w Has Afore Paid-in-Advance Subscribsrs In Haywood County Than All Weekly Xeuspapers Combined VOL. XLIV NO 2 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1931 SHIPPED FROM COUNTY CARS CATTLE 200 Christmas Tree Thursday Afernoon, Episcopalian Services in Evening. MANY STUDENTS HOME Streets Are Crowded With I -mm' a- ol Much Fireworks The streets, stores and homes here reveal that the Christmas spirit is the one thought in the minds of the people of the county. The stores are decorated with crepe paper, bells, ar tificial snow and bright colored orna ments. In front of several stores decorated trees -with flickering lights add their part to the spreading of joy and cheer. The Streets are crowded with people ushing here and there in an effort to make last minute purchases for some friend; or relative that had been for gotten in th season's rush. Indications are that Waynesville will nbt lack for noise this Christ nas. , For the last several days fire crackers have been shot frequently. ' School children, now carefree from studies make their daily rounds to ihfl favorite toy counters, fingering his and that and in many instances whispering to the clerks to tell Santa heir latest wants. During the next few days several Christmas programs have been plann ,d. ' ' Christmas Tree Fhursday Afternoon r . . On Christmas Eve, on the lot op fKsite the post office, the Woman's Sub will sponsor a community Christ Mas tree for the children that perhaps would not be otherwise remembered. ; Christmas Carols will be sung ac :ompained by chimes played by Fred Joel, f Ashevi!1". Santa Claus will be there to per lonally give the little tots a gift that las been prepared by the Woman's 3oK The program is scheduled to egin-promptly at 4:S0 p. m. Services A t Episcopal Church Christmas Eve Christmas eve night at midnight iervices will be held at the Grace Spiscopal church at J 1:30. Dr. R. P. Valker, pastor of the Presbyterian tburch -will deliver the sermon which (Continued on page 6) Give Library Member ship As Xmas Gift Miss Beville local librarian here has brought another Christmas gift suggestion. That is a mem bership to the Waynesville Library. This gift would not only be an ap propriate one worth while but would last for twelve months and would be of . much value to the person receiving the gift and to the community. The local library fills a need that no other local in. stitution could possibly mee The library is supported by these year ly memberships and a small fee on each book where the person re ceiving the book does not have a membership. The yearly member ship dues are one dollar a year. CITY I S GRIPPED 8 Y CHRISTMAS SPIRIT STREETS, STORES PAGEANT GIVEN HERE DECORATED HERE SUNDAY TO FOR CHRISTMAS LARGE AUDIENCE Over 100 People From Vari ous Churches Here Take Part in Pageant. IMPRESSIVE SERVICE Story Centering Around the Birth of Christ Was In spiring To Audience Last Sunday night over 100 persons from the churches of the city staged a pageant "The Light of The World" at the high school auditorium, to an appreciative audience that completely filled the auditorium and many had to go to the balcony for seats. The pageant took the place of the regular evening worship at the dif ferent churches here. The combined choirs of the city furnished the music for the service. They were seated in the right balony and as the opening of the service they sang several Christmas carols. Dr. R. P. Walker, pastor of the Presbyterian church read first of the scripture followed by Rev. H. W. Bau. com, pastor of the Baptist church, who read the remainder of the scrip ture story of the birth Of the Christ. Dr. Walker then led the congregation in prayer. The pageant opened with a blight star shining from the east and a view of the crude manger, which wos placed in the center of the stage, in f mint of a white alter. The pageant was ten t ere 1 around the birth of Christ and the spirit of Christanity ruling over the world. The (Continued on rag; 8) Three Bound Over To February Court, Larceny Of Tobacco Three young men were bound over to the February term of court by Magistrate Frank Ferguson this week on charges of larceny. The three were Woodrow McElroy, Weaver Rarhbone and Hugh Rogers. They are charg-ed of stealing1 tobacco in the Fines Creek section. The to bacco was the property of Roy Ropers of Fines Creek. Geo, Sherill Is Reported Better George Sherrill, suffering from pni umonia, was reported yesterday t, have suffered from a relapse, but reports coming from the home, late Tuesday -indicated that ho was better. The attending physician stated that his condition was still serious, but he had .'hopes of '"his recovery,, al though it would be slow. Mr. Sherrill is proprietor ' of the Sherrill Studio here. PRISONERS TO HAVE SPECIAL "EATS" XMAS The , prisoners of this county will not be forgotten Christmas. .; Sheriff Lowe has arranged for each of them to receive a gift bag. Each bag is to have candy, rasing, oranges and ap ples in it. A