mi K i . 1 i i P ' .4 i. -f: f i LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Dr. LaRue To Spend Holiday In Georgia HAYWOOD COUSTY 1 HOSPITAL XOTES Mrs. James Caldwell from Cata loochee entered the hospital Sunday for treatment. Miss touise Edwards, who is on the faculty of the Waynesville Township Hih School, underwent an operation Monday morning and is getting alomr ! nicely- , Mi. s Mildred Benett of Franklin is ! convalescing following an operation j Tuesday morning. I j Miss Ruth Hampton had as her j guest last week-end her sister, Mrs. ; Ernest Boone, from Cauley Bridge, j West Virginia. ! CHURCH SOCIAL WEDSESDAY SIGHT Wednesday evening at 7:30 there will be given a big church social at the First Methodist church for the entire membership and friends of the congregation- A program of unusual interest will be presented to the de light of everyone present. Delightful refreshments will be serverd by the refreshment committee. This will be the first of at least four social events to be given in the church this year. A full attendance of the entire membership is desired and expected. ..' JOIST HOSTESSES 4 T BRIDGE Mrs. C. M. Dicus and Mrs. J. P. Dicus were joint hostesses at a de lightful bridge party at the home of the latter Wednesday afternoon, en tertaining in honor of Miss Gladys Barefoot of Hallsboro, a sister of Mrs. J P. Dicus. The living rooms were thrown en suite for the occasion and artisti cally decorated ' with autumn leaves and flowers. After several progressions :he top. score trophy, a picture, was present, ed to Mrs. Ernest Hyatt. Mrs. D. D. Perry received a lovely vase for having made low score, and Mrs. Hilliard Atkins was the recipient of a double deck of cards as consola tion. The hostesses presented the guest of honor with an attractive hooked chair seat. As the concluding feature of the afternoon's entertainment a salari course was served- The guests included Miss Barefoot, Mrs. W. F. Swift, Mrs. J. M. Long, Mrs. E. J. Hyatt, Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. Rufus Siler, Mrs. William Shool bred, Mrs. John Shoolbred., Mrs. S. P. Gay, Mrs- Ben Colkitt, Mrs. Ger ald Colkitt, Mrs- N". M. Meciiondj, Mrs, R. H. Strecher, Mrs. C. F. Kirk patrick, Mrs D. D. Perry, Mrs. J. R. Thomas, Mrs. R. R, Campbell, Mrs. Hilliard Atkins, Mrs. Hugh Massie, Mrs. Guy Massie, Mrs. C. C. White, Mrs. Clayton Walker, Mrs- E. L. Withers, and Mrs. J. W. Seaver. Mrs. Joseph Johnson and her moth er,' Mrs. Woodward came in for tea. '.;.. LOVELY BIRTH DA Y PARTY A T HAZELWOOD Samuel Knight, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Knight, entertained a number of his little friends Frida November 20, in honor of his sixth 'birthday anniversary. Various in door and outdoor games were playeW. The youngsters were then called into the dining room where a white birth day cake, decorated with pink hearts and six blue candles, lighted the table. Cake and fruit punch was served- Those attending the party were: Katherine Blalock, Geraldine and Buddy Parris, Merrill Green, Nancy and Laura Winchester. Billy Robinson, Helen Davis, Mildred Camp bell, Vivian Clark, Mildred Gaddy, Elaine Queen, David Putnam, W. T. Deweese Frederick Vaughn Earl Rudisal and Mildred and Eloise Knight. Mrs, Knight was assisted in entertaining the .little guests by Mrs. W. H. Gaddy and Katherine Knight- WOMAS'S CLUB HOLDS MEET ISO The Woman's Club held it 'Novem ber meeting at the home of Mrs. J. H. Howell, Thursday, November If. Mrs. D. M. Killian was associate hostess and Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, the presi dent, presided. The program was in charge of Mrs. W. B. Mathews, who had a most interesting paper on "The American 3ome." The club was fortunate in aving. Prof. B. D. Bunn as speaker " the afternoon. His subject was Leadership for Life." Plans were made for the club to ponsor a Community Christmas tree otd a weekly story hour. A delightful music program was Siven by Mr. Paul Fry and Dr. Byron La Rue. Mr. Fry gave two piano selections, "Humoresque'f and a med-1 ley of old Southern Tur.es, anil Dr.; La Rue sang '-Mauvorneen" and "Onj the Road to Mandalay" accompanied j by Mrs. Mutney. Mrs. Rog'.-rs o: Charlotte made a delightful talk or. club work. " ! lusion music CLUB MEETS Miss Katherine Queen was hostess to the Margaret Stringfield Junior Music Club on Saturday afternoon, November 21, at 3 o'clock. After all business was transacted and the roll called the following delightful program wts given: Duet: "Dance of the Rosebuds" Misses .Stringfield and Queen. Piano Solo: "Dance of the Leaves" Katherine Martin. Readin: "Story of St. Cecelia' Abbie Fay Henry. Piano Solo: "Venetian Love Song" Elizabeth Wilburn. Piano Solo: "Aloho Qe" Mary Mc Cracken. Piano Solo: "Little Snowman'1 Stacy Wilburn. After the program musical games furnished entertainment for sometime. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Miss Car men Plott. ISTERESTISG EVESTS At THE ELEMETARY SCHOOL On Friday afternoon, November 27, the second grade pupils of the Central Elementary School will entertain their parents. The grade will do this in lieu of the half holiday they won by having the most parents present at the regular Parent-Teacher meeting. The pupils will present a short pro gram to the mothers after which re freshments will be served. Wednesday morning, November 25, at ten-thirty o'clock, the seventh grade will present a Thanksgiving program. This program will come as one of the regular weekly chapel programs. Patrons and friends are cordially in vited to attend. The cafeteria in the school is prov ing to be a great asset. Mrs. Coin serves excellent menus at the most reasonable prices. It is possible that if the mothers investigated these menus and prices there would be more who would have their children buy hot lunsches. Citizenship activities for the month of December will center about the theme "TV i Care of Public Property." This particular phase of citizenship cannot be stressed too much a there are thousands of dollars lost every year in this state alone in damage done to public buildings, careless or wanton setting of forest fires, etc. The students will make posters, give reports and at least one talk by some one outside the school will be given and in general everything will be done to increase respect for the care of public property. CLYDE o- visions of the civics have organized j as the Congress of the United States,, one as the Senate and the ether as i the Lower House. Some of Ihc bii:--are killed by the Congressional ccm-i mittt-e while others reach '.he floor foi j lively discussion. ! JONATHAN'S CKEEK -o The Woman Missionary Society met for an ali day meellng with Mrs. J. R. Uoy i. Jr. November 11th. This met ting t.-.mbir.ed the regular month ly program ar.J the week of prayer program. The week of p;ayer program was held in the morning at the conclusion; of which the ladies enjeyci a bjun-l tiful basket lunch. In the afternoon the members as enibled for the regular monthly pro gram with the Pres. Mrs. R. W. Howell presiding. Mrs. Herbert Caldwell had as a vis itor on last Sunday here mother, Mrs. Sutton of Maggie. Miss Mary Joe Howell has been visiting her aunt , Mrs. B. P. Turner of Ratcliff Cove. Friends regret to hear of the se rious illness of Mr. Erastus Parton. Mr. Parton has been in ill health for some time. Mr. Way Kinsland of Canton spent last Sunday with his sister, Mrs. G. V. Howell of Jonathan Road. Bird hunters are plentiful. Mr. Grady Carver and Dr. Cox of Ashe ville, Mr. Dennis Leatherwood and Mr. Jackson of Greenville, S. C. and Mr. Edd Winslow and party from Asheville have been seen in the field. Mr. and Mrs. Medford Leatherwood and Mrs. C. M. Moody have been on a visit with relatives in Greenville S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Messer and small daughter of Sylva, spent last Sunday with Mrs. Messer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B- Leatherwood. Shady Grove church is glad to have Rev, R. V. Masters returned for another year. Wedding bells have been ringing in cur community recently. Mr. Robert Boyd son of Mr- Dave Boyd and Miss Cora Lee Davis fo Ivonduff were married a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rainer, Mrs. E. J. Howell and Vinson Howell mo tored to Newport, Tenn., for the day on last Sunday Mr. Dick Moody is home again af ter taking treatment in the hospital at Asheville. o- - -o 0- ALLEN'S CREEK Edwin Fincher and John W. Shook went to Atlanta Thursday to attend Shrine ceremonial. Dr. D. K. Medford was an Ashe ville visitor Wednesday, participating in the Scotish Rite Masonic Reunion being held in that city. . Quite a number of Clydeites went to Lake Junaluska last Tuesday and Wednesday and brought home enough fish for several days. G. M- Fish cap tured more than one hundred pounds of the aquatic tribe and put them in a large 'barrel in his back yard and extended an invitation to his friends to go there and help themselves. Mr. Loo per and Mr. Kitchens, Clyde teachers and baseball enthusiasms, motored to Cullowheo Friday evening to see the football game between Weaver College and W. C. T. C. Under the ausrjecies of the Par ent-Teachers' Association, a Mr. Real), traveling magician and illusionist, gave an entertainment at the Clyde school auditorium. ' Miss Alma Robinson celebrated her thirteenth birthday last Saturday af ternoon by entertaining her following young friendst Annie Jean an 1 Viv a';an Swayngim, Helen Dotson, Mary Phillis and Jenis Caldwell, Oma'.. Wil lie .Mae, Margaret and Marvina Turn er, Bettie Terrell,' Katherine Cockrell and one honorable boy, Mr. Jack Dot son. Mrs- Robert Cockrell of Can ton assisted Alma's mother during the entertainment which was greatly enjoyed by every guest. The Dramatic Club, under the di rection of Miss Naomif Crumbly, on Friday afternoon gave a play before the high school. In "The Family Album," various numbers of the club posed as relatives and friends pic tured in the family album, to the delight of the crowd. The two di-1 Rev. C. L. Allen, pastor of the Al len's Creek Baptist church is now con ducting a Revival Meeting at Beta, N. 