Has More Paid-in-Advance Subscribers In HaywooJ County Than All liVcA Xeu spapets Combined VOL. XLII NO. 48 WAYNESV1LLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1931. V METHODIST HAVEi REV. W. 0. G00DE TO RETURN HERE Rev. L. B. Hayes, Appointed Presiding Elder for Way . ; nes ville District. MANY CHANGES MADE Thirteen New Pastors Are Appointed to This District. fuJ Preparing Iain 'CANTON TO MEET LAKE JUNALUSKA ARE BLOWN OPEN Hundreds of Visitors At tracted To Lake During the Last Ten Days. LARGE FISH CAUGHT To ObserveTIianksgiving so li fo !i p a r k ! WA YNESVILLE If .; Approximately half of the 23 minis ters in the Waynesville District were changed by appointments read by Bishop Edwin D. Mouzon at the close of the annual Methodist Conference held in Asheville last week. Of outstanding interest in Western ' North Carolina is the appointment of the Rev. L. B. Hayes from Central Church, Shelby, to be presiding elder of the Waynesville district, succeed ing the Rev. C. M. Pickens, who goes to the handsome Pilworth church, n Charlotte. Ur. Watson C). Goode returns to i First Methodist church, Waynesville for hist second year's pastorate to the delight of the whole city. No man or minister is held .in. higher . esteem' by the entire community than is Pr. Goode- ;! The complete list of appointments and changes in the Waynesville 0 s- trict is as: follows: '.. Presiding elder, the Rev. I.. B. Hayes, who comes from Central - church, Shelby, to succeed the Rev. C. M. Pickens, who goes to Pilworth church, Charlotte. J Andrews, the Rev. W. J- Miller, not changed. i Bethel, the Rev. G. N. Lulin, not changed. Bryson City, the Rev. P. J. Jones, not changed, f Canton, the Rev. (I. A. S'ampcr, who conies from Centenary church, -' Greensboro, to succeed the Rev. Car i lock Hawk who goes to West Asheville. Cherokee, the Rev. William Horn buckle, not changed. Clyde-Junaluska, the Rev. Dryman, not changed, t Cullowheo, the Rev. M. Q. not changed. : Dellwood, the Rev. A. B. who succeeds the Rev. T- S. supply, who goes to Araat Airy district. !? Fines Creek, the Rev. 'Bryan Shauk kle, who succeeds the Rev. R. K. Brady. (Continued on page 10) Bream and Other Game Fish Are Carried to State Hatchery. The task of draining Lake Juna luska was completed yesterday morn ing when the last of the water esean- ed through the flood gates. For ten days the water has been slowly draining. Monday efforts were made to open the flood gates by using a heavy truck and block and tackle to1 lift the gates but they were stuck and! all efforts were futile. I Tuesday noon, while hundreds of I interested persons looked on a charge ui guanine was placed under gates. The gates opened readily when the charge was set off. Much As is the annual custom in Way nesville the four churches will hold union services Thanksgiving morn ing at the Methodist church. Ihc services will begin promptly at S A. M., Rev. H. W. Baucom will deliver the sermon. Special music has been 1 arranged by the different choirs of: the city. I An offering will be taken which will j distinction of being one of the few teams in the state this year that havu i,ot been scored on. Many families will have reunions lure Thanksgiving. With students coming home from school and rela tives coming home there will prevail a real spirit of thankfulness in J I is y wood county. Thanksgiving, the season when all tie equally distributed among the four! mankind rejoices and gives thanks churches for the support of the or- f unto the Lord for the fecund harvest phanages. Persons wishing to make! and mercies of the year, has been a contribution to any special institu-1 observed in America since the time of turn can do so by enclosing it in an the New F.ngland colonies. It lias envelope and plainly marking the i long been the custom to make the name of the orphanage on the cut- i dinner of Thanksgiving day one of side, r the most bountiful of the year. This The union services will be the i year shoppers in Waynesville will iind only formal program in the city until