.... .v . ? Has More Paid-in-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All ii'tvAy Xcwspapcts Combined VOL. XLIV NO. 3 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1931. NEWS BRIEFS Gov. O. Max Gardner has been re requested to call a special term of Buncombe superior court for trial of cases involving the condemnation of lands for inclusion in the Great V Smoky Mountain National Park 'The board of county commissioners at a special meeting adopted a res clution requesting the special term to begin January 25. Confident Chairman Raskob has definitely abandoned his state liquor plan as a Democratic platform plank Democrats Congressional leaders be lieve a harmony session is in sight I at next month's national meeting. In statement yesterday Jose ' phua Daniels said that the Democrats will win next year. A candidate l must have no vestage of "pink Re 'I publlcanism" he stated. He also said prohibition was not an issue this ; year "h " Fifty-three suits were filed in tae Buncombe county superior court . against persons who failed to pay ',' pledge to the Great Smoky Moun- tain National Park. Quite a few of these suits were against Haywood county citizens. '" The state budget bureau tut state expenses at Raleigh yesterday. Ex penses that were drastically slashed by the 1931 assembly -.were slashed "'still further. r; Max Sehmeling and Mickey Walk er are scheduled to fight late in Feb ruary in Miami, Fla., providing cer tain agreements between managers can be Worked out by that time. MAYW00D BOY IS 2QLLED BY EXPLO SION CHRISTMAS Ulyessus Harvey, of Mount Sterling, attempts to shoot Holiday bomb. Ulyessus Harvy, 23, of the Mount Sterling section, was fatally burned Christmas eve night when he attempt ed to shoot a home made "bomb". The omb was made of an unusualy large imount of powder and it was his in ention to use it as part of the holi lay celebration. : After lighting the fuse he waited br the explosion, but instead of the tomb exploding, his belief , was that he fuse went out. Just as he neared he bomb it went off, setting his owder covered clothes on 'fire. He tarted to run and ran half a mile efore his two friends could catch him, vnen they finally caught him his tothes were burned completely off nd tne flesh severely scorched. His friends tried in vain to relieve im of his suffering and tried to carry im out ne could not endure the pain t being touched. He walked a mile nd a half to the home of his mother, irs. a. A. Harvey. There friends ade a bed on a truck and started ' f . w . r we .Haywood hospital here. The arty reached the hospital at 4 a. m. hristmas morning. He Buffered intense agony, and very me could be done to' give him re ef because of the nature of the urns. He died at 9:30 Christmas torning. The accident occured about 1:00 the night before. m. a : . " "vo irienos with Harvey at le time of the explosion were Ernest fhite, Mi Gilmer Leatherwood. Funeral services, were held at the aptist church in the Mount Sterling Jction Saturday afternoon. ,'. Surviving are his mother, one broth V Ernest, and five sisters, Mrs. nest Early, Susie, Alma, Leo and Bldred. . KILL LARGE DEER ;Guy Massie and Roy Francis bag d an '8 spike buck deer "Tuesday af trnoon. They are members of the d and Gun Club, where the deer is killed. LAWRENCE SMITH SHOOTS SELF IN HEART, IS REPORT Two Pistols are Found by his Side After Fatal Shot is Fired. NO MOTIVE GIVEN Was Resident of Mount Ster ling Section. Was in Com pany of David Sutton. Reports reaching Waynesville from the Mount Sterling section were that Lawrence Smith, 22, had committed suicide late Saturday afternoon. Sheriff J. A. Lowe investigated the death but up until Wednesday morn ing had no comment to make on what he had "uncovered". The meager re ports reaching here were that Smith called at the home of David Sutton, a neighbar Saturday afternoon to get a pistol he had let Suttwi have some time back. After receiving the pistol from Sutton, Smith talked for several nunutes to Sutton and asked him to walk part the way home with him. The two, it is said, walked for about 75 yards, when Smith turned the pistol on himself, firing a bullet through his heart. Upon investigating it was found tnat two pistols were lound near Smith's body. Sutton told officers that Smith comniited suicide. