IHURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1931 THE WAYNES VLLlE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 MmiMmwwmmmmmmmmxMmxmiazmvm?, miaim -,m mm m.wm :!:. .mm'w I Mr M. Haynes of Clyde was ; PERSONAL AND SOCIAL PHONE 137 Mr. W. W. Burress of Canton was g ! here Monday. 3 ; ' Mrs. Joiui N. Shoolbred, Mrs. D. j Terry and Miss Rohina Miller m : spent Monday in Asheville. mt ana .irs. tt. u. i unningnam 01 i Mr. W. H. Henderson of Canton r,.0., -;,.. m..i.,.. v..,. ncie on uuMiifss oaiuruay. ; was among the visitors in town tnis : week. Mr.: Harley Reno of Canton was re Monday. Mr. John Reagan of Weaverville nesville. eat Tuesday in town. Mr. E. L. Keyes of Canton was in wn on business Tuesday. Mr -Z. V, McElroy of Fines Creek Monday in town. Rev. Mr. Johnson of Clyde 'was re Tuesday. 2e. B. A. Sentelle of Pigeon spent ieaday in Waynesville. lf&, Horace Sentelle of Clyde spent ne time in town Tuesday ltkugh Shelton spent Tuesday Asheville. tfrs. J. T. Bridges and son, Marion, re 5n Asheville Monday. tir.'H. A- Osborne of Canton was town Monday He, Berry Plott was here from ntori on business Monday. i &t. F. A. Woodcock of Asheville s a visitor in the city Monday, '-v.'.' ic Jr. .Homer V. Oagle of Canton at Tuesday in town. 00 le. D. V. Howell of Canada' spent ntfay .in town. It.' A. C. Rogers of Cr so was a i tor in the city Monday. Ir. F. M- Lowell was here from rtjtree Monday. Irs. James Thomas spent Saturday Asheville. ... Ir. E. B. Stines of Asheville spent ;sday in Waynesville on business ' Ir. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson of ibtre&were here Saturday. Ir. Lee Ferguson of Jonathan wa.-. isitor in town this week. " '-, . - '' Ir. C U. Mortt of Canton was s Monday. ;T. Grover Ferguson of Fines ek 3pant Monday in town. 1 ' ' ri Bryan Medford of Jonathan here on business Saturday. r. C-A. t'ogburn of Canton spem iday in Waynesville. . '!-. . t r- Thomas M. Seawell made a uness itrip to Carthage the first he week. liss" Mary Kary, -who has boon ill I the jus: two weeks, -js. improv- ".; Jr.' Nathan V- Walker of Clyde I among the visitors in Wayne iToesday. f yy r ' ' pa.': Genr.ee Roger's and'. Mrs.'. Mi; ley: Green of C lyde spent Tues in town shopping. !rof. J.S Kendell, who is a menv of the faculty of Weaver Coi , was here for the game Tuesday. Mr. George Stanley of Bethel was among the visitors in town Tuesday Mr. John Rhinehart of Saunook spent Tuesday in town- Mr. Homer Rogers of Fines Creek was among the visitors here Monday. Mr W. A. Moore was here from Bethel Tuesday. Mrs. Jule Boyd of Rock Hill was in town shopping Tueday. Mr. A. J. Rathbone of Jonathan was here on business Monday. Mr. J H. Haynes of Clyde spent Tuesday in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Lee SmiXh motored to Black Camp Gap Saturday Mr. Medford Leatherwood,, ot Jon athan spent Thursday in town. Mr. G. W. Burnett of Woodrow was here last week. Aii. Hugh Shelton was a week-end Mr. Floyd Moody of Canton was j guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Smith among the visitors in Waynesville in if an ton. las; Thursday. i Mr. C, F. Dwen was lien Canton Thursday. from r. D.' J. Xoland, Superintenden t was in town Dr. A. C Downs of ''lyde spent Friday in Waynesville. Mr. Talf Ferguson of Crabtree was here on business Thursday. Mr. S. J. Moody of Jonathan was among the visitors in town last week. Mr. Grover Clark of White Oak was in town Friday. Mr. G. C. Palmer of Crabtree spent Friday in Waynesville. . Mr. Gene Sutton of Cataloochee was here Friday. Mr. Jarvis Palmer of Cataloochee was in town last week on business. Mr. J. P. Hawkins was here from (lyde Thursday. '.". Among Friday's visitors was Mr. V. A. Campbell of Jonathan. w Messrs. Robert Campbell and Hi ram Campbell were here Friday. Mr. Will Bryson of Crabtree spent Saturday in town. Mr. .V ('. .lames was in town from Fines Creek last week-end. . Mr. M. B. Rogers of Crabtree was here Saturday. '...' Mr. Hardy lianey from Crabtree was here or business Saturday. Mr. Glenn Boyd and daughters, Marga-et and Lou Bell., of : Jona- man spent Saturday in Waynesville. Miss Ro.