THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER. REPORT OF COUNTY COMMIS- Court Coats, Feb term 502.28 SIONERS (Continued from last week.) Doughton, R. A., Commissioner office supplies 70.88 Green, W. W, road work 36.75 Mrs. Sparks 20.00 w, mtrii 9 5-0 1 Cherokee Auto Co., truck re Green, C. S., road work ,16.00 Gambel, A. L., work on Love Lane . 830.70 J. F. Cabe, jail fees and exp. 233.16 Cherokee Auto Co., road sup. 67.60 Campbell, C. A., gravel for road 7.80 Christopher, C. F., gravel for road . 13.20 30.24 Grannan, J. C, eng. services Hannah, W. J., judge Record- ers Court 200.00 ! Hill, C. L road work 83.00 Hyatt, Paul, supplies Co. Home 20.88 Hyatt, R. B., road work 40.80 Hyatt, l'aul, mdse, by Mrs. ( A. L. Hightower 5.00 Leatherwood, Medford, road work . 186.80 Long, J. M., supplies indigents 37.52, R. L. & Co., coal court house . 24.00 Medford, W. A., road work 450.10 Murray, John, services janitor 40.00 Massie Fum. Co., to chairs court house 30.00 Medford, W. A., road expense 11.51, McCracken, D. R., road work 31.20 McCracken, A. T., burial W. F. Vaughn 20.00 McCracken, Chas. B., bridge ex. 17.50 Osborne, H. A., hospital bill Beulah Lands .. 56.50 I'hillips, W. H., director forest tire protection 222.88 I'oteet, J. B., road work 11.30 Poteet, J. B., road work 525.70 Plott, John A., road work 256.05 Puritan Chemical Co., supplies Court House and Jail 17.50 Robinson, S. M., cindering Clyde road 125.00 Xloan-Plott Hdw. Co., road supplies 18.00 Sorrells, T. G road work 38.75 Smathers, C. S., salary as Co Commissioner . 200.00 Sutton, Osborne Co., road sup. 24.23 Sti ingfellow, Dr. J. L., profes sional services 15.00 Southern Bell Tel. Co., tele phone rents for county offices 20.85 Tuipin, J. A., feeding jury 6.00 Town of Waynesville, water and lights . 35.39 Wells, J. L., keeping County Home and expense - 221.11 Wells, J. M., burial expense M. C. Presley 20.00 Wells, J. M., burial expense Singleton girl 22.00 Waynesville Mountaineer, printing for clerk and sheriff 17.00 Williams, Frank, guarding jury .. Waynesville Post Master, sup plies Registers office April 5, 1926 Christopher, Delia, for daughter $5.00 Gaddis, Mourning, self . 6.00 Medford, Demercy, self and family ... 10.00 Messer, J. L. C. , self 3.00 McDaniel, Pherb, self 5.00 Owen, James, self and family 15.00 Queen, Ella, self 5.00 Reynolds, Geter, self 3.00 Rhinehart, Mrs. C. F., Stam ey family 5.00 geek, Jane, self 6.00 Arrington, Dona, self 5.00 Rhinehart, Mrs. C. F., Mrs Cary Sanford 5.00 West, Rinda, self 5.00 12.00 23.32 pairs . 124.89 Davis, F. G., road work 58.90 U. T. Deaver, load material 34.45 Edwards, J. P., repairs on road tools 8.00 Edwardi & Broughton, supplies C. S. C. - 19-62 Edwards 4 Broughton, supplis emit house 630.69 Goods Risds Machine Co., sup plies road 325.65 Green, C. S., road work 62.60 Grannan. engineering service 463.76 Grasty, Allen, self indigent 6.00 Hannah, W. J., judge Record ers Ceurt -- 200.00 Hyatt Co., road supplies 2l5.ll Hyatt, R. B., road work 30.25 Haynes, C. A., C. S. C, office . supplies and expense 33.88 Kirkpatrick, C. F., salary clerk to Board and expense 33.65 Lee, R. L. & Co. coal court house . 27.00 Liner, Dr. W. H professional services . 4.00 Leatherwood, Medford, road work . 