Has Man- Paid-in-Advance Subscribes In Hay wood County Than All HV.'A lwSppe,s Combined VOL. XLIII NO. 50 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1931 UNION SERVICES CANTON LOSES A IJJV HilU TO WAYNESVILLE TO BE HELD HERE ON THANKSGIVING .ast Minute Preparations Are Made For Observance New Presiding Elder Locals Show Superiority In Every Department 6er Canton Team. Of Day. iAME IN AFTERNOON ('resident Hoover Issues An- nual Presidential Proclamation FINAL SCORE IS 20 TO 6 U Lact minute preparations were be g made for the annual observance ,f Thanksgiving Thursday in Way esville and the county today. Many ousewives were busy with their oking while others were on the l.reeta making last minute purchases om local grocery stores and butcher Iiops. Many merchants reported that key had sold out practically their en re Btock of Thanksgiving fowls.. '! any local hunters were planing inting trips to the nearby forests hile many were planning to make ips to different part of the country, I ther to visit relatives and friends! " attend football games. The churches of the city are plan ng to have a union service at the ethodist church. The services will Hgin promptly at 8 A. M. The Rev . W Baucom, pastor of the Baptist mrch here, will deliver an appro iate Thanksirivintr address. The oirs'of the city are to render spe ll music All local pastors are cx cted to be present and a large at- indance is expected. ''in the afternoon the local high ool football team will meet the un One Of Largest Crowds To Witness Football Came In This Section Horns tooted, whistles shrieked amid the plaudits of some and the dissen- I lion oj otners, according to what -ute ol the fence you were on, at the an nual Waynetville-Canton football classic played in Canton last Fnda The final score was 20 to t in faot of the locals. ThP game was as exciting as could be expected and fully came up to the fondest expectations of the spectator It was a fight from beginning to end with several persons on the side lines joining in the fisticuffing. The most ardent of the fans engaged in the bellit 'ose bouts on the sidelines were promptly parted by onlookers and the Canton police department, and then told to proceed witnessing the foot ball clash of the century that was taking place before them. Captain Cabe made the first tally of the game for Waynesville in the I first quarter when he scored a punt that was blocked on about Canton's! thirty yard line. Canton came back wild in the second quarter and scored on a long beautiful run over the goal line, the player had stepped out of bounds, however, and the ball was brought back to Waynesville's twenty five yard line. Canton was not to be denied the score though and made the touchdown on t hie following two plays CRIMINAL COURT CONVENES HERE 310NDAY, NOV. 30 Hon. Judge W. F. Harding, i Of Charlotte, Popular In J County To Preside. THREE MURDER CASES Kt. L. 11 UWlf, :One of the Heaviest Dockets j In Many Terms. Many I Cases Caried Over . I C runinal Court will convene here I Monday, November JO, with Judge W'. F. Hariiini". of r)i;i,l.if nr.wi.n.i.r One of the heaviest dockets in many terms is scheduled to come up at this time. Many cases will not be tried because of the unusual heavy docket. Three murder eases are scheduled for this term. David Hvatt is chnrir- ed with killing his brother, Iiuel Hyatt. I.uke Smith and Kd Smith charged with murdering Horace Brock. Dob Kiche, colored, el ged with murder ing liennie Drake, colored.' Three manslaughter cases are also scheduled to.be tried, those being Jack Wells for-killing his child in I"11 "UHMiiimiJo -wrecK. I om l ope is I n i . . i i -ii . . . i At the last confer,,,,;. -nt iW ""v "u l" nuV1' !''' an Southern Methodist the Rev. L. U."TM' am m',lon "M,i iui u, incii on mat count. Robert Pipes is also charged with killing a mail in in, iieuiei siv inn with -in Rev. L. B. Hayes To Take Charge Work Here Wednesday Recognized As One of Great est Church Workers in The State the IAYW00D COUNTY IN SPLENDID FINANCIAL CONDITION, REPORT FIRE WARDEN RE- ,""",-v 1Ias -N" "Motions PORTS NO FOREST, Sc. s""' auhu Iet Any nut m county jN0T IURR M0NEV t 'Tri" "V ('on.sona.ivo ..fnc.a.s and In Recent Fires. Damage Reporcd. NO ARRESTS ARE MADE Practically AH Fires Were On Cut Over Land. Rain Aided In Fight Prompt Payment Of 1931 laxes Is Reason Hayes, was appointed 'presiding elder of the Waynesville District, to suc ceed Rev. C. M. I'ickens. Kev. Haves ,, comes tv this community with the highest of recommendations. Where ver he has held pastorates he has won for himself the distinction of Ink ing one Kif the most alert and a per son that every community will like. Kev. Hayes comes to Wnvnesville jjfeated Mars Hill high school team.J:,, favor of Waynnmlle Waynesville outplayed from the Central Methodist ,hiir,h t Score at the half stood 7 to fi j Shelby where he has been pastor for I 1 itr i i t .. . . . acn vveameruy ieeis tnat nis war- ir will at least score on Mars Hill ich no other team has been able tc this year. The Waynesville play came through the Canton game in - - - - ""h'v I'njKiiJiif; j give local fans the best game of p Season Thursday. president Hoovwls -Thanksgiving fl.'