f '.-v .pe; -mt ; (). 5? I t .4 ,1 1 ( : If . e : ... Paz . QIhe iDnuntaiiifrr Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Lessees Waynesville,-N. C. .Mam Street Published Every Thursday Phone Y' SI BSCRU'TION RATES $2.1)0 1 V"a'' 1.25 ti M' a!!'.- . .03 :; Months . Subscriptions payable in advance !.,,.,, 1 at the post office at Waynesville. N'. ., -;,. nd Class Mail Matter, as provided un ,t of March 3,1879, November 20, 1914. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1931 WEEKLY BIBLE THOIGHT ,,, us therefore follow after the things which make ROMANS 14:19 for peace. Wavnesville Is Not A Two-Newspaper Town Ai'luisiness men have known for years, there is not enought business in Waynesville to sap l two newspapers, the kind that people Ie-.M-rve. Last week after Mr. Hale purchased The llavwood News, some of the leading business men of the city brought tog-ether the lessees of The Mountaineer and Mr. Hale. They put it up to the two parties that if we had any considera tion for the future of this community that we would work out some arrangement whereby there would be only one paper in the field. This was done. The News ceased publication in order to make this possible. The entire personnel of this newspaper, your only news medium, both in Waynesville arid the majority of the county, asks that you help us make your paper better. No change in policies will be made. No change in prices will be made because of lack of competition. All news will be presented in an unbiased manner. We expect to give you the news and give it to you on time. We ask that you help us in every way to make this paper even better. As the town grows this paper will grow. It is our desire that some day, and that not very far off, we will be in a position to give to the people of this section a' paper several times a week instead of once a week. THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THilWpA NOVEMBER 12, safer than a stocking or a mattress, their mer chants are cramped for credit, and they have lost a place from which to borrow for business purposes and neighborhood improvements. "Buy-more, spend-more, eat-more campaign are futile. But we do not buy normally in ac cordance with our present means and a large part of the population is subnormal in its buy ingwe are simply perpttuating the vicious cir cle in which we have been traveling. To paint, to repair, to maintain and, where possible, to in crease employment ; to buy sensibly, though not extravagantly; in short, to live according to, but not beyond our means, will bring about a steady amelioration of the depression." Just to remind you that there are only 35 shopping days left before Christmas. Which to some folks means that this is the time of year to stop speaking to relatives and friends. The oldest inhabitant of Haywood Coiinty prcbably does not remember a Fall season when the weather was finer or the section more at tractive that at this time. With the exception of lack of rain, it has been an ideal season. Visitors who have remained in this section, following the summer season, and those who have been passing through during the past two months, have seen this country at its best from the standpoint of weather and beauty. GRINS AND 'Lady,' said the policeman, who had motioned her to stop, "how long do you expect to be out?" "What do you mean by that ques tion?" she demanded indignantly. "Well," he replied sarcastically, "there are a couple of thousand other motorists who would like to use this street after you get through with it " Ford C. Dan How did you break your leg motor accident? S. X. Coop No, I threw a cigar ette in a manhole and stepped on it. Couldn't move an inch; Poor helpless bum, He parked his Austin On some chewing gum. VALLE OF LOCAL NEWSPAPER Of what value is a newspaper to its community? A newspaper can't build a town; it can't maki 3 juod one out of a bad one; it can't make a town grovv U can't bring factories; it can't improve the schools; it can't rebuild ehuiches and enlarge the congregation. It can't defeat bad candidates for office and it can't elect good ones, at least not very often. But a newspaper can encourage people. A newspapei can be the eyes of and the voice of the community.' It can waceh the trend offfi affairs; it cannot do the im portant things other communities are doing; it can keep the people posted and then it can lead the way. A newspaper published by a successful