1S6.20 Ledbettcr, H. P., road work 25.85 Moody, C. W., 2 copper stills 60.00 Murray, John, janitor service 40.00 Medford, W. A., road payroll 846.75 Medford, W. A., services road superintendent and expense 101.49 Medford Furnit. Co., , burial expense indigent Messer, R. L., services road jury . Miller, B. K., services with prisoners . 30.00 6.00 5.00 Mehaffey, Mrs. Effie, Moth er's Aid - Buchanan, Mrs. Mariah, son Brock, Jim, self and family Lindsey, M. T., Sisk child ... 5.00 Turner, Rubin, self 5.00 Rogers, Taylor, G. H. Green children . . Harrell, Mary, daughter - 4.00 Hightower, Mrs. A. L., self 6.00 Ewart, Nancy, self 3.00 Francis, Henry, Mary Jus tice Davis ey family ............. 6.00 Beck, Jane, self . 6.00 Arrington, Dona, self 5.00 Rhinehart, Mrs. C. F., Mrs. Carey Snnford .; 6.00 West, Rinda, self 6.00 Lancaster, T. C, Moore children 10.00 10.00 Galloway, Nelson, self 5.00 Mehaffey, Mrs. Effie, Mother's Aid 30.00 Buchanan, Mariah, son 5.00 Brock, Jim, self and family 5.00 nd judge primary 76,90 Mehaffey, Mrs. Effie, Moth Lee, R. L. 4 Co.. coal for county 15.00 era Aid ...... 80.00 May, Jack F., registrar and J Buchanan, Mrs. Mariah, son 6.00 Judge of election - 62.68 May, Jack F., registrar . and judge election . Murray, John, janitor duty Massic Furn. Co., burial ex- Brock, Jim, self and family 6.00 Lindsey, M. T Sisk child 6.00 7.00 Turner, Rubin, self 6.00 40.00 Rogers, Taylor, G. H. Green children . 10.00 pense John Green 40.00 Harrell, Mary, daughter 4.00 Massey, P. V., exchange on coupons . Massey, P. V., tickets Con- 32.50 2.00 28.45 Miller, B. K., 2 copper stills 50.00 Massey, P. V., office expense 10.00 McElroy, Joe road work 60.00 McCracken, D. R., road work 155.05 Noland, M. M., services Co. Commissioner . 200.00 Observer Printing Co., office supplies C. S. C. 64.19 Observer Printing Co., office supplies Treasurer's office 36.28 Plott, John A., road work ... 282.30 Phillips Const. Co., brige material . 65.71 Poteet, J. B., road work 113.05 Poteet, J. B., road work 423.05 Plott, Jim, bridge lumber ... 33.15 Remmington Typewrter Co., difference exchange typewriter C. S. C. 63.75 Swift, W. F., salary Chair man Co. Com. 250.00 Smathers, C. S'., salary Co. Commissioner . 200.00 Stalcun. Tom. fencing roud 19.90 Stringfield, Dr. Thos, error in taxes .- 1125 Stringfield, Dr. Thos., error figuring interest 6.20 Southern Bell Tel. Co., tele phones for offices 22.37 Sorrells, T. G., road work ... 261.51 Sutton. Jacob, road work 4.00 Sheffield, J. R., steel truck body r 35.00 The R. L. Bryan Co., supplies C. S. C. , 33.46 and fights 27.63 Terrell, Hessie, road work 25.00 J Hightower, Mrs. A.L., self .... 5.00- 29.06 Ewart, Nancy, aelf 6.00 Francis, Henry, Mary Justice .. 10.00 Lindsey, M. T., Sisk child 5.00 federate soldiers 77.20) Davis . 10.00 Long, J. M., Mary Curtis 10.00 . Turner, Rubin, self 6.00 Morrison & Co., T. S., road . Long, J. M., Mary Curtis 10.00 Robinson, J. R., self bfiO Rogers, Taylor, G. H. Green supplies' . a-. 52.00 Robinson, J. R., self 5.00 Messer, Marshall, Boone Messer 5.00 ! children 10.00, Mitchell, Mrs. P. S., burial Messer, Marshall, Boone Messer 6.00 Byers, W. G., Dan Mathis Harrell, Mary, daughter 6.00 ' expense Katy Dyer 20.00 Putnam, E., self and family 6.00 and wife 7.50 ' Hightower, Mrs. A. L., self ... 