A- 1 ; ... .V : .1 i . if S t d C 1 a E 1 s ! a ! .'. '-' J , I ..- s o i J I .if:-; -:D:l r, : T l! THE w a v VTLLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, i93l HAZELWOOD NEWS LOCAL DUKE ALUMNI Mia 'NREST shows TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT rrr, Bam Brothers of C. - company Sur.aay aernoen; . tad rm MFFTTNd there rem? am-.T.g .r.e.n - 1 1 l.L--v. - F:r..r. Mr. ar.d - Dock P.e.!. . .. . it: - 7-age - M .--. M ar.a Cijr.tc.' end vlittirg -' i. W. Gra: Borr. to M on We-, re-.: Eawar': Ear., A. r".eat ner s or. r. - -pert tr.e :- .S' ar.r-ar.c-a. ir.u M.-.-. Jac; P.-.-b.r.- AUNOOK r.g ot r e... . Tr.e t- p r;itrr; Ail!: We.. eg:. Mr. Rufus a- arr.e-: v. tne ' s-tr. - Duke Hosp.tai a. Jj-.-r-arr. a few - ago for treatment. H. rr.ar.y fr.er.ds ,.e-: -,y wiih r.;rr. a peec v recovery. '..- ' ev- Mr. Ge.ryt M ..-- -pent tek- .::.. es. tod with . farr.;:y. Mr. M:Cl.:e . ;.;r. '..are: workir.? a: Ba-'k i!".. .r; :t.a"..".t Ir. McKay pr.-. t.'.fe ek-frv; :r. : .,..tri.;. AUarta. V- Nar.cv WUi: Mr. Ar.r.ur Kr.: frcrr. .NVpc.rt J . . cv.;!jrrM (;r.ar:e ar.l Sarah. New-. Va., v:t:r.if reAt.'e, for a' .,. .,. S;oar: ar.ar.rr.sr.t .-. rr.atr.err. street. Fr:tr.Ci regret V5 hear of the st- ;'ir..-s of Mrs. Sarar. P.hir.e- art. I M 4 e Fr: A. Dtirr.Mr.- :i, -o f D u k t L ' '' t t " y La y ar.r.:veraiy -:f the "isrr. ;er.:u:e 7rj-t .-reaf.-Er.tvrrr:'t ar: ::-.a,. .. Ir.ivers.ty A her r. c b. a r..:e : .er --arr.-Uae. e... iw.r. a'.cr.e tr.c sais ui ir.akeri. but ar.d Mrs. Monroe No'.af.i, and , Rilev Parkin? . rz . r? ir.r, Giarrr.ea tnis jau Xr. r cr 'V w:th Mr. ar. Mr-P-::r.--? Sunday. One thcu;anJ ':. cir.ner have been tested f . Bc-b Arr:r.gtc tee coming poultry r...T i a r- - r.::e at .ea-. (-.. o a '. erugg: '-" i-tr.c.r count .oca. ere cunr.g the fast ber of p.T.'.. Jr. a.'- ' that over f.fty luke Ia o r.e.2, .r.c. 6 Japar. ar.d Chjr-a. Former Iruke it.cer.t; rreet.,1; cr. a.-t e:tf e.tt .':e-t:r.?- - :n 5C. :re. ar.u r.er re Mrs. H. C. R'b:r.-' few we:.-. Borr. to Mr. a.vi scr., Jr. Mor.cay, Noverr-oer ': Johnny Fxi-Aaro. Mr. M. A. Pet eat rr.ace a i, er.a;::r.ir tr.ent -.e New Bar.r.er --areh-.U:-r warer.'.u-!-; .n the wcrid Tr.e -itiejrati'.r. hai lunch here a'. i-ir.e.-- (.reei ir -.ir. Thev rr-ught 12-pie tar.d which rc j r.T. . , , r " i'j-'.--ei ,--.u;.c rfore tr.e rr.te'ig'. 1 Frioav ever.-.r.z at the LeFa:r.e note.. i -c , rr.ia.. r ! -r:,t -eet:r.g was well attenae 1 I Duke Lr.:ver:ty: Its Progress, . 6 . . i u ' f'.r.:.:er:r.? tr.e weatr.er ana a. so tna. Pw.w..-' :s the (rer.erai t.nenvc ; r , ... ., r. ,. ! two otr.er meetings m the count.. .for Duke Lr.;vers:ty Ua. - r , . . i .. . ' xfrt -r.e.rj ea. Canvor. ana Finei i . re-r r: . trip po.'- '-. South Cttrur-A our- Mr. and Mrs. A, H. hparii ano in add:t.