; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1931 THE WANESVJLLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 i K iMsasiMiiiiBiiai PERSONAL AND PHONE 137 . i! "j Mr, Charles B. McCrary of Fines, Creek was here Monday. I Mr. W. F. Hipps of Cruso attend- : ed court in Waynesville Monday . Mr. W. L. Bradshaw of Crabtre.' -spent Monday in town. P, " . Mr. C. T. Noland was here from Crabtree Monday. Mr. D, C. McRae, attorney, from High Point, is attending court, in Wajnesville this week- Mr; J. B. James of Crabtree at- tended court in Waynesville Monday. Mrl Thomas Rogers of Fines Creek wax here Monday. Ms! Fred Medford,of Clyde spent Monday in town. i " Mr-, Charles B. McCracken of Fines Creek spent Saturday in Waynesville. , , Mr, Fred Hoglen of Crabtree was also here Saturday. Mr. Jerry Rogers of Clyde was here Saturday. Mr. DeVoe Medford of Clyde was here Monday. i- s. n u Mr. Furman N'oland of Fines, Creek spent Monday in Waynesville. Mr. W- (J. Ford of Clyde was here Monday. '. Mr. Henry Brown of Iron Duff spent Wednesday in town. rl '. Mrs. Sail it' Green of Crabtree was here' .Saturday-.' ''' Mr, V. F. Towe of Canton spent Saturday in the city. .' ' . j Dr. S. B. Medt'ord of Clyde at i tended court in Waynesville Monday. Mr. J. R, Terrell of Clyde was also x town Monday- : ""Mr. W. C. Kirkpatrick and Mr. R. -I Penland were among the visitors irom Clyde Monday. ! Mr. June Smathers, who is attend og Davidson College, spent the week- jad with his parents. t ' .. Mif;s Charlotte Hatcher spent the Phanksgiving holidays at her home n Dunn, North Carolina. .- . VMr. I). J- Noland, superintendent the County Home, spent Saturday n Waynesville.. . Messrs. John W. Shook and Don tld Jones were among the visitors p town from Clyde Saturday. Mrs. Jesse fMr. and Noland of Leicester spent Saturday in Way icsville. , i'-v - '" ? Messrs'. I). R. McCracken and tlaude McCracken were visitors from Jrabtrer Saturday. IV, : ; I Mr, M. M. Kirkpatrick and Mr nt B. Noland were among the visitors om Fines Creek in Waynesville fonday. '."..', f iMessrs. George H. Bramlett and yat'o Ebbs of the Smoky Mountain National Park Commission, were dehors in Waynesville last week. '."'-"'.0 ' t ' Mr. C. A. Cogburn of Canton was Imong the visitors in the city Thurs lay. . '. ' ' . . . V Messrs- Charles C. Smathers and y. II. Harris from Canton were here thursday. : Mr- George Osborne, of Freder tkpburg, Virginia : spent several Jays last .week visiting his niece, Urs. E. T. Duckett, and friends in CVaynesville. ".;'"..:."'','. v. Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell and Daughter, Anne Seawell, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Sea well's mother, M rs. L. P. Williamson, and fcistsr, Mrs- J. Holbrook Williams, in Colombia, South Carolinia. I Mr. Bob Hardin of Bloomington, Indiana, arrived last week for a jfJMt to his parents. Mr., andMrs. W fc ..Hardin. Mr. Hardin will leave Ibe latter part of this week for Krorville, Tennessee. FOR SALE Combination radio and v! . Jphonogiaph with 73 records. Ma i; thine cost $65 will sell for $30 or et cha nge f or a nyth in g m a rk etable. i '! See D. C. Turpin, East Waynesville. Mr. T. A. Clark of Canton was a visitor here Thursday- Mr. W. W. Haynes of Canton was in town Friday. Mrs. Hester Mease and Miss Mar garet Dorsey were among the visitors from Canton Friday. Mr. T. T. Noland of Crabtreet was here on business Friday. Mr. J. J. Stoii'.