THE WAY NES V1LLE MOUNTAINEER Page 9 Local Football Team amnion " - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1931 W N C. Grid Ch VAYNESVILLE IS Drive Is Made To Notaries Public WiAIM FOOTBALL Lessen Deaths Cannot Hold Dual CHAMPION W.N.C.; By Automobiles o 0 )ne of the Lightest Teams ; S5 People Were Killed By in Section Wins From Heavier Team Autos in North Carolina During October. RESULT OF TEAM WORK Irst Time Waynesville W. N. C. Champion Since 1925. Coach Due Much Credit. Once again the Waynesville high chool football team is champion team f Western North Carolina. Not inc 1925 have the local players had l distinction of claiming that mvc-h Might for title. The title was al lost assured Thanksgiving when he !cal3 trounced Mars Hill, and it was lade certain last week when Black tountain team., the only high school ;am to win from Waynesville this sason, won over the strong Ashe ille team that the locals nosod out le first game of the season. Mara Hill was recognized as the jes$ prospect for the title of cham ion but that hope was shattere J ere Thanksgiving. Coach Weatherby was asked to hat did he attribute the success of le team, weight, strength, experi ncsor what, he said, "it is one of the ghtest teams to ever win such an onor, the reason we won was team 'ork, the boys worked in harnrny Jgether." Coach Weatherby would ot take any credit for himself but According to state highway offi cials 85 persons were killed in North Carolina last month by automobiles. Four or five times this number were injured. These figures are larger than for the same period a year ago. With auto accidents on the increase in the state and winter's added per ils for the motorist not far away, state highway officials are launching a vigorous program against careltss. noss on the part of the driver and the use of defective equipment. Respon sibility for the success of the cam paign is being placed upon the shoul ders of the owners and drivers of motor vehicles and the state highway patrol. Reminding the public that 777 per. sons lo"t their lives in Ninth Caro lina as a result of auto accidents last year and that the death rate is still mounting, K. H. Jeff ross, chairman of the highway commission, seeks the co-operation ot tne public- to lessen mishaps. He said, "Each year, as greater service is required of the automobiles, certain tests and adjustments become neces.-ary. Accidents, other than those caused by reckless driving, come about chiefly as a result tf blinding headlights, faulty brakes, imperfec tions in the steering mechanism, and worn out tires. I hese elehc'ioncies JONATHAN'S CRKKK Our community was saddened by ' th death 01 Mr. Krastus i'arton on . the " morniiig o; Nov. -', UVU. Mr. I'arton had been a member of 1 Shady Grove church practically all ! of his life. He was a true Christian, j active in church work as long as his A bombshell exploded recently ' health permitted. Tit' church and when an affirmation of a ruling icoir.monky have suffered an irrepara handed down some sixteen yars ago ! ble loss in the passing of this young was unearthed and passed uHn re- I man. cently by the State Supreme Court. ; He was 35 years old and is survived by his mother and five sisters: Mrs , A. Shelton, Mrs. J. J. Carpenter, Supreme Court Sustains 16 I Year-Old Decision in Opinion Given Recently. was largely through his untiring . must be remediwJ just as the lwkkiSS .ffnrf that the Htlo i rougnt to waynesville. , , , . (By J. S. Goocle) c Notre Damo has her Southern Cal tornia, Georgia meets her Tulane, fhe Vols ran headlong into the Wild its from old Kentucky, Napoleon 'iet his Waterloo, and most of us Vve our moments . . but . . . the spectators that witnessed the titantie yuggle on the local gridiron Thurs y : (Thanksgiving) with Waynes Slle trouncing the strong Mars Hill igh . team, that hadn't heretofore en scored upon this season, by the ':ore of 13 to 7 had their full sixty loments of excitement. The game was a thriller from start finish. The visitors valiantly try ig to keep off the seemingly inevita le of having their goal line crossed ; nd the local wildcats, yellow jackets