THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 5, 1931. WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Page 5 n . fa tl li ii PERSONAL AND SOCIAL . PHONE 137 Jeter C. Hawkins here Monday. of Clyde w m H ' John W. Shook of Clyde was here cn business Monday. - J. M, Wells of Canton was here or. business Monday. Rev Thomas Erwin of Pigeon was Waynesville visitor Monday. ''' Mrs- Ernest Withers was spending Tuesday in Asheville. i W A.. Moore of Woodrow was the city on business this week. t . f , Manson Medford of the Iron Duff section was a visitor here Monday' D. R. McCraeken of Cra'btree town ship spent Monday" here oh busin ss. Jack Snyder of Salisbury visitor over the week-end. was a Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Allison, on Oct. 17, a son, John Mack- Joe Shaekt'ord of Duke University spent the week-end with home folk. Mr. David Cabe left Tuesday for San Francisco, California. I Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Perry were re cent Asheville visitors. Mr. Will Campbell of Maggie was in town Monday on 'business. - . Fred L. Stokes ot canton was nere ig visjtin her sister Mrs- j business last week. B. D. Smathers of Canton spent - aome time in the city last Thursday. - C. F. Christopher of Woodrow spent Friday in the city - i John Mann of Canton was a busi . ness visitor here Saturday. i - , L. li. Staley of Burlington was here oh business last Saturday. :) ' '.' i." v W. R- Medford of Lake Junaluska 'was in the city Saturady on business, IS-, i, Jl. W. Medford of Canton was here on: business last Saturday- ,' '1 '. ! Mrs. Mattie Leatherwood of Clyde was a visitor here Saturday. ' Charles Moody and Earl Ferguson ot ' Jonathan were in the city Monday- P. E. Haynes and W. W. Haynes of Clyde were here on business Mon 'a day. t,r; 'i . Guy Hipps of Canton spent some time in Waynesville Monday on bus iness. -' int' f ' " "-'"'" ; iJarvis L. Palmer of the Cataloochee section of the county was here Mon- t nT ! inyyA :ji h)uiu'Miot business visitor to Waynesville Mon- ori- -iv Mrs. P. M. Weston of Tal'botton, Ga. M- Bell. 'l-iv tlrt! tion C- James of the Fines Creek seO of the County was here for a short time Monday. rvan Medford of the Jonathan i )f Creek section of the county was a i " visitor here last week. t Roy Medford of the Crabtree sec tion was in the city last Friday look- ag after 'business acairs. Mrs. Andrew E. Moore and Mrs R. H. Mitchell spent Tuesday in Ashe ville. Mrs. Addington and small daughter of Atlanta are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Rhodes. Mr- anil Mis. ('. F. Kirkpatrick motored to Asheville and met Mrs. Laura Rearden last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ii. L. Provost and Aaron Prevost returned Monday night from a short visit to Morganton. -i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyatt were attendants at the Tennessee-Duke game in Knoxville last Saturday- J. W. Noland was another of the folks from Fin s Creek here on bus iness Monday. , B. B. Caldwell and family came over from Mars Hill and spent the week-end with r latives. , ' t - The report is that both the dances celebrating Hallowe'en on last Fri day evening were a decided success. Miss Ro"bina Miller is expected home from a visit with Mr. and Mrs Geo. A. Niles in Griffin, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Lauriston Hardin Patrick apartments- , Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Steifel have gone to their home in Galion, Ohio, following a fortnight's visit here. V Miss Edith Byrd of Hendersonville spent the week-end with Miss Eliza beth Henry. Mr. and Mrs S. C. Plott and Mr. W. A Grahl returned Sunday from Decatur, Ga., where they attended State horse show. Mrs. Elizabeth Meredith has re turned to Grenada, Miss for a st'y of several weeks, after having been at Hillcrest for an extended stay. by Rev. P. D. Miller The subjects - - . . : . . j u . i .. 