- was at honio from Chapel Hill for a few days this week. Mr. Jack Phillips, who is a stu dent at Georgia Tech, spent the week end at home. . Mr. Milas .Ferguson attended the Carolina-Virginia game in Chapel Hill last Thursday. Mrs. J. J Stone and children spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Stone's par ents in Charlotte. Miss Lois Harrold was tho guest of her sist.'V, Mrs. Jimmie I.e; in Ashe- yille several days last week. Miss Louise Rotha returned to Sal isbury Sunday after spending several iays visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. II any r-tha. Mr. Paul Frye spent the Thanks Hiving holidays at his home in Albe marle, North Carolina. Miss Nancy Crockett, who is on the faculty of the Waynesville Township High School, spent the holidays at hfr home in Franklin. I Mrs. Charles R. Thomas had as her guests on Thanksgiving Dr. and Mrs. II. H. Harrison of shi'vil! '. Mrs. R O. Covington of Asheville spent-Thanksgiving. a the guest of Miss Nannette .'ones. -,' Mr. and Mrs- E. C, Moody had as their guests several days last week, Mrs. C. W. Allen and two children of Andrews. Mrs. R. H. Stretcher left Sunday to visit her sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Barnes, in Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stretcher in Wilson Mills. Mr. Aaron Prevost and Mr. Ben Sloan attended the Carolina-Virginia game in Chapel Hill Thanksgiving. Mr. Harry McCracken and Mr. Sam Bushnell returned to Chapel Hill Sunday after spending the Thanks giving holidays at home. Mrs. George Ward of Asheville was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs- R. L. Lee. . . Miss Margaret Ashton spent the week-end at home from Western Car olina College in Cullowhee. '. Misses, Edna and Elizabeth Garrett returned to Greensboro College Sun day after spending the Thanksgiv ing holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Garrett. . ., '.. ?'Iin M u ietta Welch has as her guests last week-end Mirses "Boots" Martin and Betty Baicntine of Ral eigh, who are students at th. West ern Carolina Teachers College in Cullowhee. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Smith, Miss P.ernice McElhannon, Miss Ida Jean Brown, and Miss Iris Chaffin spent Thanksgiving in Atlanta, Georgia as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W D. Shack leford. O O Miss Mary Stringfield ?pent the Thanksgiving holidays in Chapel Hill and Salisbury. In Salisbury Miss Stringfield attended the wedding of her school friend, Miss Christine Hudson. V Mr. Whitener Prevost and Mr. Jimmie Neal drove to Chapel Hill Wednesday to attend ' the' Carolina Virginia game Thanksgiving. Mrs. S. T. Neal accompanied them as far as Winston-Salem where she visited her son, Mr. Charles Neal and her daughter, Miss Martha Neal, who is pt Salem College. Miss Edna McCracken, , who is a student at Weaver College, spent Thanksgiving at her home at Crabtree- She had as her guests Adeline Teague, Beth Honeycutt, Ruth Al exander, Mildred McCracken, Mack Bennett, and Wood row Hague, also students from Weaver College. SOCIAL I Mr. Jarvis Caldwell of Big Cat i aioochee spent Tuesday in town. Mr. A. K. Russell of Canton was a visitor in Waynesville Monday. Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Gay were Ashe ville visitors Saturday. Mr. Gordon Cagle of Little Cata- loochee was a Visitor here Tuesday. Mr. C- T. Ferguon of Clyde was in town last week. Mr. Homer V. Cagle of Canton attended court in Waynesville Mon day. Mr. D. J. Kerr was among the vis itorsc in town from Canton Monday. Mr, Carroll McCracken from Can ton was here Monday- Mr. S. H. Justice was in Waynes-, vlle on business Monday. -Mr. J. H. Gossett of Clyde, wa here Monday. Mr. F. H. Justice was among the visitors from Crabtree in Waynes ville this week. Mr. .1. F. Justice of1 Cecil, was here Monday. Mrs. T. B. Singleton of Canton spent Monday in town. . Mr C. B. Jones of Clyde was here this week. Mr. Charles Allison of Jonathan spent Monday in Waynesville. Among the visitors from Canton in town Monday were Messrs. S. M. Rohim-on. 1. H. Harris and T. A. Clark Mr, R, B, Howell of Jonathan spent Tuesday in Wajnesville. Mr. W. S. Snyder was here from Clyde Monday. Rev. R. G McClamrock of Crab tree was here this week. Mr. W. N, Roberts of Greenville.' Tennessee spent Tuesday in Way nesville. Mr. G. C. Palmer of Cr btree was a visitor in the city Tuesday. Among Tuesdays visitors in town was Mr. N. Freel of Canton: Mr. J. N. Mease of Cantoii attend ed. Court in Waynesville Tuesday. .'