v. s? I - . . a it - THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER. 3 Expert Watch Repairing "-WHAT IS WORTH DOING AT ALL, IS WORTH DO f ING RIGHT" OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED y J: Kodaks, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silyerware," Clocks, f ' ? Watches, Specialty Work, Kodak Finishing, Repairing. We have a large and attractive stock of novelties, etc.; Book Ends, Purses, Handbags, Compacts, Vanities, Per ' fumed Lamps, Hand Painted, and a beautiful assortment , of Gift Handkerchiefs; Also gifts of all descriptions. THOMAS J. DAVIS JEWELER Main Street, Near P. O. WaynesviDe, N. C. . OUR GROCERIES PLEASE Our groceries ' will please you because they are KNOWN. RELIABLE BRANDS. You wil! be sure to get the BEST when you buy from us and the PRICE will oe the LOWEST. We are always glad to sel! you in our store. Ccmc in once and you will be g'.&d to come again. MILLER BROTHERS Phone 30 Main Street OK Nam hmll Ma aiMilh i" ping frna of Ih -riM if frcctinf Cray cow Sistclji mm th opsninc M ch fnexlng compart M fKvvtfin; moI Vihick MMfa lower i Uc temlxratar. aad ewfcfesr frtuta. Frlgidaire Offer More for Leu - New low PRICES ZttTZZ $395 IttMaltthnI .... ONE reason for Frigidaire' overwhelming popularity ii the fact that it freeze more ice. by actual weight, than other electric refrigerator! of the tame size.'''','. vjji;:- The Frlgidaire freezing trays are self-healing. The white enameled front of the ice trays completely overlap the tray opening, thu sealing the intense cold of the frost coil within the freezing compart ment. ' Frigidaire freezes ice quickly and solidly, regardless of room temperatures. ':? "' ''; ' Long ago, Frlgidaire diacarded the brine tank fa favor of the more efficient frost coil. The frost coil assure simpler, quicker temperature control, which is so accurate and stable that it never hat to be adjusted once it has been properly set, - t Frlgidaire is superior in ice-freczing capacity, food storage space, low operating cost and quiet opersv tion. Frlgidaire offers unequaled sturdinen of ; construction and beauty of design. Frlgidaire offers a permanent and thoroughly trained and established service organization. It is the only electric refrigerator guaranteed by General Motors. MARTIN ELECTRIC COMPANY . Waynesville, N. J. , 9 PROS VCTU GENEHAX MOTOR8 Mm aW 250400 ( ssshtt i Fitjisosr ass eit Marti Electric Co. : .,' . v. , Km L ....... AM . . - NOTICE 'OF SALE OF 1 PROPEETT ! REAL NOTICE OF TRUSTEED SALE. On, Wednesday, December ' 15th, 1926, at It 'clock Court Hoost door North Carolina, Hajrweod County By virtue of a deed in trust exe- North Carolina, I will sell at public M., at the Waynesville, T Sour r cuted by Floyd Lyle and wife, Annie outcry to the highest bidder for cash, Lyle, to John M. Queen, Trastee, for the following land and premises, Hyatt s Company, as recorded in lying- and being in Haywood County, BOOK 01 IJeeds OX Trust no. 17, on no varoiina, ana more pamcuiariy page 242. et seq., Record of Deeds described as follows: for Haywood County, North Carolina, BEGINNING at a stake on the the undersigned Trustee having been West side of a street, .Northwest requested to sell the hereinafter de- corner of the Hospital Lot-and runs scribed property, default having with said street N. 13 30' . E. 152 been made on the payment of the feet to another street, thence with indebtedness secured by the id street last mentioned N. 70 W. said deed in trust, will sell to the 68 feet to a stake corner of Lot 13; highest bidder at public auction for thence with said Lot 13, S. 20 W. cash on Monday, the 20th day of 1 151 feet to a stake in the line of the December, 1926, at 12 o'clock Mid- Hospital Lot; thence with the line of day, st the front door of the court "id Hospital Lot S. B7 30' E. 90 house of Havwood Countv. North feet to the BEGINNING. Beinir Lot Carolina, all the following described No. 12 of Alden Howell, Jr. lands as real estate, to-wit: per survey and plat of J. W. Seaver, Lying and being Haywood County !AP'n 26- 1922- ... , aforesaid and more particularly de- . Excepting from the above tract scribed and defined as follows: however thai : certain parcel of land FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at conveyed by W. K. Miller to Mrs. A. a white oak on the oublic road and I Young, by deed dated 1 November, 1925, running about North 4 poles to a nd. "leased from the deed of trust rock near a soring; then an Easterly , whlch this sale is made, direction with said branch about 5 s?,e made Pursuant to the power i. m t : . conferred upon me by a deed of trust Southeasterly direction with Macey's fj?.m w- K- .M.ll,.er nd. fe- Ma!'c line about 5 poles to a double sour- '"""': "v o, pp iou, wood beside the' public road; then Rfrd f Deeds of Trust of Hay- POLITICS OB EDUCATION? Higher educational institutions in number of the 48 states have raised the question, whether their principal mission on earth is education or politics. It is a well known fact that in quite a number of these states, these institutions in the aggregate, domi nate legislatures, state' administra tions, and pven take an active part in national politics. There may be a reaction against making politics a principal function of education. 