4.00 Matney, J. H, use building for I Green, W. W., Dan Mathis and Shehan, J. A., self 5.00 (Ewart, Nancy, self .5.00 ! election 25.00 1 Franklin, George, self .v 3.001 Davis 10.00 Medford, T. B., road payroll 2019.85 McMahan, Jane, self 6.00 Smathers, J. Bowden, Ann Long J. M., Mary Curtis ...1 10.00 Medford, J. Manson, registrar j Franklin, George, self 5.00 family . 7.50 Shehan, J. A., self 6.00 Griffin . Biddix, Jim., self 5.00 Messer, Marshall, Boone Messer 5.00 Medford, W. A., salary road 00 Robinson, J. R., self .... 5.00 and judge election . 27.00 Smathers, J. Bowden, Ann Asheville Supply and F. Co. supplies 44.95 Byers, W. G., Dan Mathis and wife superintendent . 100.00 7.50 Medford, Roy L., registrar Arrington, R. F road work 286.60 Shehan, J. A., self 5.00 nd judge election 38.87 Asheville Paving Co., road McMahan, Jane, self ... 5.00 Messer, Marion, road work supplies . 6768.31 Franklin, George, self 5.00 McCracken, M. J., gravel and Abel Albert, road supplies 18.85 Smathers. J. Bowden. Ann sand - 55.00 4.00 Griffin . 5.00 McCracken, -D. R., road work 154.00 Biddix, Jim self 5.00 McCracken, D. R., road work 73.80 Arrington, R. F., road work 12.00 McCracken, O. T., road work 51.71 Arrington, R. F., road work 71.05 McCracken, Chas. B., election Burroughs Adding Machine ' Co., office supplies 5.55 Byers, W. G., hospital expense Jolly Boy 13.75 Beasley, J. R., burial expense Allen, John H., election expense 66.09 expense 16.65 for J. B. Beasley 20.00 Allen John H., election expense 42.66 McCracken, Chas. B., judge Griffin .. .... . 6.00 Biddix, Jim, -self ,5.00 Allison, Marion expense primary 12.00 Arrington R. F., road work 12.40 Asheville Paving Co., road work 7501.41 Boyd, Mrs. Jas. R, Jr., making tax list 32.00 Bramlett, Cline expense primary 12.00 Bramlett, E. F., road work 199.76 Bramlett, P. D., expense primary 6.00 Byers, C. A., listing taxes 60.00 fi&llt Et P-i expense primary 15.00 Cherokee Auto Co., road sup. 62.55 Allison, J. M., election expense 30.00 school election 4.00 JBurnett, 0. C, road expense 58.16 : McElroy, J. H., road work 3.00 3.00 . .............. . . . . v " . , i i. mi ' ' J , - iiiA , Ji. 'ilia WUI1' I supplies . 20.00' ty Attorney ' 100.00 McClure, Jim, judge election Ciaven, E. F., road supplies 1670.00 Burnett, E. T., road work 270.00 Noland, D. Reeves, road work 31.75 Cox Engineers, road work ... 184.96 Burnett, E. T., road work 254.95 P'0". John A., road work ... 277.35 Davis, F. G., road work 100.52 Bramlett, Cline, election expense 36.00 PIess. L. A., registrar and Dept. Cons. & Develop, for Bingham, D. C, election exp. 30.93 judge election 33.09 est protection 46.00 Ball, E. P., election expense 27.00 pless. D. L., registrar and Dotson, C. A., road damage 50.00 Ball, E. P., election expense 11.68 judge election 28.25 30.00 Bird, Jerry, self 2.00 Phillips Const. Co., road sup- 75.00 Barnes, Mrs. B. C, reporting ' Plies 50.00 1 May court j0.05 Palmer, Jarvis, road work 3.00 Bramlett, Cline, election judge 3.00 Pa,mer. Jarvis, registrar and 9.00 Cabe, J. F., jail fees and ex- I Judfe election " Haywood Hdw. Co., road sup. 32.30 ' pense . 