'C. Much Success is being had. Miss Mary Bumgarner spent, her vacation at home with her mother, Mrh- Rachel Bumgarner last wek. Miss Annie Leathrwood of Jona than Creek spent the week-end with Mrs. Rachel Bumgarr. r last week. Friends of M. R. O. Allen ar sor ry to hear that he is suffering an at tack of tonsil itie. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Story and chil dren, June and Robert of Atlanta, Ga. visited Mr- and Mrs. C. L. Allen Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mehaffey of Waynesville visitad their daughter, Mrs. Ed Bright Sunday. Mrs. G. L. Allen is spjnding a few days in Sylva with relatives- REV. L. B. HAYES TO TAKE CHARGE WORK HERE WEDNESDAY (Continued from page 1) vote on the question of whether all matters of a controversial nature should be settled by the College of Bishops as has been the case, or whether by a Judicial Council, and the Asheville conference voted al most unanimously for the Judicial Council as against the Bishops. The vote stood 298 for the Council and only 4 for the College of Bishops. Al. in all the Asheville conference was a constructive Conference. Dr. C. M Pickens for three years Presiding Elder of the Waynesville District, goes to a great church in Charlotte, while Dr. L. B. Hayes of Central Church, Shelby,, comes to WaynesTflie District. Dilsworth church, Char lotte, will get a great preacher in Dr. Pickens and W'aynesville District will not suffer a loss in the coming of the versatile Dr. Hayes with his charm ing wife and little son.' For myself and family, let me say that Waynes ville holds us with a charm far greater than could any other city or church anyhere in all of North Carolina- We are here with all our hearts to stay and serve." Cumberland County farmers will pay 98 per cent of their government seed loans this fall. Dr. Bvir. La Rue left Waynesville Tuesday for a week's visit with Gjveri.or Roosevelt at Warm Springs, Georgia, where he will attend the an- j r.ual banquet of the Georgia Warm Storings Foundation Sanitarium where) Governor Roosevelt will give his an-' nual Thanksgiving address and re-, port the work accomplished during i the past fiscal year. This is the third ( year that Dr. La Rue has been in-; vited to attend these festivities which j are very enjoyable a-1 well as instruc tive and edifying. THURSDAYJKQVEMBER 26. is: Local High School Faculty Give Play Cullowhee, N- C. (Special t" The Mountaineer.) Mirs Fannie Pearle and Mr. James Osborne have been elected recording secretary and corre sponding secretary, respectively, in the Hunter B. Y. P. U. Union at Western Carolina Teachers College. The faculty of the local high schoo presented a play last Tuesday night "Dost of the Earth," which was wel received by a large and appreciative) audience. Those taking parts in the play were, Misses Bessie Boyd, Charlott-:-Hatcher and Bernice McElhannon, Mrs. Kellett and Messrs. James Davis, Edward Haynes, Richard Barber, Paul Davis, Paul Frye- Miss Nancy Crockett was in charge of designing and making the costumes. Miss Char lotte Hatcher and Miss Bernice Mc Elhannon were directors of the play. The sponsors of the play wish to thank the Sluder-Garrett Furniture company for their co-operation in providing the stage furniture. STRICKLY FRESH EGGS PROMPT DEUVtj. Call R. J.HYATT Phone 26fi-V Reliable ocal man, if really interested ;-. . line business of your i interfere with your pr-. -.: stamp for instructive jv.. details of our prop . tending out-door adwr::? ing. American Advert; 515 W. Goodale St., (: CIOIA 03 0 O Coal Users Should Be THANKFUL ." . ''.',' for all this warm weather. Winter must be just ahead and when it comes don't forget that we can furnish you with the best of coal for your grate, stove or fur nace. None better than our VIRGLOW. Hyatt &Cor npany Phone 43 Waynesville Phone 43 I Hints For MINCE MEAT, Lb. Pitted Dates, ?f. 19c Iff Grandmothers FRUITCAKE lb. 50c 2 New Crop Mixed Nuts lb. 19c Delmonte RAISINS 15 oz pk 1 Oc GRAPES lb. 1C Canned Fruits Assorted Buffet Style 3 Cans 25 -5 White House CIDER Gal. Jug 5f Grandmothers BREAD Full Lb. Wrapped Loaf ' it SUGAR 10 lbs 25 lbs $1. .en .th 100 IbS. be VK "je COFFEE 1 lb Package 15 Lard 8 Lb. Bucket for 73c FLOUR 24 lb. bag . 48 lb. bag . 98 lb. bag . . ..$1.05 . ..$1.99 81 a j i vie A. and P. Fancy bit No. 2 Can V 20c Octagon Soap THE 10 Cakes for 25c. R4t Store closec ATLAMinC & PACI PC S day Thursday tht

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