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning, lie was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith. CIVIL COURT CONVENES HERE ON JANUARY 11 Hon. A.M. Stack, Presiding Judge. Over 70 Cases are Scheduled for Trial. The regular .cjvil term of Superior "court of Haywood county will ; con vene here Monday, January 11, with lion. A. M'.'" Stack, presiding judge. Approrimatoly 70 cases are sched uled for trial, most of them ere minor cases and will consume little time. The motion docket is set for Sat urday 16th and is scheduled to last through Wednesday 20th of the sec ond week. The cases and their re-Deceive numbers, cs appear on the court cal endar are as follows: Monday lltli 1921 Hipps vs. Gibson. 2469 Corzine A-s. Sloan et al, 1926 Hipps vs. Green. 2057 Wright vs. Medi'ord. 2124 Dempsey vs. Orr. 2328 Morgan, Admr. vs. McGee et al. 2352 C. I. T. Corporation vs. Mills. 2422 Moon vs. Massie. 2460 Smith vs. Alley, Admr. 2478 Holland Furnace Co. vs. Keller. 2486 Mackey vs. Haney. 2391 Sloon vs. Trull. Tuesday, 12th 2496 Haywood Garage vs. Howell. 25(H Mackey Vs. Mackey. 2502 Kinsland vs. Kinsland. 2524- Rogers vs. Wells. 2525 Sheehan vs. Town, of Wayies (Continued on back page) Hit-And-Run Driver Caught, But Escapes W. W. Blackwell, of the Blaokwell Bushnell Wholesale Grocery Com pany wns convinced early Monday morinng that a caught hit and run driver is worth more than several' such menaces still at liberty. ; Mr. Blackwell was driving along highway No. 10 near Balsam early Monday morning when a drunK ne gro ran into Mr. Black-well's car, doing considerable damage. The negro was caught ; and brought to Waynesville to be turned over to the officials. The negro was left in the car alone while a telephone call was placed for help, whereupon, the ne gro seeing his opportunity of escape bid farewell to his victim. He was later found and paid for damages done to Mr. Blackwell's car. J. M. Mock Spends Over $10,000 For Acid Wood In 1931 J. M. Mock, local merchant, in auditing his books for the year found that he had bought over $10,. 000 worth of acid wood from the farmers of this county during the year. Most of the wood is resold by Mr. Mock to the Champion Fibre company at Canton. In connection with the acid wood Mr. Mock bought quite a bit of bark used in tanneries. Mr. Mock is in constant touch with the farmers of the county and he says conditions in Haywood county are much better than in any other county in Western North Carolina. He is also optimistic over the business prospects for the coming year. VV. F.BELL, SR., 70, DIES AT CANTON CHRISTMAS DAY Has Lived in County For Number of Years, Well Known Here. WAS AN INVENTOR Several Inventions Patented by him, was a Contractor in County. Funeral services were neld Sui'i- day for W. F. Bell, Sr., 70. of Canton, at the St. Andrews Episcopal church, with the Rev. George Lonuel Grang er, pastor of the church, conducting the services. Interment was made at Bon Adventure cemetery, Canton. Mr. Bell died Christ Day after n ilncss of several wteks, of double pneumonia. Mr. Bell was well known in Hay wood county. He moved to Canton in 1913 from Romla, N, C- Before moving to Canton Mr. Bell was en gaged in the lumber business. He was a pioneer lumberman in Wilkes county and was the first to intro duce steam saw mills in that county. After moving to Canton he served on the board of aldermen for that city and was engaged in contracting. He was the builder of the Episcopal church in Canton. Later 'he de Voted his time to the automobile business. Not only was Mr. Bell a lumberman, contractor, and in the automobile bus iness, but invented a number of prac tical devices, which he received a patent on several. One of the out standing inventions was the machine now used by the. state highway for marking the line in the center of the highway. Mr- Bell is survived by seven chil dren, two sisters and one brother. The children are: Miss Victoria Bell, Newton, Mrs. 0. C. Dudley, Canton, Holland S, Bell, Canton, C. V. Bell and W. F. Bell, Jr., Waynesville, Mrs. Wiggington, Morristowri, Ten , and Dan Bell, student at Weaver College, Weaverville. His two sisters. Mrs. R. IV Crater and Mrs. W. S. Sale, of Elkin. M r. Charlie Bell, brother, of Yadkinvilie, North Carolina. Mr. Bell was born in Yadkin county j of this. state- SOUTHERN TAKES OFF PASSENGER TRAIN ON BRYSON LINE, ONE A DAY Officials of the Southern Railway System announced this week that the passenger train from Asheville to Bryson City will be discontinued ori Sunday, January 3rd. W'ith the dis continuance of this train Waynesville and vicinity will have only one pas senger train a day from Asheville and Murphy. The morning