man or woman can point the way it can show how things can be accomplished ,it can create a wholesome atmos phere in which people can realize the beauties and joy of life, and then progres is made. Can any other institution render greater service to humanity? Shaw said; "The profession of journalismGod help it." I say to the rural and small city publishers who have an honest determination to get ahead, whose anv bition is to render service and whose hearts are rilled with jdy, "The profession of journalism God be prais ed!" Southern Missourfan. An insurance company wrote out a $1,000 life policy in the name of one Samuel Johnson. Premiums were paid promptly for a few years, but suddenly stopped. After sending a few delinquent notices, the company received this reply: "Dear Sir: Please excuse us as we can't pay any more premiums on Sam- He died last May. Yours truly, Mrs. S. Johnson. Mrs. McCrary Celebrates 71st Birthday, Fines Creek HHIE.TO WILD CATV CLlf 1 1 In the course of the trial the judge turned to the negro woman on the stand and asked: "How old are you " "I'se seventy-three, judge." "Are you sure " "Yess, suh." . ' "Mandy, you don't look seventy three." "I'se sure, judge." After a few moments the trial vas interrupted by Mandy- "Judge, I'se mistaken about my age bein'i seventy-three; that's my bust measure, suh." Cheese and Crackers. The family of W. F. McCrary met at the beautiful "Old Home Place" on Fines Creek, and delightfully cele-. btatcd the seventy-first birthday of their mother, Airs. W. F. McCrary and the birthday of the oldest son, Mr. C'has. McCrary. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCrary have been married 51 years. To this union was bora thirteen childre. The eleven children present were Mrs. Sallie Green, Mrs. Jessie Green, Mrs. -T. B. McCracken, Mrs. J. R. Redmond, Mrs. Davir R. Baldwin, Mrs. Grover Davis, Mrs. Jesse No land Mr. has. B. McCrary, Mr. J. B. McCrary, Mr. Gobel McCrary and Mrs. Austin B. Clark. There were 28 grand children and four great grand children present. ' Bright October weatherprevailed and everything had been well planned to make the day one of joy and glad ness. All came with hearts filled with love and thanksgiven, that they were blessed with such a happy privilege. Most of the morning was taken up with arrivals and greetings. At 12:30 all gathered round a long out-door table bountifull filled with delicious eats of all kinds. In the center of the table was a large birth day cake beautifully decorated' with seventy-one pink candles. At 2 o'clock Rev. W. O. Goode of' the Waynesvilyle MeUhodist church made. a very interesting and inspira tional talk on the Influence of Home and Family life on a Nation, very beautifully illustrated with the life j The guests present were Rev. W. ' O. Goode and Mr. J. R. Bovd of Wav nesville. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Dovey Teague of Hepco. Mrs. Hermon Green of Fines Creek. Mr. Geo. Sher rell of Waynesville, and Mrs. Dave Clark of Canton. , -Miss -Bernice McElhan Paul ' Frye chaperoned Young people on a hike Cliff Saturday. The hik, in the morning and enj luncheon, the mourtain I. ing home. Those making up th Miss McElhannon, Mr. Henrietta Phillips, Dt,.; and Margaret Dicus, !;. Nellie Mehaffey, Mary . and Messers John Siu-r, 1 Billie Prevost, Paul Dais Hyatt. LOST Femak- n.,U;..! white spotted, be: Acer. Cherokee, October 2" U, Fletcher, Fletcher, N -Vi:,j' . f K'f; -.' 4 : i - -A ll ' m TJ and H. ("ii 1. &. 1-2- Dubb I believe I shall have to give up taking part in amateur theatri cals. It always makes me feel that I am making a fool of myself. Chubb I know; everybody feels the same way. Fifty Pupils On High School Honor Roll -Why don't never killed ? Overcome Fear And The Victory Is Won Without a doubt the root of today's depres sion is fear. The fear that finally becomes the ruination of any country, business or person ality. Men and women of this country have be come so filled with this brand of fear that they are afraid to expand, afraid to venture and en large their business even where an expansion is really necessary We are not advocating a boom, cither industrially or in the real estate field, but sound investments and wise expansion by corporations and individuals. This is the only salvation of the present depression. I . One of the worse features of this fear is that the majority -of .the people know not what they fear. They