building. The persons chosen to join the ranks of the honor organization this evening are the following: Misses Nannie Thornbdrg, of Timberland; Mary Lou Fuller, of Kittrell; Blanche Armfield, of Concord; Nell Clinard, of Utn.k P.tnf. M.i.Mf fff... "'" "".""Vr-V. ' i New Bern; Katherine Valentine, of Hendersonville; Louise Rotha, . of Waynesville; Martha Hall, of Ashe- ville; Clementine Brodie, of Hender- son; Virginia Batte, of Concord Fodie Buie, of Red Springs; Mildred Davis, of Zebulon; and De Alva Stewart, of this i city. 7 ; , : " v , The purpose of 'the .International Relations elub lie. in the "study and discussion . 01 events in tnis country and other lands with a watchful eye Marshall Was presented with a lovely The Waynesville Board of Kduca on international situations. Informal hand embroidered guest towel. tion has granted a four-day holiday discussions and talks by those who "have studied problems from the basis for the regular meetings, Miss Min-1 nie. B.. Jones, of . Charlotte, Is presi- :'",- t : ' , dent of the organization this' yean . ..Mr Jj'in P. Swift, : 3t. most de and Miss Caroline Price; of this city, Hghtfully entfrtaintJ the Tuesday 1." secretary and trearer.--reeiisr Bridge - elub at her attractive liome. burp paper, '. 1 - ''Aftcr ar snirited game Miss Jane MUSIC IN COLLEGES GAINS 100 PER CENT IN TEN YEARS Builds Character. Preserves Morale and Helps Students Pay Way Through School, Conn Music Center Survey Shows. i ..u IniHanAnaoKfa - m R ,netlroa- preaiaenia or b- tD- Mwc Center, Blkhart, niHC ioi ran hw nrnf w (wicn th,et,c event., OTppletnentB and rC".'""' distinct advantaff to- the member of ih, fIe Clnh. the a, the allege orchestra, band or whatever other or- conization, may bo functioning within " JlVJ aW lMmtotallnMlrno; nign morale in me instiiuuou, it aid. In building the character of It. joont men and women, provide, an opportunity for a goo number of them to pay their own way through i i.f- pares them for a Ufa of uaeftilnea. along lines they are naturally beat fit- oh,rrt, auliMna. Help. Character Building. Great .tress 1. laid by college fiead. on the benefits of muRlcal training tn character lintldlng. the survey re veaied. Fully one-fifth of the oolleee executives who contributed the re- suits of tbelr experience to tbe survey J. F. BOYER Supervisor Conn M title Center. considered this the beet argument for music in their college or university. fttliA mart H rt ail ttia mjma mnA Pill- tural advantages accruing to the mn- c indent, the effect of music In re- fining the student's taste for art, mu- sic as an aid toward developing clear thlnklng, Improving the discipline and enhancing the student's power of con- centratlon. as well a. maklne for bet- 1 0:mP' I j ter team work and co-operation In col- to crime, is the opinion voiced by the buildings to be located on the old lege matters. Music on the campus dean 0f the college of music of New Love property now known as Brook es an outlet for surplus energy and york university, who wrote: 'If we'mont subdivision. A more ideal "i l'LZ. ""t "1. '.-L- uirvuK" bcuuwi, waa uniuj.it iu uj still others. - ouc inree or rne colleges repre- mmtmA In iha inpniii Anil tlmlr mn. rically trained students more efficient In their studies than those not ao trained. "They usually make grade. above tbe average,'' I. the experience at Bethel college. In Tennessee, and DePaul university at Chicago find, "musically-trained pupil, at the top In their atudlet" At Wellesley col- lege our best musical students are In- CAPT. AND MRS. SWIFT HONOR . . - , .n . . n n .nnvw.v v AWU . : Capt and Mrs. Faucette Swift en- tertained informally a small group 0f friends Tuesday evening at their Tuesday evening at their home with two table, of bridge com- plimenting Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Marshall of Morristown, New Jersey who were guests of Major and Mrs.' J. Harden Howell, - After spirited games' ' a delicious salad course was served. Mrs. V -'" s MRS.. 8WJFT HOSTESS TO BRIDGE m . ' CLUB. K ;'t PtOYER V aria hie thAan Viualna Karam In demlc subject." and at Lombard col-' reported band and orchestra work as wom, with th ,lrl,: nrairi ranks tffintiti mnw iwiiiaoa " use students as leader, and another ' " piRvtn. tt). ii.-, orchestra la iUSaTth S band mlfb tbe jy, M we)1 M flrIi A rTimBt.i. in n m .uJ .t. dents who P1" n n.'izc that the rich men of America ate r . - - --- . T n . .k f T. more and more coming to a realiza- eventually In the rank. of profeoalon.l!.