the afternoon when the high school foot ball team meet the strong Mars Hill high school team. This game is expected to draw a large the! number of fans. Mars Hill has the the interest has been shown in Iraining of the lake bv the rmm - ber of visitors that were attracted to the scene. Sunday hundreds of visitors visited the scene and hiany wandered over the part of the lake bottom that had been drained looking for what ever the lake had been holding to it self for a number of years -Fishermen from every section of Western North Carolina were on hand to catch the earn that were the lake off i were catching decided pleasure in buying accesso ries for dinner at the local store:;, for prices are much lower than last year, and harvests are of such a ture this season that a big liiincr can be. afforded. MARS HILL IS ! GARBAGE TRUCK TO PLAY HERE : IS DISCONTINUED THANKSGIVING BY TOWN BOARD One of Strongest Teams In; Mayor "and Aldermen De- and some had Western North Carolina Not Been Scored On This Season. eide Discontinuance Re cause of Finances; Requests . being given away by rials'." The fishermen them With their hand: gigs. Fishermen, stickers of fish that receding waters had brought h and hundreds. 'of spectators lin- lake shore and bridge over seen flash-j Mif nun ,iui ni t ion Groups together At the regular nneting of the hoard of Aldermen last Thursday it was agreed and -decided by that bony !i discontinue the sanitary, truck from 1 tracts which the iland ed the 4 1... ...... . uie .nam. lanterns were ing along the shore line the middle of the lake be of Tfople huddled closely were seen by cam pf ires counting their "catches,' anil talking in happy tones regarding their good luck. Every conceivable sort of contain er was in evidence at the l ake nml I used as receptacle!? for the fish. Peo- F. n . Tutlle. Bruton. . Ko:e:i, , Mount Santa Claus Coming Here November 30. In Letter to Mayor Howell Santa Promises a Gift to Each Boy and Girl In Way ties ville Mayor Howell yesterday afternoon received official word from Santa Claus that he would be in Waynes ville November 30 at 12:15 P. M. Santa wrote Mayor Howell telling him of the date and has asked him to Be to it that every boy and girl in Waynesville to be on hand at that . time. Santa also stated that he had a nice "sweet" present, for each boy and girl. From the description Mayor Howell said he just knew it must be a ..stick of that good candy like they make at the North Pole. Watch next weeks paper and it will have, more about Santa's visit to Waynesville. ' pie came t-o the Assembly Grounds on foot, some horseback, and others used bicycles,' trucks and passenger cars. Flour bags, burlap sacks, tin tubs, milk cans and beds of trucks were used to carry the fish homo and to market. A large gold fish was displayed in a glass jar in Jerry Liner's store that had been caught in the lake. Fish "stories were going the com plete route regarding the size of fish that had been caught. It was report ed that carp weighing over thirtv pounds were taken out of the waters and eFght pound bass were common place; Thp storios were tupported with proper evidence in most cases as it was quite improbable that the "largest fish' could get away since most of the fish were floundering helplessly in the canals and along the bank of the lake. Local football fans will have the opportunity to see two uf the best high school football teams in Western North Carolina, in action on the local field here Thanksgiving day. Coach Weathorhv h:i jtrrjinir.i.i ,,.ni,.i ,,-wi-. the undefeated Mars Hill high school j1" Va.""?,vl,I,,i team for Turkey Day entertainment.! 