State of North CaroKna, Department of State. LITTLE QUIPS ON THE FAIR SEX I The young lady who asked for a pint of red oil because her rear light hart irnrt nnp wnx nuitA nAver1 ka 1 cause the man at the service station To a" t0 'hom These GtlnK3 Ma' laughed. , ome-Greeting: 1 Whereas, it appears to my satis ;:i Hon, by duly authenticated record i the proceedings for the voluntary The husband who insisted his wife liecami' historical rather than hys terical whenever he staved at the dis.-olulion thereof by the unanimous tlub, probably had heard considerable .f his past history from his better half. U .lie, uho diives from the rear seat, never su'ests that she repair it puncture. Apparently her auto mobile knowledge doe nit include that phase. I'1K '" "I -The. when a steer a youn; hoie asked one city girl to tile don't know," wa tin had no poultry of any I staved last sunimei." or a nthe:' epl v. k i nd "Vou'ie a -u i i i John. "'.Still," jxiuted "I'm really not yiainted." Kular little tease," the model!) irl, as bad as 1 am ) 'm THE WAVNBSVILLE MOUNTAINEER. ' DISSOLUTION NOTICE 1ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHAPEL. TVTT f fJ""" TT St. John's Catholic Chapel, 145 II VPi t I N 3 .11 Church street, Wavne ville Mass on II xJ Cvt M V III Sundays at 10 o'clock. ' Mas during JUL sX- 7"' ' the week at 7 o'cl. ' A 1 XrVlu AW f L Foutain Pen Repairing Any make V'A J0w I I ' V of fountain pen repaired by I. H. V Y-M VV I I TO : - lhackston at Wavnesville I'narma- I Vvl I I YT m : 1 1 Mft' I . 1 1 I t. or consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Hand ( lay Company, a corporation of this Mate, whose principal office is in the t in of Canton, County of Haywood, State of North Carolina (S. W. F.nloe, liillsol'iii being the agent therein and .11 IMJIHl- lilt" Hill, u IIVHI I1UIII III lltrS ' a a, aa ... a.-oa- a. . , , ...... ... . . , , .. . .. aii.iii.1SII(I(IKS .MIIKK. ray be served I, has complied with state of North Carlina, Ci,un y 'ho requirement. of Chapter 22, Con-! Haywood. ili'lated Statute-, entitled "Corpor i:.: ... .1.. - "ie uruiersigneu, navinir iiuh I- 11 1 1-1 1 111 i 1 11 1 10 ine issuum ' 1 - - . , . , . . ' ... " . . . , . b as administrator of the estate of I o in.- inuiiuir .., .u,uieni. f ree, deceased, hereby gives notic Now. therefore. I, W. X, Everett. that a" persons indebted to th'.' si eta.v of State of the State of efta,e. "-fke payment to the unde , laigned administrator, and all person trini, naving claims against the san tl'at the said corporation did, on theltate shall present them to the under ot!i dav of October, 1H2H, file in signed for payment. Unless the same UVJ,.,,,,.,, ..,,,1 ,.1 are presented within twelve month SubscrilK' to the Waynesville Mountainrer, only $2.00 a year. Great JEvients in MotorGar "EQUAL KK.HTS." JVess dispatches from London . ; slates that a club to popularise (igar 1:' -moking by women has been fronted 1,1 by tin wives and daughters of some b : I 1 in-ent in writing to the dis !tinn of the said corporation, ex at.'d by all tHe stoikholders thereof, :. .1 said consent and the record the proceeding aforesaid are now file in my said office as provided law. wealthy men in Wallasey, in Ches hire. It remains now to see how long it will be before the women will take up the pipe and chewing tobacco. Kqua! lights will then be established' hi a iund basis. i NOTICE OK EXECUTION SALE ! . rth Carolina, Haywood Cunty In the Superior Court. Mar-hall Meser Testimony Whereif, I have set my hand and affixed my In neret set my official seal at Raleigh, this the day of October. lyiiU. W. N EVERETT. Dc'liic Secretary of State Oth HONEY KOR SALE. from this date, this notice will h 1 pleadedn bar of their revovery. ' This ftie 1st day of November. I9''P! J. M. PALMER. Administrator of the estate of L. I ' I)ec9c H & H Free, decease I : 1 New honey in the comb or extract il $2 per gallon. (-:.. M.. . 1 1 . . - . . . 00 .... ) 1 Jenkins 1 fc..nun ion m muie perj l!y virtue of an execution directed."" ""' : the undersigned from the Superior j Produced exclusively front clovers, ('un:: of Haywood County in the Cjuaiity guaranteed, above entitled action, I will, on Mon- State whether comb or extracted day, the II rd day of January, 1927, is wanted when ordering. RHEUMATISM While in France w,ith the American Army I obtained a French prescrip tion for the treatment of Rheumatism and Neuritis. I have given this to thousands with wonderful result. The prescription cost me nothing. I ask nothing for it. I will mail it if you will send me your address. A postal will bring it. Write today. PAUL CASE, Dept. C-658, Brockton,, Mass. Nor. 18, Dec. 9th EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. i