train, No. 17, will arrive from Asheville at 9:32 a, m. Eastern Standard Time. Train No- j 18 will arrive here from Murphy at 2 p. m. Eastern Standard Time go ing to Asheville. The new schedule makes is im- GEO. D. SHERR1LL PROMINENT HERE DIES SUDDENLY Photographer and Success ful Business Man Here for 30 Years, GOOD CHURCH WORKEE 32 Degree Mason, Member of Junior Order, is Buried In Asheville. Funeral services for George D. Sherrill, 52, were held at the First Baptist church here Wednesday after noon. The Rev. H. W. Baucom. nastor of the church, conducted the service. Fellow Masons of the WayViesville Masvinic Ixidge conducted the Ma sonic service. Interment was in Riv erside cemetery, Asheville. Mr. Sherrill died late Tuesday after noon after an illness of about three weeks due to pneumonia. Tuesday noon it. was thought that he hnd passed the crisis and would probably recover from his illness, but a turn for the worse later in the afternoon resulted in a sudden death. Mr. Sherrill was a native of West ern North Carolina, born in Sylva, Jackson county in 1879. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sherrill, both of whom were widely known in Western North Carolina, Mr. Sherrill came to Waynesville 30 years ago, where he has lived con tinuously up to the time of his death. He opened a photographers .'studio when he 'first, came to Waynesville, but at times lias operated several other business establishments, in connection with the studio. Several years after .coming here he established a five and ten cent shire, which .lie'" operated for several years. He was also owner of an in surance agency here, but was conir polled to sell this business because of his health and the increased work in the studio. Mr. Sherrill was one of the best known men in Haywood county and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He took much interest in church work and was one of the most faithful and loyal members in the .-Continued on Hack page) Rumors That Two Waynesville Boys Killed In Florida Word was received here by The Mountaineer from Jacksonville thai two boys from Waynesville, Bill Forester and a ..Messer boy. were kill ed in a wreck there last week. . The' -sheriff's department was uii- able to place the boys and it is thought that it must be . Waynesville of another state, although the third boy in the party, Krnest Watson, of Bryson Ciy, was also killed. y- Paper Printed 40 Years Ago Brought To The Mountaineer A. copy of Tho Waynesville Courier printed September 17, 1891 was brought to this office last week. It is yellow with age but can be easily read. At that time Z. V. Rogers and J. D. Boone were editors of the paper The advertisements consisted mostly' oi patent maenmes and larm impie-; rnents. j j to possible to make a round trip Asheville in one day, possible heretofore. J T. Terrell, local as has been ticket agent here, said that the new schedule would ' feel that since the speaker is recog not aTect the freight trains. Freight j nized as being able to handle the ques haulcd on this road this, month in- jtion as perhaps few others could, and creased considerably over the same .since the question is one of the most month last year. popular questions for discussion today, In commenting on the new schedule, that the public will be cordially in Mr. Terrell, pointed out that, the jvited to hear the discussion. railroad here used Central Time ' while the time used in Waynesville j was Eastern. Standard Time. The ( Central Tie is one hour later than Eastern Time, Advertising Medium In Haywood County County Agent Jas. L Robinson Completes Year's Work. More Accomplished FIRST DRUGGIST IN CITY, J. B. S. McINTOSH, DIES Former Resident Here Pas ses away at Home of Neice in Brevard, December 26. WELL KNOWN HERE In 1881 with Brother opened Frst Drug: Store West of Asheville Here. The friends of Mr. .1. Ii. S. M.-ln tosh will be grieved to hear of his death on DecemlxT 26th at the home of his niece, Mr. Frank Jenkins, in Brevard, N C. While Mr. Mcintosh was horn in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he was of Southern parentage, being a descendant of John M. Mcintosh who was prominent in the settlement and curly history of Coorgia. On the maternal side he was of old. French Huguenot extract ion. His mother's family, the l.edmo's, having conic to South Carolina as refugees from religious . persecution in France. The early childhood of Mr. Mcin tosh was passed in Charleston and Crrcnville, S. C. He was educated in the pn Me schools, and later at I'liinian I'niversity. He came to Western North .Car;.)