THURSDAY, DECEMBER TJ, 1931 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER . LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 LAKE J US ALU SKA SCHOOL FLASS CHRISTMAS FEATURES On Friday, December 18, there will be a Christmas program in the audi torium of the Lake Junaluska school. All grades will have a part on the proyram. Following this the pupils will return to their rooms and have their grade programs while the P. T. A. will hold its buisness meeting. All membe-s of the P. T. A- are urged to be there at 2:00 P.M. 0 ! Fireworks ! AH kinds either for noise or beauty. Prices cheaper than ever. I 1 Large stock to select i o - 1, the AM. Villi John Boyd I Pool Room 1 DORCAS BELL LOVE CHAPTER D- A. R. Mrs. E. J. Hyatt was hostess to the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter '.I he Daughters of the American Revolu tion. Wednesday, December 0, at her home in Hazelwood. The regent, Mrs. Gwvn, v.-as unable to be present and Mrs. J. H. Howell, vice regent, presided. The meeting was opened with singing -A "Amer ica," Flag Salute, and Ritual- Re ports were read by officers nd chair men and business transacted. Let ters from the national chairmen "were read and other correspondence- A Crossnore bag was passed for con tributions and a generous response followed, which almost tilled th'! isf. Mrs. J. W. Seaver had the paper for the afternoon. Her subject was, 'The Mother of George Wasnington," jand was splendidly written.. Ire ' magazine was reviewed by Mrs. ! Hampton, f The hostess served :i uelig'htfu : salad course. 1 By Mrs. K B. Camp, I Publicity Chairman. I I i i i I All brands of clears, cigar ettes and tobaccos in Christinas packages at ALEX A libit n. Grandmother BREAD FuH Pound CV Wrapped Loaf Grandmother' i FRUIT CAKE cl 50c l 95c SPARKLE pt Pfcg- 5c PEACHES 1 9c Mince Meat 19c Candies : - - - Cream Drops RaisinS me IOC 1 Cream. . . . Gum Drops ri. ' Msrria 10 i. t C and LaieS I'itted pkK. IDC Cocoanut 1 - ' ':' rr ' Bon Bons Cleremont A' 'rted . Chocolates a $1.29 2 lbs. 35C Christmas Mixed Candy 2 lbs. 25c Cranberry Sauce Drome ry "ai" 20c CAKE Citron Peel . . , . lb. 29c Glace Cherries 12 lb. 28c Glace Pineapple Vt lb. 25c A&P Currants Pkg. 15c Dromedary Peels Citron . . 14 lb. Pkg. 17c Lemon or Orange it. 4 lb. pit. ........ loc NUTS MIXED Z lb. 19c PECANS lb 19c ALMONDS lb. 25c WALNUTS lb. 29c BRAZILS wb. 19c Cider White House Sweet Gal. Joe 5oc Cluster Raisins London Layer 2 lbs. 25c Layer Figs p. ;. 25c Pecan Stuffed Dates' ,b 29c Lard Rest I'urt 10c Eagle Milk Can 18c PUlsbniy Cake Flour Pkg 29c Quaker Maid Catsup BotUe llC Swift's Jewel SHORTENING 2 lbs 15c Cream Cheese 3 pkgs. 25c LIFEBUOY SOAP cakes 19c jRinso 3 m. 23c CRANBERRIES Fancy Cape Cod 2 lbs for 25c Florida Boxed RANGES Per Dozen ;. 10cl2cl5cl8c20c25c St. Atlantic & Pachific WOUAX'S CLUB HAS PROGRAM OS POETRY The following account is from Charlotte News: Judge Wade H. Williams was the principal speaker at a meeting of the literature department of the Woman's Club on Tuesday afternoon. He read several poems, including "Trinity Bells" by Rev. .'lata Dur ham. Mrs. Lena Covington Harreli read several original p ems. The program was concluded by a talk given by Mrs. Willard G. Rogers who .spoke on a number of writers including Mrs- A. Fairbrothers, of Greensboro, Mrs Anna Mcintosh Beville and Miss Louise Beville, libra rian at Waynesville, whose writings have been recently published in mag azines and book form. AMERICAS LEGIOS AUXILIARY MEETS An interesting meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held on Monday, December 14, at 7:-j0 p. m.. in the Masonic Temple. The usual meeting with the Post was followed by the business session. .Mr. K. K. Campbell, secretary, was abent due t illness of her husband. Miss Ida Jean Brown read the min utes of the last meeting. A .report of the treasurer was- given and a very interesting report of the Dis trict meeting held in Asheville, No vember 28, was gi.iin by Mrs. E. B Camp. Eleven members from the Waynesville unit attended this meet ing. . A communication from the Depart ment President, Mrs. Hugh W. Perry, was read, in which she asked that our membership list be sent in not later than December 27. The mem bers who have not renewed their membership re