1 1 .. nric xiiuAi. 111 itrx rating! auu iiripiuii j j presented. The local work chairman, Mrs. R L Prevost, ably assisted, served a ! luncheon at one o'clock, i ; MRS. UUNN'S FATHER HAS DIED The many friends here of Prof, and I Mrs. B. D. Bunn are graved to hear j of the death of Mrs Bunn's father. j Mr. George W. Finch, of Henderson. ' Mrs. Bunn had been apprised of hi illness and went to be with her father on Wednesday of last week. His passing occurred on Sunday night, J Nov. 1. Mr. Bunn left Monday to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith a;e at tending the Jackson County Poultry r)YYf'f PARTi' Day in Sylva Thursday. Mr Smith1 v4l H ALLOWE'EX is a judge in the poultry. j ' Elizabeth RaV cek-brated her birthday anniversary lust Thursday evening by-inviting a group of friends to dinner. Mr. W. H. Riser of the Greenville.! Tennessee Chamber of Commerce was in town en route the Sylva Poultry exhibit. v sugges-detaib The Hallowe'en colors r.nd tions were carried out in the Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sheeley of j l,f the appointments. Morristown, Tenn. have been the! . The dinner table was centered with o-nt nf .Wsi.. Hnm.n dnrino. ! " yellow flower cluster and the covers the past week- Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Spra,rue and children of Hancock, N. '. were guests during the past week of .Miss Jessie Herren. M Miss Dorothy Lane arrived Tues day evening from Columbia and is were laid for Miss Katherine Ray, Miss Virginia Welch, Miss Ma.'garet Ray, Miss Mary Stringtield, Miss Mai v Rav and Miss Wilda Crawford Guy Chambers of Iron Duff was ;i Miss Isabel Ferguson was here from Salem College with her mother, Mrs. Hester C, Ferguson over week-end. , spending about a week" with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ,1 M. Bell, at the Hotel Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs- James C. Iien.i and Mrs. Harry Marshall left last Thurs day morning for Philadelphia after being the 1 much feted guests v'. Mrs. R. H. Mitchell. Mr. Beii Medford has returned from Mancus, Colo., where he has been do ing construction work for the past several months near the park area there. : A 'possum hunt was reported ns being very successful, in as muc'i as they actually caught and ate one. In the chase 'were 'Ward Kirkpatrick, J. L. Stringfield, Gilbert Herr of Galion, Ohio and the two Carson boys. Harry McCraeken arid two guests Ben Davis arid Ruffin O'Neal, students at the University at ' Chapel Hill, sp nt the week-end with the parents of voung McCraeken, Mr. and Mrs. W- L- McCraeken, of this city. -. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 1. Newton ot Arlington, N- J. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Newton. The visitors had been on a few week's vacation and had been as far south as St Peterszurg, Fla., they were en route to New Jersey and especially en joyed their visit in this locality- O TESTS OF THE , HOTEL l.iEAIXE j The 'fidlowitur guests are l at the LeFaine this week ! Alexandei." A. W. Noll and Mr-J. B- Ivey of Charlotte was- in ! invited to i.iynesville visitor one day the lat-1 town part of this week. He is attend-. part of last week. I ing business at his Lake Junaluska " I home. OATH ER G ARM EM'S THIS WEEK The Needle Work Guild, is gather- the ing garments Wednesday, and Thurs ! day and will hold a tea from :!::!() "''.; to 4.::0 Thnrsday P. M. Everyone, is participate. TO TOUR FLORIDA t: iwr R. B. Howell of the Jonathan see- in ot trie county was nere tor a rt wihle last Saturday. ..1"'-' '.- t ). M. Smathers, a prominent citi zent of Canton, was in W7aynesville Monday. ;. t ' .:." & 1 E. Sentelle, an attorney ot Cat Q ton, was here on business during the early part of the week. 0 ; ,: .; .''