- . . . mngidan, tlon ' the responsibility that rests "Horn Thalr Way Throuoh upon them to recognize that their , , ' nrouo . wealth is held in trust for the benefit JZl fZlot mankind; compares very fuvorawy with otbri mefhodg of '"PPwt yeara. according to the eolleg "t"" toiiu iiiuiiii. iu iik Burroy. Det-plte the comparatively limited op-!n expreSI,on of a realization of portunltle. offered In the average col- -,a-)lI lege town, fully one-fourth of all the slewBB",Pi students playing In tbe college bandej Tienurely the people of our and orchestra, are paying for their country, with reverence and grateful education with their Instruments, hearts, may well bow before the students' earning, range Bll tbe way throne of God, and in spirit and In from board and foom, twe-dollor-an- truth render praise unto Him from ..our to .on ree, ana up u rwo mou- of the college executives In tbe sur- that ni.iin. .'lf'rM thrnnirh hiud n Koftor than other means; another 12 per edged to enjoy the blessings ef life cent thought It offered an easier way ln America, a call to dedicate their tOjmnke one', way through, while a talents, whether they be of time or goodly number ot others aatd that It) ... . . ... Interfered least with tbe students' , mo"y', r the consecration of soul school work an" ""7 to the service of Him who Saxophone Rate. Hl0h. s left H'8 here e Among thoee playln their way .responsibility of carrying forward the through college, the violin come, first work ln nerson He beffan on earth In the preference of Instruments, more than 1900 years ago. The saxophone Is second choice of! Let us, therefore, as a nation anl college players, but seventh with girl a, individuals, reverently bow before musicians. Piano is the second fft- the throne of the Almighty and IkT1 ,u?,irnLWUh gl;,R' "Dd renewed consecration to the third with the boys. Cornet comes r f - , . fourth in the preference of both the Bood 0,,0Ur fe"W men ' eWry young men and women. Organ Is the "d every clime and every race; next favorite wtth the boys, and Bute for in its broadest sense they are all with the girls. Other Instruments In children of one Creator, and fellow the order of favor with the young men for whose welfare materially men are the trumpet, the trombone. anj spiritually this nation and the toe norn, arum, Danjo ana mnnaomi With the girls, It Is tbe drum, clarinet .nil m-njin ' ' . A striking fact brought out in tletand before the Judgment Seat of survey was the close relation be-, tmn mnc( imjt tn.nt 1 ..i .1 i.r ! . I r, Fully 40 per cent of all the outstend Ing college students, class presidents, student leaders, etc., are reported to be playing -aome kind of an Instru- ment Music Fight. Crime. .i i. th nl-..rt . u w. pyery putillc school, high school, college, university, boy. or girls' club, or jhkct an iun uiiini imn uic imiiur nf arv hnv or fflrl mt an ar wtiAn understanding and appreciation be- come evident so that the child's mind I. aroused sufficiently to muke Mm want to excel In the instrument which be likes best, I believe that we would have, ln from ten to fifteen years, from SO to 715 per cent less dope : fiends, criminals and gamblers In the ; United State.." j Love Mitchell was given a bottle of .... L.lL J r"1; . t i Mrs. Swift served her guests a delicious salad ' course. Those play- ing were: Mesdamcs Swift, C. G. Logan, Jr., J, Hayes Alley, Margaret Logan, Jr., J, Hayes Alley, Margaret Holland, Misses Jane Love Mitchell, Dl ana Black, Jahie Reeves and Dor-' othy Thomas. - 1 WAYNESVILLE' SCHOOLS HAVE HOLIDAY TO j r .;..v-.; . . . j for the ! Waynesville ,'schools ' for Thanksgiving. - Programs were ar- ranged and given in all the clas. .rooms celebrating this most momen- tow. occasion. -The school, disband from Wednesday I until Monday giv- lrg the Instructors- m- toliday- and vchanc fqr. a visit home.. . Thanksgiving Day, 1926 ' On this day of national thanksgiv ing for the -boundless blessings with which the Almighty has crowned tins j country, it is appropriate that the 'people of every class should, at the call of the President of the United States, render unto God their pro f ound n,d Krut(,ful th.nk.pvip for When we realize the comforts and other lands; millions are being expended in the erection of churches and schools and the advancement of education and religious activities; When we" think of the business of the sums that are given to charita- - ble and philanthropic work, and real 1Wh,'n se hW of ery character . being founded and others enaowea witn tne utmost iiDeramy as hom blessingg floW- "Unto whom much has been given, of him shall much he renmmd. sh nil 1(1 hrlnv tn AIT WHO Ire Wlvl- indivi,iuais which compose it, will largely be held responsible in the lt Great Day when we shall all the external. WORK TO BEGIN Ois NEW HOS- PITAL SOON. Bonds for a $100,000 hospital for Haywood hospital have been sold and work win De started snorny on me ,,te cmla not nave oeen found f,. 