are afraid of the future, just as a child alone in a strange house at night. When this fear is driven out of the men and women, this country vill again, move forward and re-: sumo normal conditions and their accomplish ments will be greater than has, ever been known to man. This fear exists here in Haywood County, practically every individual possesses a certain amount of it. When the individuals lose this tear of the future, and talk less of the depres sion, then and not until then, will we see better times. : The SaUirday Evening Post seeking to tear down this fear asks some questions and "an swers them as follows; "Are you afraid of your country?" "Other countries regard it as the safest place in the world in which to invest. While some f us have been dumping our investments and selling the United States short, Europe has been exporting capital to America for safekeep ing. While some of us have been running away from safey, foreign investors have been flying across the Atlantic to find it. -"Are you afraid of your bank ? "Many people have been, and a pretty mess : they have made of it by their senseless runs - on sound and solvent institutions. For a ma jority of the banks that they have closed were just that. In pulling down heir deposits they just that. In pulling down their deposits they sent it crashing down on their own heads. They have injured themselves, their merchants and their neighborhood. For with the local bank closed, tHey are without banking facilities, without any place to keep their money that is ADVERTISING GRAFTERS Whenever hard times are upon us we are sure to find plenty of grafters who are out for whatever little money might be left in the pockets of a few. They are promoting everything imaginable from an ad on a toothpick holder to a prosperity day in the old town. .Nearly all of, these schemes are in some form of ad- veitising. It is easy to convince people that they need some kind of advertising to increase their business any one knows thisrand these grafters charge more than four times the value of what they offer, and a stranger seems to be able to land those who scarcely ever advertise in the home paper and there is no more effective or cheaper way to, advertise than in the home paper known. Your local paper is read all the time by all the fapiily and your . niesage . reaches' out and stay's out to those you wish to reach, Not an item is missed If you have, what the reader wishes to buy, you get a customer ana lesuixs are sure to lollow. But if you place your ad in these gTafters, the chances are that no one will ever read it, and you get no results from it, -consequently you arive at the conclusion that adver tising does not pay. The next grafter that conies your way just tell him you have decided to try the homi paper and keep your money where it has a chance ti come back to you, and will help you and help build up the town where you live. O'Neil (Neb.) Holt County Independent. -Old lady to tramp. vou work Hard work any one." Tramp "You're wrong, lady, lost both of my wives that way-" I "I say, Jimmy, what do you think of a man who deliberately makes a girl blush?" "I think he's a genius." i'aughter "But dad, don't you be lieve that two can live as cheaply as one?" Father "I certainly do. Right now your mother and I are living as cheaply as you." Pe:ir! Several of the men whom I refused when I married you are richer than you are now. Xerxes That's why. The honor roll of the Waynesville high school for the month of October is composed of the following students: Eighth grade Carmie Estes, Lucy Farmer, Hazel Massey, Mary Med ford, Mozelle McCracken, Mary Mc Cracken, Annie Peck, Ruth Phillips, Earl Scruggs, Ernest Withers, Mary Tillie Rotha, Margaret Schackford, May Sick, Martha Way, Margaret Boyd, Ruby Brendle, Rufie Bright, Mary Clark, Mary Davis, Thedis Case.. . Ninth grade: Flora Gibson, Abbie Fay Henry, Nerine Lowe, Annie Tate, Tenth grade: Hilda Liner, Martha McCracken, Gene Morrison, Eugenia Nelson, Rosalyn Ray, Frances Rose. Hattie Swayngim, Elizabeth Sheehan. gieLouisa Thackston, Mary Webster, Myrtle Calhoun, Maggie Campbell, Hattie Siler Freeman, Myrtle Ful bright, Sam Caldwell. Eleventh grade: Iris C'haf in, Ruth Duckett. Scott Edwards, Belle Franklin,- Olive Jane Green, Louise Hend ricks, Margaret Kuvkendall, Helen Medford. Mildred Medfoid, Harriet Morrison,' Katherine Queen. C0A1 Two high grade Coai Guaranteed To Pleas