lountaineers, in a hard headed and ersal 'of the 'Marsellais,' that we hall pass. Waynesville kicked off to Mars Hill nd Bramh tt made a beautiful tack i that downed the carrier and ball n, the visitors 20 yard line. Mars ill was unable to gain and punted n the fourth down. Reeves re vived th, punt and returned it to his 0. yard line. A few minutes later qsvqs diminutive ton of low glid- .glycerine of the nitro variety, lunged over for the first score of the ami;. Point after touchdown failed ?ing an incompleted pass. Waynes die almost made a touchdown be re the second quarter ended' The ill reposing on Mars Hill's six inch nc, the half ended, with Mars Hill l the defense all the time, C to 0, Bailey I'lays Well Bailey, halfback for the visitors, in ted his team out of (danger, his ints averaging from 30 to 50 yards, he entire Waynesville team played ds op football and there were no irticualr stars to mention as the hole team played stellar ball. The ime was to say the least pulchrit iiuous and there was not a phleg atic moment during its intirety. The second half started off just, like e first, Waynesville kicked off to e visitors and Bramlett, local end, ade a spectacular tackle real low out the top of the pigskin toter's oes bringing him down on Mars ill's twenty yard line. Mars Hill uld .not-gain through the strong rward wall of the Mountaineers, aynesville made a steady march wn the field that brought the ball Mars Hill's two foot line at the Delusion or the third period. The 11 was brought to the other end of e field and Wyatt carried it ever r Waynesville on the second play, ial for point after touchdown was de by Reeves. Mars Hill put on an aerial altaek the final period. Their passer con died the ball with uncanny speed d dexterity. Mars Hill complete J forty-one yard pass and another r over 'thirty yards- A .'cirv was ide on the latter, the receiver go ; ever fnr a touchdown. Print af- was fc-1" driver must be ruled from the high- way." Alertness on the part of the high way patrolmen in detecting imper fect and worn out equipment is bein called for by Captain Farmer, head of the state highway patrol. Blinding headlights being rec ognizee! by highway authori ties as one of the main causes of ac cidents, the attention of the highway patrolmen is being directed toward n check up on the official headlight testing stations. Many new stations have been designated lit strategic points throughout the state for the convenience of the motorists. This old law, sustained by the court will effect countless citizens in the counties in the state who hold a pub lic office, while holdjng the commis sion of a notary public. Under the ruling, which was an affirmation of a similar ruling handed down lt years ago, the official acts of all these dual office holders may be questioned. However, the wide mental stretch which the Supreme Court takes in ar riving at its majority decision was made clear by Justice Connor in writing the main opinion of the body "It cannot he said too often,'' he wrote, "that, it is the function of a' court to declare what the law is, i .....l ...,t :.. j: umj inn n iidi i ii, 1 1 it 1 1 1 i. it i viduals think it ought to bo Justice Stacey and Judge Brogdon dissented from the majority opinion. While the recent decision makes it clear that it is illegal to be a Notary Public and hold another public of fic,. at the same time, it is not likely that many counties will witness a Mrs. Frank Henry, Mrs. Chancey Palmer and Miss Vesie Partem. Fun eral services werj conducted from Shady Grove hurch by his pastor, Rev. R. V. Master, assisted by Rev Khoden, of Dellwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. I.oudermilk ef Johnson City, Tenn. have been visit ing Mrs. Loudermilk's parents, Mr. and Mrs W. R. Boyei, for the past few elays. Miss Jessiie Boyd accom panied them home for a short stay. Friends of Mrs. Iiura Owen are glad to learn that she is omproving after an illness. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leatherwooel indi- I spent Sunday with Mr. l.eatherwood's Chief i parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. I.eathei- woocf Prof. Bevelle, who is teaching at llellwood, ate dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ducket t last Sunday. Miss Willie Boyd was home from Cullowhee for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. IWough of '(irace Church in the Mountains" Waynesville, North Carolina REV. ALBERT NEW, Rector. Hearty congratulations to the Methodists for raising ?1700 and the Baptists $700, thus payinr off their respective deficits. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH following their excellent ex ample now hopes to "go and do likewise" by Christmas. Our indebtedness $!14 is due the Rector personally being $339 "arrears" on last year's salary and $575 still due on this year. We all hope the full ?!)14 will be paid, not later than Decem ber 24th in order that the Rector and his family may indeed have "A Metry Christmas." This appeal is not restricted to the members of Grace Church; but every friend of Mr. New is asked to take part in this un dertaking "OUT OF DEBT BY CHRISTMAS." The Tteasuier, Mrs. J. F. Abel, will be very plea-sed to receive a check from you. December 1, 1931. Miss Margaret Ferguson Dies In Cleveland, Ohio Now.', of the death of Miss Mar garet Ferguson, 23, daughter 'of. Mr. and Mrs- Garland S. Ferguson, of Washington, D. C, at a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, Thursday afternoon, November 20, following an operation which she ha i there the day bel'uiv, was re ceive, 1 with regret. 'in Wayne:--ville where she has visited an I formed many friendships. Slightly more than a year ago Miss Ferguson had pneumonia and it left her with a weak heart. Since that time her health had been far from robust. Her parents took her to Cleveland in the hone that an operation there 'would be followed hy her complete restoration to health. The operation was considered suc cessful but she was exceedingly, weak, and fatality ensued. Miss .Ferguson, who was reared in Greensboro, graduated in high school there- She was recognized as a young woman of most attraeMv? personality and was ejuite -popular in the state as well as in Washington.- which had been her home since the family moved there several years ago when Mr. Ferguson was appoint ed a member of the Federal Trade Commission. In addition to her parents Miss Ferguson loaves -a sister. Miss Sarah, anel a brother, Garland S., .Tr., of Washington. On the parental side of the family she was a granddaughter of the late Judge Garland S. Fer guson of Waynesville and niece Of Mrs. E. J. Robeson. blow-hack. Hyde eliel, because Hyde county 'brought the action to test the law on an undosireei county com missioner, W. W. Watson. Commis sioner Watson must vaca.- his seal on the board, because he - was previa ously a Notary Public and aid not resign his commission when he be c me n commissioner. But most citizens will agree with Justice Brogden's dissenting opinion in which he says, "the discussion as to whether a Notary Public is a judicial officer of the State is like loading a gun with 'buckshot to shoot a sparrow." List of the Notaries .Public in Haywood county follows: Mary A. Bowles, H. S. Bell, Ola Blaylock, F- E. Branson, P. F. Camp bell. W. J. C ampbell, R. R Campbell, 1 . A. Clark. Chester A Cogbuni, I Edison E. Collins, R. J. Duckworth. Jno. I Davis, Sylla Davis," P. W i" Ttnison, M. C. Green, V. R. llar beck, T. H. Haynes, W. L. Harelin, Jr-, May Holtzclaw, Carrie Eelmu-ul Hannah, I). II. Harris, H. ('. Keener, A. L. .Memre. Jas. B. Neal, J. L. Pal mer, Sam M. Robinson,-. "Grover; (' niith. M. G. Stanley. Bertha Stur 1 '. -I no. W. Shook, ('. F. SmatlK-rs, ( has. ('. Smat-hers, Horace Sentelle, ','' ViHighn, li. ('. Wilhurn, Kate Williamson, and. I.ura .'Wriglit Asheville, Mr. .). R Boyd, Mr. J. M. Mock,-Mayor Howell and others from Waynesville attended Mr. Erastus Barton's funeral on last Friday. Mrs. Frank Ferguson. Misses Mat tie Moody, lowabel Ferguson, Ruby and Elsie Davis, Roger Ferguson and Richard Queen went to Chapel Hill for the Virginia-Carolina football game. A GO foot road is being surveyed by way of Hannah's Gap to connect with the Cosby rond at the North Caroli na