1 r fp I -r OppcriurJlsErr.pire-Wayucsvillc AIliKudfc 2,802 feel-Un$urpaUd Nalural Resources for the I cation of Manufacringtnifustnes - . 1 ft . . L. A V . ESVILLE, HATWOOI) COUN ' Y, NORTB: CAROLINA THURSDAY, DECEMBER J, 192$ 1 Volume XXXVIIi. Number 4 12.00 a Year in Advance. $2.30 if not so Paid iJf' h A Reallieed JPwblic Welfare Progress, i , Six hundred a,nd aixtysix women -ware committed to jail in Norrh Car , oiina in the year 1924, from $wenty one counties, -J-- 1 hi gives an, Idea of the uumoer ,f delinquent women for whPm "o ..corrective treatment , is being, given, r- v, v, .u i TTiew In th jails they sit in ldlene- iney. frequently lack the medical attention u.. .u .l 4 hat nra!nll all hefid They , are re.ea'sed to the community la no wav better than they! were whenuh, l.w took them in! Neither the individual, offender nor -..-vwv-..j ....... - v, si. k ... Jreaont SKlC dsHJltC ethod of treating deHnquent . worn . ... . - 7 " .-. ' 1 ( Tfc.rSt.-u..f r.'rAid " " . , Public-Welfare charged b i rith tha dutv .of recommendWK to fflSirT.?t.. the legislature among other1 Jh'n(TV the creation , of necessary Institu tions,'' and the Board i recommend ing the 'establishment of" i?- Colony for Delinquent Women. A bill ' authorisinir- the establish- ir.1 of V' farm colonv to- eventually . ,Vi::?T!LZ .Jl 9 ? w car for ifour hundred women, win 1e offered the General Assembly of 1927. : 5 " :-:iJ " ,' The establishment of " such lth in stitution lia been adopted by! the gisla tiv Council of Women af one j ... .it..n,M' W,k it!J . locating. tThe North Carolina! con- ference foij .Social Service has' ap - proved nd!kdvaiced uch a propo- ition for several! years. " , The need for (such a'n Industrial Institution, ha. Ling been recognl.ed. v.l.r. .eino- ..rtn- ce. in iaiUi ar coating, Urge amis nf monev. Th average ambutt I pent per day ort their food alonle The. If this were apent on .keel) g , them in an institution wneie , eould b? rhad te work and tolV- them in an institution where tlky at least partially elf-uppo.- come Ine. where they were given adeqi 0 'iUi'A'tMfeibn 1mbtttiu'iBri.. at training, we migni nope ior gifou p results. .' -i , A farm colony : lor 1 women i . , V.,...i:. ui-t. ij . 1, Type 01 institution wuicu wuum Buch condition possible. Every fort would be made to make industr" the dominant characteristic. It would! U ; maintained not only to restrain; - and discipline, but plso to train, l-e-, naouitate: anu restorr, iv -:';" , Industry commutes junaamentauv. . , 13 is i-.ieany bihioivhv , i 1 J 1 ! ..!41. ...A..,n tal t.t metnoas oi ueaims mm """j . ... '.'... , . (r-J. nave - oeen i cony icitru : uraint .the law are inadequate. - , w , A. 1 il w- - .Moat" them .arei-in-eounty tv'inmny 'ywn te ceme.-, 'j-,v. '.,;. ' poorly supervised - work-houses, r j yeJ!y artUtic "Shop Earry" card v" liome for the aged and Infirm. They jn:gjzc appeared in the win- are aurroonded by 'idleness," disease, . . . .h.nt. maTn. low mentality, and everything that appeal to the worst, in human na- bright colors show Santa Claus During the summer Waynesville is takes in all. branches of church work, n week-end house-party at the Sun tore.;; Some of them are turned loose ca,.ryjn anorntUg load of bundle most colorful with the lovers of na- To this charitable society all visitors hurst Rod and Gun Club in honor of on unsupervised suspended sentences,, shoulder and under the other ture indulging in the different ac- are welcome to become members, and Miss Nannie Tate and her guests of .or conditional suspended - sentences several sheets of Christmas tjvitie of a lovely retreat in the aa8ist toward the advancement of the Greensboro. -that at-e not merely futile, but are geJ.g t the top are the words open- Here the horseman caters to little cchapel, as a great deal of her Those enjoying the party weir: positively viclou. One 6f thee con- , .,,.,, , guy Christmas hi ardent interest by riding up the progress depends upon the kindness Mrs. Silvius of