1 lu' Honrl hi"1 "d the matter The Mars Hill team has not. been!'11'1' !"lviMl1u',lt for s,mi' ,l,mV 1 on this season. Thai in its-! "vrl''t'l llls! Ihursday 1o take truck off the regular schedule of le ting the city's waste matter. strongest teams of theis section ing the last few weeks. Providing that his team comes contended 110,000 Acres Have Been! Acquired Hy Federal Gov-1 eminent From Slate. TENNESSEE DUE 30,000 Government Expects To Have Title Remaining Area In (JO Days iNwth Carolina needs approximately ll,())() acres of land to reach its quota of 214,0(H) acres for the establishment of the Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Park. Of the HO.OOO acres yet to be bought nppioxiniatoly 40,000 acres f the proposed park is in Hay wood County. Tiactically the entirt northwestern seclios of the county is included in tins park area. On the Tennessee side approximate ly ,'10,000 acres is yet to he acquired. Park otlicials of the two states be lieve that all lands will lie ready to turn over to the government within the next (it) da vs. The two largest tracU yet to lie acquired arc owned by the Suhcrost and Haveiisford Lumber companies.; These tracts comprise more than 50,-! 000 acres, most 'of which are in Hay wood County. tine to lio.mio acres, in this state have been turned over to the Federal government for inclusion in the park. The tw largest tracts yet Ut be acquired arc owned by the Siincrest and Haveiisford Lumber companies. These tracts com prise' more than 5.0.-. 000 acres. There arc also 12 small GRID GAME THERE Both Teams Offered Valu ab'e Frizes Ry Merchants.! Eah Confident of Vic tory. RIG CROWD EXPECTED Hundreds of Local Fans Expected To Go Over To Support Team. i-gate scored on this season. Thai in its- is a record faking into considera that they have met some of the d u r- iggii to be uenuired. .All lands not purchased by the tin except one tract of liiy,22!, are and I under condeinnatiiin . proceeding the ol- of that through the Canton game- in good condition, Coach Woatherbv feels cer- anai:ements for The disposal their own garbage and didnt feel The Hoard acted in this matter up on the request of some citizens who they had satisfactory of ike tain that on Thanksgiving night the paying taxes for the purpose of hav Mar.s Hill tea hi can boast of not being in. -their .neighbor's garbage removed, scored on but once during the season The board of aide mien decided t hat and that was by that powerful little it was costing the town of Waynes Waynesville aggregation. The local j ville Urn 'much to operate t he sanitary team feels confident that thev will at I truck on the regular rounds for the least score don't win. on Mars Hill even if the v All bream and other game fish caught are being removed to the State Fish Hatchery at Balsam where they will be kept until the lake is refilled. The lake will be completely restocked with bass, trout, and other game fish after the bottom is clean ed and the lake i- refilled. Final Red Cross Drive Saturday City and County to Re Thoroughly Canvassed to Reach Goal. collection of garbage, and in order to satisfy the citizens who -.objected to the taxation that the snnitarv truck adds. tate now uimor opnon. j tract ni ai.li acres" belogning to the Thomas Hyrd estate, has been purchased hut title is being held up pending settlement of. 'mineral interests. Title to lXl,H.l:i acres of land in North .'Carolina and Tennessee were turned wer to! Kay Lyman Wilbur, secretary of the interior, in Wash ington,. I .('., early this month. This transfer made a total of i'!)7,7 111,70 acres turned over . to' th government. The federal government will not start ;devolopinent of tin park area until the minimum of -127,000 acres One of the days that ranks alon.-H with Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth! of July and Faster in Haywood Coun-I ty is the day each year that Waynes-J ville and ( anton lock horns in ilu-irl annual football tussle . This event uikos piace on f ridav and inl Canton, and is being eagerly b ikedi forward to by thousands of f;rv.-- the county. 1 his game is one that is alwav fuiil of thrills and practically every known! type of football is used at s mi" limnl during the game, it iin teams work! harder in preparing themselves fori this particular game th in anv other! that they play during the entire sea son- I Ins year both teams Irive c(.mo llirougn t lie seRson wi: tiout any c-l riotis injuries. Several players on! both teams have been kept 01'V the loam at times liecause o niinor ln- jui'ii". Ii.it nothing -,r;on:;. For t ga.nie .niuniay notn teams win lip nil til st class !! 