urged to do so on or before December 27. It was decided that a committee Consisting of .Mrs. M. C. Gi'ec;i and Mrs. Eli McGee should have charge of preparing stockings for the needy children of the veterans and Legion members. Mrs. W. F. Swift, chairman of rehabilitation, was appointed, to end gifts to patients at Oteen and Ward 'Daddy,- assigned to the Waynesville , unit. Membership... chairman, Mrs. M. C Green, reported two prospective members. There being no farther, ' business, thft.h'ieeti'ng adjourned. I Tost esse for January will be; Mrs.' W; F,. Swift, -Mrs. J. H. Howell, ;vfts--Powell and Mrs. Fi H." Saunders" ' ; During the social hour .wii-b. .-followed the hostesses served lii:-us refreshments. By Miss Ida Jean Brown, Publicity Chairman. ,--' Rev. H. W. Baucom left Tuesday for a few days' visit to friends and relatives, in the Eastern part of the state, .lic-for'- returning home Mr. Baucom will go to Raleigh to': get his son, II- V. Baucum, Jr. who is at tending WTake Forest College, and will also stop in Rock Hill.' S. ('. for his daughter, Elyizabeth, who attends Winthrop. College, and bring them home for the holidays. MUSIC CLUB TO MEET SATURDAY The Music Club will have its regu lar meeting Saturday, December 19, instead of the fourth Saturday which is the custom. The meeting' will be held at the Community Club r&om at 3 o'clock with Mrs. L. M. Richeson as hostess. Mrs. Robert Stretcher will be leader of the program on "Christmas Music." ':'-. AMERICAS LEGIOS AUXILIARY SOTES The time is here to ren,v your membership in the American l egion Auxiliary for another years. Consid er for a moment what this member ship means to you. It is among the most precious of ; your possessions Your right to be an, Auxiliary mem ber has been won for you by th'-- ser vice of your husband, '-on, father or brother to his country in time of .war. Your Auxiliary membership gives you the privilege of going forward with the men of your family is thov rarry into peace, time' the service they ren dered during the war. The women of America are recog nizing tov, that the war left many na tional and world problems unsolved and that to aid in solving of these problems is a duty and a privilege of those who had the most vital connec tion with the war. . They understand the wider significance of the work which the American Legion is doing and value the privilege of aiding the Legion in this work which member ship in the Auxiliary gives them. The American Legion Auxiliary is now entering the period of its great est influence and greatest powers for service. You will not want to lose your share in the big things which are before the organization, by permitting Waterman Fountain Pens and Pencils, a useful gift at ALEX-ANDER'S. CRABTREE W. N. C. Methodist O.fpdits From He ference Meets Friday The rain and eoojer weather for the past several days have afforded op portunity to farmers 'o d many things about the farm. The tobacco farmer has been very busy with his burley as he is ppx ious to get it to market The M'lier is busy grinding, and the hog raiser finds the weather ideal for hog kill ing. M rs. Glenn, Joe, G. C. ancj Emily Palmer, Annabelle McCracken, Joe K. Williams, Mrs A. E. Williams and Anna Roe Ferguson attended the basketoail game at Clyde Friday nigh:. "All ejoyed the game. The community is glad to see Mr. I John Hipps out again after his re- cent i.lness- j Mrs. Sam Hipps is very sick. ; Dr. W. R. Ferguson is sick. Miss Charlotte Young, teacher at I Clyde High School, spent Thursday i night with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Palmer. . ; Mr- Parle Kitchen and R. C. Looper, teacher at Clyde High School, spent Wednesday njeht with Mr. and Mrs Boone Rogers. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Leatherwood spent the week-end with parent J, J. L. Walker, at Lake Junaluska. Mr.-. Cecil Whitehouse spent Sun day with home folks, Mr. and Mrs, N P. Walker. N Miss Mary Rathbone spent Satur day in Asheville. Mr. Edd Walker from Lake Juna lilska, .