. Charles B. McCrary of Fines Creek a pent some time here on 'business lastweek. '''i. '' ' j ' '.' :, '" S. H. Justice of Canton was shak ing hands with friends in Waynes- Ville one day last week. D. Rickman of the Pigeon sec tion of the county was here a short while last week. '' i C.' F. Owen of Canton spent some' f time' in Waynesville attedning to business last week. ;' ' :.; 't .- I D- J. Noland, superintendent of the i County Home, was a visitor in town i Monday. Hon. H. A. Os'borne of Canton was in the city Monday for a meeting of ,the County School Board of which he is a member. ' -Messrs- George Ward and Welch Galloway, prominent attorneys of the Buncombe county bar, Were here on business last week. ... , Migs Pearl Weaver was here Tues- fi!TL-1 6 'nteres'; 0V- Gardner's j, sgTam for the unemployment and )l def situation- A meeting is being' "Hied for Friday morning, Nov. 6. Ben Medford, Carey McCraeken and Guy Fulhright have returned from Denver where they h.'ive been during the past six months. Mr. and Mrs. T. G Massie expect to leave Saturday for a tour of Fhr ida. They expect to be gone alH)ut ten 'Mays or. two weeks. Mr.'. Massie is connected vvith. the Massie Fui'ni '.ure Company here. cgistered : J. A. Mr. and j Mrs .1. T. Baxter of Atlanta, Ga. ; Mr. ami Mrs. 11. C. Kilter of Colum bia, South Carolina; C. A. Pattei-'vou of Charlotte; V L. Watson of Burns ville; Miss Edna . Wise and Miss ! Ruby Smith of Greenville, South j Carolina; Mr. and Mis M. A. Knox, j Miss Clara Knox, Mrs. George W. Funk of Social Circle, Georgia; F. G. Woods of Greensboro''; V. S, Davis of Wilson; Jus. Pou (if Raleigh and Johnson Willis of Marion. FAMILY AND FRIENDS HELP CELEBRATE UNAWARE Several close friends and a few members of the family were invited in to have midday dinner vvith Mr. and Mrs; M. Theodore McCraeken last Thursday, Oct. 29, and discovered 'bc- I fore their departure that they had assisted in celebrating the nineteenth wedding anniversary of their host and hostess. The table was prettily ap pointed with gold and orange flowers as a center. A most delicious dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs V. Nobeck, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haynes, Mi. W I.. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. T. O. Breeding and Mr. Edwin Haynes. ''.. SUCCESSFUL HAL LOWE'EN AFFAIR Many attended the Hallowe'en cele bration at tiie Centra! Elementary school on Friday evening. A good sum was realized !or I lie won; ol I lie V T. A., and to assist the unde.rpriv-ile-dgcd"' -of. the sehooi. The progr-'im given in the auditorium was well at tended, and will.' worth the while of o.'ch who was there. Then side shows, inclti'lmc a lla!l of Horrors and lish I pond, suppleiiiented the V-ircus ami .the I food hoot lis. All were well ..patronized. Much Was donated anil the proceeds Mrs. Minthorne W:oIsey, who. boon at the Hotel Wayiievil!e r.tveral months, left Tuesday fer new home in Asheville- is giving th( has; ROTARIANS ENTER 1(11 i 7M.V FOR WIVES her The Rotary club ' ' . ; monthly dinner to the Rotary Anns. J The program begins at "i.'JO P. M. Attorney Sam Robinson and D. HJ.'(.jM.,e K() ,4 Mrs, Ira Thackston, Hams and Miss Kate Williamson ;, -. v rervinR the dinner. A most have been here several days this week attractive evening is planned. on-business.- . j , ' : DR. KIRKPATRICK . Mrs. Turnc'r Meece, who ii()MF FROM HOSPITAL Mr. and have been visiting Mrs, John Ca'be cn Church street, left Tuesday for their home in Bellingham, Wash. ' . Miss Edna Mae Price and Miss Delle Wofford, Cullowhee students:, spent the week-end with Miss Jose phine Cabe on Church street- - Atkins Shackford who is a Student at Emory and Henry College, Emory Va., was with his family at Branner Crest the past weekend. Mr. M- T. Brady, who is employed by Dicus Brothers, is stopping at the LeFaine during his Vacation. He has been in South Carolina. - m w 9 -.. Mrs. Cora Alley and daughter, Mrs. Madge A. Morrison have taken an apartment in the Kirkpatrick. Mrs Alley is the mother of Attorney Doyle Alley.