Has tom Puidln-Adiancc Subscribers In HjyuooJ County Than All it'ivA eu-srw' Ccmbru-d VOL. XLIII NO. 52 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, . DECE3IKKR 10, 1931 MANY CASES ARE XEFT ON DOCKET SUPERIOR COURT i Biche Gets Verdict of Man f slaughter. .Sentence ' Not Passed Late ' Wednesday. , I The jury returned a verdict of guilty of manslaughter afainst ;Bob! Riche who was- charged with murder of Bennie Drake, both colored, Wednesday after noon, a few hours after they . fiad' received Junde Harding's charge. The case has consumed the .greater part of this week. Many witnesses were heard. Judge W. F. Harding had not 1 passed sentence late Wednesday. ..:.'- s f ' During the last few days the cases that have been tried have taken a little longer that those tried the first ' week- of court. It was rumored at the (court house that approximately ope-Half of the cases scheduled for this term' of court would be tried, jr. Solicitor Queen stated Wednesday morning that approximately 100 cases Ijad heen tried this term- ' A'a-The Mountaineer went to press Wednesday afternoon the case of Ed Smith anil his son, charged with the nlurder of Horace Brock, all of Can tdn, had not been called, but it was expected that if thw case was called that will take the remainder of the week to complete the trial, f i For -the - past few days the, crowds tave been smaller at the court house. This was accounted for by the bad Weather. . ' f jThe following eases were 'tried during the last few days "and senten ces imposed: f;;C. G, Cook, abandonment, found ruiity. . Thurman Jones, . assault, found ruilty, paid $100 fine and costs. j17 H. Jackson, found guilty of vio lating prohibition' law. sentenced four ' ponths, f H. S-. Morrison, assault wiJn deadly weapon, found guilty, fined $50 and 50St. . TBass Rhinehart, assault with deadly weapon, found guilty and fined $100 and cost. t , Ruby Hopper Valentine was grant fed a divorce from Hubert Valentine tnd custody of the child, Lois Vir- J.Jack Welch, charger with man- daughter, case continued. ((Lester O'Dear, assault, found guilty, rntenced one year. .William C. Smith, larceny and re viving, got a sentence of 2 years n the state prison. f Marshall Hannah, received a sen nce of 0 months for violation of prohibition law. I Lou Franklin was granted a di- rerce - from Bernard Franklin and ustody of the two children. Francis Neal Hooper granted a (ivorce from J. I.. Hooper- ''red Smith, ct a!, charged with reaking and entering and (larceny- udgment suspended upon payment of j ourt cost and cost of goods stolen. ' D. Hyatt Named On AH - State Team Second Time Local Boy Re ceives Recognition as Outstanding Foot : ball Player lhe .Associated Tress this week icked the eleven best football play- rs from the leading colleges in iorth Carolina. Among the list se ated was Don Hyatt, local bay, now f student at Duke University, w-he as won for himself the distinction (.being one of the best players i? lie state this year. This is the sec hd year tnat Hyatt has won this bnor. Don was an outstanding layer during his high school career Waynesville. s'Fred Crawford, Hyatt's running ate at high school and now at uke, has been mentioned as an all tate star and has received much raise .for his playing, and been Iven ' considerable recognition by ports writers from every section o i state- This is Hyatt's last year at Duke. Mangum Wyatt It Injured In Wreck Little Billy Howell Miracu lously Escapes Injury In Run-Away Truck Wednesday morning a peculiar ac cident occured when Mangum Wyatt, tiL;ck driver for Howell Coal com 'pany here cranked his truck while it was in gear. Naturally the truck started forward and before Wyalt could get out of the way the truck run over an embankment, a small road and through two fences. Mr. Howell's small son, Billy, was in the truck at the time of the acci dent but come through the run-away without a scratch, which witnesses claim was only a miracle. Mr. Wyatt was painfully but not seriously injured. He suffered several cuts and bruises. The attending phy sicians stated that a ligament was strained but not serious. No bones were broken, it was stated. The truck suffered little damage exc pt for the steering wheel which was broken. The fences, outside of Wyatt's injuries were damaged worse than anything else. JE. Waynesville P. T. A. Gives Supper Approximator $10 Is Raised By Association to Im prove School Driveway The East Waynesville Tat ent Teaohers' Association sponsored a chicken supper last 'Friday nigh' ."4 the school for the benefit of the driveway campaign that the organi zation is sponsoring- Approximately.