1 1 i t ion. I'vr this special occasion 'I he Moiin- lanif'er lias . arranged Willi leauirigi merchants and business men here andl n- t' give a r.ri::e,to th ; ' diffcr on loth teams lor out' ling feats pcrfornuMl. The Can- (I'.-i'cr that is iu-lgod to be thcl aM-round player ,;' I he game witJ C'iw as -a token d anpreciat'611 ' in 'Muder I'Urnrturc i'ompany, oil I'lloti, a genuine all-leather $''-i.0( ' t ' ti ae: have been deeded to the 'government-.." CONTRACT FOR $40,000 THEATRE LET AT ( AN ION j Work is Kxnected to lie-in i at Once. Ruildinir Locat- the lieitiTs will be in the field to a. thorough canvas 01 every, per- Inter - City Meet Civic Clubs 19th. Been Taking This Paper 55 Years W. R. Mauney of Canton, R. F. D. 2 called at The Mountaineer office yesterday to renew his subscrip tion for the fifty-fifth time. Mr. Mauney states that he has been a subscriber to this paper 55 years. tie first subscribed to the Waynes ville News and has seen it make ttiany changes since that time. Mr. Mauney franldy states that he likes the present paper better than any of the past. . The I ivitan Club at Canton' will he host Thursday evening at sever '"lock ct, a tri-city club -."meeting, i.aving as 'their guests the Rotary ctub ot Waynesville and the Hooster V club of Hazelwood. Thit meeting is being held to fur ther good will and fellowship between s 11 the civic clubs i a Haywood county. The clubs hope to promote and fur ther the interest of Haywood county projects, and realize that much can be accomplished by united co-operation between the clubs, in matters that pertain to the county's welfare, than working single handed on those af-i fairs. The meeting wnll be held at the Imperial hotel in Canton and a large number of club members are expected to attend, Mr. T. I. (ireen, chairman of Red Cross Roll Call committee, an nounced yesterdav that final drivel would be made Saturday by- his work ers for the purpose of raising the alloted .quota for the Waynesville Chapter. Rene wed effort will be put forward to reach this goal before the end of the drive Thanksgiving Ilay. .Waynesville- and immediate vicin ity have been divided into a number of divisions and a sufficient number cf iak ' son in the city. As. has irra explained before. 50 j Vents of each subscription goes to the i ".'Xatioha! Committee and the remain ; ''(';- i- . : home; for local relief. Mr. dreen urges that every ntizcn of .Waynesville- bo. prepared to give! their membership promptly to the worker. He further stated, now a rover nefore is the Red Cro is doing .rnore . for humanity than at any time Mi me i a m ni iy years. i ne call 1 greater and this great work must V. carried on. ; Attention is called to the- -subchair-men and group captains of the dif ferent communities to try to complete their work and make reports as soon as possible and certainly not later than November 2R. It must be remembered that gar bage cannot be disposed of by burn ing it in certain zones of the city. There is a tine of fifty dollars for violating this law. . Certainly some way can be devised SO thflt. th( frilfb -fin Kf nnj.rOxl .,,i.l the disfmsal of garbage maintained j t'd On Maill Street. as it has in the past. A plausible way might be for the citizens that wished I for a continuance of the garbage ser vice, pay their pro-rata share of the cost of operating and maintenance of the truck. I he Waynesville lad linking thd fir it touchdown will have the ehoic if .'iiy tie in McCrncken CIothmg"o. in addition to a nice box of chocolate: ottered by Aliel s Carage. The. )layei iir 'i:.- second score of the game! for Waynesville will receive from ihi Ji:ei! Aiotor- ( omnanv a JI40.00 nil , ............. j i 'C unci- on anew Ford. While ther, j awr.