THE WA1KE5V1LUB MOUNTAINEER r EEGAi. NOTICES; NOTICE OF TRlfSTBE'S SALE , OF LAND STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY Under and by virtue of the aswer contained in a certain Deed of Trust, ' executed by Mattie Turner, and bbs band, P. D. Turner, to Juo. M, Quean, Trustee, dated the 30th day of De- cemoer, ireo, ana recorded ia the Aeeora 01 ueeas oi rrust in Hook 19, par 152, office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood Coanty, North Carolina; default having been made u the payment of the notes and indebt edness thereby secured, and the held- thereof baring requested an p aBad to said Trustee that said Deed ef Trust be foreclosed for the purpose of aatiafvin? sail Heht tka Signed Trustee, will offer foe sale and ell. at the front door of the Go art House in the Town of Waynesville, N. C. (being- at the Masonic Temple) at 12 o'clock aeon, Friday the UHi day'of December, 1931, to the niches! bidder for cash, the fallewing de scribed real estate, to wit: Being in Crabtree Township; Begin ning at a stake in Pigeon Hirer op posite the month of a small branch; tfhence up said branch N. 64 degress E, 897 feet to a stake: thence N, 80 degrees E. 95 feet to a stake near the head of said branch; thence N, 57 de grees SO minutes E. 200 feet to a wal I, nut; thence N. 45 degrees 45 minutes , E. 493 feet to an apple tree; thence . 00 degrees a. zta feet to a stake; theiMfi N. 37 decrees E. 221 feet tn 0 ' stake; thence N. 33 degrees 45 min utes e., no ieet to a stake on top f ridge; thence N. 21 degrees W. 625 ieet to a stake on said ridge in J Kinsland's line, said stake being 205 feet from Kinsland old corner; thence wiw saia line s. a decrees, k. sns 1 ieet to said . Jtmsland old corner; 1 thence N- 3 dwiwi an minna v sua feet to a stake in Long Branch; thence 1 wilo buiu ijung orancn a calls: S. B3 I degrees 16 minutes E. 231 fset S. 89 (degrees 30 minutes E. 864 feet N. 86 f degrees E. 165 feet to Stake at the iL - A 11 . .... imuuii 01 a smaii Branca or ditch; Athene with the same- S. 2S degrees IE. 280 feet; thance S. 18 degrees 16 roinues E. 132 feet; thence S. 7 de- apreea w minutes YY. 271 feet; , r - . vv aMaaiuvca - t48V6 feet to made: thence. North! 54 degrees 30 minute Bast 12SU I ito 10 a , tv cue uaK, uotson Iwrner; thence S. 4 degree SO minutes 3. - 478 feet; thence & 9 degrees SO oiantes W. 404 feet to stake in ne cage 01 nela; thence B. S degrees o mutates v. 1072 reet to a stake n side pr the ridge; then S. 21 de nes E. 1039 feet to a Blark Oak own)i ierreirs cerney; thence S. 3 decrees W. 22234 feet, ta a rdnknrv ftience S. 5 degrees W. 140 V. feet to apamsn uaic; tnence a. 74 degrees J '. 231 feet to a White Oak; thence f 61 degrees W. 198 feet to a Spanish a., vience a- 20 aegrees TT. Z39Vs et to a hickory; thence S. S8 de ees W. 863 feet to a Black Gum at e branch ; thence S. 52 degrees W. i feet to a Dogwood; thence N. -degrees W. 288 feet to a Maple the. bank of the river; thence to i"vcorner of the river; thence down 1' river; to the Beginning contain ; 131.85 acres more or less- To ner with a right of way for a road the use of the lands Of the faid ttie Turner and Mollis Allison in a point in the present road way said Branch hpar t.h liocinninv ner along said road way down the sr 10 me present tord of the river, icn sia roaa shall be 14 feet in th and across which no fence shall built nor gates nor bars construct- excepi Dy consent. This the 17th day of Nov., 1931. JNO. M. QUEEX. r. l-2fl-Dcc- ."5-10-17 Trustee by the undersigaed Trustee. This thirtieth day of October, 1931 W. G firamham and T. L. Bland, Reaervers, First National Cotn-.'.-..Pny ef Durham, Ineorporated, ' Tsto. a, is- uec. 3- I una, excepUng and subject hoewver, with the street, Sr 46 degrees -80 j to any rignts-of-wsy that the South- minutes W. 100 feet to a stake. cr ! e'n.itauwy CoP8" d the townjner of Mrs. Jenny R. Henry; '-thence of Wsynesville have for a railway and aueec purpose over said lots of land, which said lota of lsnd are situate in Haywood County, in the town 01 Waynesville, North Carolina, on th n et side of the right-of-way of the Southern Bailway Company, BEGIN NING at the junction of Love ana Wilson Streets. 