THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1931 mrn.mmmsmm?mmmmmmmmxmmimmmim Miss Effie Green was a visitor from ' Crabtree Friday. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL r i- PHONE 137 nil MiB 'Mm iMrMMKM! iLKSSaiii : aiBKTWuKiaiKi Mrs, John Jones of Jones Farm spent Monday in Waynesville shopping. . M. Wells of Canton was in Mr. Bryan Medford of Jonathan it week i spent Saturday in town. i harles Medford pf Iron Duff mrsday in Waynesville, . B. Overton was among the from Clyde in town Thurs- . B. Rogers and son, Russell, ree were here last week. .' 1 ODryman was ebre,'froni tturday. 'Mrs. Guy Messer of Crabtree v&is in Waynesville shopping Friday. Mr. W. C. Kirkpatrick of Clyde was here Saturday. Rev. Hannah J. Powell of Cecil was a visitor in town Monda Mr. France Kirkpatrick of Clyde spent Saturday in Waynesville i. ' iMr. H. C. Crawford of Crabtree was here on business last week. , Mr. Robert L. Underwood of Ashe villi" spent Tuesday in Yay:us die. Mrs. Will Ray and Miss Ruth Ray were Asheville visitors Monday, Mr. C. Hill of Crabtree spent Monday in Waynesville. . Mr. J. Scroop Styles, Asheville at- harle. C. Smathers of ' Can- toriM?' was in Waynesville Monday. here on business last Week.'; v ' c D . , . , , , ! Air. S- M. Robinson of Canton was , P, Ledbetter was a visitor j h?u' 0,1 buinss Monday. reon-Friday. B- Singleton of Canton was esville on business Friday. A. Shelton of Dellwood spent 1 . Waynesville ' Doris McCracken of Lake a was in town Friday. )oking for ristmas odies? Here's the Place Mr. D. H. Harris was here from Canton Monday. ' ' Mr. T. A. Clark, Canton attorney, spent Monday here on business. Miss Freda Fiiuher arrived Satur day from Chicago to spend the Christ inas holidays with her family at Luke ( Junaluska. ' , Mrs. Annie McCracken from 7, tree was among the visitors from! f t'ralitree Fridav. El I- ' . ... . Mr. C. S. Uadgott of Richwood. West Virginia '"'as in Waynesville oil business Friday. 9 Mrs. Tom Davis suent several davs last week in Asheville visiting relatives. Mr J. H. Paxton of Canton was here Tuesday. Mr. George C. Hayn.'s lei'; Siinoay for Raleigh. -Misses Louise Moody and Marietta Wejch motored to Canton Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Allen left last week ror Washington, D. C, where shr :,l make her home this winter. Mrs. Charles Thomas was an Ashe ville visitor Saturday. Miss Jewel Hipps was a week-end guest of Miss Mary Adams Ward in j Asheville Mr. Richard Barber was in io- ville on business Monday. Mr. R. X. Barber returned to hi". ... home Saturday after a six weeks'; Mrs.R. L. Lee and Miss Alice Quin business trip through the Southwest. ; u were guests of Mrs. George Ward : in Asheville the first of the week. Miss Sussfe Fisher arrived Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuart from j Mrs. Mattie Payne has returned Xewark, Xew Jersey. Miss Fisher, ! home and is back at the Western who has been in training at a New- j Western Union after a two months' ark Hospital, came home for several vacation. Mrs. Payne has been vis weeks to convalesce from an operation isiting friends in Atlanta, Georgia which she had a short time ago. 1 and Aiken, South Carolina. Miss Mary Kirkpatrick 'spent the week-end as the guest of Mrs. R. O. Covington in Asheville . Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan arrived i Wednesday from Chapel Hill to spend the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs Charles E. Quinlan. She will appreciate a package of Whitman's candv from ALEXANDER'S. i i Mrs. R. H Mitchell and Mrs. An drew Moore spent' Mondav ir. Ahe ville. Mr. William Hannah is attending i Supreme Court in Raleigh it - week. . Mrs. Grady Boyd and Mis i ! .hy Lane were Asheville visitor .m Tins-day. Holiday Specials .Target and Clean Bore Shot Gun Shells special, per box . . . . .... . , . . . . . . 