-or. to air.r.er meetings to t ir th'- Jeek-ewi. i v:;:te'i friend in Clyde last J held in many North Carolina com-! TheV U:'be an edutxr pture.i Suncav. ' jmtiniv.es, there i. Duke alumni; iy Santa Jsjlj Claus Headquarters "Real Life in China" ar-d. a very ' comedy shown at Hazel wooes Eiemen tary School, .Saturday. December' 12 at 7:30. The- adrhissior. wi'i oe 10 cents for eierr.er.tary M.hool c-r.ildret and 2-0 cents, for adults. Tr.e proceeds will' jro to library expenses. Th P. T. A. of the Razeiwooci Sehc-o! w:i! noil its re?i.ar month'y meeting, Tue.-iay, Ierr.ber 15, at 7:30 at the .--.voI bj.idir.f. A rood protrrarn .- beir.if pianne-i. Ai. tr.e patron of the -':r.(s. are ..rjre to e present. 'Bom to Mr. an.i Mrs. Roy sar.zer. Monday. Jje'f mrer a son. Mrs. G C. Swayyr.jrim nas neen :a,:en to trie Haywood County Hos pital where rhe is recovering from a -e.ere i'.ness. Mr A. H.M'ehaffey cf Henderson v..'.e made a recent vis-it here. Mr. Ruf u.- Ker'.ey of Canton visit-'-i 'he home of Mr. V, F. MehafTey. J-. i- repor.ed that hundreds of :,.he:- of appies are rein? soid each -A'-ek ;t the lotai orchards. Some nr.. -:-.:verv; to the buyer here while - tn-r- are r-ing hailed by truck and .-i the adjoining states. C'arne Strujr? 1-rr.' Tuesday evening the Ir.termed-. eiebrated iirhteer.th birth'iay ry enter j omt of her frier. 'is with a ii.-; Saturday evening The ir.tr were arnor,K tho-e- present: iate B. Y. P. U. of the Hazelwrjoci Bapti--t chi.-fh - entertained -by n,r r J .; ce, Dunn. Ruby McClure,, Thel- home on tr.e. Balsam Dre- After. . , . ..., ' i,,.. : rf.-a A rrir.jrtori, Bes.s; Mcf . lure. I.u- many eiij'.tio.e "- . refreshments were- ser.-ed.'. 'Eighteen.'-" your. tr :o.cs were p.re-er.t ar.'i reponei verv nice time. PVi'ldtntr -Trui of Mr. and Mr Sundav rnorr.jr.(f J vear old ton i M'TKir'-. Ralph J;ur,n. 'iharlt ,';er. Ro.r. Arrinjrton. Perry A;.-.:. IT' . !am-- Jlail. Henry H-.oner. 'iif-r: fyavi'.-.'a! d K-r:n-?n J'., J. Turitt, died at -h.-s h'-me near .-llTUJfl?- tratherintrs in New or C ington, D. C Richmond, Baltimore, Atlanta, Birmingham, Nashville, Co lumbia, Jacksonville, Los Ar.geles, Philadelphia and other cities. Dinner meetings are also expeite-r to be itv. wash-' PANTHER CREEK NEWS Rev. Forest Ferguson preached his la-t -ermens Sunday and Sunday Sight to the people of this section. Hi.- sermons were inspiring and well held in Shanghai, China, and H:jret(;vt(i' Practically everybody in ima, Japan. j President W. P. Dew of Duke Ur.l-! .-r(.. versity, w;l. spear; at tr.e .New ior -e o! . asr.ir.g- guso f the service, snowing i-ep regret of Rev. Mr. Fe? ieaving them. He was bidden fare we., .r,y. .the ccngregation and each member extended their best w i .-h e .- fr-r -ucces.--- in the future. a.umn; sratr.enntr w.-.i.e ton. Colonel D ( . Roper, former com missioner .:" Internal revenue. w... pres.de an i J. u a.ter tamoetn. merr.-i - jjr an(j Mrs. M-.r.re Noland had ber - f ' from the Seventh f.f .