THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 19: THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 4 The Best Insurance Policy in the "or!d : MOUNTAINEERS j 1 41 1 "7 i 5 ," I 1 O) c) ' 9 ! . tt V41 C A35 $1 5. H M Dv S H. Ri .: ! i Ihr iHuuutaturrr Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Lessees Main Street Waynesville, N. C. Published Every Thursday Phone 137 Sl'FiSCRIPTlON RATES 1 Year .... . - -'' (J Months ... , , - -- 3 Months ...T Subscriptions payable in advance Entered at the post office at Waynesville, X". C, as Seeuiui Class Mail Matter, as piovide'i un der the Act of March :-MK79, November 20, I'.U-!. THURSDAY. NOVEMBKR 2G, 1931 YOUR CHILD IS FLIRTING WITH DEATH WHILE SKATING Hundreds of accidents every year are caus ed by children carelessly skating on the streets Children in Waynesville, as every where, enjoy this sport, not realizing the dangers that lurk from every corner. Parents here should not only warn their children cf this danger but should see to it that they do not go into the streets with skates, and especially after dark. Last week The Mountaineer noticed a little fellow skating up Main Street after dark, never lookinir to the rieht nor the left, and if two careful drivers had not slowed down and almost come to a standstill there would likely have been a tragedy in Waynesville that night. It's too late after deatti comes to warn them. Show! vour children the danger before it is too late, i IN GOOD GA);I MULE 1 HOUGH i Knter into Hi.s gales with thanksgn ing, and into His courts with praise. lie .thankful unto Him. and bless His name. l''or the Lord is good, Hi.s mercy is everlasting, and His trulh enduelli to all generation. Selected fruni the MUM h Psalm. HUNTERS BE CARKU L WHERE YOU AIM AND WHAT YOlf SHOOT The hunting season opened in this county lat week and was welcomed by hundreds of sportsmen. Hunting is a sport that re'iui res skill and at the same t ime it is one of the most dangerous of all pastimes. This, of all years, hunters should be more cau tious than ever, because of the inflammable con dition of the forests. Because of carelessness on the part of some hunters all hunting rights have been withdrawn in some sections of the State until rain falls sufficient to eliminate forest fire dangers. Not only is the fire hazard to be -carefully' avoided but in the way firearms are used. Every year hundreds of persons are accidentally killed Not one of these persons thought that he was careless, whether his death resulted from his own carelessness or that of a friend. Don't take it for granted that you are such an ex pert that nothing can happen, they are the ones that usually get killed. Just as mother would say when we, were kids on the way to school for the first time, "do be more careful." DOES THANKSGIVING' DAY MEAN JUST ANOTHER HOLIDAY I'OR YOU Why do you observe Thanksgiving Day? This is a question that most people give little thought. Most' of us observe it because of cus tom and habit. Kew stop to realize why they leave their regular routine of living on the last Thursday of November, to observe and attend football games. To some it is the day when the best football games of the season are played. To others it is a day when the housewife spreads on the best dinner of the year. Others look upon it as a day when they are permitted to k home from school to see relatives and friends. To tiie orphans it is a day when they feel that they will be remembered with a little extra cash in their treasury and probably a truck load of nice provisions from some overloaded farm. Most of these are worth looking forward to, but at that, we have missed the real meaning of Thanksgiving Day, The citizens of Haywood County should this Thanksgiving Day, as never before, give thanks for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon them thi.s year. When we stop and real ize that these blessings can be taken away from us in the twinkling of the eye, surely we can appreciate more fully why our forefathers or iginated the idea of setting apart one day in the year to show appreciation and offer thanks to our Keeper and provider of all things. Nature has showered us this year with the biggest harvest in years. Our financial mar kets are in better condition than they have been in the past four years. Our