Asheville; Misses ditional ' sent Jnces, which is often pronounced in a telra of so. many day in jail, unless the women leaves women leaves time..' By im- teneee, ..Raleigh. FanHetHi. mostlv town- within a given Dosition of such sentences, ends her women offenders, mostly prostitutes, to Durham, Durham t Greensboro, Greensboro : Charlotte, nd; on till the vleious circle Jtart all over again. V( j , . a . . r Practically all 01 tne women, serv. W sentence, are under tne super- .uper- bretty . - -. . . . riion of men. It ha. been pretty generally recognized that women ,oft fenders should be separated from menjn placed , under the-: sopervij '.. women, Only two jails that ve know of employ matrons to care for women, prisoners. .. -vf r women. prisoner.. .-..- , t One xt th provUions for, the farm, colony or women would De tnat xne superintendent Should be a properly trained, well educated and spiritually, minded woman, i - ;;, Provision nave oeen mauts, manyiways, forthe employment ot ! the men serving .entences in North, r.,Mina. The State should recognize equally the" nec;sity of providing' industrial employment for women .W- can not affoid. from an economU . a social sUnHooint to avoid the question any longeV North Carolina uw m should do some Instructive worK rlth thi class ' o " offender, f r.rm colony for Uty by the Gen. r --, t tould be mad a r eral Astembly of 1 - K'.B- - :-x yTame ames A, Ross I lii .Mont nf i imnanv which . i . , J .u. j..;i' ,- - in i - -.a , , w. 1 . . , i . !.-. Pfceo.t river ceve,meni projevw J here this week oking over, the Special Christmas Seal Sale Sat. A special Christmas Seal house to house canvass .will ( be held in this city for two hours Saturday after , Every one iB urged to buy as many : as possible and help in this great 'crusade. ; ' . V '.. , . , . Mr. paMi Walker. Seal Sale chair- man-v states that n- intensive effort n,awtexnai;.n .intensive enora children of Havwood countv bv train- itaSSlS 'Tl JlZ .. win ue maae-tnis rear 10 neip 10 In achools when, health habits have . . .. been taught during the last two year. , f ( the Modeniealth Cru- ailA vh h U nromntaH hw th State Zr?j"rATj-,V"T7..I':r7:;; nuoercuiosis Associauon ana local ,th ....ti,, . : th-MrcBrtta. I , 7. j " . Pt Un1Wrri8hel'h,ldrr,h'!lde; cieased, the number and length of absence from school on account f care of with the Southern Raiiway!a small elevation, from which one's Tew, by their sweet and devout preventable lllnes. and physical de- passjn through six times daily, and1?" i at once arrested by tho Christian character, have greatly en Jects have been steadily reduced. The the i.ommodiou, bugge, runnlng on! beauty of the distant valley and deared themselves to each and every number of . Children , who have to the hour p u fro) evel.ywhePe j Sulphur Soring park, encircled by member of this church. ' . t - - ' -"l f-uUjr.., leaned These : result represent to the tax ?aypf vingf money ve8td in W 4p-keep of school and teach- ers Salaries . and have greatly strengthened the support of the pub- - -."-;-- -,.""- ' r"-" ' "9 - , , . - - - curing we .paav wrneen. years me tuberculosis death rate in North Carolina has been reduced 51 per ent over one-half a result attrib- utea ma.n.y to tne campugn o, eau ct!on, prevention and treatment fi nancw. tuugiy J . The North 'Carolina Tuberculosis Association with "., which the local health association- i affiliated kki. , - eporate with, the State Sanatorium, .A. the county sanatorium, the State De- parment of .' Health, the Department totAtteKai',--i mwwmi imiiiuuon, u vcjHuumu. ui u- . litf Inttmction. th American , Mm ' . to-.m- a-'fc ImmImh tj. uuu, we . . , - glon. Women' clubs, Farm Bureau, labor . and commercial orgaiiiiatiops,, etc; nd'maintain a taff bf "work-., r in the field a all time. . It work, however, 1 carried pn without iuve w icunm ,u, nu . oyrv.. na aiway oeen vi a vuiu.y u- lu.i, . , ...... ' . V.. -' mm i ........ a , ine, sale is from .xnanxsgiving . . , , .... r.. i. (jnristmas. rna gooa ine oeaia uo l.gts all throuirh th year and' for . rru..,, --. dona in a number ' the bottom Tight Tuber- U,oglg i.''bj'tjonf jite mD-i-i , nd the famil- B" 'T a,.wmMi..; , - ar lnritm.is oa. iimveiiienu ; . .. , . -,, . ' v experts in luDercuiosis "' Shop Early idea itf baed mainlyon health coMidretions.-- . It. is. ' better; L i t M a - & m I a. w a 3 4 a v-Aat ' - i t t ooui ior w -.... - cieras - max vnrisuiuw.. clerk thrft Christmas buying should be done in such a way. as to distrib- . . . , i j: i:v. oe pone in ucn a way. a to uvx.u- - ute the tak over number of days, avoiding the worry and fague which usually accompany the ast week be- foie Christmas and spoil the holiday for both buyer and seller : in case,- tn aoaition y, caaea,- u w . r the golfer, the lover of thi pas- physician, there la danger ot'.m. play till his heart's con contracting cos. na i tious -maladies.- how. througn tne presence or large crowa vn t..c '""HTflenor the youn., boys andgirla shopping days and Because, eea ri. ".'-.r - . . mental strain. These c.rd are useif only hy mer- chants wno are supporting tne un.- mas Seal movement and they indicate the active interest of these. business.. men ( the health of theif Pwn com- munltie. . ...: i- . , . . t Crd are secured througn Viflr.nHAm. : The''u'h.ded bv Mrs: Paul Waller. S Cal Christmas aeai committee wnicn ' I- - " - CHRIST'S VISION OR VFAUEK I Kl.CJi. . '-Christ's Vision of Fallen Prince" . - -m,nn hv Rev. J. A. Snow, wutor T ' " - of Calvary Baptist cnurcn, reci aalfvered before Tilot IMounUin. Bap- ... . i. n.f Icuritinn In annual session, - ',. : . . mi . . , d nublhed by request, will appear Association in uuum . mmmn.u, 'St. John's, The Little ! nw W Tho Mnntnine Waynesville, Nov. 29 What an . i. .. . attractive and alluring nam this is, t r,oi i -ii ! 1..... .V WUV IUTV Ail (flat IB PtfaU tiful. Waynesville is stjeadily ad- vancing as' one of the country' finest? summer piaygrounas, and certainly " ore oi oy tne uoiy acrnce oi mo i. A A.. . . . 'iu... 1 j . .i,.. r 7 , T-!,0"B 1 P TowB ia we L. , . . - tow o , -j , spek'n " ,he . th highest Incorporated town east of the ock,ei- with of almost 4 ... ,. .. lumi vi nign laeais, geograpni- Ji... . " " """ mree inousana leet. .-Waynesville the Beautiful" is conveniently located within . .hort! ,. . . . ... v. ' otAlw (the.etpoH nf wt mu f.Li "JT ""' v"ira- - "y,r mck, Mount MitcHell, Hot Spring, and Lake Junalusk. Trans-1 DOrt,tio f.-niti., t.u- come here to satisfy their aspira- tions for . delihtful ..- hv enjoying a free happy , lift amidst ' the finished completeness and splen.' dor of the mountainls. Hundreds of othcrg sojourn here because of the , wondcrful health giving climate. It is quite logic that Waynesvil e w 11 become well known in due time a a t,ne winter resort, when the wealth f the mild element winters is com- paied with the severe weather throughout the long weary winter months m many places elsewhere, The average temperature for the en- tire -year nere is around 55 degrees, which conductive ior a gooa an year cilmatn. One of the , most awe-insnirine , . I - - , ... ... . o rives to oe louna in western worm Carolina i over the splendid highway from Asheville to Waynesvillel Along here the mountains confront -m of every angle, rising up in a .tateiy glorious manner, and lorm- ......... ng a complete panorama above the I........... .. .. . .. njouniains nat nave oeen tne auras- tion and the very soul of poet, and artiU, .i Yo. these are the one, that delve at the soul. and impel the uU fcering, iOh, : how- . beautiful." i Th Appalachian Scenic Highway i ani, otner route oj oeauty intn; us :mue 1 paved rOflO.' . aot .Springs, within two nuuis unvc - truin vaynesvine, I. ' . l. l . - .1 , , ' retains, tne nonor ot noiamg tne aey . .. . . i. ... ... - to tne great natural not oatns, wmca ar so beneficial to health seeker, - ,' '111 1 " 1 Anothet' asset.A Wayneaville . ip on Ui Mveal :ehuriebe end schools in plaees threshold of the Mamouth