-ie Xoland andOI'ss Helen Grf'cn of Fines. Creek were visitors in Waynesville last vveek-eiici. . Mr. K. 'L. James was- among the visitors from Crabtree in town Sat urday. ': i Mr. R. M. Ferguson of Jonathan spent Saturdty in Wa nesville on business. Mr. George D- Sherrill, who has been ill with pneumonia for the past several days, is recovering. Mr. C. A. Black and daughter, Mrs. William Shoolbred, are spending a few days in Charlotte this week. Mrs. Billiard Atkins and .Mrs. M. H. Bowles were Asheville visitors Saturday. .Mrs. Toonie lavis has as her guest her daughter, Mrs. M. Silver, of Newport News, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Recce of Cruso spent Friday in Waynesville visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Singleton o'. Canton were visitors in the city Monday. Messers. S. M. Robinson and D. H. Harris of Canton were here on busi ness Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ward spent Sunday with friends in Way nesville. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Caldwell and sons Carol and Lewis of Mars Hill, spent the week-end with rela tives in Waynesville- Dr. ami Mrs. W. L. Kirkparick and daughter, Miss Mary Kirkpat riek, returned Thursday from a two weeks visit to friends and relatives in Georgia and South Carolina. Al:ss Mary Adams Ward was the guests Miss Jewel Hipps last week-end. Mrs A. J. Garner and her daughter, Miss Frances Garner, are moving into appartnient IS at Clevewil! apart last week. .Mr. Thad Howell has returned to his honie in Waynesville much im proved after an operation in a hos-1 pital in Asheville. CIVIC LEAGUE TO MEET The Civic League will holds its regular monthly meeting Friiuy a; trillion, December 11. at ;i:.'!0 o'cIol with .Mrs. Noble Garrett at her norm on Pigeon street. EAST 11 AYXESVILl.E I'. T. A. The December meeting of the Fast Waynesville Parent-Teachers' Association will be held next Tuesday, December lf, at the Fats Waynesville sehol building a' 7:15 P. M. A full cow. attendance is requested. t 117., VISIT MAh'S HI 1. 1. Mr . Kelietit will chaperone Mr J:mes Harden Uowell and Miss F.ve lyn Morgan to Mars Hill Friday where they will participate in the Western North Carolina Declamation Contest on Saturday. . - LEGIOX ASH M XIIJAEV TO MEET XEXE WEEK Society and Club Calendar Th- American Legion and the Le- Mr. Rufus Siler went to Durham Bjn Auxiliary will meet Mondav Friday where he entered Duke Hos.- pital for treatment. Mrs. Siler and Dr. Sam Stringtield accompanied him! Mrs. James Goode had as her guest on Monday her aunt, Mrs Paul Pittenger, of F.nka. Miss Klizabetb Henry and Miss Jane Plott were Asheville visitors the afternoon. Saturday. Mr. 11. A, Khinehart, formerly with the Champion Bank and Trust Com pany of Canton, who is now with the National Banking Department, was n guest of the l.eFaine Hotel last wek. ii o.u.i.vs ci.vn AXXOIXCEMEXT The Woman's Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday afternoon, December 17, at I! o'clock, at the Hotel LeFaine, with Mrs. John N. Shoolbred and Mrs. Caro line de Neergnard as joint hostesses. Miss Lois Harrold, chairman of music, will have charge of the program. Please notify the hostesses if you can attend. night, December 14, at S o'clock at he Masonic Temple. Thursday, December 10 7 p. ni. Boosters Club of Hazel wood will entertain Hazelwood Teachers at dinner Friday, December 11 o:l!0 p. in. The Civic league will meet with Mrs. Noble Garrett. 