01 on wnicn uapt. J. H. Payne now Jives, and 60 feet from the center ef ue main track of the Southern Rail Way ComDanv. and mn in . Vk eriy direction parallel to said railway tract, 200 feet to a stake, corner of rots rvos. 106 and 164; tbenoa in a Westerly dSriwfinn wttK f U. - uiriuiu ime ox row os. lbs and 154 and 187 feet to a stake corner to lots Nos. lot, u6, 104 and 1S5H: thence in a Southerly direction 200, feet More or less, to a poiat en the North side of Love Street, 200 feet from the beginning coraer ef let No. 171; thenea with the North side of said Love Street 200 feet to the BEGINNING, coataiain W 154 and 178, on said Ramseur map and NOTICE OF SALE nder and by virtue of the power aie contained in that certain deed rust executed by W. A. Hyatt and 1. Evelvn M. Hvatt. t .1. R. RnvH date of July 20, 1928, and re- ea in cook page 18 in unice le uegister 01 Deeds of Kaywood ayment of the indebtedness jhere- ccuicu, unuersijfnea sell at public auction to the high idder for cash in fren't of Court door (Masonw Tempi) in nesville. N. C... at It oVlnolc A. 1 Mondav. Deeembpr 14. '1931. a bird undivided interest in and to oliowing described real and per- property : rive tracts of iana ted in the Town of Waynesville, 'ood County, North Carolina, more particularly described as 's: - 1ST I.vintr iinrl ll:ti( t town of Waynesvil'.e, .ind more nilarly describee Jtiy metes and Is as follows : First Tract : Ly- id heino. in tnft WtAT nnrfcinn town of Waynesville, at the on 01 wnson ana Boundary , lying South of Boundary , and West of Wilson Street a portion of the eli R. G. A land conveyed to Mary A- By- y M. h. JUve, administrator 01 A. Love, deceased, whose deed veyanoe is registered in the of the Register of Deeds for Hav County, in Book 3, page 381 said lot being lot No. 153, on imseur plat or survey of the an 01 wie town of Waynesville, Carolina, containinir ore or less, being the same lot ea cy j; rv. cynum and wife. t L. Moody, by Heed rerWerH i ee of the Register of Deeds of od County, in Book 26, pace 5ft Svdnor Bohannon. trustee, to arapbell by deed dated tbe Sr- ApriL 1911. to which deeds and reference ia hereby made for esoription. Second Tract : Ali trtaia pieces or parcels ef lots, .known as lots Nes. 154 and Ramsaup's map and survey ef n of Waynesvilfe, Nerth Car- survey of the town of Waynesville. iiuna vareuna, oemg tee same lots wunreyea 10 tne said W. V. Campbell by W. J. Hannah, commissioner, by deed dated th 27th riav t m. ian the said land herein conveyed ' being iuuj ucscnuea in a deed from W. C. Campbell and wife, Stella Campbell to C E. Rav and nthra nn !.. j.. - - . , V1I m. 4.IIU LIMY of October, 1911, as recorded in the wuce o tne Register of Deeds for Haywood County, in Book 34, pare 61, et seq., on the 2lst day of October u Ui ?ethr w'th all and every the buildings and machinery, situated and being upon the above described lots Being the same two tracts of land conveyed by C. E. Say and wiiV, Minnie Ray, to W. T. Shelton. E. J. Hvatt and W A fT.-t 1 dated the 4th day of April, 1918, and ,u,u ' oook 01, page WE, in rec- uru oi naywood County. OtUIMJ 1HAI ; f ('ml, . lots or parcals of land as follows; First lots; BEGINNING en a stake fn ,runs Soutt 51 degrees 30 100 feet: thear. M if, w 220 feet; thence N. 77 degrees 7. 