7 .Vor, uf.n..4d,nceSHftrrw Haywood County Than All H eeU,, Stwspapcrs ComhineJ -' i . , -ti - MiB ft a Mai OL.XLII NO. 48 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UIMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION IS OBSERVED HERE lobert R. Reynolds Heard In Address At High School By Large Crowd. IANY STORES CLOSED ity Decorated for Occasion Jfarade, Football Game Banquet Part of Fete iVith ideal weather, and a spirit patriotism in the air, Waynesville I Haywood county celebrated the rteenth Armistice yesterday, rmal celebration started with a ad that formed at the Gordon tel'and marched up Main street, s following civic organizations par pated: Drum and Bugle Corps, ne Guard, American Legion, East jmsville school and then private ! decorated for the occasion. At idemy and Hay-wood streets the ftde was halted for a few minutes allow the Elementary school to a In line- he parade continued to the high ol auditorium where a large rd had assembled to hear an ad- by Robert R. Reynolds, Dem tjc candidate or the United eg Senate. le invocation was given by the R. P. Walker, pastor of the local byterian church. Rev. Walker tribute to the World War dead invoked Divine blessings upon families and the families of living ex-soldiers, the afternoon Waynesville and on City played their annual foct- ame on the local field here. 6core being 75 to 0 in favor of nesville- e final activities of the day wa jiquet at the Methodist church g room sponsored by the Hay- rpost of the Amcncin Legrn ar holiday hours 'closed in the afternoon. AGED VETERAN KILLED BY TRAIN Pinkney R. Young, One of Most Respected Citizens of Western North Carolina. Mr. Pinkney R. Younir. Confederate veteran was killed last Thnrd.,. afternoon by a Southern Railway pas senger tram at Canton. In the passing of Mr. Younn-. West ern North Carolina lost a good citizen. ne always stood for the unbuild! of his community and was a staunch supporter of temperance and nioralty. aa Mr. loung lived to the 17th of this month he would have been 88 years old. Most of his lone- life ! was spent in Haywood and Buncombe counties. "Uncle Pinknev" as h w generally known, was a loyal Con federate Veteran and took great de light in telling of his reminiscent ot tne days of '61-'65. In his younger davs Mr. Ynnnn- taught school in this county for many years, and was known as a very effi cient teacher. THURSDAY, NOVKJII1EK 12, 1931. Work On New Court House Is Going Forward Rapidly FRANKLIN HIGH BEATEN BADLY BY LOCAL TEAM! Locals Smash Through Visi tors Line to Score at Will; Final, 38 to 0. Foundations up to The First floor Level Practicallv Completed. Average of 35 Men Employed. Franklin High School football team came over Friday and met the locals on the gridiron in a friendly battle, losing by the one-sided score of 38 toO, Waynesville was too much for the To the pu'blic it may seem that work on the new court house has been getting along slow for the last "" i inspect tne ouuamg more closely will reveal that the work has been moving along rapidly With the detail work out of the way the contractors intend to pour the concrete on the remainder of the first floor, providing the weather does tuneral and interment took place in Candler last Saturday, he last rites being largely attended. Rev. J. C. Bennett of Candler Baptist church, officiated. visitors and outnlaveH th ttt ' -.. .'utiu( uwini ill c department of the game. Waynesville practically finished up to the level of to rranwin and the ball( lne nrsl noor. was returned to about the thirty yard1 Last week the elevator that will be line. Franklin made ree trials fori used in carrying materials to the top first down and punted. Bridges re-, of the bnildi turned the ball to the thirty-five vard necessary mnMiinerv ..ii.i line and on the first play Reeves, starland it is all ready to start carrying LAKE JUNALUSKA BEING DRAINED Lake to be Cleaned of Debris And Sediment; Many Carp to be Given Away Saturday. HAYWOOD NEWS SOLD TO LESSEES OF MOUNTAINEER No Change In Policies To Be Made As Result of Recent Purchase. Gov. Gardner's Red Cross Proclomation 200,000 Now Without Work In State, Immediate Re lief Necessary to Prevent Suffering. RALEIGII.-rGovernor c..v "Red Cross Roll Call" r,rn,.i,t; follows: banks and post office observed L C"s' the corporate Good holiday hours. Manv stores ,mantan wnlch r nfry years has ...,,,. Uj, iw wounds of war, is preparing to muster in its army ior peace. quanerDacK lor Waynesville, went over for a touchdown. The fun start ed and continued until the final note of the timekeeper's whistle brought the contest to a close. Reeves made two other touchdowns during the game for long sensational tallies. One run was 45 yeards and the other one for 25 yards. Wyatt, Bridges and Haynes made the remaining touchdowns for Way nesville. Coach Woatherby made many substitutions luring the game, the second and third teams getting an op portunity to show their wares. They made a very good impression as to their ability