4U. hospital, hill and being on a on the main short distance bpnutifu , . . . hlgnway Only a 110 m lne reart 01 cne TOWn Hay- wood county is the first in the state to vote bonds for a general hospital and even those who so bitterly op- p0Sed it will realize what a great assct jt bo for the county, " . . , GATES-BISHOP Mrs. Adelphia Bishop and Mr. J. - ville, were very quietly married re- ,.' ' , . . Q , te" y' , ifrejn c. . j were united man and tiranenre of onlv the . . ' . :.rf n. p(. fc k' their home gt gjuj... .venue where Mrs B'shop started as a bride 25 years ' ....t u- wishes of their many friends for their continued happiness. MASONS TO MEET HERE Th'ei c' will be a special meeting held in the Masonic hall on Friday evening, Nov. 26. The Chapter Counsil encT Commandery Degrees will be given at that time to new eandidates. There will be about thirty candidate, present from "West- "Tl No-t Carolina sections. FIND YOUTH S "HORNING" WAY AROUftD WORLD "Horning one's way around the world," is rapidly becoming a popular means by which Young America Is gratifying it. "gnlne abroad" hunger, according to Information reaching the Conn Music Center, Klklmrt, Ind. Mu sic Is not only the wherewithal which make. It possible for him to satiHfy his detilre for travel, but it Is nli keeping his pockets rather well lined. The American band is found aboard the ships of every flag, and In the cap itals of tbe nations of the Orient and Occident. Members of orchestras pro vide music aboard boat at comfortable salaries and further Increase their earnings through concerts lu foreign ports. The story of America's sym phonic jau has penetrated -every na tion, and the native are waiting to know more of It. They are anxloun to try their luck with America's dance steps, too. Even the American girls are "horn ing in" on this free but de luxe travel scheme. When Jack Sutherland re turned to the United Slates recently his saxophone sextette Included four American girls. They had stopped in Honolulu for their first appearance, theoj Jumped to Japan. From there they 'kept on going, and playing. "We were treated like ambassa dors," reported Jesse Wright and hie fellow members of the S. 8. Franconla orchestra, when they docked at San Francisco after circling tbe globe oo one of their tours. FAMILY BAND TEES mm Those who arc laboring under the delusion that the present getiertitiou alone In responsible for the Jiikz Aju would do well to vtudy this picture, says the Conn Music Ceuter, Klkliarf, Ind. Here five generations are pictured in harmony. It shows Mrs. Siiruh Jane Hewlit of Los Angeles, eighty six. j'enrs of age, drawing lisimnny from one saxophone, while two liore and u clarinet are held In reserve. Her "little boy" Frank, a mere ImE of sixty-seven. Is playing the eeruuu Her granddaughter. Mrs. A. 3. Wag ler, forty-one, hold still stiotlicr nx phone while her great-gramR!. Ufrlitpr. Mrs. J. Kfllnger, Jr., twenty. Is p k.yIhk second cornet Qreat-grwit-grmidsoii Jack Kfflnger, Jr Is doing hs ht with tie drum Needless To say, there are n dull moments In the home of the Uawltt Bffinger clan. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS. The Haywood County Christmas chairman, Mrs. Paul H. Walker, in asking citizens to purchase our quota of the familiar penny seals, is basing its campaign upon actual re sults as measured in years of life and dollars saved. In the past 10 years !n North Carolina the death rate from tuber '"'"' ''as been lowered to the ex tent which means in this stale alone a saving of 12,000 lives and a money saving to the community of millions of dollars. In the past two years in North Carolina schools where health habits have been taught through the mod ern health crusade, a practice t health educational system promoted by the North Carolina Tuberculosis' Association, regular examinations of school children show that the per centage of undernourished children has been reduced in proportion vary ing from 12 to 20 per cent. In the state this figures a saving of $1,200.. 000 time loss meriured in the an nual cost of school up-keep and in struction, The Tuberculosis Christmas Seala finance tbe school health program for undernourished and well nour ished children. Because the former, 1