100 '" ence c ins KiKilNlMING, en a Stakn and uno S i J n , "a ucjci crfl ow minutes W. IM fut- t,kn m grees E. 100 fet? fk.nn. ' iz j- erees E. 16R fw f u. kpimmim,. .Richland Creek and Lova Lane, iu uukm, vi am mown and describ ed as lot No. 155. on Rlm n. and Dlat of tha lanH. 1 ie estate of It. G. A- Love, deceased. .owuna 4t: Adjoining lot No. 165 on stake and runs S 51 utes W. 100 foot- th.n M AK j arreos v. ioo ieet: thence N. 66 de- Kreea uo ieet; taeTlce S- 46 de grees E. 145 faet toihm RTTniVMTKT said tract of land known and describ-' ea as 101 xno. ii6Vs on Ramseur sur vey and plat of land belonging to fv VT. A. Love fstate A I... being the same two tracts or lots of land conveyed by E. B. McClure and wife.Nina McClure to W- A. Hyatt, E. J. Hvatt. inil W T k j. .J dated November 20, 1919, and reuord- eu in dook 00, page 131. Record of Deeds of Haywood County THIRD TRACT- knn,n ioi ino. xoc, on Kamseur map of the Ramseur survey of the town of naynesvuie. neino- narf nf th it.i. ' w m vuc vowHbc iSfwi;v,(-' A- Love deceased BEGIN- iiiiu on tne north side of lot No. 153, and runs a straight line as an extension of thm Mnrtk t 1.1. vr. 103 to Richland Creek; thence N. 60 uegrees minuates West along East side of Richland Creek, 103 feet to corner of lot No. 152 and lot No. 165; thence parallel with the cp- cusl iue 01 saia lot 102, to the Southwest, pornpr nf Int M iko. thence Northeast course with line of ioi ixo. id and lot No. 152 100 feet to the BEGINNING, the same being a nart of lot No if.9 nf tu ri- map of Ramseur survey. Being the ottuitr iut uescnoeo in a deed from W E. Miller and S. J. Miller to Hyatt & ComDanv. dated Vovmht. !q iqi and recorded in Book 57. oaee 59c! U I J? T 1 -w t - ' ivcuuru 01 ueeas of Haywood County. FOURTH TRACT- T?ir, the street from tho and lying between Richland Creek tne street, that runs down by the Southern Depot and intersects with DeDot Street, insf of tor 00. - - - . v 1 ... .-Ll Ct' L crosses the Southern Railway Tract, BEGINNING on a sake on the South side of an alley that runs parallel With Denot. Streot (nwoj i;i.ti 1 Creek 30 feet from Mark Liner's cor ner, ana runs JN. 51 degrees 50 min utes W. alone- sairl nllov 91R font bank of Richland Creek ; thence S xo uegrees o minutes W, 62 feet UD said crepk tn a ctoK n -e 7 " wvw v,t MI1IV Ul tutiu xvicniann i:renkr thnn a. grees 50 minutes E. 216 feet to a stane on tne street that runs down by Southern Depot and intersects with DeDot Street, as afnrocoi). tkn m 46 degrees 30 minutes E.' with said sireei, 00 ieet to the BEGINNING, containing one-third acre, and being inn same lot or natv nf lani A scribed in a deed from S. L: Strimr field, guardian, et al., to W. A. Hyatt, E. J. Hyatt, dated July 11, 1916, and icuurasa in book . ra ttm iKU w cord of Deeds of Haywood County : ajho aescrioeo in tnat certain deed from W. W. StrdnirfiRlH et a I ty. w A. Hvatt. and E- J Hvat.t ' riotoj July 1, 1916, and recorded in Book No. page iteoord of Ueeds of Hay wood County North Carolina, r'IFTH TRACT; Fronting and lv- mg oa a street which runs from Depot Street in a Southwestern di rection. Dftssinir tho ftnatkarn ;!.... Depot toward the bridge at the end of Smathers Street. BEGINNING at a stake on the Nerthwest side ef said street, 60. feet frm the South WAfif J A f n - n It 1 .A with her line. N. 4fi Aetrwa. 30 min utes W- 170 fet tn a Mtoto nn ik. East bank of the ei'eek to a stake. corner of lot hereofore conveyed to W. A. Hyatt and E. J.. Hyatt by the heirs of M. M. ' Stringiield ; thenc with the line of said lot, S. 61 degrees ov minutes fc. aiovi ieet to the BE GINNING, being the. same lot de scribed in a deed frnra Hitch T Slaon et al , to W. A. Hyatt, E. J. Hyatt nu jw , 1 . oneiton, dated April 26, ana recorded is Book .64, page 100, necord ot Jeeds of Haywood cpunty, Also a oen-third undivided interest in all the stock oi goods, Wares, mer chandise, choses in action, book ac counts, machinery tnnte riv-t,,.