THE WAYNES VTULE MOUNTATNBQL Foutain Pea Repairing Any niiu STENOGRAPHER, rears ezpe-'ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CBAPEH J of fju.v-a:r. pen repaired by L n. rience want position about Dee. L T'.i r. a: WaynesvilJ Phanna- Reference famished. Address Box St. John's Cat&c.'i? (tapel 144 , Chorch street, Warcf vil'.e Mass on". Sundays at 10 s'c! -c Mast 4aricc the week at 7 o'cloc k j REV. FATHER MrDEMTT, 1 ;. tf 415, WsynesviUe, X. C, Nov25p o OtY 1 tf. Pastor. rhotogn trT IS. jmds iheVs iM Motor Car Value jr IjfluAMo&dJ p&Bearzng$ Jfe3 Crankshaft riijSfiIIi UD7 Little boy of long ago, You are m'j' h too yourg to know What the world expects of men! to you is mostly play, Laughter f.!!$ each happy day; jrjgg Or.. Je carefree while ycu may J23 CVilitihood never comes again. Little do you understand What the later years demand. Ha.f the blessings that you find, v-j T- L . Jt . L 1 I I VTM tot your neeatess oawy minu Lvks ahead and not behind- Not ur.ti! it is too late. All c(, vifin thfrvp cloth von wear. w:i Made with Mother's loving care. iuju uiutr, ijju u Every eaer step you take, hvery chudhood bond you break Will ir.ter.sifv the ache That your heart some day shall knov it Vis . i am you. cear littie ooy, I'rr, in (-nifiv '. r, u- mnil t- vein- VJjL, But " r.evt-r comes a dav JfisrS it I :o not lor.? to nlav VftVJK Ar.d the sKies are always blue' f'3;0 Th: La Cv r .vy S JC. V tj For Ultra i Sioothjfis .:..-... . A I (ol Number for a i T For CmrLr:-i s Crsnksiiaft 2 f 'j Miniinir j The Hen's Triumvirate 'I ;1 M; 1 f'r', ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. St'te of Nortk Carolina. Conn y of Haywood. Having qualified as administrates of the estate of Mrs. Hsu:e, deceased, late of Haywood O'.my. North Carolina, this is to n-nlfy aV. persons having claim: again?: '...r estate of said deceased to exh"Vt them to the undersigned at Vyn?s ville. N. C, on or before the $:h div of October, 1927, or this notice -.!' be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate paynifi . Th ? the th day of October, 1 126. W. R. FRANCIS. S. R. FELMET. Adntin:trator i1 the F-tate of Mr? Nov. 18c Hattie Felmet, Dectaed. NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD f Ol .VTY. ' NOTICE was th:? day served on rr.e by H. H. Hannah of two stray mule. One Sorrtii and One Black. may recover same by apply- . . . . : 1 it 11 T .' . . A .11 Y,ts. This Oct. 23, 1926. C. F. KIRKPATRICK, R-g-.-'.er of Deed of Haywood Con V:v.!Sr. ty. iiONHV FOR SALE. ." :-v. hor.ey in the comb or e.vtract ' i p' r jallcn. . x :i;ijr; 1 .? or r.ijro per, Zi.l n. ' ; iu ed extj-r.eiy f"rn ci.vers. ' r - J -mt.::0& i . c-.inb or '-xtracteJ v. anted Trhen oiue'ine. j TH F. rU'SV BF.r. AP.'ARY, ij. ;;'. F!ek;her. N. C Ohelvuly Modern Si7 OAusi have a Seven Bearing Crankshaft If vou are considering a "Six" then the FIRST thing to fii.d oi.t is whether or not it has a 7-hearir,; crant shalt motor. For if it has only a 3- or 4-bearing crankshaft you know at once that the motor does not low the most modern engineering. ONLY 7 bearin-s will positively assure the inf-l-ci decree of fcmooth, silent crankshaft j t r, lion. Vhnr'n whv the performance of the new 7 r-eviing motor, whether a Light Six, 5yK-dal Six, or Advanced Six, will prove a revel. i ion to vou in power smoothness and Tiy one out TODAY. (42S7) BELL MOTOR C O Canton and Waynesville, I. u.ij-.' i. : feuM f in It:- i tXffUf' .: C l I,".. Ma-. i '- Tr :.. .! Mm-,.- rvi r Ivim.- ; : i!:iyi were among the. : irt. I .-I . re-lit:)' fur (he annual "music ,. ). value of !ntruiirtii! il m utile ' in.- ri.M Is umlr Kryl, tvorld-f.;noas ' f ' '' I'.nn hU r;an'. In the center Is' N '.' -il JKiHt!on of Hand Instrument ' ! - i Veil Inne. foretuot troinbono I . in'l u-mli-r of the fHnious Icnes band, v ,t r,i.: Sit.i.ol of MukIc In Chicago How to Keep "Kids" Off Street ! -Ji I f iwkML hi if fij'1 "i ij ' " ' ill pi, f i When the Dadsoo family oat In Vancoaver, B. G. bought two cornet and trombotM for their three children the eldest of whom wma then but tx the neighbor viewed the tnustcal project with decided skeptldam. Ttther Dadsoo, however. Lad Idea of bis own, and the doubts of the neighbors worried him not one lota. He believed that children "run the treetaT because there is Both log in the average bom to hold their Interest He believed that with a definite something In the home It would be the home, and not the streets, that would nee the most of bis children. Further, he believed that music could supply that definite something. At least It was worth a trial. The above picture, from the Conn Music Center files, goes far toward tailing the rest of the story of this father's experiment His three children Billy is now eight Hector Is six and Mom Is tour ers now real musicians. Itecently they tried their InstrumeoU on a nationally known vaudeville circuit, "Just to aoe what It was Ilk.'! Critics pronounced Chair act the feature of the bill ."Father" Dadson, however, la more Interested faa the fact that the act Is the feature of the home, i;..i .; . ij.. esi The the CheaDes Ccurtgsy-Ofkisncy-Quality-Promptness-Correclhas-- "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPIST No Matter how small the order it is our pleasure to serre our friends and cus tomers. Our prices are very reasonable and we take pride in being courteous, in our efficiency, in the quality of our meats and groceries, in being prompt in filling all orders correctly and we are very appreeiatiYe of the splendid business that has been built up through realizing the proper valoe of aH these things and we are proud to have an up-to-date city meat and grocery market. Come and visit us. "If you trade with us we both make money." THE PICK OF THE LAND When you make this store your head quarters for Groceries you are assured the choicest etables it is possible to pro cure. Csnncd or fresh, our stocks are a'ways prime quality. THE BEST YOU CAN IMAGINE A Roast, roasted as you know how to roast it, makes a mo3t palatable and nourishing food for your family heeds. Lamb, Pork, Veal CHOPS Chops of your, choice make such an appetizing dish for break fast, dinner or supper. Easy to prepare in a number of dif ferent ways. EITHER HAM BOILED OR FRIED You just cannot realize that Ham can be so good until you taste some of cur Kam Boiled or fried, to suit your taste. Order a slice for tomorrow morning's breakfast. The City Market J. B. DAVIS, Proprietor . . FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS Church Street No. 149 . Waynesville, N. C