.' Proclamation approach the season when, ac 'Hine custom dating from the rnerine of the first, hnrvpst w m 'refathers in the New World, a day vSet apart to give thanks even amid j vi (Continued on page 4) hildreh's Book ? Week Is Observed Canton in the i'econd half and ran over two more touchdowns. Hayncs and Biidges accounted for the second and third scores. Captain Calx? won the tie that McCracken Clothing Co. w offering for the Waynesville player f coring the first touchdown, and also a box of chocolates that Abcl'p Gar age offered for the same feat. Haynes won the forty dollar allowance' on a new Ford that Mizell Sales and Ser vice offered, and Bridges won the free tickets to the Waynewood Thea tre for scoring the third touchdown Coach Weatherby evidently told his (Continued on page 4) ur thoughts this week are with i children of the nation, for once ijn -we are celebrating Children's )k' Week. libraries all over the country are esving it in various ways. It has n the etistome of the Wavnesville rary for a number of years, at this son, to place as many new volumes poSftible on the shelves of the juve i department, and also to renew the favorites those that have literal been read to pieces but this year ;haa' been found impossible to do 'thing requiring financial outlay, towever, since the object of . Book ek it to foster the love of reading Mig children and to awaken par jj and the community at large to importance of providing children i access to good books and in every 'stimulating their enjoyment of ling, the Book Committee of the ary desires to call the attention he public to the nation-wide cele ;ionf in the hope that there may be e among us who can donate a I or two or even make a enntri- on to the fund for children's books Health Officials Sponsoring Health Campaign In County ml Hunters Bag A 600 Pound Bear 'lie days ago, a party of hunters ting of Dr. B, ,F. Smathers. rt Boone, of Waynesville, Judge iam H. Smathers of Atlantic City. ; Joe Dill of Miami Fla., John 'thers,' of Atlanta, Will Smathers sheville, Mr. Calhoun, of Sylva perhaps others whose namej we no learn, enjoyed a bear hunt in Great Smokies. Two bears were red, one by Robert Boone and a PPer? weighing six hundred ids brought down by Mr. Joe Dill, Hami, Fla., perhaps th? greatest hunt of the season so far. The Board of Health of Haywood County, is putting on a campaign for better sanitary conditions in this county. Homer Henry, superintend ent of the Haywood County schools, is co-operating with the board of health. Pamphlets were sent out through the rural schools with ques U'onaires pertaining to the sanitary conditions of the homes and premises of the families of the rural commu nities, i This work is being done in co-operation with the Statp Board of Health in its effort to have every - home in North Carolina sanitated in 1932. The local officials hope that Haywood will be the first to receive this honor. Mr. R. L- Crookp local sanitarv in spector, will be glad to give any in formation to those wishing to im prove the sanitary condition of their premises. . The officials sponsoring this work will not be able to make a report of the results for about two week, but they are optimistic over the response they have received. 2 years. Reports .coming- from She! by are that they regret ' giving him up and that he has accomplished much in his work there. Rev. Hayes, went to Shelby from Greensboro. Rev. Hayes married Miss Margaret Rog ers, of Franklin, daughter of Judge Rogers. The presiding elder and family are expected in Waynesville Wednesday and will make their home on Branner Avenue. They have a small son. In speaking of the recent confer-! once and Rev. Hayes, Rev. W. O. Goode, pastor of the local Methodist! church in an interview vrsterdav! said: . ; The Annual Conference just heldit',at Sheriff IxiWe has had given to in AsheviHe was unusual in many l)m to report for jury during Mondav, respects. A larger number of men I Nwmbr U0., for the 'first week: were superanuated than usual. There I I!t'av('r,l&ra S- I- Allen, B. J,. Wright, were more locations than at any pre-1 Charlie Fish, J. B. Vance; ('cii: W. vious conference. More 'rhnno. nflM, Green: ('Ivde: Cnrlcr Kluimn T R. Terrell; Crabtree; R. L. Kusell, I. I. Noland; Fines Creek: J. K. lUnh morid, Jesse Mooney, Carl Green; Iron Duff: R. F. Davis; Ivy Hill: S. J. Moodv: Jonathan: V. eon Mormw; Pigeon: R. K. Cathey, B. F. Murray; Warnesville: .1 V The majority of the .cases are for violation of the prohibition law, lar ceny and minor offenses. On Tuesday of the second week is scheduled to be set for civil cases, Those on the docket are as follows: J. R, Morgan, adinr, vs. Met lee et al. ('iawft)rd vs. Travelers Insurance Company. Haywood Garage Vs. Howell. Lilly vs. Knight. Green vs. Ferguson. Junaluska Supply Co. vs. Allison. Junaluska Supply t'o. vs. Welch et al. The mot ion docket set fur the same day is as follows: Blackwell-Hushnell Co. vs. Kirkpat rick et al. Mackey vs. Mackey. Alley & Francis vs. Moody. Alley & Francis vs. Moody. Alley & Francis vs. Moody. I he toIJowing is a list fif ii rninisters--pronaDly halt of the con ference membership were changed, which always reflects a spirit of un rest among ministers and churches, as well as the supreme power that always may be exercised by the pre siding Bishop and his cabinet. The last General Conference made it pos-j Bryson, Frank W. Leatherwood, James Forest fires that have been raging in Haywood and nearby counties ale now all out according to Fire War den G. W. Burnett. Haywood county was fortunate in that, it bml fim- )'h-. ami these did little' damage m- pared with the large fires in other counties. KiiC. Warden Burnett lias been constantly, on the job and in sev eral instances he and . his associates have put out fires just as they started and prevented large and costly ones. Despite numerous reports that have, been sent out Haywood County bus suffered .very little. Approximately 1 (()) acres in all have been burned, ami tne j; ten test part ol these ware cut over land and the fire did little ilumage. In a few instances small fires killed the second growth tim ber. According to Mr. Burnett the argent fires of the county were in the Soco (lap section where about .'i(H) acres were burned and then another that burned approximately .'100 acres in the Sherwood Forest in the south ern part of the rtiuny. : The rain during the last .week end helped the fire fighters extinguish most of the flames. Mr. Burnett said "I am personally investigating every fire and intend to put a stop as far as possible to the forest fires in this -county." No arrests have been made up to Tuesday night, of those suspected of starting the fires. Santa ClausToBe Here Monday Noon Santa Will Present Each Boy and Girl With Present. In an exclusive interview with The Mountaineer Mr. W. 11. Noland, Hay wood county treasurer and auditor. said, "Haywood county is in bettor financial condition than it has been in years." Mr. Noland further stated that he had been officially connected with the county and its finances for the last ten or twelve years and knew whereof he spoke. "Despite the fact." continued Mr. Xolaiid, ''.that conity 'taxes have been reduced 2:j cents per hundred dollars, and the county had between ?:iO,00O and ft0,0K) moie maturity due this year than last wi r. uiill in better condition than in the.' oast number ol years. "We are able to pay all obligations and still have a little left," he said smiling. "I have a little note there that has to be paid Saturday, its only $10,(100 but we have the money ready and we did not ha either." According to Mr. Noland the coun ty is not, borrowing any money on anticipation of taxes. This momey that the county has is what has been paid in on taxes and has not been borrowed. Mr. Noland was asked to what did he attribute the present splendid fi nancial condition of the county. He. made the reply that there were two things, the prompt .payment of 111,'Jl taxes by the citizens of the county,, thereby getting a discount, and to the. fact that the county officials have been very conservative during the last few years. The last fact waa stressed very much. It is not. officially known, but it is believed that Haywood is one of the few counties of the state that can show that they have enough funds on hand to meet all obligations and not have to borrow money. It also seems appropriate at this Thanksgiving season that Mr. Noland f-hould come forth with the very en r.ouraging statement concerning the financial standing of the county. sible for all Annual Conferences (Continued on page H) to McClure, A. V. Phillips, S. N, Liner, (Continued on page 4) Local Civic Clubs Enthusisastic Over Inter-City Meeting,1 Thursday, Mars Hill 11. W. Griffith Makes An In-j Best Game of the Season is Seven Local Players Hay Last dame Here spiring Speech. Sizes