-... trucks, office furniture, equiproen.' and anv and all other iwrannii rr,. erty now used ad owned by Hyatt tc Comoanv. a Pur)nr;n tion with the said business ef Hyatt 4l ComDanv in tho TniH nf w.. Haywood County, Nerth Car- ehne. ' Saia mflHe eMWint . a i m pi 1V.I urfu of trust to Grariv Rnvt TniDi.. fA. J. R. Boyd, in the sum' of '$15,000.00, dated the 9th day of May, 1928 This 12th day of Nov. 15.11. J- K. BOyp, Trustee. Nov. 12-19-26-Dec 3 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES STATE Default havine bee n murl.i in tk.. f-j'uchu vi me .inaeotedness secured by a eertais Deed of Trust executed i tna f irst i mm 1 .. - - ---- jvini)uiljF 01 uiiiniu, incorporated and the lin'eti Trust Comoanv af M tee, on the first day of July, 1928. bv . ti . Til LiLiii 11 nun ir.r. ,jaximau uri, v, WILSON, on the lin k ....; j scribed. said Deed nf T,t k.i corded in Book 22, Page 336, in (he erhce of the Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, North Carolina, the un dersigned will, having b;n so re quested by the holder of said indebt edness offer fer sale, at pubic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House dcr of HayweoJ Ceuaty, North Carolina, at twelve e'deck aeen no Mondav. the cember, 1931, the Uds described in saia ueea ot Trusts to-w;t: BEGINNING at a stak-i at the in tersection of tk wat .f Newfound Straet and tho fin ef Blaylock Street and runs with saia margin or Blaylock Streot South 88 degrees West 205 feet to a stake in said fttrapt ma rem nf .1. H r.m. sett corner then with said Gossett line 3 calls: South 14 degrees 30 West VV.O ieet to a stako South I'll lrri e-ast zo feet to a stake, South 2 de crees 30 minutes West 127 feet to a stake, Collins corner; thence with Colli n! linn Slltft Rfl rlnirroaa .in min. utes East 137 feet to a stake, Tate corner, in Collins line, then with Tate line 2 calls: No. 5 degrees "ast 160.8 fpt tn a atnVii Nrtrth S3 Abcttm East 125 feet to a stake in West mar- rin ot NcwfouBd Street, then .with said margin ' of Newfound Street North 16 doeres 45 minutes Wst 77.8 feet to befjinning. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale assrmes the payment of all un- naii tkes and street assessment? aprainst the property. Th TInion Trust Companv of Marvland hnvin? resigned as Trus te, as: rH -Dee 1. of Trust nrvirl-' thf saJe is beiner advertised and con ducted bv the 'undersigned Trustee This thirtieth dav of October. 1931. W. G. Bramha and T. L. Bland. Receiver. First National Com Dny of Durham. Tncfrrovntd. Trustee.. Nv. 12-Dec 3 . k-?n,!0,nday 7,11 ef Decern- ""'"" "t mvM ociocx A. M., at me uourtnouse door in the Town """l"11'. Haywood County, Ac-rth Carolina, the undersigned, Lo- to the highest bidder for cash, the ;u"""'"K oesenDed lands and prem ises. Ivinir nH . Town of W:,..",. L,,...;1 . V.Tu j """'y. "a tarolina, and ucscntea as follows: BEGINNING nn o eui,A ! .L f side line of Rich!and or Brown Ave nue, ana tne corner of Lot SB, and runs thence S. 81 degrees ofl minutes Mreet; thence N. 15 degress W. 100 feet to a stake; thence N. 81 degrees o0 minutes W. 219 feet to stake in the side lin p;a!.j D ----- - -'-"i i urown Avenue; theiiee S. 8 degrees 30 mia Utes W. 100 feet with h. 1; , '- - - ...v. 1. If 1 1 11 tj said Avenue to th. BEGINNING BEING Ixit.i iK (i j cr 8A, 8B and 8C, Block 17 of the Grim- Daii rart Additioa- Sale made pursuaat te, under and by virtue ef the Mr nf ...... tained in that, certain H..o.i f ...... executed by W. L. Mehaffey and wife, Maude MehaffVv. tn tk j , '. " """"Snil v.uinmerciai National Bank of High Mini, irostee. bearing date ef September 16th, 1927, and duly re corded in OrTW if ik. :. . -- ----- v aiTKioit-r VI veras oi nay wood County, North v-ruuim. in ook of Heeds of Trust No. 21. naee 238. tn -Wk ;j and deed ef trust reference is hereby made for all the terms and conditions of the same. Sale made because ef ueiauit in payment of the ind.-ntrd- nss secured thereby. This the 3rd day of November, 1981 commercial National Bank of nigh 1'oint, North Carolina, Local 1 rusiee. Nov. 12-1 9-26, Dec It by 161 feet, known as the O. B Wilsea lot. ihe purchaser at the foreolesute sale assumes the payment of all un paid taxes and street assessments against the property. The Union Trust Cnmnanv of Um. land having resigned as Trustee, as in said Deed of Trust provided, tho saie is Deing advertised and conducted Dy tne undersigned Trustee. This 30th dav of October. 