special Christmas dinner will be served to the 26 state and lb county prisoners. Sheriff Lowe reported that all priso ners were well taken care of, and well fed. The Waynesville Mountaineer Is The Best Moec p' Prpciriont nf I hamhor nfi uiuuuiv a i vuiuviu ut viiuiiiuvt vi Commerce, Proposes Fence For High School Athletic Park Here Much Interest Is Shown By Guests and Heads of Differ ent Civic Organizations At Football Banquet. Awards Given To 23 Members of Squad By Coach Weatherby The final curtain was lowered on 1931 football history here Thursday night when the team held their annual banquet at the LeFaine hotel. Per haps the climax of the gathering wastt the puhlic intended to infringe reached when Hugh Massie, president of the Waynesville Chamber of Com merce proposed that the town, school board and civic organizations of the city build a 'fence--around .the athletic park at the high school. This suggestion was well received and other remarks by visitors and members of the team indicated that the suggestion was one of the thing's that Waynesville has needed ever since the old fair ground field was abolished. Several .remarks, made after Mr. Massie made the proposal led to the point that hundreds of dollars in ad-J SECOND FLOOR OF COURT HOUSE IS NOW FINISHED Work is Being Pushed For ward Rapidly. Between 35 and 50 Men Employed The new court house is beginning to look like a miniature skyscraper; The work has been pushed, forward rapidly during the last few weeks and the contractors have put forth every effort to make use of- the favorable weather during that time. The pouring of the second floor 'was completed Friday .afternoon.'- The col umns for the third floor are being built and will be ready to support the framing forms for the third floor which is expected to be poured about the fiirst of the month. The outside walls have been built up to the top of the second story windows on about half of the wall. The huge white columns in the front of the biuling have been placed and the special arch over the front door ing from the back indicates that it will be one of the most beautiful pub lie buildings in Western North Caro 1 in a when finished, was finished last week. The granite walls have a majestic appearance and .the looks of the build Retwoen thrityfive. and fifty men are employed regularly on the job. The only injury reported was one workman sprained his foot several days ago, but is able to be out lira in. En (Our fttamt Safaris: lfllui Haiti "Wtmf? Eon ffltlb a HJnrn, lErtV sn wr habr it. Ehr 3inijfiirrnt (Eltristmasi in tlrara" tn ijmt mh umtrs. CTIir taff of (Hip iflomttautcrr. mission were lost annually at the high school football games because of the lack of a fence. It was hinted by one speaker that he did not believe on the team by not paying admission but since there is nothing to keep the fans from walking right in to the field they are less apt to purchase tickets. Mr. Massie said, "I believe the fence would pay for 'itself in one sea son, "on -just -the admissions that are lost by not having ndciiuate facilities to collect admission". Mr. .lames Atkins acted as toast master for the occasion and in the conclusion of the program related an imaginary dream, in which he saw ill the future the entile Waynesville team as outstanding stars playing a (Continued on page 2 ) ITWO CLYDE MEN IN AUTO WRECK MONDAY NIGHT Rev. A. A. Johnson and Sam Snyder Run Off Road Dur ing Fog. Snyder Injured Rev. A. A. Johnson, pastor of the Clyde-Methodist church and Sam Sny der, also of Clyde, were in: an auto mobile, accident about.- 1 o'clock Mon day night on No. 10 Highway,, one mile cast 'of Clyde, when Rev. .lohn son mistook the curbing for the white line in the center of the highway, during an unusual heavy fog. The car struck soft flirt on the side of the highway and turned over twice, and landed on its side. M r. Snyder was thrown ten feet from the car, Rev. Johnson remain ed at the wheel uninjured. When he found Mr. Snyder his injuries reveal ed that three ribs were broken and several minor injuries. These two gentlemen were return ing from Canton when the accident occured. The car was Completely de molished. In communication with Dr. Medford, of Clyde, correspondent- of the Moun taineer, over long distance telephone just before going to press and learned that Mr. Snyder's condition was not serious, and that he was resting as well as could be expected. Advertising Medium In Haywood County GUY BROCK, AUTO yj(K y ICTIM IS BURIED MONDAY Hazelwood Man is Drown ed Early Sunday Morning When car Dives into River niREE ESCAPE INJURY Victim Pinned Under Car After Plunge in Pigeon River Near Clyde. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Guy Hrock, 28, of Hazel wood, who was drowned about 2 a. m. ' Sunday morning when the car ltc- was driving struck a telephone pole and crashed into Figeoii River, just west of Clyde, near the Morgan Mill. Hrock and three others, Fred Tittle, Haul Urot-k, brother to Guy and Luke Reed, were returning from Ashcville when the accident occured. Hrock's companions were thrown clear of the wreckage into the river and escaped without injury The parly was rid ing in a. Chevrolet coupe and all four were on the front seat. As the car rounded the curve at Morgan's Mill, according to the survivors, Guy lost control of the car and crashed into a telephone pole, which turned the car over the embankment into the river. A wrecker wv.s caT.oi aim tile car lifted from the body of Brock who was pinned under it. The water Was about four feet deep where be drown ed. No inquest was deemed neces sary. ..'-.'" Sheriir Lowe visited lh- scene 'of the - accident and .made 'an.- invosti. gation. No arrests had been made up to Tuesday" noon. The investigation showed that Guy Hrock' was sober at, the time of the --accident, 'but accord- (Continued on page 1) 52 Deer Are Killed In County Since Opening Of Season (J. W. liurnett, Haywood County lire and game warden reported this week that this season hud been an exceptional splendid hunting season with hunters in the county. Fifty-two deer have been killed to date, which is higher than the usual number at this time of year. Each hunter is allowed four door each sea son. Fourteen bears have met their fate at the hands of hunters in the county. There is no limit on bears, but it seems that hunters rather bag doer than to bring home a large bruin. Mr. liurnett reported that forest fires were all Out and that he was having life trouble with fires now. The hunting season demanding the most of his time. Distillers Try To Hide Sill From Of ficers After A Raid .Ex-deputy sheriff, j. V. Ijeather- wood, of t'oye Creek, had a st'll re ported to him Monday and went to investigate and found that the opera ors had ''got wind" of bis raid and had carried the still off to other quarters. He captured about 300 gallons of beer and traced the still to a point abtiut a mile from the original place. He captured the still which was a 50 gallon capacity. Pearson Suton ,also an ex-deputv, assisted in the raid. The still and . beer were destrorcd but no arrests were made. , PEEcXs UVUK LAS I YEAR' 4 $200,000 Brought Into Coun ty From Sale Of Cattle Raised Here. MANY TRUCKED OUT County Now Recognized As Leading Stock Raising County In W. N. C. During the past few days. The Mountaineer has made a sjiecial .--ur-vey of the shipping points in th'i county relative to the number of tar's of livestock shipped from Haywood during the past season. The survey revealed that, the total shipments from the county this sea son lias been 2lll cars.. This is 20 cars more than were shipped during the same period hist year. Aii oi-ding to County Agent, J. L, Robinson, the total estimate value for the cattle shipped from here this sea sun would be at bast $200,000 and possibly more. The prices this year were a little lower than last .sea.-tin, but the increase in the number cf ca-s i'i might the net amou it ! curb, into the county to about the same. The average of $1000 a car seems lower than Usual, 1 ut. 1 he 200 tars im luded a number of cars of i ho p and lambs, therefore bringing- - the average down considerably, flu' av erage car of -cattle., it was point" d out by Mr. - Kohinson, brount i.p prox imately $lf00 per ear. AecoriUng to .1 . M . Anderson, freight agent at Clyde, rated i.s the largest single shipping point tor livestock nil the Southern Kail vay System, he gave the figures for cars shipped from that station at ISO. This is 1! .more than passed through, that point last year. J. T. Terrell, freight agent here, .; gave tlic numlicr ol cars shiopeil . rom . Waynesville at S, this is 2 more than was shipptsd during the '-ame period hot year. The t.ruciviiig i.j; iiiess has affect "tl the sliipping of i atlle as other things, but .1. L. Robinson, 'mad -'a ." conservative -estimate-of -at. least 12 cars -have- been tied out of Jlay- ' wood county durii.g th". past si ason. He est iniattti that S or ! cars were trucked out fast year. Haywood county is now recognized as the leading stock raising county in Wostern North Carolirt i. I'h .is ands of dollars are brought into the county every season f rom the sale of local cattle alone. HERE FOR HOLIDAYS M r. Frederick . Marsh, who- i- at tending Danville Military Ai.oi.my is spending the Christmas vacation as the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. E. S. llarrold. BUSINESS BETTER FOR ADVERTISER Local proof that coii-i:ent news paper advertising pa .was veri fied this week when the manager of Mizell Motor toinpany, made the statement that business was much better this year than at the same period hut, and that the company is getting the busines's that they advertise. Mr. Rainer stated that his company was not advertising this time last year. Mizell's ads -appear in The Moun taineer every week and are prov ing to be a good investment. Advertisements in The Moun taineer will pay any business call 137 for ait advertising man and give it a trial.