Up Economic Situation Predicted by Officials. Teams Are Confident Deputy Sheriffs Confiscate Still Monday afternoon the sheriff's cV artment of this countv arror? .Tcc Watts of the East Fork section on harges of manufacturing whiske "o whiskey was captured but it i ""Ported that Deputy Sheriffs T rt 1 Pless and dint Burness, officers mak i.T the arrest, that Watts had a fire inder his still and was nrenArW t nake a run when he Watts still was taken by the officers. Last Thursday night the Canton , Seven local football stars of the Civitan club was host to the Boosters I high school team will play their last club of Hazelwiood and the Rotary j high school game Thanksgiving af club of Waynesville. About twelve i ternoon on the local field when they mpmTwre f i-Am lin -X7 o i 1 1 .. ,j . i . .... ....., -vnv ojruv.tvuir awi, uiiTi me stning unneieateu M?rr iourteen irom the Hazelwood club I Hill high school team. The seven attended. players are Cabe, captain of the !o The purpose of the meeting was tnical aggregation and Murray, tackle, get to know each other bette- and I IIyatt aTld wi'att backs, Ratcliffe and have a better understandinn- nf i Brammltt en(is and Caldwe'I guard community. The meetine- w4'w. ed by those attending to have been a most successful one. Mr. R. W. Griffith made an out landing talk. He sized ud theVn. mic situation most norfwi,. " Griffith told of t.ho ronH;t; 1 ---- -'"wuo LJie European countries as well as of Amenca. He is a traveler and is in a position to know where of he speaks. Loeal Rotarians returning were most enthusiastically inspired as the esult of his speech. The place of the next mm; v not been definitely decided. The Mars Hill team rome to Wav nesville with the reputation of being the hardest fighting team in West ern North Carolina. They are dc termined to win while Coach Weath erby's pigskin carriers are more de termined that Waynesville will win, therefore the fans will have an oppor tunity to see the survivest of the fittest. The game will begin promptly at 3 p. m. Herman, Stretcher and Davis Santa Claus is really coining to Waynesville. This fact, is most cer tain now since his mail has been for warded to him here. Iast week little Miss Lois Massie mailed him a letter at the North Pole, but the postal officials knowing of his intended trip here sent it to The Mountaineer where it has been carefully put away await ing the arrival of the cheerful 0' i Man himself. Santa Claus will arrive in Wayiu .- ; ville promptly at 12 :15 P. M. on next j Monday. He sent Mayor Howell word i to meet him and also told him of his present for each boy and girl 1 .us present, it was found out later, was a nil large stick of good old North j Pole candy. ; Santa sent a map to show the route j he was traveling to Waynesville i rem j thf North Pole. He will stop over in Asheville a few days then come on ; to Waynesville and from here -he. will I go to Sylva. Look on page two for j Cullowhee, N. C. (Special to The Mountaineer.) Hugh Justice of Crabtree -has. been initiated into the Alpha Phi Sigma, national honorary scholastic fraternity, at Western Carolina Teachers College. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW With Santa's permission th,- re porter at The Mountaineer office open ed the letted Lois wrote to Santa. We will personally take it up with him when he arrive& Monday and see if we can't persuade him to bring just what she wants. Waynesville, N.C. November 16, 1931. Dear Santa Claus: I am seven years old. Mother says I am a good girl- - Please -brifig-'me a little baby doll and some clothes to go with it. With love, ! Our subscription: campaign in the , summer closed with quite a large J number of names on our list; in ' arrears. We have carried t!ie.;e 1 : names hoping that the subscription '..would; be paid without much delay. . We are now faced : with the alter native either to collect or discon tinue the paper to the address of those in arrears. Please, there fore, look at your expiration date which is printed on every paper that goes out from the office, ami if you are behind, send in' the amount and we. will mail you a receipt. If we do not hear from . you before the date of the next issue of the paper, we 'shall take , it that you do not wish the paper to continue to your--address-. We hope we shall not lose a single subscriber this way, but we can not continue sending the paper un less payment is made or some ar rangement made for deferred payments. Mr. W. C. Allen is the circula tion manager and will be glad to receive payments or arrange for -"'TTient later, if you wish for ime- will be the officials. LOIS MASSIE. -1-

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