banks are safer this year than ht. Our State is in bet ter financial standing as is our County and City. Our country is not at war like other nations. Our business leaders are mere optimistic than at any time in the last five years. There are numerous instances of where we are materially better this year than las,. If we expect these blessings to continue we must stop and give thanks to the One that sends them. Don't you think it better to look forward to Thanksgiving as a day of giving thanks rather than a day of football games, overeating and gay living? These are not being scorned, but the giving of thanks would be more profitable and show a spirit of appreciation. Attend Church somewhere Thanksgiving Day and give thanks and the day will mean more to you.: ; WELCOME METHODIST PASTORS Wtiynesville and Haywood County are fortu nate to have sent to them a number of new pastors from the Methodist Conference. Ap proximately fifty percent of the pastors of t hi district were transferred and at the same time this district received about twelve. To those coming to our community to make this their home we extend to you a most cor dial welcome and hope that your coming here will be a blessing to all. In thi.s district you will find some of the truest and most faithful church workers in the South. People that love their church and practice the Christian way of living. To the pastors leaving us we wish you every success and although we will miss you and your families, the good work that you did while in our midst, will be long remembered. I 1 fl, A. ' V 7lMvi' 7 w,fY ftSHvTwf Stf .Vu, wwv 's-w; r: j -cJteAssiu (Continued from pa;'a c.'iarjf.-a snmethingr betwi-o" ior tr.e VaynesviJe aggi, a changid . 'football team .mi in their usual style in in riods. Both teams wi i. too highly for the eont.-v. team secured numerous i - , olf side, holding, and beni; with the use of their hair - ly. Trie crowd was treate.i sprinkling of rain or . : most of the game. The .... keep the frenzied oiilooki-:- ; coming too. hot in theii well wishing for tiie te: ii. : ported. After the blowing of . that ended the one h;.-;-' struggle, the Waynesvill.. swarmed on the field and homeward, hirppy: and tii band of warriors that ha : played and fought agaii -t mittedly superior team, lf.-i cheers and best wishes of t:l loyal supportrs. Everyone n, satisfied with the performan -c respective teams, and thu-; other chapter in the friend!, that exists between Canto'i a nesville, until next year ab.i time. LETTER TO THE EDITOR X. C. WENT OVER THE TOP Poth the Methodist and Baptist churches of Waynesville have recently gone over the top in dissolving a financial deficit. As the fiscal year began to draw to a close, the Board of Stewards of the Methodist church discovered a deficit of around seventeen hundred dollars. The brethren began to hustle and when Dr. Goode got ready to go to Conference he was handed- a statement showing that the money had been raised and no deficit existed. The Baptist also discovered a deficit of $700. In a few days time it was wiped out, both acts done to the glory of Cod and the cause of righteous ness. No one was to blame for either deficit. It was simply a usual church delinquency. CRIMINAL COURT CONVENES EERE ! MEN WANTED f Rau'...' I Routes of 800 families in Wj ville, Asheville, Brevard and j ritfn. (Reliable , hustler tan monday, nov. 30 lite imnie;;,;: leigh Co., Dept. XC-AK.-,', 'V. (Continued from page 1) mond, Va. J. P. Francis: White Oak: V. G. Wright. The list of jurors selected for the second week are as follows: Beaverdam: Carl G. Hill, -W. Sam Waynesville My Dear Mr. Editor: I have been reading your paper and paying tor it but not m my name. I have greatly enjoyed it and allow me to return through its columns to my many friends of old -North Carolina, whom I deal ly love and for the many congratulations which they have giv en and showered upon me, from the) Robinson, Fred Windfield, Fred G oldest ta the -youngest. It has been a Williams; Catalopehe: L. A. Hopkins very .happy hour for me to be with Clyde: Wayne Haynes; Crabtree: D. them aguin. R. Davis; Fines Creek: G. C. Fergu- I am very sorry that I have not j son,. Taylor Rogers; Iron Duff: C. A met all my old schoolmates that went ! Dot--on, Clinton Crawford; Ivy Hill to school with me more than " fiftv I H. A. Fie; Jonathan: Marian Ho!