298.00 Pteet, J. B., road supplies Hyatt & Co., road supplies 22.03 Carver, A. J., 2 stills 30.00 Pteet, J. B., bridge work Hyatt & Co., coal for jail 65.94 .Canton Enterprise, printing Hyatt & Co., supplies Court H. 35.60 for county Hyatt & Co., road supplies 9.00 Canton Enterprise, printing Hyatt & Co., road supplies 257.51 1 baftdts . Hannah, W. J., judge Record- ( Caldwell, T. H., registering ers Court 200.00, primary . Kirkpatrick, W. C, road work 42.00 Caldwell, M. H., registering Kirkpatrick, C. F., salary and Dillard, J. L., road work ... Green, W. V., road work Green, H. C, road work Gaddis, Win., Mrs. Hannah .. Harrell, J. T., bridge lumber 63.34 92.60 18.25 8.35 7.00 Plott, Mrs. J. H., registrar 99.50 "na JuaKe election 30.Z4 I Plott, Mrs. J. H., registrar 4.00 and judge election 9.00 Court costs Nov. 30, 1925 to June 25, 1926 398.29 Cabe, J. F., jail fees and ex pense 183.60 Cabe, J. F., jail fees and ex pense . 129.45 Caibe, J. F., jail fees and ex pense . ... 274.59 Caldwell, Gilmer, moving coal court house 9,89 Caldwell, J. R., road work 31.00 Caldwell, M. H., expense primary 12.00 Caldwell, F. H., expense primary 12.00 Craven, E. F., road supplies 35.00 Cherokee Auto Co., road sup plies 87.85 Clark, Mrs. Grover, listing taxes 20.00 Davis, A. J., expense primary 15.00 Davis Jere, expense tower .Rogers, C, M., registrar and 29.04 --J'udge election 6.00 Stringfield, S. L., profession- I primary 27.36 al services 183.25 Standard Oil Co., road supplies 82.10 clock . 10.00 Denton, W. T., services board election . 10.00 Edwards, C. L., moving coal expense clerk to Board ... 58.15 Cherokee Auto Co., road sup- Standard Oil -Co., road supplies 82.10 court house .. 9.80 Leatherwood, Troy, road exp. 199.85 plies , 112.00 Smatnersi W. A., road work 100.00 . Ferguson, Z. V., road damage 100.00 Ledbetter, H. P., road expense 67.70 Davis, F. G., road work 58.37 Smathers, J. Z., registrar and Green, R. W expense primary 6.00 Lee, R. L. & Co., coal for Davis, A. J., election expense 47.00 Judge election 58.59 Green, W. W., expense road .. 147.00 county 22.50 Davis, T. J., election expense 26.47 Sor,ells, T. G., road work Grannon, J. C, services road 281.8 Morrison, T. S. & Co. road sup. 57.20 Davis, T. J., add. election ex- and supplies 205.58 Galloway, M. O., road expense 18JL60 Murray, John, janitor service 40.00 pense n.oo Sorrell8 T- G- road work and jGwyn, T. L., road expense ... 15.00 Medford, W. A., salary road .Edwards, J. P., renairinir road I supplies . 182.60 , Hannah, W. J., judge Record- 30.00 Lancaster, T. C, Moore children 10.00 West, W. G., road work 27.75 5.00 Waynesville Gro. Co., supplies ! indigents . 2.00 30.00 .Waynesville Hdw. Co., sup- Galloway, Nelson, self Mehaffey, Mrs. Effie, Moth er's Aid Buchanan, Mrs. Mariah, son Brock, Jim, self and family Lindsey, M. T., Sisk child .. 5.00 6.00 5.00 plies road : 78.00 Waynesville Book Store sup plies C. S. C. .... 5.80 Turner, Rubin, self 5.00 'Waynesville Mountaineer 38.40 printing . Wells, J. L., keeping County Home and expense 273.14 Wells, J. M., funeral supplies 41.50 Rogers, Taylor, G. H. Green children . . 10.00 Harrell, Mary, daughter . 