- ,.,:r.nfrr guesti. Saturday Mr. North Carcv.ra l'nct and a Dukej ForrSt Fer?uson and Miss Josey alumnus, will -leiiver the aaGreis.l par.;RSi- Coach "a.jace Aaoe wj;. ' ?peaK ;r. Atlanta, .December I', and in a 'num ber of other place- .outside North Carolina .Duke..:i-neaker.i will be heard. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Noland took dinner with - Mr. and .Mrs. .Riley i Parkins and family Sunday ' Mr. and Mrs. John P'incher ht'i r. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF Rubber Balls Mechanical Toys Tree Decorations Greeting Cards Stationery Books and Games Gift Sets Dolls Special Assortment Christmas Candy 15c. Poir We Appreciate Your Patronage EAGLE 5-1 0-25c Store Hazel'wood.- Hi- death cam a- a .shock to hi- f:i'-nd- ani the corr.nrur.. ty. He had been in' poor health -for almost a year, but wa- only s;ck twenty-four hour- .with meningitis be fore he ')i'-d. He had not necn abl to attend Hijrn .v h'.oi tnis year. The fomrhuhitv' "Offer the IojV- of a 'tru:y -0 JONATHAN'S GREEK ; r,-- . -: : o ' Farmers have been b'osy for the past week trettir.tr tineir tobacco raady MOVE'S GROCERY k!'lSE Q. Ferguson, announced last w that he had moved :,.:- grocery bia nes? on Depot s t f : t a fw $t down -th 1-treet n;--i'e .the Far .-r ;'- r,.t. -, ''- In ad.!it;-.n to '..ne large stc-cr: KT'-c-ries, Mr. Kergu-oh- - a complete; 'line-'. of f'K-.-h meats. l Hope She ad ic- . ' cure .: Gets for market which open-' thi M -. R. K. Owen.- recent! birthday dinner in hvnor week. ; ; OTE OF ARl'RE' I.MI'iS trave a; The East- 'Vayne.-vilie P. T. A. v.: f Mr.' .s to" thank' tho-e v.'ho ass'i'-t: Owen and Mrs. J. A. Park,-, making the chicken dinner last Frl giiests were Mrs. Sarah Boyd ' day evening a success. Especially CHhrLstian boy. J-'uneral seiryices . were sin f itv. H- - ;.-.:vd '.v h.- nar-1 ...' 1. . ' . .'. . . . ! ' . ' '. V - , m ' ; ,' r, T ' '.' ,i: .Wi-- fcs.tner Moody dietitian -;ot tributing food, those rendering -. ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tru.tt and:,,. . ... ... -. .,-.'... . . . . , , , ', . ... ..!:-ss;on Hospital., in Asheville spent va-e and tne patronage oi tne put.- two brothers, H-nrv a banker in Brv- . , . . ; , ' .,.,.',- ,. , , , tne weeK end witn r.er parents, Mr.. M R.s. THRO. -Mcf'RAf. KP.N. win (itv and Ruoert. a 6ook-K'-erer i .: .. ... ' .... . ' ar.'.'.'Mrs,- Mowiy. .. Puricity ; ' hairn-nn . J a Mr-. J. 11. I-atnerwooo and young McGRACKEN'S I W. T Rairer motored, to f.anv. n Mon- MAGK IAN TO APPEAR AT AV. NESVII.I.E ELEMENTARY Sf'HOOI. T( ESDA V NIGHT : n have- been visiting relatives in ....... .OH" '-"ru. wreen'.l.ie. .s. ' .. . " ' - , Mr. and Mr,,Je-ie f aroenter r,en-1 M". Way K-ili,!ano of nton spent j ia.-t Sunday with Mrs. 'arperiter V M . - - V.- .i'- I'aw.r.. .Neai . an! Jat-K' iya'n yrwood too'k last u : Howe!!. to-.