THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 WAYNESVIlXE. NORTH CAROLINA Page 6 mm H si ': Ri . t' STREETS, STORES HERE DECORATED FOR CHRISTMAS Motorists Must Carry RegisterationCard At All Times, New Law BAPTIST STUDENTS "Hoover Christmas Tree" , TO HAVE CHARGE OF Is Put On Display Here EVENING SERVICES VETERANS FAVOR BONUS PAYMENT il, Fear." of -hi r.ew-b: rr.ur.lcr.. tr.; Ferv.ce. tha: w::! ':,- vry Aibtr: V.v. castor c r Motor:? .ba.-raisr .r.e.T. '.er.t : -r..te re?. -c.v:e: cars ':: Ah:. vrera::.-. W. R. -e.--M.- r 'tek sorr.-eor.e ere.'.e-s a col -A'ho: tree ire of all brarxhes except at gjr-s, ;-e verv tor-, cn Max street hre, ar.d t even-' t -ace: a hu?e sig'r. r. it -tatir.g it "as a "H::ve Christntas Tree". church has to the pub is .jt ( e taf:..' rart .-tate rry irnrre?s:ve ar.-ij. e atter.dir.?. P.ev.t; tr.e Lp: copai! issued a cordial irvvitatior, c to atter. i thi? service, j ' r.a autorr.: o:.e :?hway pa- Post office Handling Heavier Mails This Year The pr orTice report? tha: the mails were heavier than they were last year ar.d that the usual Chrit rush had beg-jr a little ear!:er than before. Potnr.ajter Greer, also said that r.o mail wou'.d be delivered Christmas day except special delive ries ar. i registered mail-. .t that N'jrth Car: plate- f:r 132 iis:r.;-at:o for the :rncer5 to frequently -..cle o'AT.ers for -.heir d," Mr. Roberts said, r. the law requiring ir.e student; r.orr.e trcno are members of the F.: chur.-h w:;l have charge : :r.e services next Sunday. several muiica! selections ha .e seen , Evidently the same .person hung a arranged and several itjder.-.s will j old sock or. tr.e ."SKe.etcr. tree :r.s: rr.ak addresses pertair.:n? to college j ca::r.z that l:fe. I: was ncinted out that 17 nam. i expectations bers of the local church are attend-i the tree had :r.z s i-hool at 10 different colleges. ec- !r.e was tr.e extent o: Except for the no other decoration: :r.e;r 1 Ar.r.c Feruscr. Crabtrec and Mr:. ' Carrie Ca. dwell: on brother. Mr. W. P. Davis of Cove Creek", ar.d twenty three grandchildren, K.s last rrar- ' riage was. to Miss Florence Reeves i "Dad, the bare meter I "Very much" -Cr.'v five feet, but i: has fall Many students were -seer, streets to-day that have fceer. ychocl curing the past, few The teachers ar.d students ca.. or. motor ve car "For this rea?c brat the pcr.ket card be carried at al! time- will be rigidly enforced. Failure Funeral services were conducted I to carry the pocket card makes the vy r.. Browr. Caldwell and Rev! opera. or o:. a motvr -.e.-.ic;e suojecx pjr;K McCracken. Interment was r, indict rr.r.t." r --,.,' t.c.r,- i j , : cc b. lcu.c .ti;. Although the motor club executive ( urged that the card be in possession. barest friend, thou has: left us of the operator of the vehicle a: alii And cur loss we deeply feel; times he strongly opposes keeping the! But it's God that hast bereft us, card ir. the car as possession of the He can all our sorrows heal, card would hinder recovery of the ve-' hide in the event it was stolen. , Ye: again we hope to meet him, "In addition to its value in determ-j When the day of life feas fled; ;onths. J ining ownership of a vehicle,'' Mr. When in heaven at last we gre: him :f the. F.ober said, fcthe pocket card is tie Where no farewell tears are shed. BAYER ASPIRIN is always SAFE ' The Vetrrar call ur iav- r.izht. E'ec. lis was at:e a large crcwd. representing tiens Hayw:cd county, in a large drlegati :-r. from Cant: There were several seakrs , prtgrarr.. and after an ' 'he vc te was ta.cer. .1 form of a petition. i The vote was 100 pr e i paying the Bonus or? in full. 1 The Wayne-sville Chapter ! abled American Veterans sponsored the meeting j list cf names that voted on the question to our Most Important. Dear Column. Wh:.-impor.ant- a man's u.: ers. Dear Noah: Please . : is privileged to be -;r. o. :u: his w;fe. Renew Your He by Purificatic Any physician will -"Perfect Purificatic r. . ":, is Nature's Four.catl . ,--Health." Why r.ot r. " chronic sflrr.c.fs that ir.g ycur vita.:;.? ?...;.." tire "sy-tein by talc.: . 