and with a little more experience in the game and training by W'eatherby, promise to develop in to teams that Waynesville will indeed be proud of in the future. The Franklin team showed a splen did spirit if fight and good sports manship throughout the contest, but were up against too strong a team. the concrete and tile for the walls and flooring, as well as other building materials. It might be interesting to note that the elevator is approximate ly 12 feet higher than the building will be when finished, this gives an idea of the height of the building. There has been an average of. 35 men on the job .since the actual con bt ruction started some (i weeks ago. iTOOP IS ACtlVe "umani,y a11 f us are to answer its . roll call. During these fifty years Pine Tree Troup of Waynes- " ' . ? l tne . maimed , x , UUL a" tne irontiers with its char ties Girl Scouts of America, is com- , , , . ' luei'- ! - . u Long before it took the form of a of a most. pnt.niiMinnt.ie nrrnnn I 1 a 1. ' ...J.- Urrtat organization Victor Hugo look i- n m!;v. tv,J .i. i., H over the battlefields of the world r IS t,JllllblJi llll-.-l tiuo iiaivi , , , . ... ,. ,1..., ana "ail ot tnese war workers. 'Yon nee a week for about three have armed humanity, and you have j i , - ... , , nave armed I b and have been very faithful. , ,., , , . . ' - , , . served liberty kI standing at National Mead- "The Red Cross today undertakes rs, in New York City. the most dificult tasks of peace. In ; Girl Scout organization Ihas the United States seven millions of : object the general welfare of our citizens more than have enlist giving them thorough whol- el in all the wars of our country' in ileasure, those habits of mind one hundred and fifty years are with Ht wViir'Vi will rrta tllpm uep- I OUt. Cmnlovment flnH tViorofnra nri'U sponsible, ready and willing to out the chance to be redeemed by their i. i il. . l. .i.il- I iimv.1. A ..... I C ...-1T , oenrine pai;u in uie iiome, civrc, numcr uvu iniiiion are Dut tional affairs of the countrX- Pal'tially engaged and therefore are tivities are designed to bring easy prey to all the disease which girls the. opportunity for an come from inadaquate housing and id life, indoors, at home, and in feeding. In our own State 200,000 nmunity. Woman is recog- are idle through no sin of their own, s a producer, a consumer, and and almost a like number have only in the Girl Scout is trained sporadic employment which hardly jnese ends. throughout all manes tne oread that they need out activities is the definite The Red Crogs has fhosen character building. period between November 11th. and , are Girl Scouts in almost 26th for its roll call. During that ition of any importance in the fortnight it calls upon the citizenship In the British Empire there nriJoriv rmi;,,t :i I Guides, which is a similar this vast philanthropy, with half a ition to Girl Scouts. century of Bcientific direction and i Pine Tree Troop there are managment to its credit. There is in BOX SUPPWR AT LAKE JUNALUSKA Population of County is 28,273 According to the official l'.KSO census Haywood county has 2H.273. Of this total approximately 18 percent of the lis said. Work was started Monday on drain ing Lake Junaluska, a 250 acrer body of water belonging to the Southern Assembly of the Methodist Episcopal church south. , It .is-expected to take approximate ly a week or 10 days to drain the lake. It will be drained gradually in order that the fish will not be washed down stream. The fish in the lake include large bass, bream and deep lake trout. The fish will be gathered and cared for at thetate hatchery at Balsam for the winter. According to lake officials there are thousands of carp in the lake welch ing from 10 to 20 pounds which tlicy wish to dispose of. The carp will be given to any persons coming f,. them. It is thought that it will be Saturday before the water will be low enough to seperatc the earn from the desira ble fish, and ,then (lie ,;n pass out to the public all the car) I he last time the lake was drained many ttishoniien took advantage of the opportunity and came for mile to get their share of the fish. It seems that .sediment has amnnu- lated in the botomn of the lake and that this is to be removed' and tin banks cleared. ..While the lake is drained the danlfili be insneWe,) rr 1 17 T NOT A CONSOLIDATION Subscription List and Adver tising: Contracts Will Be Carried Out. icans. The lake' has not" been thoroughly cleaned of sediment and debris since it was built, in I'inr, il population of the countv live in town! The Inkr or in villages ami the remaining SHI drained for about threi ex; f'ct.ed to remain percent live on farms. Haywood county ranks nineteenth in the state as to the total population and the percentage living on farms, whether they follow farming as a liv- lihood or not. months' is I'stimnted that it will take I weeks weeks for he lake to refill It two Splendid Prize Potatoes Produced at Max Patch A box supper, sponsored by the Parent Teachers Association, was given last Saturday evening at the Junaluska Elementary School. The supper was given for the purpose of . . . . t raising fujids for the hot luncfces. Mountaineer, hroughUo this oflW last which are being served to the under) week four potatoes weighing an av nourished children in the school. t rage of one pound, nine and-half Home made candy, ice cream, boxes, ounces. The lari'est f ' tlw. rV..tm rt - - , ,'.ru and cloths which were donated by measured nine inches in length 'by mcmpers.ot the J'. I. A., were sold . four and one-half inches in wulth .