.' Mr. Jarvis II. Palmer of Cataloo chee spent Tuesday in town on business- Roa . T. P.Mel ra -l hete Tuesdav. if Civile was Mr. G. C. Clark of White Oak made a business trip to". Waynesville this week. .Mr'. Glenn Boyd of .Jonathan war here Tuesday. ' ' Mr C. W. Moody : was in town this week. "''. Miss Thelma Osborne of Knoxville, Tennessee, spent, Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. R. H. Plott, of Dellwood. Mr. T. N. Massie and Mr. Lebo Massie left Sunday for a week's busines trip to Atlanta, Ga. ' .'.:''''."' Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Curtis and chil dren spent Thanksgiving w-ith rela tives in Young Harris, Georgia. Mrs. John Turbyfill and young daughter were guests of Mrs. William NeL-for. in Asheville last week. Miss Eva Leather-wood attended the Carolina-Virginia , game in Chapel Hill Thanksgiving. .'.-,,,.',' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osborne of Knoxville, Tenn. were guests of the LeFaine Hotel Monday. ..'.."', I.t. Edwin Ferguson of the L'nited State Marine Corps arrived for a week's visit to his mother, Mrs- J. W Ferguson, en route to Honolulu from Quantico, Virginia where he has been stationed for the past several months. ':.'. Mrs. Awa Mingus of Spartanburg, South Carolina and Mrs. M. C. Clark of Parkersburg, West Virginia spent Thanksgiving with their uncle and aunt, Mr- and Mrs. D. M. Killian. . i ' ' '.' .'''''- . i ; Mr. Earl Ferguson of Dellwood spent Thursday in town. Mr. Jean Sutton of White Oak was here on buriness last week. Mr. J P. Beam spent the ho'idays ' '. i'.ts hoiv.e in Gaffney. South Caro lina. Miss Janie Reeves spent the week end visiting friends in Salisbury. Miss Jane Brown. pen: the week end at home from Cruso. Mr. Frank Mehaffey of Maggie was a visitor in Waynesville last wevk. Mr. Norvall Rogers was here from Maggie Monday. Mr. Anion J Boston of Cruso was hereon businesh Monday. Mr. K. B. Rickman of Bethel spent Saturday in Waynesville. . Miss Krma Patterson spent the week-end at home from Cruso. 'Mr. B. D. Runn made a business trip to Burlington last week. 'Mr. r nd Mrs. S K. Connatzer spent the Thanksgiving holidays vis iting in Sevierville, Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. C V. Teague of Prentiss. X.C., attended the District Stewards meeting in Wavnesville Monday. Rev and Mrs. .1. S. I.oekaby of Marion spent Friday with friends in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Jaincs S. Goode at tended a buffet simper given by Miss Sadie' Lou Southerland and Miss Mary Kidoe and a dance at the Coun try Club in Sylva Friday evening.' Mr. and Mis. Felix Stovall were guest - of M rs. Stovall': jiarents, Mr. uvi Mis .1. K. Whiteside, in Ashe ville Thanksgiving,'- ..'.-'.' Judge T. L. Johns.n of Asheville i' at'ending court in Waynesville tliis week. .'..Mr. A. B. Combs, State Inspector of High Sehools, was in Waynesville Monday. . Mrs. W. C. Russ is spending some time visiting relatives in Heniler sonville. Miss Mary Emma Massie returned to GreensVxiro College Sunday after spending the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T, N. Massie. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Ross of Forest City are guests of the LeFaine Hotel. Mr. Ross is one of the contractors for the Champion Fibre Company da in at Sunburst. t Mr-. C M. Dicus and children, Mark and Martha, .-pent Thanks giving with Mrs. Dicus' parents in Tryon, N. C. Mr :;'!! Prevost, formerly presi dent of the Union Furniture Compa ny of Pulaski, Virginia, arrive! Srii.lay ami will be connected with' the Unatrusta Manufacturing Com pany of Hazelwo'xl :'n the future. Mr. George Rotha, who is attending -State College in Raleigh, .spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rotha. Mr. Rotha had as his guest Mr. Pete Pat ton of Morganton, also a student at State.- ''.."... Mrs. R, E. Wood and duughtcr, Mary,- of Elizabethton, Tenn., spent the week end with Mrs. Wood's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John NV Shool bred. :... AXXOlSChMhST Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Sutton an nounce the birth of a son, William Mitchell, oil Sunday, November 2"J, 19310 '.'