at 11 o'clock A. M., at the Court llou-e door of said county, sell to the,Jan20pd highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and in terest which the said R. L. Jenkins, the defendant, had, on June 23rd, lst2(". at II o'clock, in the following lec bed real estate, to wit: Lying in ( ataloochee Township, Haywood County. North Carolina, and begin ning on a Spanish oak on the point 'if a ridge above the road, and runs S, 7U E. crossing the road 12 poles to a white oak; then N. 2'i" E. 278 feet to a stake in the center of the h;g i-oac., then a N. W. direction with lhe meanders of the State road to the beginning, containing 111 acres more or les. of a "i0 acre 1 the Bennett the Winding THE BUSY BEE APIARY, Fletcher, N. C. State of North Carolina, Haywood. Counl of 4 Bearing Crankshaft 15 now obsolete in Nash engineering practice Here's something of real importance for every prospective buyer of a "SIX to think about if you buy a new car now that still has the old type crankshaft with only 3 or 4 bearings, what is going. to happen to its resale value? Man ufacturersjylijg still cling to thft 3 or 4 bear injrcgjnjtghaft design know just aa well as you do that theMCJDERNcrankshaft his 7 bearings. And certainly with Nash setting the pace they . are not likely to hold to the old style of design any longer than they are compelled to under their manufacturing conditions. - The authority of Nash engineering submits to your own good judgment that the motor with a 3 or 4 bearing crankshaft cannotbe called a truly modern type of motor. pa.'t Tiiis being tract of land known a 'Lar.i at the head of Star v. This the -Jt.i! !..;. KIM. and ads noon. The undersigned, having qual.fie.i as executor, with the will annexed, of the estate of Henry Russell, d,'- ' " ceased, hereby gives notice to a l Our Christmas editioion will bepersons indebted to the said estate published next week. All copy and, to make immendiate payment to te must be in bv Wednesday unaersifrned executor, ana alt per sons having claims against the sai l esiBLe aiittu (ueeiu ineiii 10 .ne un dersigned for payment. Unles t';e same are presented within twelve months from this date, this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. I This the 1st day of November. 102 ROBERT L. NOLANI). j Executor with the will annex.'d. of the estate of Henrv Russell. ; DecOc II & H ' dr?ased mm FOR .!. F. I 'A HI' . i i Mt;.u TATE. KS- tce. for ,o.,k No. Record i Hi e for t-.ed on .. . l'.i... i o r. '!c : i. : :-t i fr.i: 1 i'. i. Tn : 'I I -.'!:'. life Ti;. : to .in i. ,M. ijMeen. t' I'im'i Till tier, l ei irded i,' 10, ! )-i'(i s (f Trn-t, page "' of the Register cf Deed; (Haywood CounU, the uncle 'si trn'-V'i- d:-fault hav nir been ina the payment on the iodeb'edne re cite! in said deed of till.;, w I! ell to the highest bill-'" at public .'iiu ijon for chIi mi v fie 20th ctt- ut Dec. i:'2o. at 1 ! :.: '. ' vk A. A!., at the Court I! mo' d i- ;f Haywood County, N. (' . a I I : u .i vided interest in the f ;'... !e-(:-.;b''d l.inih p ut: ul i-ly ii i : ibed t i follow: Klr.ST TRACT: Adjoiu.i'K t v lands of John M. Queen, and others and bounded as follows: HECIIX NING -at a hickory, a corner Ci Mar garet Ratcliff's land and thence run ning west 171 poles to a small white oak in the Y. B. Ferguson line; thence south with the said Fergu son line and M. S. Russell's line 164 poles to a post oak on the South side of a high ridge; thence east ones to a Spanish oak on top of the ridge nar a low nap; thence S. &0 b alone the too of the ridge KW )les to stake in the McCruckon l:ne; thence North 36 poles with the Mc Cracken line to his chestnut cirner; thence N. with the said McCracken line and the Margaret Ratcliff line t the BEGINNING, containing One Mundred and Forty-Three (113) . more or less. SECOND TRACT: Lying and be in the Mauney Cove, adjoining lands of Maggie C. Justice. James olley and others, and BIX.IN ?m at n cucumber on the Hyatt ney CoV Branch in the line of No. 3 thence N. 30 W. 23 poles t stake on the top of the ridge; .nee N. S3 W. 14 poles to a S:n i oak; thence up said ridge N. 35 . . 83 pole to hickory on top of line ridge. he northwest corner of frt No. 2; thence up pine ridfre S. 70 V. 19 poles to a chestnut; t;tnc? S. W. 48 poles to pine on tap of J ridge; thence S. 85 E. If. I ooles Search Your AiUk.'