- -. '";.'-' ' ';.-':'''.' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cabe of Van couver, Canada, who have been visit? ing their aunt, Mrs. John Cabe, on Church street, left for their home Tuesday- ; ' Dr. W. L Kirkpatrick returned home Sunday from the Charlotte Sanatoriurn where he has been for treatment. Edwin : ' Haynes, W. F. Kirkpatrick, Ward Kirkpatrick and Ernest McCraeken w ent down ts Charlotte and accompanied him ' home. He is reported much improved, r '' ... KIRKPATRICK CAMP ' HAS HAD PARTY Mr. and Mrs. George Rhodes and their guest, Mrs, Addington, Of At lanta, and Mr. and Mrs. W- X. Jeffries of Burlington, were honort V by 'Mr. and -Mrs. ' C. F. Kirkpatrick with a camn party Monday evening. Mrs- James Tutweiler and Mr. I. L. Council! and Miss Margaret Hahn were additional guests. . ' ' ; ''::'' '- '" ' ii ' '. ALL DAY V MISSION STUDY. The women of the Presbyterian church held their annual Home Mis sion study class at the church Wed nesday, November 4th, beginning at 10:30 A. M. The text 'book used was "The Imperative of Home Miss'ons," were profit. . HEX E FIT DANCE HE Lit AT CANTON .' , ( Special to. The Mountaineer.) The benefit (ianee given by the Canton Business and .Professional Woman's Club at the K. of P Hal!,, oii last Friday evening was quite a success. While the dance was given for the purpose of making money, the Finance Committee of the Club thought it wise to restrict the attend ance to invited guests and no ad riiittancc was made without a card.;. r, 1 1 1 1 : I.. .) ..t ...i 1 no nan was auai:uvci,Y uiLiij.iHi' w ith autumn leaves, and other ations suggestive of the Hallowe'en season. Mark Hamilton and his or chestra from Asheville furnished the music. Sandwieh'cs and doughnuts were- .i sale, while cider was furtiishei! with out charge. .' The party enjoyed to the exten; that requests were made by the guests that the Club give another of these dances soon. The Club and especially the Finance Committee, was we'd pleased in the way the evening's en tertainment was carried out. $5,OOO.oo IN CASH PRIZES Sec Your Druggist Attend the REXALL ONE-CENT SALE Thursday-Friday-Saturday ALEXANDER'S DRUGS ASHEYILLE'S FASTEST GROWING STORE REATE G WES NO CA R TERN RTH ROLINA Mow In u Blast This is an opportunity of Sensational Value in New and Desirable Merchandise that forcibly demonstrates our keen appreciation of the liberal patronage of Thousands of Western North Caro lina Customers. TO THE PEOPLE OF HAYWOOD COUNTY: ' I extend a most cordial invitation to you to at tend our (JREATEIl WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA SALE where values will be -served that say stronger than words, WE THANK YOU. G. G BYRD, Manager BUY NOW FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE NEEDS. PLAN TO VISIT ALL FOUR FLOORS AND SAVE MONEY Prices that shout our appreciation of your patron age. Come expecting real values EFIRD'S never Disappoints. We've Scoured the Markets of" the Country for Values Worthy of a Place -U This GREATER WESTERN , The entire staff of Efird's buyers has for weeks been seeking exceptional values in dependable quality seasonable merchandise to be featured in this great event. The proof of success attained is evident by a persual of prices or better still by a horough examination of the merchandise and a comparison of prices elsewhere. We invite you to attend this event and suplly your needs at savings that are truly remarkable. Asheville's Fastest Growing Store PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE, N OUR MOTTO THE SAME AS 1 YEARS AGO j Satisi action Guaranteed or Money Refunded