-, lina in early manhood and married Miss Mary Evelyn Sprague of Moi ganton. In 18K1 be and bis brother, the fate Donald M. Mcintosh, loraK'd in Waynesville and opened the first drug store in this section of the date (Continued on back page) TRUCK TO BRING MAIL HERE AFTER TRAIN TAKEN OFF Same Service to be Given as Before Trains Were Dis continued. Postmaster T. L. Green announced this morning that a Star Truck Route l has' lieen '-guaranteed to serve Way j nesville in bringing 'ami dispatching mail here on and after January .'!. This WJW4 necessary when the two j pa.SM.nr,r trains were discontinued tin jth, Muj.phy jfranch.. The truck will jeave Bry son City at 7 a. m, and will 'arrive here about :20. In the after- noon the truck leaves Asheville aixiut .'! p. m. and wiP arrive here at 4 p. m. This new .arrangement .will enable citizens here to receive mail at about the same hours as when by train. Major Howell To Talk On Bonus Question, Jan. 11 ' . pG Speak at Regular Meet ing of American Legion. Public Is Invited. j Major Howell is scheduled to be' the j principal speaker at the regular I monthlv meeting of the American Ix-gion meeting to be held Monday night, January 11. Major Howell will discuss the bonus question. Although the American Legion meetings are not always open to the public the officials The meeting will begin promptly at 7:30 p. m. at the Masonic Temple. Commander J. C. Patrick urges that all members of the local post, of the American Legion, be present. Than Expected Report Shows More Sheep im County than at any time in 20 Years. i MANY MEETINGS HELD Organizing: of 7 1-H Clubs was Considered Outstand ing; Feature of Year. County Agent Jas. L. Robinson has just completed his annual report for the year and the results accomplished are gratifying. The first of last year several projects were begun in con nection with the regular duties of the agent's work, practically every pro ject has been accomplished and infl several cases tho results were more than the goal set by Mr. Robinson. Ouring the last few years the farm production and valuation of Haywood county have increased considerably. This is especially true in the matter of money crops, dairy p:o;!u.i.; and cattle raising. Mr. Robinson has work ed with the farmers continuously in an endeavor to increase their income and in most instances this has been accomplished. The projects and results were as follows: 1. A milk market for Waynesville, not yet completed. 2. Building up cream sales 125 pat I'M us. ;!. A consignment; beef bull sale (Clyde) 11 bulls sold." t. A consignment ram sale (Clyde) -20 ranis and 17 ewes sold. 5. .Cooperative poultry marketing done but. not very successfully. (!. Cooperative wool pool 8,(MK) pounds sold. 7. Eleven cars of limestone sold - 10 more cars bought. K. 'inmuni(y fairs five held with an attendance of -'18(10. V. Haywood County farm tour 50 people on trip. 10. Haywood County day at Test Farm held too late, only 15 went. 11. Six 4-H Clubs seven organised. 12. Knrollment of 200272 carried projects. 13. Two visits made to each member one visit made. 14. Monthly meetings seven out of nine. 15. flub camp at "Swannanoa 75 attended. 1C. Judging team to State Fair won second place at Raleigh. 17. Health contest Won second place in district. 18. Achievement Day 190 4-H boys attended. In connection with the above pro jects the county agent held a number of meetings, both educational and in structive. Several demonstrations were given throughout the year. A summary of the work is given below: Days in field -191. Days in office 98. (Continued on back pacl No Arrests Made Here Christmas Sheriff J. A. Lowe reported that business with his department Christ mas was the "dullest" in years, not a single arrest was made. For once, said the 'sheriff, everybody celebrated Christmas as they should. It is un usual fpr Christmas to pass without several arrests being made. Chief of police, J. L. Stringfield. also reported an unusually quite Christ mas. Several people that had had a drinkor two were on the street, but no disturbances were caused. None were drunk emjugh to be arrested, which is the first time in years that no arrests have been made in the city on Christmas. Rev. T. B. Price, of Lake Juna luska, is spending- the winter in Florida. His address is 147 Second Avenue, North, St. Petersburg, Fla,

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