-.' CESTRAL ELEMENTARY P. T. A TO HOLD MEET The Central Elementry Parent Teachers' Association will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 8, at 7:30 p. m, at the Central Elementary school bujlding. COM M US' I TV CLUB TO MEET The regular monthly meeting of the Community Club will be held on Monday, December 7, at 3:30 o'clock at the. club rooms. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. R. L. Coin, Mrs. Rufus Siler, Mrs- j. J. Stonej and Mrs. J. P. Dicus. Mrs. W. B. Matthews will have the paper on "Law Observance," and Mrs. R. L- Prevost will review the Current Events." MISS GARRETT HOS ORKP .V CAS TOS Miss Myrtle Allen of Canton was hostess at a dinner at her home Sat t;i :ay evening, November 28. hon i ring Miss Elizabeth Garrett Waynesville, who was at home fu; the Thanksgiving holidays. COM MIX I TY SERVICE CHRISTMAS EYE A Community Service will be hela at the Episcopal church at 12 o'clock. midnight, on Christmas Eve Re R. P. Walker of the Presbyterian church will deliever the sermon. DR. RALPH .;,1.LER RETCRXS Dr. Ralph E. Nollner returned to Lake Junaluska Sunday night after attending the Virginia Methodist Conference last week. He reports a splendid meeting. THA XESC IYI XC, D1X XER ' Vi. and Mrs. T L. Gwyn, Dr. and Mis. J. Rufus McCracken, Mrs. R. O. Covington. Miss Nannette Jones. Mr, 'Hugh J. Sloan and Mr Wallace Blackwell had their annual Thanks giving dinner last Thursday even n;' it the home of Dr. and Mrs. Mc Cracken. '.''' HOT 1A XCHES SERVED AT HAZEIAYOOP SCHOOL Mrs. K. J. Hyatt, who operates the tafetetia in the school at Hazelwood, report:', that she is now serving hot lunches to the students of the school for fivt. cents per meal. Several of the teachers and students are taking advantage of this offer and finding that a hot Umch at noon is more ben eficial than cold snacks. MUSIC CLUU TO MEET SATURDAY The regulur meeting of the Music Club, which was postponed last Sat urday, will be held next Saturday, December !, at the Community Club rooms, at ," o'clock. Miss Mildred Crawford, Miss Sue Willard l.indsley and Mrs Lucile Foy will ho. hostesses and Miss Virginia Welch will be load er of the program on "Women Com posers." r U. 1). C. TO MEET XEXT FRIDAY The December meeting of the Unit ed Daughters of the Confederacy will be held Friday afternoon, December 4, at o'clock at the LeFaine Hotel. j Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick and Miss Ro- bina Miller will be joint hostesses. Mr.', George Plott will have the paper of the month on "Mississippi." VISITS THE MOUSTA IXEER OFFICE Mists" Hester Owen, of Wayn.'sville route 2. was a visitor to The Moun taineer this w-'i'lv. Miss Owen "dropped i '' to .y her subscription j and was shown how the paper wa i printed. The ' Mount'' :ii'.'iM.- invites any of the reader-; to stop at an;, time to see the nroce;--of printing " ti: w paper. DORCAS HEI.l, LOVE CHAPTER IK A I.' Mrs. K. J. II ya' will be h i h- ; t . the Dorcas Bell Live Cd iptvr of ttv Daughters of the America ! Revolu tion at her homeW -One-i.i iy efler nixm, Dfcemlier 10, at which time a -hower for Cros .reir- School 'will' be held, Eveiy number s rp".'d to bring some, article for this purpose. : : PRESI1YTERI A V CIRCLES The Circles of the Presbyterian church will meet next week as fol lows : Circle No. 1, Tuesday, December S, at " o'clock, with Mrs. R. L Pre vost. Mrs.' Frank Battle, leader. Circle No: 2. Tuesday, December S. at ." o'clock , with Mrs. L, S White, Mrs. M. F. Albright, leader. Circle No. 3, Tuesday, December A, at 3 o'clock, with Mrs. Akers- Circle No. 5, Monday, December, 7, at 4 o'clock, with Miss Frances R'.c Miss Tillie Rotha, leader. Circle No. d, Tuesday, December at 6:30 o'clock, with Miss SueW:l lard Lindsley. Miss Nancy ; Killia i, leader. P. T. A. COUXCIL ; HELD MEETISC, The