88$ 7 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Tt- inrniuu Mil it - i T - w ir ii ir i n i m n 'AMAxf'-- ' hp i o pa I lie More with In Holiday Mood-This Store Abounds With Gift Suggestions I ft 1 eir t 'ome here shopping early and often. The values we offer will save you noney the gifts you select from our stock will prove most pleasing to ho recipient and the convenience of shopping here will add to your pleas :ie of gift choosing. harming indeed and truly acceptable is a gift of a coat or dress. ."he splendid array of new modes, the excellence of the materials in the nodels shown and the wide mnge of prices quoted, combine to make this ii ideal place to come to make your choice. See our New Silk and Satin Hats at $2.98 All Coats and Dresses Reduced $7.50 Coats, now $0; $15 Coats, Now $10; $20 Coats, Now $15; $15 Dresses, JNow 31U; 3U Dresses. Now $15. All Winter Millinery At Half Price CHRISTMAS BOOKS An assortment that will allow you to select a Gift Book for every friend and exactly please his reading preference. 10c to 75c Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, 5c to $5.00 handkerchiefs that will please Just the Gift you have been looking for to give a friend. And satisfaction will result from a choice of these: 5c to 50c POCKETBOOKS AND PURSES In a variety of materials and an even greater variety of styles. Packed in gift boxes if you de sire 50c to $5.00 DRUMS, BALLS AND OTHER TOYS THE GREATEST LINE OF CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR we have ever had the privilege of showing to the gift choosers of this community. 50c to $1.00 Each in Hollv Box Silk Sox . .'!.")C and 50c Here's a store, folks, just crowded to the door with good things for Christmas giving and the best part of it is, each and every item may be purchased at a price well under ordinary. Plan to come here soon to do your shopping. 32 inch Gingham 15c Yard One lot of Heavv Cotton Sweaters with big i oil collars, Now $1.00. Children's Union Suits 50c One lot Girl's Shoes, $1.98 value, Now $1.00 Sport Ribbed Hose 25c Pair Add one or more of these to your list 5c to $3.98 CANDLE HOLD ERS From $1.00 to $1.50 Building Block, A. B. C. 10c to $1.00 Box THESE ARE GIFTS THAT WOMEN WANT Our Store is literally crowded with the articles that women want as Gifts. Note the follow in items as a few of the ms.nv: I 2& 7. 34. HOSIERY In Gift Boxes Your choice of many different weaves and yarns at prices reg ulated to fit your pocket book. 50c to $2.00 a Pair 25 new styles Ladies' Oxfords, one strap and tie. Your choice $2.98. WHITE IVORY SETS OR PIECES You can please Her no better than to make her gift something of White Ivory. $1.00 to $10.00 Set A wonder array of attractive Toys that will delight the chil dren on Christmas morning. TRAINS THAT run on tracks, some under their own poower. What more enter taining and instructive gift could you choose for a boy? 50c to $10.00 COMFY SLIPPERS AS GIFTS The kind that tired feet rest best in assorted colors and combi nations from which to choose. 75c to $1.50 GIFT BOX STATIONERY In a variety of finishes, qualitv and colors, our display of Sta tionery offers you the opportuni ty to fill nuny gift needs. 25c to $1.25 In addition to it being a custom at this time of the year for every one to wish every one else a Merry Christmas, we consider it a privilege to wish our friends and cus tomers a Merry Christmas. We hope that we may see you in penon to extend our best wishes to you, but if not please consider this message es direct from our hearts. TOY TOWN Dues TOY TOWN THE CHRISTMAS STORE Tissue Paper, Holly Boxes, Christmas Cards, Tinsel - Cord, and Christmas Decorations. . . xim- lie. s- vrr vi mmm,m$m mam