. . V --' inOldConfederateEnvc i.. Among the old letters of nun; j.eitli ern lamilirs are hundreds ol icn ui sump and emeluprs. Many have been found and sold for small fortunes. Single envelopes have bren sold for as high as $-0()0, and many have brought upwards of $100 each. It ftHKidi "fishy," but it's true. They are valuable because they are rare. And they are rare, not because there are only a few, but simply because most of them have remained stored awdy and lorpitten, in old trunks and closets. .Make a thorough se.jicli through your attlr y-r -lore r om for those onl jr ielitis. yor'uiKi in rare sump or Tanked cr.". -o -s icive been found in old tiiinks iviiich no one ever dreamed contained anything of value. Keep the letters if vou wish, bul send the en velopes to Mr. Harold C. Brooks, Box I 2t Marshall, Michigan, and he will immediately write you, staling their value, in senmng inem io mm you arn not obliged to sell unless his olfer meets with your approval. Anything not pur chased he will return in good order. Mr. Brooks, who is mayor ol his riiy, is a private collector and has paid thousands of dollars for old envelope. Although lhe rare issues are especially desired he also buys many ol lhe com moner kinds. Many people in this way are getting Christmas money with very little trouble and no expense, The First National Bank of Marshall, Mich., writes: "Mr. Brooks has been in business here for twenty years. You will make no mistake when you recom mend him to your readers as worthy of the fullest confidence, both financially and personally." Mr. Brooks slates that there are to many different stamps which are similar in appearance he cannot quote values from written descriptions, but must see the envelopes. There are, for example, ten different Confederate government stamps bearing the portrait of Jefferson Davis, and many local stamps or stamped envelopes ire very much the same in appearance. The same is true of U. S. issues, the heads of Washing ton or Franklin being used oa different stamps. Mr. Brooks does not buy loose stamps, stamp collections, coins or Con federate money. Stamps should not be cut from the envelopes and no dates written on. He is fully acquainted with all issues even though the postmark msy show no year date. Those espe cially wanted are Confederate issues, but he also buys U. S., Canadian, Hawaiian, and certain foreign stamps provided they are oa the original en velopes and mailed not later than 1865. Ii envelope are sent in a bunch the? should be carefully packed in cardboard box to protect them from damage while in the nulls. If yon have reason to believe your envelopes are of special value send them by registered or 'insured mail. If yea bate no old letters written daring or before the Civil War, show this notice to your friends especially those whose fsmi- lies nave bred in the same home for .'i.r (!ir!stm:ii eli i i n vtil be: pabli died n'v' week. A I c py a'd ' and n inn. ds nu:s l-e bv W.'tlnesdm BELL IVBOTOIF? CO. Canton and Waynesvilfc, ' fSI. C. - ; T Zi. L- i. Irl 'wea in ine same doom tor b0Cteytt.'" ih?r "km11 ' u l tTersl generations. Many old fsmiliea. s.c., ... banks and law firms o a spruce pine stump on tne, ttond hmini. c( lette wril. aid ereefci tnence down we I fag to hantd or lor Ursi Mill have s of aaid creek to a cucumber. INNIING, containing sixty j, more or less. i e 18tfi day of Nov.. 1920. ; JNO. M. QUEEN, Trustee. ' urns. Before destrorine such enmlones or folded letters Insist tji Ibtsr seJae, Mr. Brooks' address is as folio wit . HAROLD C BROOKS, Box&S, - MaaAall, lCck The Best Is the Cheapest Courtesy-Eft iciency-Quality-Promptnffss-Coiigctnp- "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Xn Matter how small the order it is our pleasure to serve our friends and cus tomers. Our prices are very reasonable and we take pride in being courteous, in our efficiency, in the quality of our meats and groceries, in being prompt in filling all order." correctly and we are very appreciative of the splendid business that has been built up through realizing the proper value of all these things and we are proud to have an up-to-date city meat and grocery market. Come and visit us. "If you trade with us we both make money." THE PICK OF THE LAND When you make this store your head quarters for Groceries you are assured the choicest etables it is possible to pro cure. Canned or fresh, our stocks are always prime quality. THE BEST YOU CAN IMAGINE A Roast, roasted as you know how to roast it, makes a most palatable and nourishing food for your family needs. . amb, P6rk, Veal CHOPS Chops of your choice make such an appetizing dish for break fast, dinner or supper. Easy to prepare in a number of dif ferent ways. EITHER RAM BOILED OR FRIED You just cannot realize that Ham can be 83 good until you , taste some of our Ham Boiled or fried, to suit your taste. Order a slice for tomorrow morning's breakfast. The City Market J. U. OAVIS. Proprietor FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS Church Stmt FImm 14S - 'WaraMTin, N. C. rain

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