P. T. A. Council, composed of the executive committees of the East Waynesville, Central Elementary, Hazelwood, and Lake Junaluska Parent-Teachers' Associations, met at the Central School on Tuesday even ing, November 24- Mrs. Theodore McCracken, presi dent, outlined the duties and prive leges of the council. A study course was planned, to be conducted by Mrs. B. D. Bunn, beginning on Monday afternoon, December 14, at four o'clock. All parents, teachers, or others interested are requested to at tend at that time. ll.EGIOX AUXILIARY HAS IMEE TIXG IX ASHEVILLE Representatives or, seven units from rive counties attended the meet ing of the 18th District of the North Carolina Depar aent of the American Legion Auxiliary, held in Asheville last Friday, November 27, in the Auxiliary room of the court house. Mrs. Hugh W. Perry of Louisburg, president of the State Department, was gruest of honor and principal speaker. In her actress, Mrs. Perry stressed rehabilitation and child welfare work, hospital.-, and educa tion for orphans of soldiers. She out lined plans for the state auxiliary for the coming year. The feature of the meeting wan a luncheon ot the Junior League Tav ern on Wall street. A visit to Oteen by Mrs. Perry and other represen tatives of the auxiliary was included on the afternoon's program. Much work has beer accomplished by the auxiliary units during the past year w:th emphasis placed on wel fare work, it was revealed in reports- Those reporting included Mrs. E. B. Camp, president of Waynes ville Unit; Mrs. W. N. Freel, presi dent of Canton; Mrs. Harry Boni- berger, president of Oteen; Miss Ixiuise Reinhardt, Black Mountain; and Mrs. Joseph Bradbury, first vice- president of the Kiflin Rockwell unit for Asheville. Other units of the ISth District are located at Marion and Burnsville. Repersentatives from the Waynes ville unit who attended the meeting were: Mrs. K. H (amp, Mrs. Guy Massie. .Mrs. J. F. Abel, Mrs. Roy Campbell, Mrs. Hardin Howell, Mrs F. W. Swift, Mrs. George Coble, Mis Nancy Killian, Mrs M. C, Greea, and Mrs. I. J. Brown. ilCSTKRS PARTY AT l.i-FAIXi: A ' group of hunters ''celebrated' a successful se; ..on with a venison and opossum supper at the LeFaine Hotel Tuesday evening. Following the supper seveial, tables 'of set-back wore at. play until a late hour. Thi.se in the party were: J. M Long, T. T. Wyche, W. A. Bradley, W. 1.. Hardin. O. H. Shelton, J. H. Howell, L M. Killian, Ben Colkitt, Gerald Colkitt, W. L. Lainpkin, L. K. (Jieen, (). R. Martin, C. F. Kirkpat rick, D. D. Perry, .'Bonner Ray. Wil fred Ray, J. tv.'Crouser. G.C. Plott, R. F. Nollner, '"and Dr. J; R. Mc Cracken, Dr. J. F. Abel, Dr. O. T- I Alev;n,dor, and Dr. N. M. Medford. Mrs J. W. Shackford and daugh t"rs, Margaret and Elizabeth, left this week to join Dr. Shackford in Char lotte. MRS, I.AI IUSTOS' HAk'DlX !i.: MOTHER Mrs. I.auiistoii Hardin was hos tess at a charming dinner party Tues lay '.evening, honoring : her l mother, .Mis. W. L. Hardin, who leaves tlu week with Mr. -Hardin' to .ijielid the winter in Washing. on. The Christmas color motif attractively carried out. in the diir. 'r apiKiiiit.iiients. Red . cai iuij'.ions and ferris formed, the center of the tab!" and gbnving rex! tapers furn'sie.l a soft light. . ('overs were laid for Mrs, .lardm, Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. Jaws Thomas, Mrs. W. C. Allen, an I M t .. R. Q. McCracken. Following the dinner Mrs : Hardin entertained hef. guests with ;. thea tre party. ... V Christmas Suggestions In addition to our regular line y of novelties of Wads, jewelery, '3 etc., we have added new goods ; for the Christinas trade. k Linen Handkerchiefs 10c. to $1 .j Ladies' silk scarfs and hose, Florentine leather Goods. Breakfast Trays, Metal Novelties, Cloisonne Smoking Sets '. I i i Pecan Nuts in Christmas Boxes. Our usual ine of Christmas 1 t Cards at Reasonable Prices. i i J t - ' Tl ' . ; ine ,-',; c' Aiken Gift Shop

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