1931. W. G. Bramham and T. L- Bland Keceivers. First Natior! Com pany of Durham, Incon" rated. Trustee. Nov. 12-Dec. 3. XOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE NOTICE OF SALE OR REAL ES STATE ' Default havi payment 01 tne indeotedness secured Dy a certain Deed of Tt etoonf.H to the ' First National Company of isui nam,. incorporated and the Union Trust ComDanv of MarvlanH Trnuto on tne nrst dav of Ja v. 92R. h vtr. GINIA DOTSON SirrTOM h, oanu, tHAKUt-S K. SUTTON, on the lands herein described, said Deed ot 1 rust : beine recorrfed in Rnnk 21, page 518, in the office ot the Register of Deeds of Ha V wood COiintv. North rrnV, the undersigned will, having been so' requestea Dy tne noider of said in- aeoteaness otter for sale, at public auction, ta the hiwheat hi.Mar cash, at the Court House door of Hay wood County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on Monday, the seventh dav. of npmhr iq.qi k lands described in said Deed of Trust, to-wit: BEGINNING nn d o.u ; u. Southeast margin of Trammell Ave nue 100 feet Seuth 31 degrees 35 min utes West from the Smathers Estate line and runs South RR rWreoe minutes East 129 feet to a stake in Marshall Mann line; thence with said line South 19 deerees West. 11S fwt to a stake. J. K. C. , - - vu.j.vw . I 1IC1 , thence with his line North 68 degrees dw minutes west lorteet to a stake in the Southeast margin of Trammell Avenue, thence writh aaiA A ...... f ...v.. , . Jt . IJ LTTIIUC North 31 degrees 35 minutes East 117 feet to the becinnins'. Roinvimrt f the property conveyed to Virginia uotson button and husband, Charles E. Sutton, bv Nora fWunn anA Jnkn Dotson by deed dated January 9, 1929. The Dttrchaser at the sale assumes the payment of all un paid taxes and street assessments against the property. T . T' : . . 1. . r , . . , 7 ... . x "c J'w iroat UJmpanTOl aiarv fkdC of d 9 feet land having resigned as Trustee, a wha ni(i the lot known in said Deed of Trust provided, the the Mark Liner let; and runs thence sale is being advertised and conducted Default havinir in tU u 1 1 a in rl payment of the indebtedness secured by a certain Deed of Trust executed to the First Natienal Cent pany et Darham. Iaoomorateri anil k t ti. Trust Cosspany of MarylaBtl, Trus tees, en the Srst day mi Jnly, 1928, vSuBNSLtJY wife, ROXIK CiOLdci. an tna Inmtu h,. scribed, said Deed of Trust "being re corded in Beok ai, Page 496, ia the oiiice 01 tne register of Deed ef Hay wood Ceuntv. North r dersirned wilL having been so request ed ky the bolder of said indebtednesP ofter for sale, at public auction, to the nigaest oiaeer, for cash, at thc Court noose noor or Haywood Countt North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noo': on Mondav. the " ----- - . . j 1 a 'tcili- ber, 1931, the lands described in said ueea ot Trust, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron stake. W M. Coman's Nerth west ornr anH 11 the east inarcin of N'owfiwnii fttrect and runs Smith kk grees East 193 feet to a stake then North 11 Ms degrees East 225i feet IO a staKe in a ho ow thnti Nnrth 7n.V. degrees West 200 feet to a stake in East ma re-in of NiWfmiml fru. then South 10 dogrees West 254 'i feet to the bea-inninc. Pnntainino. 1 and 9-100 acres more or lens, and be- incr the same identical lnt rntivvA by W. M. Coman (Widower) to L. E Ensley and wife, Roxie Ensley by deed dated the 18th day of August 1923, and which deed is registered in Book No. 64 at page 447, Records".. Deeds for Havwood Cnunt.v. .;i-ih Carolina. The Durchaser at thi fnm"iKiivf sale assumes the payment of al! un paid taxes and street assessment:! against the property. The Union Trust Company of Mary land having resigned as Trustee, in said Deed of Trust nroViflert th sale is being advertised and ronducteH by the undersigned Trustee. IhiR thirtieth day of October. 1031- v. kt. uramnam and l . 1,. Hland, Receivers. Tirst National Com pany, of Durham; Incorporated. .