4.00 Hightower, Mrs. A. L., self 5.00 Ewart, Nancy, self 5.00 May 3, 1926 Francis, Henry, Mary Jus- ! Christopher, Delia, for daughter $5.00 tice Davis 10.00(Gaddis, Mourning, self 6.00 Lflng, J. M., Mary Curtis 10.00 Medford, Demercy, self and "i Robinson, J. R., self 600 Messer, Marshal, Boone Mesier 5.00 'Byers, W. G., Dan Mathis and wife - Shehan, J. A., aelf ..... McMahan, Jane, elf Franklin, George, self Smathers, J. Bowden, Ann Griffin , ' Biddix, Jim, aelf .... ..... Persons, Mrs. Nannie, Mrs. T7lor Rhode 6.00 Austin Western Ro4 Ma chine Co., road supplies ... 77.76 family ... 10.00 Messer, J. L. C. , self 8.00 superintendent . 100.00 1 machine . g.oo hIlemra, O. S., election ex- Medford, W. A., pay roll for Enslcy, H. W., register hos road . . 555.58 P't' election '.. Messer, R. T. road expense 272.51 ! Ferguson, R. H., school election 4.00 man Countv Commissioners 250.00 Hyatt, Paul, supplies County McElroy, J. H., road work ... 160.40 Ferguson, R. H., judge school i Stevenson, S. H., work on jail 3.98 Home . . I pense . 16 61 Swift w- F- salary chair- ers court 200.00 Haynes, R. H., expense primary 18.00 Hyatt & Co., one desk 9.00 McCracken, D. R., road work 81.75 McCracken, M. J., hog for County Home 40.00 McClure, Virge, road damage 100.00 Norris, T. C, supplies for Co. 3.71 North State Machine Co., supplies for road 107.50 Pressley, J. T., supplies road 15.00 PIess, W. W., supplies road 124.00 Plott, John A., supplies road 170.25 Russell, A. G., exp. Roy Angel 66.70 Southern Bell Tel, Co., tele phone rent for offices . 28.10 Sorrells, T. G., bridge lumber 60.00 Sorrells, T. G., road work ... 183.78 Smathers, C. S., salary as Co. Commissioner . 200.00 Schenck, J. E., refund on taxes 9.25 Town of Waynesville, water and lights 34.96 Wells, J. L., keeping County Home and expense 213.74 Waynesville Hdw .Co., road sappues 53.79 Waynesville Hdw. Co, 1 broom 1.60 Waynesville Mountaineer printing for county ....... 91.00 Waynesville Pharmacy, sup plies indigents ........i.. 20.05 White, Will, bridge lumber 70.00 - 1O.30U. 2.00 Sonthern Bel1 T- nd T. Co., Hyatt, Donald, judge primary, .00 teiepnone rent 20.88 Harrell, J. T., road suddU.s 8.0" Hampton, G. L., servtee io'atd election . Green, W. B., road work .... 49.95 Green, Waldo, election expense 27.32 Town of Waynesville, water and lights 35.50 election 1. 10.OO Hipps, J. R., services and ex pense 2 prisoners . , 136.59 Justice, t. A., listing taxes 40.00 Green W. W, road work .... 46.00 Green C. S., road work 250.40 Te8gUe' Loyd reistra'' P- Hannah, W. J., judge Record- I m,try 21-42 er's court 200 00 TurPinv J- Afeeding.election Henry Hdw. Co., road supplies 31.85 1 judgM " --r-iWM4g JKrkpatrick, C. F salary and . . Hyatt R. B., road work 63.35 Teaue' R- w- registrar and" expense clerk to board 49.25 Harrell, J. T., bridge lumber lLOO iudge hosPital election-..". 20.43 Long, J. F., expense primary . 12.00 Hobson, Miss Ann, Allen Gras- 1 Waynesville Book Store, sup- Leatherwood, Troy, road work 71.25 ty, indigent 10.00 plies clerk'8 office - 9.53 Murray, John janitor service 40.00 Hipps, R. E., register and ex- j Waynesville Mount aineer, Messer, J. W., listing taxes 40.00 pense 33.20 Printin toT county 128.751 Messer, Marion, road work 31.00 Haynes, R. H., register and j Wells, J. M., burial expense j Messer, Marshall road work 72.25 expense . 