-.n,l in large quantities. about three inches thick. About $00.00 was realized, which! The iiotarnes f v, i.i:.,.. will aid in the success of this work. , Kose variety and were grown" on Mr. Brown's mountain nl The American Red Cross has been assigned a definite place in the n:v H,..,..l ..I.... ,, k 1 " 1,1 winter relief Mr tieorgcf A. Jlrown of Fines (.i. c.,. - , , . . ' ' one of thlest subscribers ,r Tlie ' mi V explaining Red Cross Must Further National Relief Plans Last week the owners of.The Moun taineer, Messrs. Thomas M. Se,n and W. T. Belts, leased this paper tv Messrs. W. C. Russ and P. D. Deator. This lease was announced in the last issue of the Mountaineer. On Monday of this week J. S. Goode transferred his interest in the Haywood News to Mr. R. M. Hale, wno thereby became sde owner of that newspaper. Following these deals and at tho suggestion of friends of both par ties, a conference was brought about' between the lessees of The Mountain eer and Mr. Hale. At this confer ence all parties Inn!.- ini, , c.i consideration the fact that only one newspaper is needed in Waynesville, and Mr, Hale agreed to come ;nio the lease with Messrs. Russ and Deaton and discontinue the Haywood News on condition that the lesseees ctrray out the existing paid subscription list and advertising contracts which tho Haywood News then had. Thiough anagreednient the people nf the county will continue to get th; best newspaper in its history. There are only three partner to the lease agreement with The Moun taineer, despite outside rumors. These are W. C. Russ, K. M. Halo and P. D. Deaton. The Mountaineer and the ilavwoej News were not consolidated. Mr. Halo merely ceased publication of hi paper as a part, of his personal agree ment with his two partners in tin; lease. Apple Picking Season Closes In Haywood D. A. V. TO MEET THURSDAY NIGHT The regular I). A. V- meeting will be held Thursday night, Nov, 12,at 7:30 P. M., over W. W. X. C. Cafe, All disabled veterans of the World War are invited to come and bring their wives- Some auxiliary officers from Asheville will he here to help organize a D. A. V. auxiliary in Waynesville. Patch, an elevation of 4,000 feet Mr- Brown says that his patch of a little over one and one-half acres produced 225 bushels. of potatoes or at the rate of 1.'15 bushels per acre. neeosuiltr r... n. K'cauy increased en- rollmunt in the Red Cross locally (hi, Fall. ...'. ' i galled attention to th, fact Us, week marked the close of the ' VVa,u'r '"(lord, as Chairman ofPIlc picking season in this county, i resident's Committee, has e-m-: pluisized that the Red Cross Roll 'all "-..i.i oegan yesterday to enroll mem. hers for the comintr venr f;.i'- ...;,.' and practically all of the fruit has already been stored for winter keep ing. The commercial orchards in Way nesville township have had a total of 27 C hands regularly at work gath ering th,, apples and hauling them to , the mammoth storage houses, located ! in -or near the orchards. . TWO DEER BAGGED BY LOCAL HUNTERS .wenty-five active members, ree patrols. Elizabeth Wil leader of Sacajawea Patrol, ebster leader of Quail Patrol ry Medford leader of Owl mmunity Club is the sponsor :'ine Tree Troop rls from ten years of age eighteen are invited to join, tings are held in the Agri Department of the Central ry School, Friday afternoons, 'clock. . '." ' " '' .' '''...' ilen Bear Huntirtff i Smoky Mountains llowing party left Tuesday dxT the Smoky Mountains hunt: Messrs. W. A. Brad u Lampkin, , Joe Hargrove, !r, R. L. Prevost, Ramsey tesville, and Stubbs from all of our stripped fortunes yet an abundance of food and clothes. Provi dence : has distributed sun and rain and crops have been beautiful. It will be an everlasting reproach to our country1 of through lack of feeding one citizen falls prey t disease, it will be a crime if one child cries vainly for bread. "NOW, THEREFORE. I. O. MAY GARDNER, governor of North Caro lina do proclaim November llth-26th as Roll Call, and call upon our people to give without stint to the Red Cross. which is our league of love in actionl" (Done at ur Capital Citv of Raleitrh this twenty-eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one and in A group composed of Messers Roy Francis, M. G. Stamey, Jack Felmet, Claude, Reece and Guv Massie left Tuesday night for the Rod and Gun club at the head of Pigeon, rm a deer hunt. After an exciting and success ful hunt the party