anel Tennessee line. Als: a short line from Lake Junaluska to connect with 284 at J. It. Boyd, Jr.'s. Don't Let Your Car Freeze and cause you expensive repairs. Nor is it worth the trouble it will cost you to have to drain your car every time you stop. We have your favorite brand of ANTIFREEZE Come around now and let us fill your ra diator. Your busines will be highly ap preciated and you will get the kind of service that pleases you. Mizell Sales & Service INC Authorized Ford Dealers led P. M. Krimminger of Cabarrus county has harvested Cf(l bushels of certified Kore.nn lespede-zn seed this season. SOT ICE OF SKh'VICK UCATION iiv run- The United Kingdom 'imported fev-cn-eighths of its needs in refined copper and almost one-half' of its copper products. ter was made by a place kick. Waynesville and Scott Rteves took the ball in the last twe minute; of play and by straight football made four straight first dowiis. Repves carried the ball five lime.? for th? gain. Mars Hill taim -biiinir swtp'. off their feet and if the v-'histTe end ing the contest had not blown at- this juncture, undoubtedly Waypes-.'i'.V would have scored another. tnu;'h-down. got u.-., Federal Officers Make Waynesville Their Headquarters (Continue' I from paire 1) be arrested anel tried and sentenced anel him -never know that hi wif,. ha any.hing to do with his arrest." "The only way we can make raid is for us to get information fron, people who know where- the Ixiotleg gers are,"- -he - continued. "It might also interest you to know that the Lw protects the. people that tell us things- ."-No' lawyer is supnosed to have the right to ask where we our in formation, t li at is 1 e ft and wo never tell." Mr. Reese pointed out that rum runners feared federal -officers more than, county, or state officers, when asked why this was he remarked, "when th federal court sentences a man he is usually sent many rnile-s away from home, to Atlanta. r some penitentiary in Ohio or still fur ther away, while if the state or county sentences him to jail he"'!y gt-ts to stay in the local county jail or the county near home." In the last federal court h-M ir i Asheville a few weeks ago, 23 fron j Haywood were tried. According t . : Mr. Reese 21 of these -received a sen- I fence from 4 months lo one year nnd a day. Three cases were carried over. I In thecase of where th? two Brant'T i brothers were alledged to have vi i- f lated the prohibition law, their fath- ' er stepped in and took the blame and ! was sentenced to two years in the "I federal penitentiary at Atlanta. 'i Mr. Reese intends to bring his' mother and two brothers here at an early date- They are living in Mar- j shall. . - . I j Mr. Forbes is from -Bakersvilie i1 Mitchell county. . NOARTII CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. I'. M Dover, vs. Fsalena Dover. I he defendant -above n unoil will take, notice- that an aeuon entitled as t'.iuve has beer e'eni uience I in-'th? f.up .r Court of Il.evv. - I Ooiu-tv i to i . tain a d:vo e em th grojnd e,.r adultery; and that said defendant will furthe-r take notice, that she is j re'juire'd to appear, before the -(Jerk1 I if said Court em the 2nl day uf Jan- i uary, l'J.iZ, at the ( eiurt Mouse in said County, North Carolina, and an- l swer eir demur to the complaint in 1 said action, er the plaintiff will ap- ply to the Court for the relief de- I manded in said complaint. i This the :!(!th elay of November,! 11KU. - - - j W. C. BY MRS. j Clerk of Superior Court, Ilavwood j Dec. .'l-Dec. 24 Ce'mnty. M YdJiigs in -w . w vii y KJ .Vr A J m ('OMFORTAULK ROBES KIND MP.N L1K! S3.75 up UOTH LOUNT.INT, and Bath Robe . . . . comfortably cut of choice fabrics. Color ful . . neat. Really, a rruin's idea of a fine Christmas Gift! McCracken Clothing Company will re-open DECEMBER 10th with a new and com plete line of Christmas Merchandise. As an opening fea ture everything will be sold at half price with the exception of a few contract lines. Get your Christmas Gifts from ."YOUNG'S" and save the difference. Every article carries, the "Young's" guarantee. j (y l!nl j I

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