- 12;, patron:-- were i served . i.tt.'f about 25 or 111) others ji.ined liiU1.'- lor the entertainment .'i iiure which... followed the supper. This was furnished by Billy Evans, Vio,in, Robert Rich, violin, Rufus Ruff, banjo, Jim Lewis, banjo, and 15. Franklin guitar, A colored group composed of Essie Child, Ethel Child, Josie Child and James Nichols also delighted the gathering with musical selections. The driveway campaign was launched some time ago in an effort to- 'improve- the drivewsy in wei weather -as. well as the appearance of the school grounds. The associa tion furnished the drain pipe for this project. i he Easi : Waynesville .. Parent icachers' Association was the tirst 'ti,. sponsor- a. cafeteria . in the school, Several other. schools now have cafeteria.-. - Approximately $10 wa. made ircf.i the hupper. Singing Convention Meets Here Sunday All Singers in County Are Urged to Attend. Begins at 10:00 Sharp The Haywood County Singing C.,r.- vention will meet Sunday, December -ITf th, at the local school audi torium for the regular meeting of the convention. S. W, Galloway, president of the convention, stressed the fact that it is necessary for all singers to be present and help make the conven tion 'a success. - The meeting is scheduled to .begin promptly at 10:GQ o'clock. Much interest has been shown on the part: of singers in the past rnd :t is pra iic'.ed by officials that .ties will be one of the best that has bee; held. Arcanum Lodge To Meet Here Friday Night Dec. 11 Haywood Council Number 817 Roy al Arcanum will meet Friday Decem ber 11th at 7:30 p. m. at the lodge room over the First National Bank. This will be a important meet ing and will be addressed by Mr. J. Motttock of New York City, who is representing: the Supreme Council of the order. : It is hoped that every member of the council will be present to learn more about the work of the order and the work that it is doing. Rev. Doug Davis Claimed Bv Death Had Been Preacher for 19; learS. TopUlar in Count V Reviremi Ikiug Davis, a well known Baptist preacher, died at, his home on I Cove Creek Thursday, December 3. ' He was sixty-nine years of age and had been preaching for forty-nine years. His widow survives him. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. B. B. Caldwell, of Waynesville but now a student in Mar. Hill Col lege. Interment was in Cove Creek cemetery. Mr. Davis was a man of much in fluence in his community and leaves a host of friends and admirers who will mourn his loss. He was one of the naturally able country preachers in this county ami did a great work in hrs day. GRAND JURY FIND BUILDINGS ARE IN GOOD CONDITION Jury Make no Recomenda tions in Recent Report. Jail Reported Crowded. The Grand Jury for Haywood county made its report last week to Judge W. E. Harding, presiding at the pres ent term of Superior court. Tilt- jury had ho recommendations to make and reported all public build ings in sanitary condition, as well as in no need of repair. The report of the public buildings was iis follows : : COUNTY. HOME -. j We vi.itod the County Home ind J found I inmates, 11 men, 11! wV".on, 8- boys- and ft girls, .10 -.of Whom are attending the public schools of the county. All inmates arc well cared for We found on hand approximate ly lot! bushels of Oat.-, l.'.d bushels of wheat. 1.00(1 bushels of corn, and cut feed from rulfage from, same, " haystack-, 1 stack of straw, MM I jar of canned goods, 100 chickens, and th: following livestock: S bogs to kill, 12 to keep, 11 cows, 1 bull, ii yearling.