returned Thursday with two six spike backs, each weigh ing around two hundred pounds. Saunook School Children Visit Mountaineer Office Mr. W. Thos. Reeves, principal of the Saunook school, brought nine of j his grammar grade pupils to Waynes ville last i-riday on a visit to the Mountaineer office. Mr Reeves and his students were shown through the different departments of the planf by a member of the 'staff, the children manifesting much interest in the lin-ot-ypos, presses and other .equipment.' ine names of the pupils visiting with Mr. Reeves Vere: Edgar Me hafTey, Aldin Rabb, Harry Swayngim, Lizzie RufT, Marcia Arrington, Jack Rabb, Charles Williamson, Ruth Trull, Kdwin Karl Arrington. me Jierio.l set aside by the com- mitioe lor raising relief funds in all communities. , urien also point, .,1 ii,.,, Mr. fJifford has said that appeal, for i The c'ron m the Waynesville coin funds from various relief sources are mt'rc'iai bt'lt this year is estimated not to raise a national fund, but are i at ,W)'000 bushels, (the lilack and "for maximum local funds." Harbor orchards alone producing a In this connection he also cited a U'U1 of 1(',rfi( bushels. Mr. lilack statement from James L Fiescr, Act- i(:stimitcs his crop at 90,(M)0 bushels ing Chairman of the National Red j an(1 Mr- Barber's foreman, Mr. Hardy Cross organization, who said : Sparks, says that the liarber orchard "In considering plans for the emer- Wl11 Produce 73,000 bushels, gencies of the coming year, the Pros- These orchards produced about an xient and members of his Special I average crop this jear Mr Khck Committee reafee that the American however, informs us , that the: quality Ked Cross has a definite parr, to nlav of hi.s cron i ,..!, 1 n mf'O inn- th,. v,,,, i . i ... 1 i ' . , . ... ......v,..., intM,;, inxouRn l uwmg u damage by hail. Mr. Bar The Force That Will Send You Your Paper Each Week The lessees of The Mountaineer F M Hi ; --- -- io in coinpieu have completely reorganized the I chae of the mechanical department the carrying forward, of its regular service program local, national, and international. - This is in addition to the special unemployment relict' work, being undertaken by the: large nvnr ber of our chapters in deference to community requests. . Therefore nor mal Red Cross operations must con tinue without interruption. i.ne neo cross has a-vital - nart ber's apples were not hurt by the nan and his foreman informs The Mountaineer that the quality is good, Barbers storage . capacity of (15,000 bushels will; be more that taken .".this year n:.d Black's two storae-e h,,n,. holding100,000 bushels, Will be prac tically , filled. The price of the best grade, wind- , falls this year has hp. :w,,i r.n. - . . v w 1 14 t j to play m your community and in the ! Ppr bushel at the orchards. Apples personnel of the staff and wish to ma ke public the position each member of the new firm will hold. W. C. Russ will be managing ditor which includes gathering all nws and taking care of the business of both the newspaper and the commercial printing department- ' P. D. Deaton will have complete u -. v....bj urn. aitu ill I - ' - ..... uu.c .uiiijj.'CIU the one hundred and fifty-sixth year charge of the commercial printing de- C.f A ,!.. T J . I... . V . I .n .m..l. TT -11 , ., .. sf American Independence.) O. MAX. GARDNER Governor ' partment. He will also assist on the- newspaper when necessary in either - J A. . - . . I Mr- Hale has had many years exneri ence in this line, having worked on some of the largest newspapers in the south. J.S.uoode, former editor of The Haywood News, has bees employed as advertising manager and will also act in the capacity of associate editor. Miss Eleanor Bushnell has acceDted a position as society editor. Prof. W. C, Allen will be retainer! as circulation manager the . advertising or .meclHinical .de I Other members of the staff will be partment. - announced later. nation." Mr. Green made public a statement by Mr. Gifford'in v.hich he said; "The American Red Cross, through its local chapters and the national organization, has its usual and im portant task to perform in meeting the country's needs during the com ing year. We must keep this great national organization at full strength. "As Director of the President's Organization on tlnemnlovment Re lief, I earnestly urge everv commu. nity to give the greatest support to the Annual Red Cross MemWshln Roll Call. Every American should he glad of the opportunity to participate in the humanitarian work of the Red Cross through individual member' ship:" I i . 1 . . .. ntve colored, well this , fall and .the weather has been ideal for picking and storing. MR. SEA WELL MOVES TO C. OF C. OFFICE Thos. M. Seawell, formerly editor of the Waynesville Mountaineer, announced early today that he has been made full time corres pondent for the Asheville Citizen in Haywood county.. He may ' be reached at the Waynesville Cham ber of Commerce, telephone 100, where he will make his headquar- r.pra . ( I