27.00 ' inmates County Home 81.50 Medford, T. B., road payroll 1268.90 McDaniel, Pherb, self 6.00 Wells, J. M., burial expense 7.60 Owen, James, self and family 16.00 Mrs. Swayngim 6.00, Queen, Ella, self . 5.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 Bind, Jerry, Self iadigmt ....jOOJGaUowty, Nelson self 5.00 6.00 Reynolds, Geter, self ....... Rhinehart, Mrs. C. F Cary Sanford . - .... .... 6.00 Beck, Jane, self .. 6.00 Arrington, Dona, self ........ 6.00 Rhinehart, Mrs. i C F SUm ey family ...... 5.00 West, Rinda, self ....... 6.00 Lancaster, T. CVMoora children 10.00 ...100 30.60 June 7, 1926. Christopher, Delia, daughter . 5.00 Gaddis, Mourning, self ....v 6.00 Medford, Demercy, self and ramiiy , .......... W.OO Messer, J. L. ..C self ...... v 3.00 McDaniel, Pherb, self 8.00 Owen, James, self and - family 15.00 Qaeen, Ella, self 5.00 Reynolds, Geter, self ...1..... 8.M Rhiaehariv, Mrs, O- FSHa Haynes, W. W., judge hospit- tal election j. 3.00 Haynes, C. A., office supplies 21.81 Howell, Lee, register hospi tal election ..... 25.47 Hannah, W. J., judge Record ers court ....I.. 200.00 Hipps, W. F road work .... 250.00 Howell, Leei register election and expense ; 9.00 James, N. C, register election and expense 33.87 James, jRt,C., judge election and expanse ' g.oo Jayne Dt;.P, judge election ana registrar 36.45 Kirkpatrick, C.'F, sajlary'. and expense clerk to board 45.50 Kirkpatrick, W. L.,' pfofession- . J services ... ........ 85.00 Killian, Leon, judge election ' 3.00 Ledbettert H. Pv road expense 48il2 Leatherwood, Troy, road work 15.00 Long, J. F., regHrar primary' expense . . " 280 Ledford, J. D Judge primary 100 UatherpMd, B., regjstlnr Wells, J. L., keeping County I Medford, W. A., road payroll 560.15 Home and expense ...J 303.18 . Medford.' J. Manson. exuense 29.04 62.01 6.00 Willis, J. E., part payment list taken . ....... 50.00 Walker, J." L., registrar pri mary and judges ... Williams, J. Lu, registrar pri mary and judges .... July 6. 1926. Christopher, Delia, daughter Gaddis, Mourning, self ...... Medford, Demercy, self and family . .... 10.00 Messer, J. L. C., self 3.00 McDaniel, Pherb, self ........ 6.00 Owen James, self and family 15.00 Queen, Ella, self .. . 5.00 Reynolds, Geter, self ... 3.06 Rhinehart, Mrs. C. F Stam- ey family . ........ PIess, Mrs. N. C, Sarah An derson . Beck, Jane, self ............ Arrington, Dona, self ......... (.90 West, Rinda, self ... -.H. (.00 Lancaster, T. G, Moore chil- : dren , 10.00 primary ... . ... 12.00 Medford, W. A., expense rbad 105.63 Massey, P. V., exchange on coupons .. .. 9.38 Moore, W. A., road expense 15.90 Morris, Gro. Co., groceries E. H. Helton ... 4.00 MrElrnv Mr. I j t ..... ni.,.ic) vuiiai 6.00; expense Mrs. Grastv 20.00 McCracken, D. R., road work 85.75 McCracken Clo. Co. rubber boots .. n.oo McCracken, C. B., expense pri- mary - 12.OO Noland, M. M, salary as Com missioner .. . . 200.00 Phillips Const. Co road aup plies . 99.40 Phfllipi Const. Co, work on v County Home . '.'l. ..1. 600.00 Poteet, J. B, work on road . , 71JH PIess, D. expense primary 9M Roasel, J. purial expense Luclnda Swanger ....2.... - 80.00 Slsemore, O. S, expense pri. 8.00 5.00 6.00

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