7:30 p. m. Duke Alumni dinner at LeFaine Hotel. Monday. December It 4 p. m.--Thc Waynesville Town ship P. T. A. Counicl will meet at th'' Central Elementary School 8 p. m. American Legion and legion Auxiliary will meet at the Masonic Temple. Tuesday, December 15 7:15 p.m. East Waynesville P. T. A- will meet. Thursday, December 17 ." p. m. The Woman's Club will meet at the LeFaine Hotel. Another pure bred Shorthourn hull was placed in Alleghany County last week by farm agent W. R. Collins. We Are Very Pleased to Announce The Re-Opening of Our Store Today With a Complete Line : of Special Holiday Merchandise. SO FIFTY PER CENT SO he County Home sclay. id is.--.es Ova . Ferguson,', Hti!;i l U'rsoii i-.nd r.rma Patterson ! Asheville visitor Saturday. si; .-.'"'.:' Reduction Will Be Allowed On Practically Everything In Stock isses Grace and Julia Bowles ale iding sometime in Asheville as its of Mr- and Mrs. F. ('. Macon, were former residents of Way ille. isses Ruth Ray, Elizabeth Ray, Mr. H. M. Caldwell of Jonathan was a visitor in Waynesville this week'. ' Mrs. Lenoir Liner Alley, wno .has po iitluii, with the American National Bank in Asheville, ; spent, the week- end. with her parents., Dr: and Mrs. i'W.'H. Liiier-:: ,: . ': Eleanor Ray spent several tbrJ1 j- . week visiting Miss RuTay's I Lt , i-'flwin, Ferguson of the United j r, Mrs. Jack Henson. n Shelby. I States-.. 'Marine- Corps, who has -beeii . ,' j visiting his mothers, Mrs. J.:.'.'V. ' Fer-. ;. s. Alvin Ward,: Mrs. Bryant Smith guson.for the past -week, left Tues- i -LT: . ei -:...:. .-. - I . ... .... . . . . . . i i.iis . cjeuuyr . u:u i .-on wvie.i day.- - -tor V mston-balem wtierf. lie will visit his sister, Miss Isabel Ferguson, before going to Honolulu. MORTON FOUNTAIN PENS, Ladies' ami Gents' ' $5.00 to $12.50 set now , 4 4 LEATHER HAGS, BILL FOLDS AND IVORY GOODS NOW 1-2 PRICE 1-2 PRICE ng .Saturdays visitor, to Ashe- . '. r. Cleveland Welch of Crahier was the guest of his parents, and Mrs- L. M. Welch. ljst t-end. ... Judge W. F. Harding spent, tho j week-end at his home in Charlotte, j Judge' Harding ' ha .made liianv t'rk n.l.-;' i nthio community, who re-.g-re.t ' "th:. t-. this is his 1:1st ,term cjyr; ty be held in ..this district .for live years- ., rs. W; T. Denton returned" Mon from Knoxville, Tennessee where has been visiting her daughter, . Charles Badgett, Jr.-, and Mr. j Mrs. Grady Boyd and small daught gott for the past week- er, Barbara Ann, and Miss D.orothy Lane returned Tuesday from a visit of r. and Mrs. K. F. Wentz and ren, who have been occupying the Jetoe heme on Love's Lane, moved sheville last week where they p taken an apartmen-: 'er. sever;-1. days to Mrs. Boyd's sister, Mrs. Edwin Davis in Atlanta, Georgia. They were accompanied to Atiantr. by Mrs. P. M. Watson, who has been ..." 4 n ." " m " ' -n 4 - Diamond Kings, blue wljiite gems SPECIAL $25.00 NOW and up 4 SHOP EARLY Only 13 Shopping Days 'Till Christmas BUY HERE AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE $12.50 WAYNESVILLE Guaranteed Standard Strap Watches i SPECIAL 7 Jewel with case 825 4 and up $12.50 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF FRUIT MARKET OF THE CHOICEST OF FRESH FRUITS A FEW FRUIT SPECIALS Sweet, ripe fresh oranges n up per dozen ... .... . . 1UC Nice large juicy grape-fruit 10 for ............... LOC Rest quality Tangerines, up Each 1C Located At The Blue Bird Ice Cream Stand Main St. Next to McCracken's Clothing Co. for the ( the guest of her sister, Mrs. J.M. '.j Belli for some' time, V '' 1 j

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