-. :! calve.'-, and 2 mules. 'The home ulid farm are well kept by the superintendent,' Mr.. !). ,). Nolaiivl. COUNTY HOSriTAl. - We visited the County Tiospital an t'(."jnd il in excellent condilioti. COUNTY JAIL Wt visited the County Jail and found everything in as good condi tion as could be expected, except that it is in a very crowded condition. The inmates are well cared for, they have plenty of food and have no com plaint to make. COURT HOUSE We find a new court house in the process of construction and that the court room and the officers of the county court house have been move i tn temporary quarters by order of County Commissioners, 'and are now located in the Masonic Tefsple build ing in the Town of Waynesville, ex cept, the Board ' of Education which located in the Citizens Bank and Trust building. And that as an ad ditional protection the Commissioners have employed a night Watchman to protect the records of the. county while in such teporary building. -Ve have visited the individual ofTices o' the court house and find all records neatly and well kept. TWO STORY BUILDINGS We visited all of the two story buildings belonging to the county and found all in good repair, sanitary and well kept in every respect. W. A. MOORE, Foreman Grand Jury. BOOSTERS CLUB TO ENTERTAIN TEACHERS The Boosters Club of Hazelwood will entertain the teachers of the Hazelwtxd Schools at a dinner at the Presbyterian Hut, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. E. L. McKee of Sylva will be the guest speaker of the evening. WAYNESVILLE IS DEFEATED, 21-0 IN CHARITY TILT I.MA.Nl hUliS ARE USE I Teams Unable To Run On Wet Muddy Field. Few Fumbles Are Made Haying on a drenched field during sleet and rain the local high school football team was defeated by the i trong Weaver Junior College team of Wcuverville, Tuesday afternoon in I il.-nty game sponsored bv the Amir. ican Legion, on the high school field here. The final score being 21-0. Approximately 200 spectators faced the cobi rain and sleet to witness the game. The players were covered with mud a minute after the first kick-off, and at times it was hardly possible to recognize the difference between the two teams as they both wore yellow jerseys. The players were unable to run but few fumbls were made despite the wet ball. Most fumbles were made in receiving punts. Although several passes were attempted only one or two wi-re complete and then only for short gains. Without : doubt the game Would j haw been one, of the best that has 1 eon-played here if the 'field had been dry. Schacliner. quarter back for .tin visitors, made a dash through the cen ter of the .line for a 'JO yard run. aj, j the first touchdown. .-.Ext r. ' e ; was added by a line buck, Wyatt, outFtanding Vaynes.;. halfback, niade a nice reverse play vvbieh 'hefted the locals 10 yards. The ball was brought, li. .. -. ; line, the 'nearest ;be loeaK to lileli- goal. -'.ist bet. u the half ended- "Keitf '' '-cy. fov flu- Weaver teair !e a a i. ik! run fin. : J touchdovyn- Another line lipek net-" te 1 i". t ra j oj ti t j I'liting 'the lhird iiarter the teams slid back and forth over the c. id. neither being able to gain. The !m-1iic was gel ting, worse a-; every t: J-a fool print was mailt r. tir 1.1! ill it" bJIed with water in few l::iv ti'es and at times i! b'oko'1 a; i' : : In l: wit- iiia li. .' i-uaiii ; . j ' ... ; lakes. ' .. In -the --.fourth quai'c;- Ma V-'t .i raiue back str'ui.,).- an I R-.w :i::, u iiia plunge ;.:) ;.'(.; ;.w.-;v r' " :. ; " Vai-:l dash a.nef. l hi'n; 't."ueh'H. ,. t he c.. air. ' 'oai. h I'liin-ii.vti-i ,-. ' "( i ' . !ori'!e" e.oai h ;,' Va . '; . high showed lo; al fan;- tb;,: b,'-, V. -still callable -of nroducirit' -scoring teams, Many substituted were ina'ie i-v liotb teams: .The :ilayers s-e'iiv how little etrect. of the fee :-i;.g aftef . play was; f tarteil. The spe -Uit-.rs. and substitutes were the miC-f:-r r.s of the occasion. i.'i.iaeli- Wea'.herby used the lame iariirig. lirieup that he used in win nine the Westerii North ' Carolina championship title for. high schools this season, with the ' exception' o) Hridges, who is on the sick list. . The starting lineup . wa lows : - is -!'