- yeiirs ago at the old Francis school , combe; j aouM? on Pigeon road. .'These same1 Queen boys and girls have made good for Wai'.e three score years and ten and they ! Joe. I sui e will inake good Angel:-. While '; death has made great inroads h: hu-- TTTSITON SERVICES TO BE Lu b v .1 HEADACHES ; NEURITIS NEURALGiA, COLD: Cunningham, Davis, Carl Medf ord in tins part oi our coun-, not taken all the best as; AN OLD STORY BUT STILL TRUE While Mark Twain was editor of a Missouri paper, a subscriber wrote to him saying he had found a spider in his paper and asking Mark, whether this was a sign cf good or bad luck. The following was a reply of the well-known humorist: 1 i "Old Subscriber: Finding a spider in your paper was neither good or bad luck for you. i The spider was merely looking over our paper to see which merchant is not advertising sol that he can go to that store, spin his web across i the door and load a life of undisturbed peace I ever afterward." I man ranl;s try, He ha: yot.,.-'- 1 have met them every day since I have been here and one of my old teachers who guided me through school days over 60 years ago, Dr. Sentell, evidently a God: loving man for Ho others are promised a long life. Now my friends, when you call on me in Logan, Beaver Cuunty, Ok lahoma, you will find me a North Carolina man to all my friends. Sincerely yours, B. Gaither Bingham. Pigeon: J. M. Wilson, Claude j l.onnie togDui'ii; vv, aynesvuie: M M Noland, ! VV henever you nave some naggmr.e ' " I .1 .... . 11,. . 4 T- or pain, taie some umcis u. ". Aspirin. Relief is immediate! n There's scarce! v ever an ache or; ver Aspirin won't relieve- HELD HERE TIIURADAY never a time when you can't uke r The tablets with the Bayer LOOKING TO CHRISTMAS Most merchants are looking to Christmas, planning addition of toys, ; campaign. This for a stock of suitable; gifts, for. the holiday dt'coi at also should be need of home merchant through their fingers be. oils, ami an adve: vis:n the ui de in. Highlands.. There is no letting .valuable trade slip tuse many .Highlands peopfe h.ave been in the habit of doing their Christmas; buy ing elsewhere.. It's up to the merchants to change this habit. ; A big part of the trade can be kept at home by judiciously stocking,, decorating the stores, and by telling Highlands what you liave in the columns of your newspaper. We do not say this simply because we wish to sell m.oie advertising, but because the plan will work here as successfully as elsewhere. You wiil notice that most stores do their heaviest advertising preceding Christmas. People read the papers, and they read the ids. Stock up decoiate .shoppers like to trade where there's evidence of holiday spirit. The difference in the volume of trade may not be decidedly noticable for a year or two, but the volume can be kept here. Might as well pull for no trade at all as not to make a bid for the Christmas buying. Highlands residents, a word to you: Christmas gifts may be bought a few cents more cheaply in some other town, but after the expense the trip is figured, have you saved anything? The chances are that you have spent more.-The Highlands Maconian. In loving remembrance of Billij Purlieus who died at the age of 05 years, i) months and 20 days old , on November 9,. 1931, Monday morning i at nine o clock,, the angels came ami took him from his home, and family he loved so well.. . Took . him to his home in Heaven where he will worry, . ii !!'.'! and trouble no more. A precious one from us has gone. A voice we: loved is stilled. A place i,: vacant in the home which can n. vcr be -filled'.. ' .;'",' ; God . in His wisdom has recalled the boon His love has given; laid through the body moulders here, The soul is safe in - Heaven- Billie Parkens has been a faithful hero. He stood by his chute!! and country, but al'te a year of sickness hV parted from his .wife and seven children and two brothers, four sisters to mourn his loss. How faithful, honest and true he was, and loved by every one. HIS SISTER. BEAT THE SQUIRRELS TO THE WALNUTS The Federation is paying cash for walnuts at all warehouses this year so let the children get out in the woods and gather all they can find. This is a year when cash is difficult to get hold of, so do not neglect