National htfretofor deplete . to . her. apiritua! Smoky Mountains Park. This offers wealth." ; v' every Improvement to" enhance the. The local women of the parish have enjoyment of her visitors. winding shady paths to the tops of the cloud-kissed mountains; here to mw" O1-" ahadowi of the evergreens floatinK D)v him. Also, the. impulses, ef the mounUin climb- !..., er are manifested by his buoyant sides, and becomitlK entranced by the beautie of Nature or enchanted by the wood M ; y, wander I ' - several miles with only the laughing m wnini tho-.eHmb to the earth- brook .. he cHmb t0 . t;,mu n,pn ti ------ k ------ , r,u . , Then the motorist lonc under the unfathonable heavengf pausing to gae Ucy of tha disUt eleva- .. .-. Mfl J tWe rr,lSSal mae- nltud 0f Nature1 blessings. And, or the golfer, the lover of thi pas- teht,,??W te two r excellent golf i0U1.ses juWt withio the city limit. - Jri - oj-ganixed - camps' on ,the mountain-side dtter wonderrui pos- .-.ibilities for a pleasant vacation in open. , .Vo1fH interest Wavnes-' those whq are follow - . the catholic , . ,,,, ,itHa j i,anei ;! . the .:. 't .t,. ,,nfmiliar with '.,-..the conditiens.-of Catholicy in North; IIIUUIIUHIlAi r v"" - ' ."'"V: T.T' Li, .i.--.i .'iv.' r ,. ... in .gtonishin to. le"n mrr "?J. only . ... ,-i i : Told les than twenty iocbi memucra, While thus being one of the .m.llest parishe in the United States in in. rnbe sheTriiap a : -". - - . . . extension, as hub ., ' ,mnnii two hundred square m and. of around Uo hundred .qua For many years the most ardent i r . l. .1 i nT wish of the few Catholic in Waynes- mA ...n ..... I "v .,,.. guilUUllUUlg LU HflB 1VI little chapel. In previous years the welfare of the Catholics was tak- V ' K on Sundays. This meant no Mass , Ptor. w. to j ; i. .L. i """"a " wt" or uuiuig imc . . j j i . How' sad and deploring this .... i s t .. i , . - ,t . t , " Aiiar. dui, aias, mai cnaioce nas Ped over and last vear the kind Bishop of North Carolina acquired a n. PenMMmoweuinr place or our 'Iz.nl l k. Tw-u Ti,. .k.,l T " . . "T . . T is cenirany locaiea on cnurcn street, two blocks from the depot and two 'blocks from Main street. It adorns superb mountains and carefully I watched over by the hitch pinnacle Eagles Nest. The little chapel was opened for Divine worship on Trinity Sunday, May 30. 1926, with Reverend Father McDevitt as pastor. Father Mc- Devitt kaa the orivileire of beimr the first Catholic priest to reside in Waynesville, and his name is indeed a household word throughout the parish. As pastor he is known to be an alert, jovial, good hearted exem- plar of the church. The iTle chapel accommodates about one hundred and fifty people. Striking and precious is tne symDoilsm tnat adorns tnis chapel. It charm has been attested by people from many states, not be- t . 1 L 1 cause ox tne mwirai granaeur or splendor, but because of the humble simplicity that speaks out to the visitor. During the summer two aee.. are offered on hundays, and one on weea. uays, Ti 1- A 1.. . - - iv its iruiy nun edifying and touching to observe the - i . jT' summer aneeimif m pnuounu yimym or,' the supreme Sacrifice. t N'oi-th ". Car61inii"ha;;,iiinumeraW advantage to- offer .pverAtbar ptoter 'gaOy'roaiiiireptetl'by'.the' lerfe. influ of visitor who com; hgre-year aneryear enjoyi. tiiee jiiiiia'. wijn tnw progro81, ?omcs tn uibbr- pmtuK,ft-vi. t nnt vi : 1- - , t 1. l' ; 1 u. i W...tl.1. - i)""1. ""w " 1 , w;r5j.uATi, yuoi-iu.- .t.. It '...i '.