? I rilURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1931. THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Pagef7 LEGAL NOTICES j IOTICE OF SUMMONS- BY PUB vt L1CATIO.X tate of North Carolina t&ywood County ' the Superior Court. V. v. F- HAERELL. The defendant abov named will Jce notice that an action entitled as Kve has been commenced in the iperior Court of Haywood County, r the purpose of collecting a debt aich arose upon a contract between plaintiff and the defendant by won ot, the breach of the same by t defendant for goods sold and de ered, fer the amount of $411.55, th interest, as evidenced by ac .mti and promisory notes, and the d defendant will further take ns i that on the 17th day of October, 11, a Bummons and attachment were 4 4 out in the Superior Court of ywood County in favor of the ;intiffvand against the defendant, 'ich has been duly levied upon the .perty of the defendant. The de- !'dant will further take notice that 'is required to appear on the 17th r of November, 1931, at ten o'clock M., before the Clerk of the Su 'ior Court, at his office in the !C'rthouse of Haywood County, Hh Carolina, and answer or de- to the complaint in said action a ths attachment issued therein, or a; plaintiff will apply to the Court the relief demanded in sa plaint. i his the 17th day of October, 1931 W. G. BYERS, ' Clerk of the Superior Court. 29-Nov. 19 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , have been appointed administra of the estate of Chartes E. Quin deceased, in place of Mrs. Annie Juinlan, resigned. , Creditors who ' not exhibited their claims te Quinlan, should present them to n or before Sept. 10, 1932, or this "e, together with the riv.,ice pub- if o,f, their recovery. is 2nd day ef October, 1931. I JOS E. JOHNSON, On Monday, the 9th day of Novem ber, 1931, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the Court House door in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, the undersigned Trustees, will' sell at public outcry to the high, est bidder for cash the following de scribed lands aid premises, lying and being in the Town of Canton, Hay wood County, North Carolina, and fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the South side of State Highway No. 10, and corner vf Smith Reno let and runs thence with East line of Reno lot S. 10 degrees 45 minutes E. 100 feet to a stake, corner of Reno lot; thence S. 82 degrees E. 80 feet to a stake in Bumgarner's line; thence N. 1 degree W. with L. B. Warren's line 119V4 feet to a stake in said Highway No. 10; thence with Highway No. 10 S. 82 degrees 45 minutes W. 105 Hs feet to the BEGINNING CORNER. The above described lot of land is the same property conveyed to Fred Williams and wife, Delta Williams, by deed dated January 25th, 1926, and recorded in Book 71, page 80, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, to which record references is made for a more full and complete description of the said land. Sale made pursuant to, under and by virtue ef the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Fred Williams and wife, Delta Williams, to Insured Mortgage Bond Corporation of North Carolina and Uurion Trust Company of Mary land, Trustees, dated March 15th, 1927 and duly recorded in Office of Register of Deeds in Book of Deeds of Trust Nsmher 21 Page 42, and pursuant te judgment duly dock eted ia Office of Clerk of Superior Court ef said county, to which said deed of trust and judgment reference is hereby made for the full and com. plete terms and conditions of the same. Sale made because of default in in debtedness. This the 6th day of October, 1931. Insured Mortgage Bond Cor- -u r i ' Administrator. 2-NoV. 26 NOTICE OF SUMMOXS y h Carolina 'rood County 'hooper Vs.: -rCIS NEAL HOOPER 8 defendant, Francis Neal Hoop ill lake notice that an action tri al above has been commenced e superior Court of Haywood Jy liy the Plaintiff' against the da: it for the purpose of sever ed dissolving the bonds of m:-it-y now existing between the iff j and the defendant, which tons i? returnable before the of the Superior Court of Hay Count;) at Waynesville, North ma, on the 16th day of Novem .931, when and where the ne at is commanded to appear and IT the complaint now on file or laintiff will demand the relief a for in the complaint, k the 16th day of October, 1931 . ' I . W. G. BYERS. Superior Court, Haywood Conn-2-Nov. 12 ty, N. C. Union Trust Company of Mary land, Trustees. Oct. 8 Nov .5 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, November 9th, 1931, at 11 o'clock a. m. at the courthouse door in Waynesville, Haywood County, N. C. I will sell at public outcry te the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described lands and premises Hying and being in Wavnesville Town- ship: lieing lots Nos. 170, 171, 171', 173, 171, 175, and 176 of the Liner subdi vision near Lake Junuluska North Carolina as per survey and ' map of the said division recorded in Map Book "B" Index "L" to which reference -is .'hereby - made for a more perfect description of said lands. Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon mo by deed of trust executed by Charles Caddis dated August 2" 1926, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 19. page 61, to which reference is made for all the terms and conditions of the same. This October 9, 1931. GEO. H. WARD TRUSTEE Oct. 15 Nov.5 BEGINNING on a stake standing on the southeast side of Main street and a corner of Mrs. R. H. Black well's residence lot and the beginning corner of the Blackwell lot and ,-un ning thence from said stake with fthe south side line of Main street, S. 87 degrees, 30 minutes W. 46.8 feet to a stake; thence with the side line of Main street, S. 65 degrees 35 minutes V. 217.8 feet to a stake, a corner. to the Dr. Thomas Stringfield lot; Thence S. 26 decrees E. 293 feet with Dr. Thomas Stringfield's line to a stake; thence N. 5 degrees 15 min utes E. 91.8 feet to a stake in Dr. Thomas Stringfield's line, (corner to Stringfield's lot); thence S. 46 de grees E. 380 feet to a stake in the center of Welch street, Stringfield's corner; thence N. 66 degrees 30 min. utes E. with the center line sf said Welch street 80.8 feet to a stake in toe center of Wvlch street, Mrs. R. H. Blackwell's corner; thence with the' line of Mrs. R. H. Blackwell's N. 45 degrees 30 minutes W. 265 feet to a stake, Mrs. Blackwell's corner; thence N. 55 degrees 45 minutes W. 99.7 feet to a stake, Blackwell's cor ner; thence X. 14 degrees 49 minutes W. 302 feet running with Mrs. Black well's line to a stake the BF.GIN- corner, containing 2.57 acres, as per survey and plat of John N bhoolured. C. L.. made Mav 15. 1920. SECOND TRACT: Lying and being in the town of Waynesville and more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows to wit: BEGINNING- at a stake in the northerly margin of Welt- hstreet, said stake being the corner of what is known as the Gordon Hotel proper ty and also the corner of the Thom as Stringfield property and runs thence with Welch street, S. 51 de grees W, 69 feet to a stake standing in the margin of said street; thence N. 52 degrees W. 300 feet to a stake; thence N. 27 degrees W. 67 feet to a corner fence post and corner of the Gordon Hotel property and Dr. Thorn, as Striagfield property; thence with said fence line N. 65 degrees E. 92 feet to a post corner ef said Gordon " ' " om.i6.MtJU y.ron ty.; thence with line of Gordon Hotel lot S. 45 degrees E. 355 feet to a stake, the BEGINNING . , vuim one acre be the same more or less. This tract adjoins the first" trncf ; hereinabove described. THIRD: All the furniture, fixtures, household goods, kitchen utensils and equipment together with office fur niture now in the property known as the Cordon Hotel property in. the town of Waynesville, 'excepting one bed room suite, which is the property of. th sniil M.- T, u-u:. ...... Dunham and which said bed room suite was a wedding- present to the said Mrs. Pauline Whitney Dunham. '"This the '6th day of -.October I9H1. JULIAN Vl'.ifi: Tru tee Brooks, Parker, .Smith and Wharton ,attys. Oct. X Nov. 5 feet to the BEGINNING corner. This is the same property conveyed to C. V. Bell and wife, Louise Bell by deed from D. H. Clark and wife, ( enie J- Clark, by date, January 27th, ing a.l easements, rights of way. I i interests and claims of said C. W. NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Donning Company in and to saia state of N0RTH CAROLINA, properties and lands, as weil as ail I COUNTY OF HAYWOOD 1926, and recorded in Register oil01-"'1 ol Hie assets ot said t. ,p Denning & Company, situate in Hay- yg wood County, of whatever descrip-1 OSCAR SIEZEMORE " tion, character ami teeas Onice in Haywood County, North Carolina. Book 70, page 38S, to which record reference is hereby made for a more perfect description. Sale made under, by virtue of and pursuant to the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by C. V. Bell and wife, Louise Bell, to Insured Mortgage Bond Corporation of North Carolina and Union Trust Company of Mary land, Trustee, dated March 15th, 1927, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 21, page 43, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, N. C, and -ale made pursuant to judgment docketed in Office of Clerk of Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty. This sale is made because of de fault in payment f the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust and set out in said judgment. . This the 15th day of October, 1931. In ured Mortgage Bond Corpora tion of North Carol in. i, and Union Trust Company of Maryland, Oct. 15 Nov. 12 Trustees XOTICE OF Jl'DIClAL SALE In the District Court of the United States for the Western Distiicc of North Carolina. SU NCR EST LUMBER CO. Vs. C. W. DENNNG AND CO., et al. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a final decree entered by the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of North Carolina, at Asheville, dated the 2nd day of August, 1930, in a cause pending in said Court entitled ; Suncrest Lumber Company, Plain tiff, vs. C. W. Denning Si Company, Defendant, at law, and in obedience to an execution issued Out of said court in said cause,, I, Brownlow Jacksoii, United States Marshal!, for the. ' Western District of North Caio lina, will sell at public auction ti the highest bidder or bidders, upon the steps of the Court House door in Haywood County, (at the nresent time in the Masonic Temple, situated Waynesville, Haywood county) in the Western District of North . Carolina on Monday, the 23rd day (if Novem ber, 1931, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, all the assets and prop erty of the defendant, C. W. Den ning & Co.., . including 'all' the manu factured lumber of said defendant Company situate on the yard at Wood row. North Carolina, of va rious, kinds and description..', loci ed on the yard at Woodrow. in Ih wood county, North Carolina, .cm taining by estimation Five 'Hundred lhimsand iind ('iOO.OOO)- of manufactured lumber: Alii all the ."manufactured lum of M,i. Company at the mi!! ami 4 1 1 i. . , me., jams. 01 said Coinpa'iy at eon, North Carolina, of the vai Kind ; and grades thereof, cotituinin'T; icfereh may be. On the date of sale the said United States Marshal will require a de posit of the sum of Five Thousand C?.000.00) Dollars' tu he made by th-? successful bidder to guarantee his, it: or their compliance with the terms oi Said bid. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event said sale for any satisfactory cause shall not be con cluded on the above mentioned date, that the said United States Marsha! may adjourn the same until the fol lowing day, or day in order that the biddinir mav be concluded NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, that the said lumber, tim ber, timber lands, logging railways, equipments and other assets of said C. W. Denning & Company may hi inspected by prospective bidders and! all persons interested in said sale, upon the yards and grounds of said C. W, Denning & Company and prem ises above described, and that full in formation will be furnished the said prospective purchasers, bidders anil persons interested, by the under signed. United States Marshal, or his representatives, upon application to the oflic,. of the United States Mar shal, for the Western District of North Carolina, at Asheville on the third floor of the United States Post Dfnee in Asheville, N. C. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the sale of said property under execution will hit duly reported to the Judge of the District Ceurt of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, for con firmation, within ten days after the date of such sale. This the 21st days of October, 1931. BROWNLOW JACKSIN, United States Marshal. By JAM ES PA DG f:TT, Heputy United States Marshal J. E. SWAIN, Attorney, Asheville, N. ( The defendant Oscar Siezemore, the above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been corn mince in the Superior Court of Hay wood County by the plaintirt' for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the bonds of mat rimony on statutory grounds; Haid de endant will further take notice.that he is required to appear before tftl? Clerk of Haywood County in his cftice in the courthouse, on the 25th day of November, 1931 and answer or demur to the complaint tiled in said action. This the 23rd day of October! 1931. W. G. BYERS ) Clerk of The Superior Cm Oct. 29 Nov. 19 pd. REWARD offered for information leading to recovery of brown le ith er coat taken from high scl ool locker Friday afternoon, Oct 23. 'Glasses and other articles valua !le to ewner in pockets of coat, ('lill 40 or communicate with Supt. B. Bunn- D. Oct. 29-Nov. 19 NOTICE The Aiken Gift Shop, now located in the Schulhofer building, will be closed the next two weeks, and reopen Nov. 16th., with a good line of Christmas novelties. See J. M. NEWTON Your Insurance Man For all kinds of Insurance : At The Waynevill Insurance Agency Over the Mountaineer office . NOTICK OF TRUSTEE'S S I F "lunuay November 23, ; 1931, at '-clock a. ,. at the court linns, loor in the Twri f WnynesviH,. . i-ouniy, .si. 1m j wjj t public outcrj to the hie.hest bidder la'7' J"llowinK described lands "id promises "naiuan ( rei County, N. ('.; The mill., riopoiiy on llenmhil fee! '"'l'k iM Hayu ,od ( ;;.., , I,,.:,,,,. ,; jiwo u-acts of land described in a moim it. m. J'eij:usoM ,.t al said Fred IJ. Almxiy ,fj, fri 1921, and recorded in j; i.i., i i .. "ik on ix'-ing. ),) Town. -hip,, Ilayu-do.i I '.v deed to the Nov. 21, ook lil . i,.,,,.. rii' c. .. :.-', ...-....' ' 11 iyecor.i oi neeiH of Haywood Coun- -'t-V, . (.. (,, u-llich rtnn.l ..,,.1 i " I ' ' OI II made' for a full umauon reven f lunrlreJ . tion of said tia. i (' I lam DESSOLUTION NOTICE ce.is hereby given of the des n of the partnership of Smath i Styles, Cruso, N. C. The firm t known in the future as J. R. srs. Mr, Ed Styles is no long lected with the firm, d October 19th., 1931. J. R. Smathers Ed Styles kflNISTRATOR'S NOTICE I 4 qualified as administrator estate of Mrs. (E. T.) Ruth ( deceased, this is to notify all t having claims against said jto . file same with the under- within twelve months from date notice will be pleaded in bar t fecwery. Persons owing said will make tayment to the un- the 8th day of Oct. 1931. I j E. T. KETNER, Administrator. rNoT. 26. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Default having been made in pay. ment of the indebtedness secured bv those certain deeds of trust to me as Trustee for Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company by Fatio O. Dunham and wife Pauline Wihtney Dunham, and recorded in the "office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County in Book 16 at page 513 and in Book 28 at page 295, I will under and by virtue of the power of sale vested in me by said deed ef trust and at request of Cestui que trust and for the purpose of discharging the debt secured by said deed of trust pro ceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Way nesville Haywood county, North Car olina at twelve o'clock M. on Thurs day November the 12th 1931, the fol lowing described lands to wit: FIRST TRACT: Lying and being in the town of Waynesville .North Car. olina and commonly known and desig nated as the "Gordon Hotel property" with grounds adjacent thereto and which said property herein conveyed is mure particularly described by metes and bounds as follows to wit: NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The public will take notice that the undersigned has been duly appointed as administrator of the Estate of Josephine Burress, .-Canton, deceased.. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment with the undersigned, and all persons with claims against said es late are required to present the same within one year from the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery therefor. This the 10th day of October, 1931. WILEY BURRESS Administrator Oct. 15-Nov 5 pd. I v. c-rn itt . e -. n .i i' I 11, ill. ..ill I.1-. I i .ill I II II I t 1 mi j . , i .-:!. iyi .i . . . . . !r.:ui'ifaeture I iumber: conferred upon ., by deed ,,1 trust . Al-o the lops --belonging to said tlo - c'-"0l'M'-,'t-,d by Frnl II. Moody and wife. femlant.: C. W. Denninir & ( ').. 'either'! ' ,ary vll""iy. dated . August 4 upon the yards above fiioritioned or in transit, and or at any and all drop yards of said -Company, as well as 1922. inn reconieil ii Jtonk S, page 53 Kccord' of Deeds f Trust of May-i wood County, to - which reference i' i made for all th. .,., j ,;''-.i -j . all the logs on the lands hereinafter.f ti, ....... This October . 23 rd, 1931. TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday the lGth day of No vember, 1931, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville. Havwood Countv. North Carolina, the undersigned Trustees, , will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and prem ises, to wit: Lying and being in the Town of Canton, Beaverdam Township, Hay wood County, North Carolina, and BEGINNING at a stake in the North margin of Pennsylvania Ave nue, R. D- Coleman's Southeast cor ner and runs with the North mar gin of said Pennsylvania Avenue S. 87 degs. 15 mins. E. 75 feet to a stake; thence N. 20 degs. 30 mins. E. 149 feet to a stake; thence N. 47 degs. W. 75 feet to a stake, R. D- Coleman's corner; thence S. 21 degs. 30 mins. W. with said R. D. - Coleman's line referred to: Also all railroads, railroad irons and steel, supplies, crons-ties, rights of way, railroad equipment, locomo-l tives, logging cars, box cars, truck- log -loaders, tools, and all equipment of every character and kind, togeth er with all personal property of th said C. W. Denning, located in the County of Haywood, State of "North Carolina : Also all camps, buildings, structures and improvements 'of every character and kind of the said C. W. Denning & Company, located on the lands here inafter referred to, or at any other place in said Haywood county:- Also all the right, title, interest, claim and estate of the said C. W, Dnning & Company, in and to the timber, standing or cut, on a boundary! of land containing 6,088 acres, more j or less, as conveyed to the C. W- Den-! ning & Company by Sunburst Lum-1 ber Company by deed and agreement! bearing date December 1. 1927, and; recorded in the office of the Register! of Deeds for Haywood county, in! Book 75 at page 598, et seq., togeth-j. er with all and every right, privi-l lege and equity of the said C. W Denning and Company in and to sai lands, timbers and property, includ Oct. 29- Ni J. R. MORGAN, U Trustee C0A Two high grade Coals (iiaraiitccd To Please Hiue (Jem Kjfff 2 1-2 x 6, Free Hurning lied Ash, Kgg an dLump 1-2 x S, Long Hurning and Free from Soot. Dry Kindling, per load only Red Ash, Egg and iump $2.50 ALDEN HOWELL COAL CO. . ? Phones .30 and 247 SUNDAY TRIPS One Cent Per Mile For Distance of l."0 Miles WEEK-END TRIPS Between All Stations In The Southeast, Including Wash ington, (mcinnatti, Memphis, St. Louis and New Orleans. Fare and One-Fifth For The Round-Trip On Sale Each Friday, Saturday and Sunday Commenc ing October 30th,' 19:51. J Final Limit to reach original starting point prior to midnight Tues day immediatly following date of stile. Take A Train Hide And Visit 'Your. Friends "Safer Than Staying At Home" ASK TICKET AGENT SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM i fi

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