this opportunity to get cash for walnuts, The Fede tation has developed a market for walnuts and will be able to handle all that oome in. Farmers Federa tion News. Sheriff Welch Relates j (Continued from page 1) j. i hardrhips to Almighty -God for our ; ii'hiperal and spiritual blessings- It i has . become a hallowed tradition for the Chief Magistrate to proclaim an-1 nually a national day of thanksgiving. Our country lias -cause for gratitude to the Almighty. We have been wide ly blessed with abundant harvests We have been, spared from pestilence and calamities. Our institutions have j served the people. Knowledge has ! multiplied and our lives are enriched j 1 -with its application. Education has j I advanced, the health of our people has j increased. We have dwelt in peace j with all men.; The measure of nass ! ing adversity which has come upon us ! should .deepen the spiritual life of j Ute people, quicken their sympathies .id spirit of sacrifice for others, and Hrengthen their courage. Many of j :.ur neighbors are in need f rnm caus-1 es beyond their control and the com-. I pi.ssion of . the people throughout the f ; ty over this wltner that they too may have full cause to participate in hi? i lay of graitude to the Almighty. Now, therefore, I Herlnert Hih ver, t President of . the United States - of ' A 'Tier icq . fin IiptpHv Av'umvr. Tlinv..- d:i , November 26,. 1931 . as a National j i Day of Thanksgiving, ami do .recoil : '. -mend. that, our: people re. t from their ; ' daily labors and; in their Kimes.: and j ".cutomtd places Of worship clve de-.j i v at thanks for the bl. vhich r, ! merciful Father has bestowed upon us-! '; In Witness Whereof; I haVe hei'oun-1 t'. -ct my I, of the United ! Done at the City of Wasbincrtoti I this: ot-d. day of November, in the year ; of our Lord nineteen hundred and j thirty-one, and of the Independemv of I. the Uited States of Amer always safe.. They will not depress . heart, or otherwise harm you. Use t as often as they can spare you any fi or discomfort. Just be. sure to. buy , gcn'si'ie. Examine the box. Bcwartu imitations. ; . ; Aspirin is Ae trade-tnark ot B. manufacture oi monoaccucaddeste salicylioacid. th bovel trouble ny hand and caused th" r . , '" Constipation may very jnited States to be affived. chronic after forty. And A flAA A Vuc- ouues OI Ameriei, the one iv.uuic uii v U( It j hundred and fifty-sixth. Sheriff J. C. Welch related a good ; HERBERT HOOVE'!, story to a Mountaineer representative' the other day, and the sheriff took as; Twenty-two Pitt County farmer, his subject, a- lowly grain of corn, will store 40,000 bushels of sweet nw,t see now it grew. The sheriff alluded as how J. P. Scates of Hazelwood heard that a farmer in Rutherford county had potatoes this winter. The peanut crop of Tyrrell County was , dug and picked without grown an ear of corn with around j of rain on the nuts. Thcv are selling elenven hundred crains on th..nY Tri " . , - , . . v . ...urwma. a piiuiui ai tneuarm ociues Knew tnat he had nroduced easily t f anv Voh'U constipation at that time of h brinij attacks of piles and a h ovt unpleasant disorders. Watch your bowels at any ajic l; them with particular care al'ei ' Whenever thev need any help, ri-ir.f II . "Dr. Cn''b-nil's SyTtip Pcr-'!,T e doctor's vr .Hon for the. bmi' - 1 by 47 you. articc, it has b.1 a . j ai hi M n , Of thorouiilily rtive in relicvn' 1 Dation and us ills for men, children of all ages. It h.v perfectly safe even for babi m some good corn, along with other Haywood county farmers this year, apd proceeded to count the grains on a-i ear of corn that he nad grown. He C3uift-d over 1,300 grains thereon. j b'jfare tiring of counting. Charles B. Ballentine of Wake County is harvesting 400 bushels of corn on land where a crop of rye vetch and crimson clover was turned under last spring. Only eight bags of fertilizer were used under the corn. 1 1 ;n,j;ani..t.t auuuiuii iiai liiicaa iiiii .... gripe; -will not sicken you or v n caa be used without narm as o W. your breath is bad, or when y our y is coated; whenever a hcadnin-." (.; 09CQV rnnihtmn u-urnq of CUi'.1-1 " o j . ... lelt in Da. W. B Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIfe A Doctor's Family Laxat,ls. :i 1 I!." t

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