-'.ri. tv. : tnrougn tne e mnv f .i.iy-n u v" church.' that" the next few yeara will orasnized an Auxiliary Society which 0f the tourists. Pioneer work is always difficult an- beginnings small, but the tiny acorn has the strength of the mighty and likewise the little chapel ... . . , .u will irrow and become a large esUb- r,shed parish to be the mecca for 'worshipers from every clime. The peopi8 of Waynesville appreciate the utile chapel and extend her every curtesy. They realize that her jjres- ni k. . -wnt invitation to v n.i. - - , tourists to come , to their town and enjoy those mountains that are her cItadelg and that are forever ema- natinjti 0ur Waynesville we shall' i. ul. We hope and pray that the little chapel will be Hk. the world i "now ad ertr ahaII b"progresing and chapel will be Ilk. the world i "now advancw with Waynesville the Beautiful. A VISITOR. ";' '.' . ' ' , ' OK 1HUI" AtuiL. lamv. POST- PON ED.. . ' xo'0' Editor Mountaineer Courier, Wayne.ville, N." C. Dear Sir: i, . ' . Owing to the Thanksgiving holi- . a ..... . . day, :s absence, of; the clinician and some , of the (co-operating agencies .Wavnville. the- November ZZZ. f th.' RUrv,Orthouae4.c ;.Vstponed until the.fourth c.h. J.. iit riaMiniUr. .;, - ... " , ' - ArrangemenU art being an cun.c - ee Dr. King hi. WRo. in the,Hay- e - - r.... Kn .. . . . Save a life for Uhrlstmai; puy a chriatma. seals. Rev. C. T. Tew Leaving, Ft. Myers Be it resolved by the First Bap- uaii (iiuilii in irEuiai lull j ci nitre ao- fc sempied, First. That we have received with sincere regret and sorrow the resig nation of our beloved pastor, ReV. C. T. Tew, and that while we ac cept the same with reluctance, we believe and pray that his going to another field of labor is sanctioned by the Divine will and guidance of ' , our Heavenly Father. Second. That dunne brother Tew's . ne" y thre y-r . our pastor we 'nd .enfously testify that he has been as faithful to outv . .... 4 .i..,.. .:.u uu ,uw . w faith and ideals have ever . knwn That he and his good wile, sister imra. inat as tney enter tneir new field of service for the Master they have the united prayers, love " best wishes of this church and w Pry God's rit he,t blessings on them with every member of their family; that Christ's Kingdom may " aavancea ana strciigtnenea in thcir new field- T. L. GREEN, Wm. C. ALLEN, MRS. W. T. CRAWFORD. RESOLUTION BY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Be it resolved by the First Bap tist Church of Waynesville, N- C, in regular conference assembled: First. That the thanks and ap- p.Miatjon of thjg church are hereby extended to Migg Ruth Xew for ner very faithful and efficient services .. , . jt j indeed most Commendable and . . , . . , . nrmiww innv ill hiiiiw luil uiin lu vounff has been bo faithful to duty"10 4rtated and the most d.fflult snira in. wim, .ih.l..U. ... u ui. : HJ allurenients which tend at this time t d the , ,e of th(t jt,...t v.1,,.1.,.1, to draw the 'young people of.th;lf studying the history of taxation christian duties 7X: - 'jv he fliay'-' everrle .1 . thus faithful and that God m A, abundantly bless her and make , ... b , egg:ni. to, other wherei '. sl .- he Bifiated 1 . , ppc-pv t 1 uxvcE.i'', j , in pw ' MOO l T ' 'uAtl-pnun f 11 lV3 VIVA " 'JUW. ; (fxMI'IN; TRIP AT ROD AND i Gl'N CLUB MRS. W. T. CRAWFORD. j Mr, Joe Doggett entertained with Phoebe Braughn, Eleanor Hatchet of Greensboro; Frances Bra ml is of Salisbury; Lillian and Mary Hooks, 'nnie and Lucy Tate Messrs. R. Meyers of Salisbury; Josh Beam, nri.:ii.. tr a. T. yuson Whittaker, Woodson Jones,' Dewey and Hugh Noland and Bob Silvius of Asheville. MARTIN-NICHOLS. .oming as a surprise w uir .... . . , ... I'e" was tne news of the mar- Ke of Miss Hettie Nich. Paul Martin on Wednesd 4on,-Nov. 17. Nichols to Mr. ay after- Mr.' Martin and Miss Nichols mo tored to the home of Mr. Martin's ' 'owl .. Mrs. Aaron w. vyncn, at v,u.. lownee wnere tiicjf wcic iuit.u,v -.bli the present of only a few relatives and friends, Rev. Aaron W. I Lynch officiating. I f Immediately after the ceremony j A- ..... i. t,, a brief honeymoon to Durham, Win- f4on-Salem, and other poins- in the eastern part of the state. ' - ' , Those- present - at the wedding wce: Mr. Aaron Lynch, Mrs. Brown of Cu'lowhee. Mi Eliiabeth Moody of Cullowhee ' and Miss Elizabeth , . Martin of Waynesville. ; . i ,i. - ."s Mg.va new home in , r. and Mrs. Martin are, now all nZvLW' ' " ' " AUXILIARY AUXILIARY AND GUILD TO t i.5 MEET . The regular" December meeting of AKaI