-ee Greta Garb-j. Jay with Mr. and MH-v G. V. Judge William Smathers and U. S. Marshal i " p j'y Under th'V,aup.- Guild, a r r a r. g e m e n t . whereby Heal!, Magic iar. and Illu- IMi.-. White Partor. has. "been visit onist, with his, troup of fourt'een peo-' ing with 'her' children or. Dellwood pie, will appear in Waynesvi-lle at the i Road 1 for . the pa,t week. -.Central. Elementary SchcwJ Auditor-; Miss Mary Joe Howell spent Mon ium on-Tuesday night, December 1. "Ah. ' day and Tuesday night in Waynesville at Ti.'JO P. M. i with her aunt Mrs. J. H. Howell. The proceeds of the preformancei Mir.-. T, N. JloWell, Mrs. J. R. Boyd, will be applied on the church deficit, . Jr., Mr-. Troy Leatherwood and Mrs. dinner with James Ha: der. Howell I'.obt. Forbes of -f Grace Church Waynesviii- were at Mr. Robt. Hov, fl ,aj,i ;.:, ui i .,..' i Rev- K..V. Masters is aole Po - be Do Not Sacrifice TURKEYS We pay top market prices for Live or Dressed TURKEYS Poultry RABBITS We solicit your immediate shipments to PHILADELPHIA, PA. The liest marketing City in the North. We handle Truck and Express receipts with assured satisfaction to all our shippers. GOLDFIELD PRODUCE CO., 311-313 South Front St. Standard References Returns made promptly The Express Agent at your Station will gladly assist you in correctly marking your shipments to us. Tags and quotations upon request. out again after a weeK's illness. . mntm kr s ! .! - - - '..,'"- k j HE KNOWS it'll be something practical . . v . . f something he put off buying himself on tHe po bility that Christmas may bring it. After all, it's "WEARABLE Gift" that makes the biggest, with men. So here are McCracken's suggestion: i ? BROADCLOTH SHIRTS in at 1 tractive deep - pointed collar styles, g White and pastel shades. The kind I Announcing 1 i 41 !.' ? 1 . I I me cnange in location of our business. We I I "NIFTY'" NECKWEAR havp mnvpf? nnnsifp thp i f-r-- . rarmers 1 ederation. Depot St. In addition to I I tions. Easily worth $1.50 our comnlpfp Unp nf I ..r groceries we have add- ed an up-to-date meat I market, handling all kinds of meats, fresh 0 CllIU Market Specials. Pork jtuaoL . . . . . Pure Pork Sausage . , it:. i Sausage .. Beef Roast .... Round Steak ... . be 15c 4 1 O l-2c f 1212c 18c j j men really prefer. SI to (SILK) MUFFLERS mufti-colored in modern patterns. Suitable for both business and dress wear. Attrac tively boxed SdDc to$ silk moire and satin) weaves in either subdued or flashy color combina- Offered for $1 i" r 1 A. V. 'A DRESS GLOVES (Mocha, Cape-skjn-kid. Some fur-lined. Others siLk-lined. Matching or contrasting back trims 1 to ii NEAT HOSIERY in natty clocked, cross - striped or straight, plain weaves. Fashioned of extra-durable (silks and 1 isles). VJ. 1 CIKUMJU I A Phone 69 Depot St. J 'tf: 9l 'v.',:

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