1 will send the course of Calotahs, f, week lor weeks a-i Nature reward you w.:,. representative :n i Calotabs purify the I..-.-! BEWARE OF IMITATIONS n-. 'V. cr en'oyin? their operator's sole that the cor. .ocal scnoo.s are ho!idav and through the cooperatxn rect license fee has been paid. This 1 . of the' superintendent B. D. Bar.r. and j will be particularly valuable to opera-, the prirclpal5 of the local schools,! tcrs of trucks' as the card will show. ;h:ng the, what weigr.t :oai may oe nau.ed on I their ad- the particular vehicle.'' ' c: tr.e i Mr. Ko&erts urgea "eet owners le and limpness on their operators the value .e hoi;-! of always carrying the registration THOSE WHO LOVED HIM. tuo: The Mountaineer rjarees nf.the tea: cress for the holidays. Most teachers are frgm Waynes vd will remain .r. the :.ty. for t Mi's: Miss Mrs f - - Mrs. Mrs. Nan:; hc-- High school : Fra-kl. r-a. Patri N. C. card and also made a plea for truck owners who wish to carry heavier loads than the rate: capacity to be. certa.n and ma.-ie known tr.e 1 : a d and pav th ''Cvrredt fee over Wa: e 1-1 . Way ne ar, n: r. KO'-.- 7.V ..'At'-.' OF kh ' It ha- ' ur r. :'r.--r. :. P. -.-v. T. 1 '. Io .117.- M - ... jl ; ? s nar.c::e Mr-. Wc . Mr. E. 7'. Bur.n Mr. . ri. '.Vt Mr. J1... J. 'p.;be Mr; I .... Frye Mr. W. -::..t Hat ,:,f I'urn. N. '.'. h . Wayr.e-v.lle :::. i-r- n, N. C. ou;et N. v, Al- .:'.' arl' . I.'. '. . -Ko-u-..-.. Mi--. M Central Eremen'tary School H . Eivs-i i j It v.; into n , tja.. Mr-. 1 1' d '. Fr.-.- :. Mrs.? Huberii''. . . M.---''F.-a-. R i - - r. . Miss, Led i avr.e- -i!!e-'r "v; his m ;s was 1 f u 1 : : 1 i. His . y- . had a kind wrd-:c:; ry :jSioi never :a:le i .t'j lend a hc-l::r.j h;in i to those in need. .' Y.V '':-" -' Mr. Dav:s was married rirs -.'..' ... . . ' - . M:'s eorg:a .Nolana, wno pre- iarr-1 : .... Waynesvilie ... : .... . . . ,.' , .,. .... MsAnnif ). Kirkna'ri i; Wavnes-' t .. "a ,"' ;.-ear . T this union, was born ten ' I- le. '- '.' :' '"-' V ;.-.;. ;rc:n t ! e:gn: -urvive. as ' Hae'wood Elementary School ; fallows.- Bob, Randolph, and Ho:-f: Mr. . P. B.-am ..,. GafTney, s. C. of Cove Creek, Zimri of Philippine 'Miss' Wjlda Crawford Waynesvilie Islands ; Mrs: Sarah -Smarf ar.d:. Mrs. Miss. Mary ritriniield Waynesvilie Pearl'; Crawford of Iron Duff ; Mrs. Miss France: ",-'' Wayne-vi!!e: ,' Miss Opal F----.'U- .:. Waynesvilie jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ML-- JulLa Tucker, Lincolnton, N. C. uT Miss Eva Leathc-rw-. od Waynesvilie' g Miss; Tucker. ..... .Lincolntrn i - Miss Elizabeth Martin . Waynesvilie!!!! .Miss Hazel Creasmar. . . WayT..esvilIe j !! Mrs. Sam. Knigh: . . Hazelwood1 Restless, could not sleep THERE w e e days when I lAt like I could net get my work done. I would get so nervous and rembJy' I would haK to lie dowa. I was very rest less, and could no sleep at nlghfc My mother tdvlse4 me to take Carduj, ar.d I certainly am glad she did. I is the first thljj that : seemed to grv me any strength.- I felt better after tJt first bottle. I kz-pt t up and am 'not feel ing fine" iin.T. . ri. Gltsoa, Forf Payee, Ala. I I i lil llH HIM ' - .-l.. i vatine the liver, kidnev 6 J ' ! bowel?. Trial package, : sentimen: of the Veterans back home, i ly package, 3f tts..AU i-. -. UNLESS you see the name Bayer and the word genuine cn the package as pictured a:.';', c-v - u car. re cr :e sure that you are' c the genuine Baver Aspirin that thousands cf f skiar.s prescribe in their dailv r:ti.c. ; Aspirin. It: your ; r . t :. : I Mi'li r.s cf ! relic-, c-: ! ii- .:. " ids ; S - T It ccs r.o: -.rins grKW.r.c tee cf puritv rr.Atd it is r.ptiy - ur...,::! '-c::c:.t- f'(ow its :r.v i.eart, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ANNOUNCES CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY FARES Between all points in the Southeast, including1 