65c Prcies on all Toy Wagons Greatly Reduced I Waynesville Hardware Co. R. G. CO FEE, Owner I Mrs. J. P. I Vitus, Miss Gladys Barefoot, Mrs. Jim Thomas, and Mrs. ,1. M. Long were Asheville visitors last week. and SAVE. 'HE HOME OF IOOD THINGS TO EAT Home rocery . C. Rose, Owner tie 88 Main St. li and Mr turned Sunday from a several days' trip to Raleigh,. (ireeiisboro, and For est City. ...... rything to make o IlOmiayS meiTier. fl; Mis, Jo,: Tate and Mrs. Aikers only a complete .n'HJit Friday in Aiu'viiu- of staple groceries fancies as well. I 7 standard brands stock superior ity and always per. - '" .f dies Nuts ? its Vegetables I nned goods in I if it i enmafKino' I to eat we have it. "your Christmas .Mrs Tom Lee, Jr., Mrs. Harry Rotha, Jr., and Mrs. F. K. Alley, Jr.. motored to Asheville on Tuesday. i .Mr. Percy B. Feiebee, -who U own er of the Junaluska Twra a An drews, was a guest of the LeFame Hotel mi Friday. ... Messrs. F E. Alley. F. E. Alio.-, and Doyle Alley left Sunda.: to at tend Supreme Court in Raleigh this Wee!?.' . Mr, Albert Howell of Jonathan was among the : visitors in town Tuesday. 1 Special For the Holidays Finger Wave 75c Shampoo-Finger Wave $1.0 Shampoo-Marcel $1.25 Marcel . ... . . 75c Eugene Per manent . . . .$7.00 Frederic Per manent . . ... . $4.00 Ruth Ray's Beau ty Shop PHONE 11.5 Mr. -I. H. Swayngim retur'nil !lon- J. !!. M .('rackeii iv- I "a-v 1 r'!M1 a V1SR 10 ,1,s S1,n 111 Nt'w" port News, Virginia. I . Mr. Joseph E. Johnson is spending this week in Raleigh attending Su preme Court. Mrs. Tom Stringlield, Mrs. Sydiv Ray. Miss Elizabeth Ray. 'Miss. Mary Stringfield made up a party to Ashe ville Saturday. Mrs. Ira Thackston and daughter. Miss Louisa Thackston, spent. Sat urday in Asheville. i Mrs- Hugh Massie, Mrs. T. X. Massie, Mrs. It. H. .Blackwell, and Miss Margue ite Massie spent Friday in Asheville. Mrs. Kate Morris is spending soms; time in Charlotte as the guest of Mrs. Ed Isenhotlr. Mr. and Mrs. M . II liow !. ,. M: Luiie Tucker and Miss Julia Tiuke:v wi re. Asheville visitors Thursday af k rnoon. (iiive him a Flashlifthl, kinds at ALEXANDER'S. all ore for Your SVSoney More pounds and more actual meat lity explodes the theory that your it bill must be your biggest expense 1. See our prices. RK ROAST, V , p in rcuts . . . : . , . . . luC EF, 'native, tender ; flavor .... . . : . 12 I-2c UND STEAK, juicy native o it, tastes right . . . . IOC N STEAK, good cuts, ive . . a 'O LAMB, young and 22c 20c 15c 12 1 2c MB. SHOULDER, best lity native meat. . JSAGE, mixed, seasoned ; right . . . . : '. ,';..' -V';;V SPECIAL PRICES ON POULTRY mplete Line of Fancy and Staple Groceries FERGUSON', GROCERY ne45 WE DELIVER Opposite First National Bank Mrs. (iuy Massie, Mrs. Roy Francis, and Mrs. Gladys liurgiir took their young daughters to Asheville the Igloo. .Mrs. Eenoir Liner Alley en t the week-end with her parents, I'r and Mrs. V H. I.iner. .'.. Mr. VV. H. Noland left Sunday, to attend the Supreme I'uiii't in Ral eigh this week. i- Miss Ann Joni'.s left 'as' week for South Pittsburg, Tenne-: '!-. .vh.Me she' will suenil the .' -i-'i'iri.-'li"a.'-- h-M-day- a;- the guest of I :vc: Mrs. J nun's' Fitzgerald. M iv, Robert Stivtdifr reiu.rm-d -!u.-'t week from a two. .weeks' ..visit .'to rel atives and fi.'iendh in Raleigh.; W ilson Mills, and i Wnston-SulcivK Rev. and Mrs. Albei t "v ;v pent j the Week-end as . guests', .of -M v.' s.