.;. Waynesville Brainlett Cabe Pos. EE LT : LG ' ''(' .''' R(i HT " RE QB LH RH Eli Weaver, l-.'-onar'! . liver Lyda (OOjH-! i .is ' ic lilaloel. ':-'' Edne;, Schachncj Carver' . Cret n wood (Jarland Murray RatclifT Haynes Wyatt;: . Rtringfield Huskey ; e ve's . nffbin, . r .,. .,..:. : .,Jtll,c. nnraa.1, umpire i .irercner, neaiilmesman liavis, -. County Visited By Sleet, Snow -Tues. Haywood county had its first touch nf winter Tuesday" Rain,, sleet an-' Inow fell for the, gre-tor par: of. t1 day, making 'the streets and high- vays slick and dangerous No ac- t cidents were reported as a resui the conditions of the ; road? W. L. Lamnkin. manager nf ihn 'ocal telephone company reported bout twenty lines were broken by the sleet Tuesday night. These were ill repaired and back in order by Wednesday night. jLocal Man Arrested, ! Tried, Sentenced In Less Than 2 Hours J Ma:.-hall Hannah is thoroughly con- viiu ed that the matter of being ar iesto.1, tried and sentenced dues not necessarily mean weeks and sometimes iv.. laths of waiting in suspense, but that it all can happen in a few minutes. Tuesday, his generosity got him free lodging for s; months, when he offered a deputy sheriff a drink from his jug. Deputy Sheriff Caldwell offered Hannah a i ide to tvwn where upon the latter ocered to repay the favor with a drink. The ride ended in front of the courthouse. Hannah was car ried to the courtroom, chargexl with possesion of whiskey, tried and was riven six months ser.tence. All this happened in less than two hours. It was stated that the whisky did not belong to Hannah, but before he would betray his friend, owner of the whiskey, he took the blame, and sen tence. MUCH INTEREST IS SHOWN AT TOBAC CO MEETING HERE COOn CROP IN COUNTY Asheville Delegation Discuss Reasons Why Tobacco Should he Sold In Asheville. The1 Asheville tobacco market Opened Wednesday with prices averam! V and M cents. ;.a l I-'i : lay i; ..(ivlegal ion l ri -. -in-vi t Je- aine to Way lies vi lie to in . '."in .lite barley tobacco oii e. ims . iiuir. iij ine aovaniap :; i i ': i Unig' their bin ley tobacco iiv A'-he- ; Mi:.. ... '.'." i The tueeiing wa held a; (be Wiiynowooil Theatre instead of at the I i iiu.-t house as was first' announced, j because -of court being in session.. kimes l,j Robitison, llayJ.ioii (county agent tipened the meeting and mt rodiiced .Mayor Howell, w ho in turn ( lenaied the: Aslicville visitors aihi :viKind the meeting .over to Ered !.. retary of Asheville I ham i llllilelce. a iV Weed, ri".'po'me-, !,'.;laj !!'- w.'lc..i:v ..ad ; in vr .m ,'-. It. liu rto! who .sp. :. : M), Green ol Asb.Aiii,-, vii I .e. e 'w j - ib to alleiiil Ibl;- lei,',;;1 staleil in tin, eeairse i' :t 1 l.-iy w ind loliacen ban :hat in some neigii ' Tl:'e. -iiiiji-!. t lnir,' nl llr ict Jer r"Ui, '' : i.-'k v.a.-.- tba! ii,.; .::-i;,-r. uoui! . ." ' '' ' K"-il:'-'lie'l jr. icil'tlieir ti,l,,v-co in A'sbevilie rather that) out. of stat ! markets. i Captain Fisher, of the Asheville police, depaitaii-!!'. wa: next .:, r I duced arid , assured the loial l-amer, that they need not fear ''traffic-.. lave . - and traiii; (-iips in Aslieville for i-yrl , riieiriFier tin the Aslit-ville f,r,.,. ), al recei'ved . instructions1 . ,0- ).,., l farmers . instead-, of . i-inbarrassi-i: them- Archibald Nichols, secretary ol lb Asheville Merchants Association, :1s urged the. farmers to .sell their i ; bacco in Asheville 'in behalf o! - : ! Merchants Association. The next speaker was W. H. S nit, . lvr, manager f ;ne of: th, wat. bouse-; in Asheville. ' Mr. Saunde; , explained the advantages, of s:e!in ; toi.aceo near -home- and explained fur ther that: he. had personally s the hi-st h'iiv.rc U ,-,.i;i '. sepn it: ! - viiuiu Him, wnici- meant that he was doing- e very-thin-that he coiill . t . ., . ! er prices lor