the Wa ington, New Orleans, Menphis, St. Louis and Louisv; Gateways and the Ocean ports of Norfolk, Charier; Savannah, Brunswick and Jacksonville. BASIS One and one third fares for the round tr Tickets on sale December 16th-25th, inclusive, bear: final limit January 6th, 1932. Tickets good in Pullman Sleeping and Parlor u upon payment regular charges for space occupied. BAGGAGE WILL BE CHECKED Stopovers will be allowed at all stations either g.i or returning or both, within the final limit of the ticke These Christmas Fares Will Also Be Available to certain destinations in territories other than that described above. For complete information, fares, reservation.-. caii on xcal agents. or address J. H. WOOD, Div. Pass. Agent, Southern Railway System, Asheville. N. C. io HEALTH Take Thedford's :acl-r)raj'at lot constipav.oa, ina:gesi, and Blltocsnyss Merry Christmas We deem it a great privilege to sincerely extend to you and yours, the Season's Greetings and heartiest Good Wishes. 6 J Christmas Greetings. .... East Wavnesville Eementary School' .Mr. S. E. Connatser Sevien'ille, Tenn. j Mr, W. L. McCracken Wa7iesvil!e j j Miss Elizabeth Henry . . WayT.esville iliss Daisy Boyd Waynesvilie Miss Mildred Crawford Waynesvilie ; Miss Eala Patterson Waynesvilie j Mrs, A. P. Ledbet:r - Waynesvilie ; " Christmas Pixercises Are Held At Allen's Creek School Friday May it be jolly for you all.... this Christmas Day.... and won't you remember our best wishes are with you. CANDIES GrMD 2 lbs. 35 CHRISTMAS Mixture 2 Ite. 2Sc ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Phone 52 Asheville Road . The Allen's . .Creek, school had an . interesting Christmas program . Fri .day afternoon just before th school was dismissed for the holidays. The entire school participated in the ex .' ercises. :.' The third and fourth grades, gave a pageant, "Holy Night,'5 followed by a play., given by the pupils of the first and second grade entitled, "Christmas Eve In The Land of S'od." At the conclusion of the exercises leach student received a half pound of nice candy donated by Mr. Price, Of New York. Mt,. Price, is' a summer resident in the Allen's Creek commu-. nity and coritributs: quite frequently and 'liberally to the work of the ' school. . The Rock Branch Sunday School was included in the list to receive candy from Mr. Price. To each patron of the school that has donated for the work of the school'the students prepared and sent a large box of holly, evergreens and galax leaves in appreciation of their generosity to the school. Mrs. Frank Fergusan is principal of the school. , The other teachers are Mrs. J. C, Cole and Miss Mamie Leatherwood. Christmas Specials Oranges, Juicy and Sweet . 3 doz. for 25c Tangerines each lc up English Walnuts, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27c Brazil Nuts, per Paper Shell Pecans, per lb. 18c Best Grade Apples, per doz. .... ... ........ .15c FRUIT SVIAREIET Next To McCracken Clothing Co. Old Blue Bird Ice Cream Stand S lb. Bo N. B. C Assortment De Ue Pkg. 27c RaUins Pkg- Cbe,Tcs PeeV Glace lt. Cake Grandmother's Fruit Cake SOc t;keb 95c ATMORE S KETSTOXE MINCEMEAT lb. 19c AXX PAGE Pt RE ERUIT PRESERVES t 19c CIT IHESH FROM THE TL B Butter lb. GRAKDMOTHER'S Pan Rolls doz. 7c 19c 19c IKlMOXTt. BARTI.ETT Pears 27c , RAJAH SALAD DRESSING 19c Pint NUTS ra. 25c I"0n0' u. 2 Ifo 25c WTED PATES ,fARVrv SWIFTS JEWEL SHORTENING 2 lbs. 15c Sugar lb. 5c Top Off the Feast With Rich Bokar : 29c COFFEE I'CCKY STRIKE. CAMEX. CHESTERFIELD CIGARETTES Carton $1.29 Florida Boxed Oranges doz. ;12c to 35c i 5c I 9s 1ML onuerry Sauce Gal. Jug WlUtehonie ODER 49c Special Price the Box Fancy Cape Cod 1 CRANBERRIES 2 lbs. 25t) CELERY TANGERINES LETTCCE GRAPES GRAPEFRC1T Tangerines Doz ...... Stick-Candy 2 1-2 lb box 20c 29c j 9 I i All . i . ii ' ''..' wui remain ooen unti in p M rwhmt Kv? and will doe all day Christmas Day. ' t The Great ATLANTIC & PACJnr TV Cc.l Villoma.-.-.-. w s w a