nn law. Iann Tuaadav afteri ... . . .a , Aoei noon. Dec. 7th,' at 3.30 o'clock. Ratcliffe Cove Communication Well, the election is over and ev erything seemingly has returned to normal and business is traveling at the usual rate. The past election was one of unusual quietness, not much excitement, but very little in terest manifested, no bitterness among the voting population. The camouflage was conducted on a higher plain than usual; not much throwing dirt, little personalities used which very evidently shows that the people have realized the importance of thinking for themselves, ' judging from experience that prosper ity wirl not obtained by leg islation. The only means by which prosperity can be brought about is by hard work, economy and close attention to business. It is also noticeable so far as the South is concerned the old cry of fraud has not raised. Evidently showing that the people have become to con sider the sacredness of the ballot more serious and that there is but very little in politics and the spend ing of money in elections is on the wane. It also shows that Jimmy Reed and other noted investigators that if there are any grounds for in vestigation they will have to aeek some other section to raise an issue. The time is near approaching when our law makers will gather and leg islative hopper will begin to grind and it is to be hoped that they will be more considerate and act the part of wisdom and give their attention to more essential things and not trifle their time away in minor mat ters which the American people are not interested in as a whole. It seems from what -ve gatfie: from the prets the tax question wiil be one of the paramount question.! that is to come before the incoming, session of Congress. It has been thought all the ages past one of the question to settle that ever cam be- fore the people, After . looking U(i . it nas uet;u. prvwvu tnitx tiiv wwt wc.o so formulated " that the rulers anf wealthy clans" could shift' the "burden., of all taxes or1 service on the burden bearer, the farmer, and manual labor. , IThi's plan has followed all down the . i ages and in many instances proves a ! curse to the people, for it is to some i extent the cause of the bootieicicei- class and often the criminal class 1 and our United States is following- in the trail. All tangible property j is taxed while intangible property Uroes free. The farmer goes to town j with his only cow to sell, borrows money, works on tne roaa ana some may resort to dishonest means in order to get money to pay his lux to save his home for his family. R should be the policy of our law mak ers to tax all equally or tax none, for under the present exisiting condition i while the intangible makes hundreds j of dollars where the tangible miijfo' cents. Many farmers cannot retain theit farms and the eyes of our lr,v makers might as well be opened t' that fact, for there is no other - kini of legislation can put the farmer on an equalitv fn the race of life. V I ' ! The enemy, Tuberculosis, is 'ox the run, but not conquered. Buy Thru mas seals and help finish the job. i U. D. C. TO HAVE MEETING. Mrs. J. S. Jones will be hostess to the Haywood chapter of U. D. C, at her home on Pigeon street Friday afternoon, Dec. S, at 3:30 O'clock. MISS REEVES ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ; T 1- T. 1. . miss janie iteeves waa nosiess the Tuesday Bridge club at her horn on Depot street . V y . After .spirited game Mm Jam e Mitchell wa awarded a unique . mP with bridge pencils attached. . V miss neeves serveu ner jumh a delivious frozen fruit course. -j ...... .. , The regular ' member . present were:: Mesdame Margaret Holland William Hannah, Hayes Alley. Jo Swift. Jr., Misses Diana Black, , Love Mitchell. .Mis, Thomi Howell was a special guest, The cow that jumped v"vr moor! must have, been from culosis free county, to have , Well bet she 1 carried a ' Christma Seals." -,;' , .a :.'.f t. , J ,f 1

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