-' 1 rustee. Nov. 12-Dec. 3 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Mondav tho 7tK Aan ber, 1931, at 11 :00 o'clock A. M. at the lourtnouse door in the Town of vvavnesvil e. Hinnai 'o.,r,t. n;.,. Carolina, the undersigned Trustee win sea nunnc nnirir tn tk k u - 1 J ,1.1. .' ft 1 1 est bidder for cash. th fnllnnri. .1. scribed lands and premises, lying anu " iuwn oi xiazeiwood, llay- wooa Lounry, worth Carolina, and iuny cescnoea as follows: Br. GINNING on a stake in the r. est side line of West Church Street (formerlv Hazel Street. s v trees 00 minutes r:. Sd feet from the intersection of Main Street and West Lnurca street, said stake being the oouineasi corner or Wn. Snyder 1 lot ane runs thence S. 7 degrees 36 minutes h- 90 feet with side line el west Lauren Street to a stake, T. V I'avis Northeast corner; thence S. iu degrees 30 minutes W. 150 feet with Davis' line to a stake in J. P. Scates' line; ihence N. 7 degrees 30 minutes W- 90 feet to a stake; thence l. bz deirrees .ill inrnn u v inn f.t to the UKGiNNING. BEING the same lot of lun.l ..,,.. veved to James N Knight t.u nnA recorded in Book No. 55, pare yimce 01 the Kegister of Deeds f Haywood County, North Carolinn. Sale made uhHer anA l.v virlnn nf the power of sale contained in that certain deed 01 trust executed by James N. Knight and wife, Morm Kniffht. tn Commercial NTntinnnl Hank of High Toint, North Carolina, Local Trustee, bearing date of No vember 1st, 1927, and dully recorded ia the Office nf Recister i.f Tl.lo f Haywood County, Nerth Carolina, ir Deed of IVust Book No- 21, page 279 Saia mada he.aii.tu nf WPui,tf in . . . ment of indebtedness secured therebv and to which said deed of trust refer ence is hereby made fer all the lerm and ceaditions of the same. This the 3rd day ef Neveniber, 19M' (omaiercial National Bank Wifh Toint, North Carelina.'Lecr Trustee. Nev. 12-19-26, Dec. 3. City ef Wayaesville, Nerth Carol at twelve a'olook noon on Thurs the 10th day of December, 1981, will sell to the highest Udder eash, a certain lot or parcel of 1 in or near the City of Wayaeav Township of Waynesville. CoaBtJ Haywood. State of North Caroli more particularly described as llTT B Becrinnin an a ataL-. k. c.J v mm owno i I. U1C 0UU rnjr margin oi Academy Street in Town of Waynerville, said stake ing 110 feet from HinJ ct. and at Miss Bowles' eastermoat d ner. and mna . . j c , a . - " iu on rtf t o. degrees 80 minutes East 62 feet t B. O. I ,. Liner's . n 4a degrees 30 minut w iok f-j. a sUke, Liner's corner in the Wei line; inenoe with said Welch lii three calls as fnl1w. v j! frees 60 mtniitea w n 1 , . 1 I E r... 3: ".- -nciiii a. oegrees au minutes W. 25 feel inence n. oa degrees 80 minutes V 44-9 feet to a stake. Mi R 1, ner in the Wlk . i the Bowlepj line N 9'X H. 0..0 iJ tt. ; r rrcvCT "'"1 wtm r.. iou ieet to tne beginning bein, ruirr. nr Tna aaM. T . J , . . . Logan by deed from M. H. Reeve and wife. Ernie rVmiu P...n. j.,. January 19, 1920. and filed for regis tration on the 21st day of January m tne omce of the Register 0 Deeds. Conotw nf ttamn.. a c.. . North Carolina Recorded in Boekl 00, page I O. This the hth Aav f to.,, CAROLINA MORTGAGE COM P1V T lu. KArnnun Aft Nev. 12-Dec. 3. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE The r noo ijuaiuicu as executor of Grace C. Plott, deceased. Any persons havimr rUim. ....'..i said esUte wiH file with the under signed sworn itemized statements of saia Claims on or hnfnm tk iok J... - - - .... v.l. . b 1 1 111, J 01 movemoer. i'.iav. nr thi nnti.. ;n be pleaded in bar of their recovery of oui u i-iamia. This the 19th H 1931. ' r. HERBERT PLOTT .Executor of the estate of Grace C- Plott,, A aswka as A Nov. 19-26-Deo. 3 10-17-24 NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES STATE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a certain Deed of Trust executed to the ' First National Company et Durham, Incorporated and the Union Trust Company of Maryland, Trus tee, on the first day of July, 1928, by ZEB B- MUSE nri wife VfW. NETTE S, MUSE, on the lands herein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in Book 21, Page 524, in the office of the Register Of Deeds of Hay wood Countv. North