8TATE SUPERINTENDENTS'! I VISIT STATE. 1 J A group of the state superinte ents of public, instruction in Southeir states, who meet in Raleigh Decern! 8-10, will visit the Durham city county schools on the first da the meeting, other groups going Wake, Wilson, Wayne, Lenoir. Granville county schools. The will be for the purpose of obserf i the work of the various county's city schools. with the public road about 5 poles to the BEGINNING, containing one-half acre, more or less. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING on the State road at the bridge and running to creek to sarvis bush; thenc crossing tht spring branch back to the creek; thence with creek to Smathers' line thence with Smathers' line to Macey's line and "Walking Bear" line to State road; then back to the beginning. .Sale made on request tJ pay the indebtedness therein secured, this the 1Mb day of November, 1926. JNO. M. QUEEN, Dec. 1G c Trustee. COMPLETELY CHIPPLED THIRTY-FIVE DAYS Tried simple home treatment now walks easily without cane How the agoniiing pain of an acuta attack of rheumatism was eased, and recovery hastened is told in a letter from John Smith of Shock, Ky. "I was taken with a pain in my left leg, and for thirty-five days I could not sit up," he writes. ''I got no better until I began using Sloan's Lini ment. Before I had used one bottle I could sit up, and now I can walk with out a cane." And it is amazing the quick, gen uine comfort that Sloan's gives. It doesn't just deaden the pain. It stirs up the body to throw off the cause. No need to rub even. A little Sloan's patted on lightly and a healing tide of fresh, germ-destroying blood begins tingling through the aching place. Be fore you can believe it, the pain, swell ing and stiffness are relieved. Get bottle today. All druggists 35 cents. NOTICE Sunday Schedule Only Effective Sun day 17th, 1926. Between Waynesville, Canton and Asheville every two hours on even hour. 8-10-12-2-4-6 Leave Asheville same hours. INDEPENDENT COACH LINE Phone 70-J Waynesville, N. C. All kinds ot cookies and cake?, fresh bread and io!!s daily. City Bakery. wood County. This November 10th, J. R. Dec9c M&W 1926. MORGAN, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the p-jwer of sale contained and given by Sec tion 2435 of the Consolidated Stat utes of North Carolina, the under signed will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the business place of the Hudson Essex ales Company, located on Church Street in the Town of Way nesville, N. C, on the 6th day of De cember, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon one Hudson Coach Automobile, Model 1925, Serial No. 568272. Said sale will be made for th pur pose of satisfying a mechanic's lien amvounting to $46.85, and the cost of sale. This the 20th day of November, 1926. Hudson Essex Sales Company, By i. L. Griffin, Manager. Dee, 2 c AFTERNOON DRESSES i.yr 'vnnen and misses that, at eur prcstnt prices represent lemarknWi values, are here in elaborate array The materials include crepe '..'sartuq, georgettes, and plain and priateS . c-encs; the style?, straight ?ax mode, cat effects, and flared moldx.. This is your opportunity to pnr chase a new dress at a saving; titaC J wiil be considerable. , . MIIIWIy Order Your Yule Tide Greeting Cards With Your Name Engraved Thereon V From The Waynesville Mountaineer Beautiful Samples to Select from. Better Tfiaa The Best, Cheaper Than The Rest. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Samuel Chambers, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of October, 1927, or thU notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted U the said estate will please make imme diate .payment. This the 28th day of October. 1926. R. C. CHAMBER. , Administrator of Samuel jDec9 pd Chambers, Deceased.! IN JUSTICE TO YOUR SELF YOU M UST SEE ST "DRIVE IT - KNOW IT .V i. TH ITAKDAUD COACH BODY BY FISH I 950 1 O-t LAN MHO Too Much "Acid?" Excess Uric Acid Gfees KUe to Many Unpleasant Troubles. AUTHORITIES agree that an ex V cess of uric acid is primarily due to faulty kidney action. Reten tion of Jthis toxic material often makes its presence felt by sore, pain ful joints, a tired, languid feeling and, sometimes, toxic backache and headache. That the kidney are not functioning right is often shown by . scanty or burning passage of secre tion. Thousands assist their kidney at such times by the use of Coan's Pill a stimulant diuretic Doan't are recommended by many local peo ple Atk your naigbborl DOAN'S VX? rostsr-Miann Co, Mia, Chess.. Mslo. K. T. 8 i ii Because by sheer merit it won such wide spread preference . . Because the enthusiasm of owners testifies how fully it gratifies their finer tastes as well as satisfies their every need . . And because to its demonstrated excellence have been added still further features of known value, qualities of luxury, sources of long life and operating thrift . . . In justice to yourself, your pocketbook and your sense of satisfaction, you must see, you must drive, you must know Oldsmobile Six! Norris. Motor Co. ' -Jol Ti M91 I Engraved Card Waynesville Mou m - . i -

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