-nd Mrs- A. V. Arnold in l!ri '. Ten nesf'ie and Mr. and Mrs. R. '.Vood in Elizabethton, On ".':--.unday . Rev. New preached at the .' Krn.inn?) Episcopal, church in Iiristol, .Virginia. Mrs.. Andrew Moore returni -I la-t week from New York City, where '.-be has been for the last five or si w''ks, and has joined her mother an! i a! It er, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Welch, at the home of Mrs. R. H. Mitchell. - . -. Mr. and Mrs. James Atkin.s, Joe Jack Atkins, and Ray Burgin drove to Spartanburg Saturday to visit Ben Atkins, who is attending Wof ford College. Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Stuart and young son of Newark, New Jersey, spent a few days at the LeFaiiie this Week en route to Florida. Mrs. Stuart and her son have spent the summer at Oak Park for the past few years. '.'".'. '.' ' '."' Mr- Frank Fergusori and Mr. Tom Reeves attended the cantata given by the glee club of the Western Caro lina Teachers College at Cullowhee Sunday night. '.;. ..' ; Mr. J. L. Hathcock of the North Carolina Department of Education at Raleigh, spent Sunday in Waynes ville as a guest of the LeFaine Hotel. YOU CAN BUY AT YOUNG'S Gifts That Reflect the Charm of the Christmas Spirit Beautiful gifts, new, distinctive, and so moderate in price that Christinas shopping for "gifts worth while" will be a pleasure. 1 iSr i jo g mm f-r V. . ELGIN Watches 1-2 Price Diamond RINGS 1-2 Price A beaut iful 'select Inn of lS-Kf. and plat. mount - m- I 1 Vi . ings set .with perfect nit 7 Jewel C ronium case i,lu, white, diamonds, , -eg, strap Avatches $12.50 up ular .fl: juice to :IS(), now 1 -U (Jent's stone rings, ruby, onyx, initial, double head cameo and emblem rings $5.00 Up - ;: Clark and Evans Cigarette lighters . $2.50 Up '. Cigarette Cases. . . . . .,$. 50 Un (ieniiine leather billfolds, koy eases and Cenuine diamond cut crystals $1.25 up cigarette sets Double Compacts , 75c. to $10.00 $2.50 Up Jjovcly assortment cost n me Jewelery, Ladies 7 Jewel Elgin Cronium case wrist watches $11.75 up Ladies solid leather hand bags, Special $3.00 All Mesh Ilagf 1-2 PRICE I W A l NKSVH.I.K. N. ('. I II II I II ll II tlllllM lllllll T fl II I n llll I II xx ii II --"' " i i inn --" latest designs,neck I a e e s, bracelets, rings,; earrings $1.25 up ..a. re m r b ' m kb mj w :m.m"vw-. mm ; i Save Money BvSSng Christmas Shopping ' AT -, ' :: CLYDE DEPARTMENT STORE Give her a box 1 of Schrafrs or Nunnally's Candy in Christ mas Packages from ALEXAN- ri DER'S. Men's dress shirts regular $1.50 value .... ... . . ; . .95c Men's all leather dress gloves, an ideal gift .... $1.49 Men's dress Oxford asnd shoes, up to $6 val. special $2.98 to $3.69 One lot men's 16-oz blue serge suits, 2 pair trousers, very spec ial for Christmas . . . . $18.75 Ladies' pajamas, in many dif ferent colors, a gift any woman would like ........ . . ..$1.99 Ladies' full-fashioned silk hose, an ideal gift .. . . . . . ... 49c. up Latest patterns in pumps, straps and Oxfords, patents and kids, all sizes . . . . '.'.'. :. . . $1.79 up Any woman will apprecitae a gift of underwear, step-ins, bloomers, dance sets, vest com binations, all new stock 39c. up m We Have a Complete Line of Groceries at Prices that Are Right. All Kinds of Christmas Candies, Nuts and Fruits, See Us Before You Kuv WE'LL SAVE YOU MONEY : r.-";.: Clyde Department Store j Successors to D. M. Cagle & Son Clyde, N. C. rwmmwmvmzwmmmmiwmmi mmmmmmcimrM.mmfw!m mtm cm mm mt vmx mswwm mum

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