-ifs fir the third score-maker j : if'. t-t to the local theatre i n. ...... i. ..i.. ' , io i-.h n pmycr mailing a score Oil I point after the third touchdown will .1 'ort.'h-e. a six miih-'hs subscription t ..The 'Mountaineer free. V:y." Itowell has issued an o.flicial l'pro;c!?.niatio'n for the. game. . AIs i . ..Mfiyo.i- Kerr of Canton has, oIlicialKl invited the: people of Waynesville oveil LOCAL ROTAKV CLUH SPOXSORING AIR LINE T j the the ,(. Williamson, t raffle manager of Asheville ofTice of l ransport i ruerts at th mpany Hitarv the . w l -club K.lstern ne (f at their regu.'ar meeting last Frid;y. ; The meeting was well attended and . the matter of securing an air line V run through many of the towns i:i this M C. Sprinkle, of ( 'an, on. o'viier of; the Canton I. am: iry. Kri.-;.y !. : contracts for the erection of ri new theatre building in Canto, i. . ,; , J. G. Robinson and ('. M Keevi i-. Ixith ; of Canton, were awarded the contract for the labor. (',. ':. Vonng," of ..C .nton, was awarded the."r;ontr;t'et for plumbing, and the X I'i-ei.-i) The-.-t re Kujiply. company, of -A t lur: t ji V U;l.. was awarded the contract fi: the heating and cooling systems. Other, contracts, will bo lc', siiortl -, e ' i . .. :. . ' , , , . . . iojj,owi(ig wnirn worK ;.; t st -rt a' .:nce Plans call th. '' the game. I: if hundreds'of local f;i. . Canton Friday- expected thar will motor oveii pect' '.'.'! t;. cum- ayi(f vil.i won the games in . 1920- .i.i.ri.s-iy5;i.. i anton won last yearj Additional information about ; the ". c- ;r-j-s ot hoth , teams will he found! pace-: -1 and 5 f.f this issue of Thel M "''Jntaineer. Baptist Pastors Exchange Pulpits Defective Flue Causes Little Damage Sunday The local fire department was call ed out' Sunday morning to answer a call at the home of Mrs. Annie Deville. A defective flue caused the fire, the damage being about $5. ft inn- was discussed.- Conner Ray. Ralph N'ollnf i. Mid Krnost L. Withers, popular arid effi cient secretary of the Waynesville Chamber of ( ommercc, were app'imt- " t i i imiiiiwee to onng a leiega tion to Asheville and meet with other delegations from adjacent towns "". interested-in the proposed uir line anr help secure the air pa.' scne-or-ntpi through this section. Delegations from '''.(crested towns will meet in Asheville when Captain Thomas D. Doc, president of E. A. T arrives there. The lefinite date for the meeting will not be known until the exact date of Capt. Doe's arrival is known. the. It is GETTIS'G ALOSG NICELY Miss Susie Fisher, who has just undergone an operation in Newark, pletion of ing days, building, w $50,000. . . The building Main street on a used recently for course The theatre wil he ope G. Odum, of Canton. building in TOO work. timate.d ; h-i: Hi, cost Ix-'tween .-Ki.Oiifi a-id will be erected lot that. has. a . miniaturri been .Tolf y A. GORDON HOTEL IS SOLD FOR $21, (WO The Gordon Hotel, local rewr hostelry, was sold under mortgage me uciR-iauii Duinnara I, lie lnsu- ianee company or oreenshoro hi t it in. Late Wednesday it could not ! learned who would be manager fo the coming season, but it is prac tically assured that the hotel will reopen at the usual time next sprin The hotel closed for the winter about October 1. ore, ! will r.itfhl of : Rev. H. W. Ban the: Baptist church pits next Sunday r V, Joyner, . pastor Raptist church.; Rev. Joyner was pastor here ."bou six years. Hi-' many fr will look forward to hearine-. again. The evening iviie- wi! gin at 7:30 p. m. c:n-.nas(r..oi '. ' ;:"'.'.t' pu!- 'vith I f i -V . A the ' " u:t in I . for end? him 30- Next Week's I'aper Prints On Tuesdav. The. Mountaineer will be publ'sb. ed next Tuesday instead of Wod- .iicsuaj.---me puonsners are nomg this so everyone in the countv will I receive their paper Wednesday be I fore Thanksgiving " instead : of .hav ing to wait until Friday. The staff of this paper urges all advertisers to please have their copy ready by Tuesday noon. All news should bo sent in by 10 A. M. Tuesday. Your Cooperation will be appreciated. X. J., is convalescing nicely. - Ic ' - I

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