tne. larmer than t any other market He also pointed out that .Western North Carolina tobacco was consid ered the finest grown and that the commercial tobacco companies wore making strong bids, for this grade oj. tobacco. - Mr. Saunders told The Moun taineer before the meeting that TT l , i ' iiaywuoej county, .. has, one . of the flnest crops of tobacco in this sec ;'s - e added, "the crop as a whole '' "aywood this year is 100 ptv cent better than last year." "As ti qualify it is better, but the poundage is not as much as in other years, bti Mie '.uality- more than makes up for that." Mr. Sett'eSmrne, manager for the (Continued on page 8) tt , . . . FARM MEETIMr 1 AM1 '"tt lllNb JO BE HELD IN ASHEVILLE DEC. 14 An Elaborate Agricultural Program Is Planned For Western North Carolina. BIG CROWD EXPECTED Haywood County Will Be Well Represented to Hear 'Minnesota Plan' j Farmers, farm agents, vocational agricultural teache'is, home ilemoin. strators, mtrchants, hankers, editors and civic leaders frrim all over West ern North Carolina will hold a get together meH'ting in Asheville at the Plaza theater Monday evening at 8 P- in., to he-ar Ereelorirk E. Murphy, publisher of the Minneapolis Tribune and Charles E Collisem, its agricul tural editor, explain how the world, famous "Minaesota Plan" can bring a new e-ra of agricultural prosperity, to this mounlain re-:.: , .. i j how' parts eif it can be applied here. : The unde -rlj ing' purpose of the niovememt i.s to educate the city and town business men to cooperate with the farmer to build better, agriculture and lie-In- .create, markets at home and abroad. .There can be no real pros perity without a prosperous agricul tural population. The 'program, which will be launch ed at the meeting to bo held under the auspices of The Asheville' Cilixun, 'I ne Ashivilie limes ami .station WWN'C. through the co-operation of farm agents and oilier state and Ceiun ty officials, j- (,mc thiit in expected' to ciiallcnge tin; imagination of the forward looking farmers and point the way -tn permanent agricultural : prosperity in w .-tern North Carolina. The North Carolina Extension De parment has moved its annual" two day regional, meeting to Ashevillo to. be held m (-oiijiim-tion with the biir get together meeting on December 14th. ' The speakers 'arc reiea in'isl :is tlw. outstanding- leaders if prtigreH.sive f.-irm t bought in America today, the) '.men who advocat: d, pixiiiiotetl anil ; .level-,iie, tile plan which begins the; rehabilitation of the farmer in the . soil of his faun and not in the cav ernous halls of the legislature. They-.' are the -men who took a country that was -virtually .wrecked every time t ho fluctuatinc- price of wheat e'roppe.l below a ceitain figui.e, and trans- . formenl it ove r a period of a few short ; years into a land of .steady production a rid .steady income, pn.vperous farm- . . and progressive n-.i-ns. Those. expected to alt' ml, and oth ers a.' c in vited f oni : h -i county are: J. li.-.Ii'oyd, Waynesville. JanteiL. Ilobinson, . Waynesville'. Bonner Ray. Waynt" ville. E. L. Withers, Way oesviHe. W; T. Khelton, Waynesville. W. E. Smift, Waynesville, K. 1. Ix'noir Gwyn, Way 'n-s.viile, R. 2. N.'-W. Cai'ver, Waynenville, R. 2. Chas. B. McCrary. r'rabtree, R. 1. G. C. I'almer, Crabtree, R. I. J. E. 'Ferguson',' li'jlwot;d J. H. Kirkpatriek, Cai'ttiii. E. T. IVdon, ("ar.-.f - . Floyd Rhinehart. Car; ton. L. L. Smathe.rs. Canton. J. 11 askew liayi.e s. t lyde. FaI Eincher. CKtle. '' '". J. Frank Mann, Caau.ii. R. 1. Van (V Wells, Cant, n R. '. ' : T. 11 Rogers, Clyde. T. A. Justice, Clyd. , R. 1. -" Miss Lula .Wright, Eelito' ( ariton .. Enterprise. - W. C. Russ', local newspapc, :--.:n. CORRECTION . Last week . there a; ; e.in 'vis paper ::n article about the if Mrb. E. J. Hyatt was doii a Hazelwood school. Thi: sh ; ' it: been Mrs. R; J. Hyatt: insf artic!e - -Ued that hot : tun- '"e being served for five tent lunch twenty cents, I , re are ee-' vn hot plates th bough' ;or five cents. T 'n- tain rrets that this . was made.