C.n rnlinii tha nn. dersigned will, haying been so re quested by the holder of said indebt edness offer for sale, at, nnhlic anrtinn to the highest bidder, for cash, at the ourt riouse door or Haywood County, North Carolina, at twel VP n'clnrlf nnnn on Mondav. the seventh rfav nf tin. cember, 1931, the lands described in saia ueed ot trust, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake at the in tersection nf the Mnrthw.ct m o rrr n of Spring Street with the Northeast At ' . . margin 01 an unnamed Street and runs with the Northwest margin of hDrine Street North hM rierrreea Knt 75 feet to a stake, corner of B. Smath ers' property; then with Smathers line 2 calls as follows: North 56 Heerees West 158 feet to a stake; then North 2 degrees 10 minutes East 250 feet to a stake, Smathers corner in the Johnson line; then with the Johnson line North 70 decrees West 103 feet to a stake; then South 2 "de grees 10 minutes West 330 feet to a stake in the North margin of an un named Street: then with said street 2 calls: South 87 degrees 50 min utes fcast 50 feet to a turn in aid street, then South 56 degrees East 151 feet to the BEGINNING, being '"ts 114 to 126 inclusive of the Georee Smathers Property, and a lot 75 feet jj virtue 01 autnenty contained ui a certaia judgment bearing date 01 Anril 13th. 1931. rendenvl hv th. Superior Court of Haywood Count in an action, entitled Ainen Howell, or., against waynesville Kurnitur,, ComDanv. a nnrnnratinn mrA T I ' Gwynn, receiver of Waynesville Furn iture company, in which judgment, the Court decreed a sale af th r hfire. inafter described land, and appointet William T. Hannah, a commissioner t. advertised and sell the same at publk auction, at the fniirthona rtftnr tt: Haywood (bounty, after due advertise ment. Which sale is tn h m tn satisfy the sum of $1000.00, with in terest and costs as set nut in mil. I judgment of foreclosure, foreolosin a certain oeoo 01 trust which the Waynesville Furniture Company, de fendants mentioned therein. pxei-nleH to- J, W. Ferguson, trustee for the said AKien Howell, . Kr., which land decreed to be sold, was embraced and conveyed by said deed or trust and wnicn is described as follows: Lying and being on Richland Creek in Havwood Countv North f'nrnliirj near the Town of Hazelwood, bein Lots Nos- 17 and 18 in Block C. o Rrookwood Plucn u nor Riirvev u r, man made hv .1. W. Scaver. Riirvevn)- RPGINNING al a' stake in tho mnr. gin of Louisiana Avenue and at the inT.prserrion ar snin a venue Ann Ken tucky Avenue, and in the corner of Lot No. 17, and runs with the mar gin of Louisiana Avenue 108 feet tc a stake, corner of Lot No- 19: thence North 72 decrees 30 miniites W 17.ri '.feet to a stake; thence N- 25 degreef 1; tr i'n t l i il :.. - iiiiiiuLVD rj. jo.F iixt .t a .-i.iv 111 the margin ef Kentucky Avenue; thence with Kentucky Avenue R. W degrees. 'E-205. feet to the BEGIN NING, being Uts Nos. 17 and 1 f Block C. as foresaid. The this property is made upon the r press condition that the said of second part, its heirs, or assigns are not to sell or lease said pron to neproes or persons of neje;ro blorx' and it they do, this deed is to tieco null and void, and the nronertv vert to the said A. (' Foquc, her heirs or assigns. Fully described in a deed from A. ('. Foquc to Wayne" ville Furniture Company, ' Registere ' in lnirirH r Itt.itQ n) invwnnr County in Book No. 57, page 37 e' sen . bearing dale of September ,3 1919. 1931, at 12 o'clock noon, sell to the highest bidder for cash the ab"ve de scribed land for the purpose of satis f,rina ka aniil nntu anrt Aonil nf triwt ed lasd' for the purpose of satisfying th said note and deed ot trust aid ndtrment and costs and expenses of ra'e. This the 3rd dav of October. 1931. WILLIAM T. HANNAH. . Commissioner. Vt. 12-19-26, Dec. 3. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Mondav. tWnnW in. inn. t eleven o'clock a. nw at the court house door ia the Town of Wayaes ville, Haywood County, N. C, I will sell at pablic outcry to the highest bidder for oah the lollowing describ ed lands and premises lying and be ing in Waynesville Township, Hay wood County, N. C. Being certain lots or parcels of lad situate in the Town of Southern Assembly. Hirannil I Carolina, fully described in "The Inden Map of the Lands of the Southern Assembly" as Lots Nos. 9, v ns ii, uiocK o, which map is recorded ia the office of the Regieter ef Deeds of Haywood County in Rec ord of Maps No. "A," page 1, 3, 5 and 7, to which record reference is hereby made for a more perfect de scription of the lands and premises herein conveyed; Being the same land as tha: cor. vcyed in a deed from the Southern Assembly to Mattie Covington, bj deed dated Auomst. . iifn un corded in the office nf thn R.'ut., ..(' Deeds of Haywood County, in Book of Deeds 37, paga 270, to which said record and deed reference is hereby mane. . Sale made nursiiuiit tn tha nn. conferred nmn me hv Un.-l ..r I "V v.v,w ..A h.W.-li. executed by Mattie Covington dated May 11. 1928. and r-cnrrlerl in of Deeds of Trust No. 23, page 60, office of Register of 'Deeds of Hay wood County, to which reference is made for all the terms and conditions of the same This 12th day of November, 1931 GEO. H. WARD, Trustee. Nov. 19-2fi-Dec. 3 10 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE OF FORCLOSURE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained in" that certain deed of trust made by C ' G. I.oe-an and wife Mftrv Loe-an. to Carolina Mortgage Company, Trus tee, dated the 1st day of May, 1926, and recorded in Rook 12 at naorn 9?,?; in the Office of the Ree-ister of Deeds of Hvwood County, North Carolina, default having been made in the pay ment Of the notes thereliv secured and the holder thereof having directed that the deed of tnust be foreclosed, the unersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the Court House door ia the On Monday, December .14, 1931, at eleven o'clock a. m. at tho court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Havwood Countv. N. C. I will call u r public outcry to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises lvinc and heino. in ooi.t County: BEGINNING at a stake on the bank of Penland Cove Branch, which is East 81 poles from a buckeye-, . Crawford cornnr nn th ut of the East Fork of Pigeon River, and runs tnence irom said stake S. 73 poles to a hickorv: thence S 71 Hn- grees E. 14 ooles thence S. 45 de grees East 58 poles; thence South 23 degrees East 102 poles ; thence South 100 Doles to n .hitnnt thence N. 118 poles to a chestnut; thence S. 60 degrees E. 63 poles to a cnestnut; thence JN. 132 poles to a stake at a branch or creek; thtnee N. 60 degrees W. 42 poles to a stake at said creek; thence N. 71 degrees W. 19 poles to a stake at said creek; thence S. 71 degrees W. 33 poles to a stake in said creek; thenci West about 180 poles to a point where said line strikes the mountain road about 40 poles from the irver, and runs thence with said road in a southeasterly direction about 12 poles to a point due north of the beginning;; thence South about i!8 poles to the BEGINNING, containititr 300 acres mOre or less as ner surviv and nlat nf J. W. Seaver. Reiner tlir aame onA , described in a deed from E. W. Sharp and wire, m. ai. Sharp, to T. C- N or ris, dated the 2nd dav nf UTan-h "'n 1 and recorded in RnnL- r.l n.r .7 Record of Deeds of Haywood County. This deed of trust is made subject to any convevances heretofore mad. by T. C. Norris an! wife, Irene Norris, from the foregoing boundary. Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon me Sy deed of trust ekecuted by T. C. Norris and wife, Irene Norris, dated 1st September, , 1927, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 24, page 21, o;Tice of Register of Deeds of Haooe" Coun ty, to whieh reference is made for all the terms and conditions of the same. This the 12th day of November 1931. GEO. H. WARD, Trustee. M. S- Sr XT. Attvs. Nov. 19-26-Dec. 3-1".

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