-pent Sunday with parents, Mrs. R. M. Ferguson. He had dinner with Mrs. C- E. Williams Sunday.: The stewards met at the Methodist parsonage Saturday evening on business :1 Attend Schc A meet: - , The Educational StalT of the West ern North Carolina Conference of the , Methodist church headed by Rev. J. ,F. Kirk and Rev. W. A Kale, with ' some representatives from Nashville, j will be at Cullowhee, Friday morn ' ing, at 10 o'clock, fcr an all day ! educational institute. The presiding elder of tht Waynes ville District, Rev. L. B. Hayes, is ' urging all pastors, Sunday School superintendents, charge lay leaders, f oHucational committees in Uhe local church, and as many Sun- Coach Weatherr, :day School teachers as possible, at- ; gram and made a ! tend this meeting. . 'to the Lunch will be served at the Cul-1 A committee of : ' lowhee Methodist church. Rev. M-led to work out th n Tnttu n.i,i his enm of workers will I coming year in th rbe hosts to the gathering. ; The presiding elder also is calling a 'conference to be held with the pas- tors on the same day. district masters met last V ! Dillbso'rtr. -Four i attended the mi - Homer Henry, cou educaion, B. D. Bur: of the Waynesville eson principal o: school and Coach (". of the high school. The meeting . about 25 from this ment of the school was composed of M lowhee, B. D. Bun: Coach Scarborough "tn.-.-;, : r Car I YEGGMAS FAIL OS BLOWISG SAFE .. J Yeggnu-n failed in attempt tc blow j the safe of the Standard oil Compa- nay of Hendersonville Sunday night, December .1:5. A negro who saw j strange men enter the building, -no- j tified the. police who arrived in time to see three men run from the build-' ing. No arrests were made. : your membership to lapse. Maks sure i -you will Je. in the Auxiliary ' ranks as it goes forward to the ac-. j cbmplishments of the coming year by When gou are sick y want the best physiciw When you have car tn hie you need master n chanics-lUXl MEANS U! There's a difference in auto repairing. Th dinary at any price fails to deliver ecor, But at Abel's you find super efficient atte: that puts motors in perfect shape. Several leading brands of anti-freeze lill j radiator today and be safe. Abel's Garage JDealers in Gulf Products . Asheville ! Phone 52 till M 'S. 1111 Let W. T. Denton Solve Your hristmas hoDoini Problems this Yew WW m WM:- Ka9 m w . 50c, $1.25, $2.00, $4.00 .$3.00, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 v. . . . .$2.00, .$4.50, $7.50 . .. ..$11.50 . . . . .30.00 . : . $2.00 Set ' Children's Wagons. . . . . . . . . . Tricycles, Large Rubber Tires, . . ... Babies Buddy Bikes . ... .... .... . . . . . . All the above are good well made and stout. PLATED SILVERWARE 26 Piece Sets . . . . . . . . .. . . 29 Piece Sets, 35 year guarantee, fine tray free 42 Piece Sets, 50 year guarantee, fine tray free . Knives, Forks, Spoons, Nut Crack Sets.. 3 Piece Carving Sets, stag and Ivory handles. . Alarm Clocks,. ...... . ..$1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 Mantel Clocks, fine goods, . . . . . . . . . ..... . .$6.50 and $12.00 Electric Clocks, beautiful goods ... . . ... . . .... $5.50 - $7.9 EWrrir Trnns S1 F0 S2 00. $2 50 s orrnrl as anv riecinc uouuoir juamps . . . . . . . . ....... . . .$l.zo, $i.ou, m.cj Electric Percolators . . . . .. . . .. $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, nice good? Watches . . ... . . . $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $4.00, $6.00, all guaranteed All kinds EVEREADY Flash Lights. Folding Card Tables . . . . . . .. . . . $1.50 - $3 00 Jews and French Harps Roller Skates . . . . v. . ... . 1 . . . . ; , . . . . . .$1.00, $1.40, $175 Boy Scout Axes. . . Boy Scout Knives. Air Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . $1.00, $1.50, $2 00 Fine new pocket knives great lot to select from prices low, quali- ty fine. ;' '- '.':: Until January the First I Will Give Ten Per Cent off on all guns and I have a good a ssortment, during the same tir will make a reduction on full boxes of shot gun shells of ten cents f" regular prices. m My goods were bought for SPOT CASH and at the LOWST late prices and I P' five years experience into the business and aim to give every customer advantage of cash buying and experience. 1 t Come see my store, just across the street from the National Bank and right bv Mr. B Drug Store. Street number 76 right over the door. ' Denton's Hardware 76 Main Street . r I Opposite First National B ...

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