Blue Gem Egg 2 1-2 x.; Free Burning tc IB Red Ash, Egg an dLu -3 1-2 x 8, Long Burn and Free from Soot. , Red Ash, Egg and lui $2.! ALDEN H0WEI COAL CO. Dry Kindling, per load only in Lei fcei Phones 30 and 24; INDSGEST FALSE ECONOMY Last week a half dozen or more eastern and western Carolina lountics were swept by disastrous forest tires. Thousands of acres of timber were destioyed, game burned to death and inestimable damage Wrought. it is said that in several instances the counties Visited by fires had recently abolished their fnre war den system in the frenzy of economy that has seized some sections. It is right and pioper to practice economy but now it is necessary to cut every cor ner possible but it is false economy to neglect the necessary precautions that might be taken to protect. natural resources. Because a man's income is cut he does not let the fire insurance on his home lapse. Protectki of our forests a,gainst ravenous fores fires should not be neglected in an effort to save. In the long run it is money lost instead of saved. News Herald, Morganton. Mrs. Newbride: "Have you any : RUMMAGE SALE faith in life insurance?" 1 . Mrs. Old bride: "Yes, indeed, I've j Friday Saturday, realized $10,000 from two husbands, Next . to McCracken Cloth and they weren t good one, either. j "My work Is confining, and often I eat hurried:; fcr causing me to have intli gestion. Gas will fon ii? and I will smother anct- have pains in my rhes: A "I had to be care?; what I ate, hut &'.'-(' someone had recoe h mended Black-Draugh: Wa and I found a sma pinch after meals as st helpful, I soon was eiV r' ing anything I wantei. . "Now when I feel ' prj, least smothering or ': ay comfortable bloating. take a pinch of Blat Draught and get reliej rVj Clyde VauBhn. 1U W ; J 'in 10 shim J ' Greenville, S. C Bold in 254 packajes, thar 5)DS1 dfordsi David: in heaven Marion: vou're there ; David: .Marion: ing Store. i wonder what we ll wear ! Hardware, Produce, Grocer-1 ies. Auction Sale Saturday.! Night. Be on Hand. "I know what I'll wear if "What'il you wear " "A surprised look." m t 'v i wii-r-mrr WflllEN who are run-1 r. were votis, or suffer every month, s take CaMul. t'sea for qvp- a - j,. :Tow; 'visit CRABTREE o- BRUMMITT'S RETIREMENT Attorney-General Brummitt's withdrawal from the Kubernatorial race is a surprising development in a situation vf unusual interest in North Carolina poli tics. Personal reasons atone, .Mr. Brummitt announces, led to his decision. The next question in the many minds today the contest will be followed by the entry of Josephus uar.ieis. .Mr. Daniels has manifested every desire of remaining a publisher and editor, but it might be possible for the advocates of a sale tax to draft the former Secretary of the Navy, despite his personal .nennauons. Anyway, the Brummitt withdrawal .-manes tne speculation all the more interesting. Asnevuie Times. ... Miss Edna . McCracken spent the week-end with home folks. Several 4-H Club boys from this section attended the AchievsmMit day program last Saturday at Canton. We are glad to know our boys "are interested in this wark. . Among those attending the play at Weavervijle College Friday night were: Rey, R. G. McClamrock and Mrs. McClamrock, Miss Roxie Noiand, Miss Helen Green, Jack Williams. Miss Annabelle McCracken. Miss Emi ly Palmer. Mrs. D. R. McCracken, Mrs. C. E. Williams and James Kirk- patrick. Several were present at the shower given by Mr. and Mrc. Sam Hips in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCrack en. ;'.. C. E. Williams and Edd Walker spent the week in Greenville S. C. on business. . OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE at The Mountaineer Office. Five and ten cents a bundle. Thaksgiving Holiday Fare ON BASIS One and One-Third Fares For The Round-Trip from V V 11: revei lives ..' .Mi ':'...;;"";; child Tickets on sale November 24, and 25 ; a!'?o patr vember 26 from stations and for trains font date which are scheduled to arrive at desti::" "? S1 at or before 1:00 p. m. ,- - Mi ; jRich' Final Limit December 1, 1931 Taes Stopovers will be allowed at all station going or returning, or both within the l-- x. 1 the ticket. y :;..:: - -VV:;;.. . A splendid opportunity to take a Thank:T-v trip and visit the home folks at low cost. ASK TICKET AGENTS SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ' last i wedr t 3

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